Papers by Arieff Salleh Rosman

Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University
The objective of the present study, evaluation of the case management system in the United Arab E... more The objective of the present study, evaluation of the case management system in the United Arab Emirates’ judicial system, evolved as well as determined the concept and framework of case management, which proved to be very much essential to changing United Arab Emirates’ case management system. The results of the present research evaluated United Arab Emirates’ current case management system and developed several core findings based on this evaluation. This paper outlines the development of the basic question: what is the evaluation of the case management in the United Arab Emirates?, which is enhanced by the framework of the literature review. Most importantly, the application of the case management system is one of the most significant breakthroughs of the United Arab Emirates judicial system, transforming traditional practice with modern legal management.

Sains Humanika
The demand for halal food products especially chicken meat products is increasing due to the beli... more The demand for halal food products especially chicken meat products is increasing due to the belief in products that are based on the halal concept. The Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) has taken the initiative to develop the Halal Assurance System (HAS) to be implemented in the food product manufacturing industry. The main purpose of this system is to increase the level of integrity of the halal product start from raw material source to the end user. Until today, the operation of this HAS in Malaysia only been focused at the stage of raw material received to the finished product and subsequently consumer consumption. As such, HAS implementation practices are less emphasized and implemented at the top halal food chain which involves the chicken broilers farming industry. Therefore this study is to discuss and identify the necessity of HAS be implemented at broiler farming sector. The methodology used in this study is a qualitative approach through document analysis...

Examination plays a vital role in the present contemporary educational setting as well as serving... more Examination plays a vital role in the present contemporary educational setting as well as serving as an indicator and yardstick to place students in relation to their examination scores after they undergo the examination. However, students at different educational levels experience examination anxiety, which can interfere with making right decisions either before or during examinations and is considered to be a phenomenon associated with low examination scores. Therefore, the present research study was aimed at determining the mediating effect of positive psychological strengths between study skills and examination anxiety among Nigerian college students. The study employed survey research on 315 Nigerian college students. The result of the path analysis shows that study skills (SSK) have a significant and direct relationship on examination anxiety. The mediation between positive psychological strength (PPS) and examination anxiety is identified as being effective and significant. T...

IEEE Access
Database Forensic Investigation (DBFI) involves the identification, collection, preservation, rec... more Database Forensic Investigation (DBFI) involves the identification, collection, preservation, reconstruction, analysis, and reporting of database incidents. However, it is a heterogeneous, complex, and ambiguous field due to the variety and multidimensional nature of database systems. A small number of DBFI process models have been proposed to solve specific database scenarios using different investigation processes, concepts, activities, and tasks as surveyed in this paper. Specifically, we reviewed 40 proposed DBFI process models for RDBMS in the literature to offer up-to-date and comprehensive background knowledge on existing DBFI process model research, their associated challenges, issues for newcomers, and potential solutions for addressing such issues. This paper highlights three common limitations of the DBFI domain, which are: 1) redundant and irrelevant investigation processes; 2) redundant and irrelevant investigation concepts and terminologies; and 3) a lack of unified models to manage, share, and reuse DBFI knowledge. Also, this paper suggests three solutions for the discovered limitations, which are: 1) propose generic DBFI process/model for the DBFI field; 2) develop a semantic metamodeling language to structure, manage, organize, share, and reuse DBFI knowledge; and 3) develop a repository to store and retrieve DBFI field knowledge. INDEX TERMS Database forensic, digital forensic, investigation process model.

UMRAN - International Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies
Modern medical science and technology innovates various treatment methods that require legal clar... more Modern medical science and technology innovates various treatment methods that require legal clarification in accordance with Islamic law. Fatwa institutions play a role in producing explanations and solutions that coincide with the objective of Islamic law (maqasid Syariah). Life preservation as one of the objective of Islamic law has a close relationship with medical science. The objective of this article is to analyze the relation of medical science with the the objective of Islamic law and to analyze the application of the objective of Islamic law in the modern fatwa related to medical sciences. This is a qualitative study using content analysis method. The findings show that medical science has a significant relationship with the achievement of the objective of Islamic law. Medical science based on Islamic law can fulfill the five basic needs that are the core of the objective of Islamic law. Medical science that cares for the health of individuals and societies help individual...

UMRAN - International Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies
Flower Bath therapy is one of the practices in Malay medicine that remains until today. According... more Flower Bath therapy is one of the practices in Malay medicine that remains until today. According to Dr. Wan Hasmah Wan Teh, Literature Lecturer, School Of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), she explained that flower bathing is a ritual that is very well known in the Southeast Asian region, including Malaysia, where the Malays are mostly aimed at enhancing the aura, beauty and ‘seri pengantin’ (Siti Sofia, 24 March 2018). Therefore the use of flower bath therapy is often associated with beauty compared to health care. So, the community needs to be given more exposure on the benefits of flower bathing for healthcare. Flower bath therapy in Malay medicine has the potential to be applied as a prevention and for disease treatment, especially in dealing with mental disorders that have doubled over the past ten years (Datuk Seri Dr. S. Subramaniam, September 28, 2016). Flower bath therapy can help in mental health problems by lowering the cortisol hormone (stress hormone), enhan...

Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews
Purpose: This study explores the contribution of Shah Wali Allah al-Dehlavi’s work on the Quran t... more Purpose: This study explores the contribution of Shah Wali Allah al-Dehlavi’s work on the Quran to classify it into five categories (themes) using a qualitative methodology known as thematic analysis in today’s world of research, in his book Al-Fawz al-Kabir. This paper is an attempt to show the contributions of Muslim scholars in the world of research by introducing the research methodology which is used even in today’s modern world. Methodology: A qualitative comparative analysis was employed by reviewing both the approaches such as Thematic Analysis and the approach applied by Shah Wali Allah to find five sciences. Main Findings: The result showed that both research approaches are similar. This study concludes that [our] classical scholars have formulated and used the research methodologies which may be applicable and relevant to the current research paradigms. Applications: This article can be used as a gateway by academics to review and analyze the work of Islamic classical sch...

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Increasing awareness toward healthy lifestyles and pleasant personality attracts people to visit ... more Increasing awareness toward healthy lifestyles and pleasant personality attracts people to visit a spa and wellness center, particularly to the career and working women. It is a place that caters to the need for beauty treatment that can restore, refresh and rejuvenate their body conditions. Spa and wellness center, which offer the products and services according to Shariah principles are often branded as Muslim Friendly spa. It is gaining popularity with the emergence of great numbers of Muslim Friendly spa in certain countries such as Malaysia. However, there is limited study focused on Muslim Friendly Spa since spa and wellness is a new field to be segmented in Muslim Friendly Tourism hospitality and services. Hence, this paper aims to propose a general framework in conceptualizing the characteristics of Muslim Friendly spa and differentiate it with conventional spa. The success of developing Muslim Friendly Spa must be guided by the adoption of Shariah principles, Islamic teaching and values in all aspects of spa operations. From the proposed framework, it will provide an understanding pertaining to the Muslim Friendly spa by exploring the concept together with the elements which enact the industry. In accomplishing this paper, the library research method approach will be employed to evaluate the available resources related to the topic to meet the objective and provide the deliverables. The significance of this paper lies in the fact that it will bring a new dimension to the spa industry, particularly the spa industry players, individuals and business communities to create innovative services for Muslim users. The outcome of this paper will contribute to the body of knowledge and may provide for the expansion studies of implementation Muslim Friendly spa concept.
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development

UMRAN - International Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies
The Islamic scholarship on Intellectual Property (IP) has extensively investigated its affinity t... more The Islamic scholarship on Intellectual Property (IP) has extensively investigated its affinity to Shari’a upon a rule-based approach whereby a profound analogy and reasoning eventually generated a Fiqh rule that embraced the concept. However, a lingering discrepancy vis-à-vis the philosophical underpinning is hardly addressed. This paper undertakes an approach based on Maqasid al-Shari’a (objectives of Shari’a) to explore that underpinning as it pertains to the three key elements in the making of IP, namely, creativity, property, and policy. The major premise of the paper is that the current IP framework failed to fulfil the needs and aspirations of the Islamic countries. While its underlying objective emphasizes a strong utilitarian approach that contradicts in many ways the Islamic Shari’a. Consequently, better outcomes can be reached by adopting a holistic approach that takes into consideration the practical implication of IP system according to the benefits and interest of Musl...
... Mohd Yusof, Farahwahida and Rosman, Arieff Salleh (2009) Relevansi kurikulum pendidikan tingg... more ... Mohd Yusof, Farahwahida and Rosman, Arieff Salleh (2009) Relevansi kurikulum pendidikan tinggi Islam dengan keperluan semasa: pengalaman UTM. In: Pendidikan Tinggi Islam: Cabaran & Prospek. ... ID Code: 14777. Deposited By: Siti Khairiyah Nordin. ...
... Madya Dr. Abdul Samat bin Musa dan ahli panel yang lain iaitu Dr. Abdul Basir bin Mohamed dan... more ... Madya Dr. Abdul Samat bin Musa dan ahli panel yang lain iaitu Dr. Abdul Basir bin Mohamed dan Prof. Madya Mohd Ridzuan bin Awang. Penulisan tentang undang-undang dengan menggunakan pendekatan perbandingan amat sedikit bilangannya di negara ini, khususnya ...

Journal of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2015
This recent study was carried out to develop a rapid, simple, and accurate analytical method for ... more This recent study was carried out to develop a rapid, simple, and accurate analytical method for authenticity determination of avocado oil (AO). Fourier transform-mid infrared (FT-MIR) spectroscopy technique aided with Partial Least Square (PLS) were optimized for that purpose to binary mixtures of AO with grapeseed oil (GO) and sesame oil (SeO). The calibration models were constructed at following selected MIR region with normal spectra treatment at combination 1006-902; 1191-1091; and 1755-1654 cm-1 (GO in binary mixture with AO) and 4000-650 cm-1 for analysis of SeO in binary mixture with AO. The high value of coefficient of determination (R 2) of 0.9994 with low root mean square error of calibration (RMSEC) value of 0.86 %v/v was revealed in GO quantification. Meanwhile, R 2 of 0.9997 with RMSEC 0.73 %v/v were obtained for analysis of SeO in binary with AO. The given value of root mean square error of pprediction (RMSEP) during model validation were 0.52 %v/v (GO) and 0.53 %v/v (SeO), respectively. The high value of R 2 and low value of RMSEC and RMSEP during calibration and validation were associated with the accuracy and precision of the used method.
Papers by Arieff Salleh Rosman