tan tai
Address: Pontian, Johor, Malaysia
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Papers by tan tai
Tan Tai & Dr Yusri Kamin, UTM, Skudai.
[email protected]
Career awareness is the key to students in improving themselves and improve the world in the face of an increasingly challenging career. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the level of career awareness of form six students in career selection . There are four factors, that were gender, race, occupation of father and students’ MCE results have been study. Respondents consist of Form Six students from seven public schools that operate pre- university program in Kluang District. The sample consisted of 142 respondents selected randomly. This study is descriptive and questionnaire as research instrument. Analysis of the data using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16.0 for a percentage, mean, standard deviation, ANOVA and t-test. Findings indicated that students in career awareness prepare for the career environment is high (mean score = 3.94) . The study also shows that there is no significant relationship between the four factors studied were sex, race, occupation of father and MCE results on students' career awareness. The proposed study is to identify the key variables that are significantly correlated with career choices.
"Governance" jika diterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Melayu menjadi “urus tadbir”, iaitu mengikut definasi dalam Wikipedia ialah apa yang “kerajaan” sama ada dari kerajaan Negara-bangsa, atau entity perniagaan atau kerajaan social-politik dalam sesuatu suku keluarga atau bagapa-apa jenis kerajaan secara berpertubuhan.
Manakala Bank Dunia pula mendefinasikan “governance” sebagai “cara di mana kuasa dilaksanakan dalam pengurusan sumber ekonomi dan social bagi pembangunan sesebuah Negara.
“Worldwide Governance Indicators project” bagi Bank Dunia pula mendefinasikan “governance" sebagai:Tradisi dan institusi yang berkuasa di Negara dilaksanakan. Definasi ini menjelaskan apa-apa proses oleh kerajaan yang dipilih; ,dipantau dan digantikan; yang menunjukkan keupayaan kerajaan untuk secara berkesan merumukan dan melaksanakan dasar-dasar yang kukuh dan mengambil kira pendapat dan pandangan rakyat dan mengawal keadaan institusi yang berinteraksi dengan ekonomi dan social di Negara itu.
Satu lagi definasi lain oleh “United Nations Development Programme's Regional Project on Local Governance for Latin America”melihat “governance” : penggunaan institusi, struktur kuasa dan juga kerjasama untuk memperuntukkan sumber dan menyelaras atau mengawal aktiviti dalam masyarakat atau ekonomi. Tadbir telah ditakrifkan sebagai peraturan sistem politik untuk menyelesaikan konflik antara pelakon dan mengguna pakai keputusan (kesahan/legality). Ia juga telah digunakan untuk menggambarkan "berfungsi dengan baik institusi dan penerimaan mereka oleh orang awam" (kesahan dari segi perundangan /legitimacy). Dan ia telah digunakan untuk sembah keberkesanan kerajaan dan pencapaian konsensus oleh cara demokrasi (penyertaan/participation).
Dalam istilah umum, “governace” atau “tadbir urus” atau dalam Bahasa Cina
“治zhi理 li” berlaku dalam tiga cara yang luas:
1.Melalui rangkaian yang melibatkan perkongsian awam-swasta (PPP, public-private partnerships) atau dengan kerjasama pertubuhan masyarakat;
2.Melalui penggunaan mekanisme pasaran di mana prinsip-prinsip pasaran persaingan berkhidmat untuk memperuntukkan sumber semasa beroperasi di bawah peraturan kerajaan;
3.Melalui kaedah “top-down” yang terutamanya melibatkan kerajaan dan birokrasi kerajaan.
John Myers (Cooperative Learning vol 11 #4 July 1991) points out that the dictionary definitions of "collaboration", derived from its Latin root, focus on the process of working together; the root word for "cooperation" stresses the product of such work (Ted Panitz (1996) ).
TVET has the potential to enhance human capabilities and enlarge peoples‘ choices by better “Collaboration”.
On the other hand, this article will try to define how and why the large organizational in Malaysia TVET had a different perspective and in what aspect the TVET ongoing towards the bureaucratic structures traditionally changes. It also identify and describe the ways in which structures shape the activities in TVET organizations, while identifying strategies for managing and cultural change in order to build the organizational capability.
The following questions will be formed the basis for the article:
• In what ways and for what purposes are TVET organizational progress to enhance organizational capability?
