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La técnica de flujo magnético disperso (FMD) es ampliamente utilizada en el control no destructivo de tubos de acero y se basa en la naturaleza ferromagnética de los mismos.
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Podosphaera fusca is the main causal agent of cucurbit powdery mildew in Spain and one of the most important limiting factors for cucurbit production worldwide. As an obligate biotrophic parasite, this fungus has been traditionally... more
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      MicrobiologyPhytopathologyPlant BiologySilica Gel
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      Nuclear EngineeringStructural EngineeringFracture Mechanics
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      Nuclear EngineeringMaterials ScienceStructural EngineeringFracture Mechanics
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringNuclear EngineeringStructural Engineering
Fracture toughness determination shall be performed by standard test methods using specimens with valid geometry. Frequently, required specimen size can not be obtained from the material thickness to be characterize so in this case is... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringNuclear EngineeringMaterials Science
RESUMEN La determinación de la tenacidad a la fractura en materiales compuestos híbridos y laminados fibra-metal - FML (Fiber Metal Laminates) - resulta muy importante para poder realizar un análisis de integridad estructural que permita... more
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      Materials ScienceMatéria
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We aimed at the use of lignocellulosic boas in the production of a food preserving agent that may achieve categorization as “natural” in the terms of Section 21 CFR 101.22 (A) of the US FDA. The basic approach was to detect relevant... more
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Results on As(V) removal in the presence of oxygen using the zerovalent iron technology with commercial iron nanoparticles (NanoFe®) are presented, showing the effect of (NanoFe®) mass, UV light and addition of humic acids. The nanosized... more
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We aimed at the development of a technically and economically feasible process for the use of a renewable resource, lignocellulosic biomass, in the production of an energetic resource, ethanol, which may be used also as a basic raw... more
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The use of surgical implants and prosthetic devices to replace the original function of different components of the human biological system is a well established tradition in the history of medicine. Currently, one of the most prevalent... more
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This study analyzed the growth and biochemical responses of six bacterial colonies isolated from the mucus of the estuarine polychaeta Laeonereis acuta (Nereididae) after exposure to a water suspension of fullerene (nC 60) and nanosilver... more
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Antibacterial capacity of silver is well known and has been widely documented. Nanotechnology allows the optimization of this potential by formulating materials with nanoparticles of metallic silver (NPsAg) which can slowly release silver... more
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The main object of this work was to develop an antimicrobial polyester fiber by a polyelectrolyte deposition technique and silver nanoparticles formation in situ. Attached silver metallic nanoparticles (Ag°NPs) work like silver cations... more
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Groundwater of the Chacopampean Plain of Argentina (provinces of Córdoba, La Pampa, Santa Fe and Buenos Aires) contain levels of arsenic (As) well above the 10 μg L−1 limit established by the Food Argentine Code (Código Alimentario... more
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Fullerene (nC60) and nanosilver (nAg) are nanomaterials with bactericide properties. The increments in their use raise questions about their potential environmental impacts, including estuarine ones. The polychaete Laeonereis acuta... more
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There are several soil stabilization materials that can satisfy expected performance of stabilized soils. Thus we intend to ascertain the feasibility of different options, as an alternative to costly paving of low-volume secondary roads.... more
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