• To what extent and in what ways do TVET development influence the organization capability?
Tan Tai & Dr Yusri Kamin, UTM, Skudai.
[email protected]
Career awareness is the key to students in improving themselves and improve the world in the face of an increasingly challenging career. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the level of career awareness of form six students in career selection . There are four factors, that were gender, race, occupation of father and students’ MCE results have been study. Respondents consist of Form Six students from seven public schools that operate pre- university program in Kluang District. The sample consisted of 142 respondents selected randomly. This study is descriptive and questionnaire as research instrument. Analysis of the data using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16.0 for a percentage, mean, standard deviation, ANOVA and t-test. Findings indicated that students in career awareness prepare for the career environment is high (mean score = 3.94) . The study also shows that there is no significant relationship between the four factors studied were sex, race, occupation of father and MCE results on students' career awareness. The proposed study is to identify the key variables that are significantly correlated with career choices.
"Governance" jika diterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Melayu menjadi “urus tadbir”, iaitu mengikut definasi dalam Wikipedia ialah apa yang “kerajaan” sama ada dari kerajaan Negara-bangsa, atau entity perniagaan atau kerajaan social-politik dalam sesuatu suku keluarga atau bagapa-apa jenis kerajaan secara berpertubuhan.
Manakala Bank Dunia pula mendefinasikan “governance” sebagai “cara di mana kuasa dilaksanakan dalam pengurusan sumber ekonomi dan social bagi pembangunan sesebuah Negara.
“Worldwide Governance Indicators project” bagi Bank Dunia pula mendefinasikan “governance" sebagai:Tradisi dan institusi yang berkuasa di Negara dilaksanakan. Definasi ini menjelaskan apa-apa proses oleh kerajaan yang dipilih; ,dipantau dan digantikan; yang menunjukkan keupayaan kerajaan untuk secara berkesan merumukan dan melaksanakan dasar-dasar yang kukuh dan mengambil kira pendapat dan pandangan rakyat dan mengawal keadaan institusi yang berinteraksi dengan ekonomi dan social di Negara itu.
Satu lagi definasi lain oleh “United Nations Development Programme's Regional Project on Local Governance for Latin America”melihat “governance” : penggunaan institusi, struktur kuasa dan juga kerjasama untuk memperuntukkan sumber dan menyelaras atau mengawal aktiviti dalam masyarakat atau ekonomi. Tadbir telah ditakrifkan sebagai peraturan sistem politik untuk menyelesaikan konflik antara pelakon dan mengguna pakai keputusan (kesahan/legality). Ia juga telah digunakan untuk menggambarkan "berfungsi dengan baik institusi dan penerimaan mereka oleh orang awam" (kesahan dari segi perundangan /legitimacy). Dan ia telah digunakan untuk sembah keberkesanan kerajaan dan pencapaian konsensus oleh cara demokrasi (penyertaan/participation).
Dalam istilah umum, “governace” atau “tadbir urus” atau dalam Bahasa Cina
“治zhi理 li” berlaku dalam tiga cara yang luas:
1.Melalui rangkaian yang melibatkan perkongsian awam-swasta (PPP, public-private partnerships) atau dengan kerjasama pertubuhan masyarakat;
2.Melalui penggunaan mekanisme pasaran di mana prinsip-prinsip pasaran persaingan berkhidmat untuk memperuntukkan sumber semasa beroperasi di bawah peraturan kerajaan;
3.Melalui kaedah “top-down” yang terutamanya melibatkan kerajaan dan birokrasi kerajaan.
John Myers (Cooperative Learning vol 11 #4 July 1991) points out that the dictionary definitions of "collaboration", derived from its Latin root, focus on the process of working together; the root word for "cooperation" stresses the product of such work (Ted Panitz (1996) ).
TVET has the potential to enhance human capabilities and enlarge peoples‘ choices by better “Collaboration”.
On the other hand, this article will try to define how and why the large organizational in Malaysia TVET had a different perspective and in what aspect the TVET ongoing towards the bureaucratic structures traditionally changes. It also identify and describe the ways in which structures shape the activities in TVET organizations, while identifying strategies for managing and cultural change in order to build the organizational capability.
The following questions will be formed the basis for the article:
• In what ways and for what purposes are TVET organizational progress to enhance organizational capability?
• To what extent and in what ways do TVET development influence the organization capability?