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University of Tennessee

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[28 Jun 2009|10:36pm]

has anyone heard anything about how to get student football tickets this year? last year there was commotion about them before the year even ended, and now the ticket office hasnt said a word. any help would be appreciated on how the whole process works too...ive never had to buy/get tickets before
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apartments? [19 Jun 2009|09:42pm]

Hi.. I see no one has posted here in a long time, but I am hoping someone can help me out. I am going to be a Grad student at UT in the fall and I am not sure where to live. I do not know anyone in Knoxville, so that's why I am asking here. I need a furnished place, close to campus. I prefer my own bedroom and bathroom with roommates. Anyone have any recommendations of places I should check out, or another place to post this? Thanks!
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CHEAP TEXTBOOKS [04 Aug 2008|01:16pm]

[ mood | busy ]

I am selling a ton of textbooks on Amazon. I really just want to get rid of them, so if anyone here wants them, just make an offer.


How Children Develop
How Children Develop Study Guide
Essentials of Abnormal Psychology + CD ROM
Research in Psychology: Methods and Design
Social Psychology
Health Psychology: an Introduction to Behavior and Health
Trudi Chase: When Rabbit Howls

I also have the Psych 110 non-book "folder" thing.


College Physics
Schaum's Outline of Physics for Pre-Med, Biology, and Allied Health Students
MCAT Sample Exams, 4th Edition
Student Solutions Manual for Precalculus
Laboratory Manual for Principles of General Chemistry 7th Edition
Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of College Chemistry
US News Ultimate Guide to Medical Schools
Medical Schools Admission Requirements 2007-2008

I also have the lab book for Bio 130-140. It's got highlighting in it, but it's also got the answers in it, so . . .


Charles Chestnutt: Tales of Conjure and the Color Line
Civilization in the West: Volume II
Exploring the European Past: text and images
Places in Egypt: Exploring Ancient Egypt
The Study of American Folklore: an Introduction
Richard Chase: The Jack Tales
The Signet Book of American Humor

Computer Science

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Java II
Java for the Worldwide Web
Java: How to Program

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[17 Jun 2008|05:54pm]


The Gender Public Advocacy Coalition is pleased to announce the release of its 2008 GENIUS Survey in partnership with Ernst & Young. GenderPAC works to ensure that classrooms, communities and workplaces are safe for everyone to learn, grow and succeed.

The Gender Equality National Index for Universities & Schools (GENIUS), GenderPAC’s most recent effort to end discrimination and promote awareness, encourages colleges and universities to recognize the benefits of a GenderSAFEtm campus - supportive equitable and protective for all students. Choosing to participate in GENUIS sends a strong public statement that bullying or discriminating based on the race, sex or gender of a student, faculty, or staff member is not tolerated at your institution

Fill out the survey at:, and make sure that we have data for as many schools as possible. Your voice will help us continue to work towards a safe and welcoming environment for every student.

*While we greatly appreciate the interest taken in GENIUS by students, staff, and faculty at academic institutions outside of the United States, at this time GENIUS is only able to track schools based in the U.S.

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Question about the T & Orange Trolley [30 May 2008|11:50am]

[ mood | confused ]

Hi all,

So due to shitty gas prices, I'm trying to drive as little as possible now. So that means, I'm taking public transportation as much as possible. I work & go to school at UT (been at UT since 2000) & I have NEVER once used the T or the trolley. Lame, I know. Anywho, so I'm trying to figure out the T routes & the Orange Line trolley routes. The website that has route maps is TOTALLY confusing. The stars that are supposed to mark stops just don't make sense to me because there are like other routes running the same path. So what route is the stop for? Know what I'm saying? Anyway, the point to all of this is to figure out on the East/West T route, what stop is closest to the UC & Cumberland? On the map, it looks like there's a stop in front of the money wall, but is there one closer up to Cumberland coming off the Hill? And does the East/ West line have a stop near Circle Park (where the Torchbearer statue is)? Also, on the Orange Line trolley, what is the stop closest to the UC & Cumberland? Sorry to be so retarded about this, but I really do appreciate any help you all might have to offer! Thanks! :)

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[06 May 2008|10:57am]

So, I'm debating between two classes for summer and I'm wondering if anyone here has opinions on them.  I'm a graduating senior, just need three hours of elective 300+ level credit (yay big orange screw and pointing it out half way through my final semester) so I'm looking for something fun and easy.

The classes I'm going between are Poli Sci / Film Studies 312, which is Pop Culture and American Politics taught by Ballard, and Philosophy 340, which is Ethics taught by Bond.

Anyone had either of these classes?
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[24 Apr 2008|01:31pm]

This story saddens me.
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University of Tennessee on [25 Feb 2008|04:30pm]


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[19 Feb 2008|11:11pm]

I've got a buddy of mine who's turning 21 on Friday and he wants to go to a bar. We'd like to avoid The Strip, so can anyone recommend some good bars that aren't going to be packed with frat-braus?

I'd prefer some place kinda small where we can just hang out. Maybe place some darts.

Old City's fine, but smaller crowds are preferable.
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killing time [05 Feb 2008|01:40pm]
that is some funny shit. been glued to it for hours:

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VOTE tomorrow. [04 Feb 2008|09:15pm]

Spread the word. Remind everyone you know.

Click here to find your polling place and other useful info.
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ACCOUNTING 200 TEXTBOOK [29 Dec 2007|08:33pm]

[ mood | good ]

I am selling my Accounting 200 textbook here, with a starting bid of $15.00. I paid $98.00 for it new at Beat the Bookstore; you can't find a better price than this. I highlighted in a few pages, but beyond that it's in new condition.

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[11 Dec 2007|02:51pm]

Fellow UT students,

Next semester will be my last here and I am attempting to find some easy classes to fill up some holes in my schedule. They don't have to be in any particular area, but English or cinema studies would be great.

However, if you guys know of any super-easy courses, I'd like to hear about them. I've got a job with a jazz choir here, plus some production courses and a practicum, so the easier the better.

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Beauvais Lyons [11 Dec 2007|10:53am]

Is there anyone here who has had Beauvais Lyons as a professor? Could you tell me how he is b/c I can't find him on
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Need someone to sublease near campus! [01 Dec 2007|12:04am]

[ mood | good ]

I need someone to sublease my apartment from mid December/January to August (when the lease is up)...then I suppose you can begin a new lease if you would like. It's at University Heights so it's open only to UT college students. Must be Female. It's a 3 bedroom/3 bath and you will be sharing with 2 other female college roommates. Rent is $470 a month and I will take $100 off first month's rent. Utilities are included in the rent. Furnished. KAT takes you to campus. Pool, game room, tanning room, and computer lab.

If you are interested please leave a comment! Thanks!

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To the transfer students... [25 Nov 2007|03:09am]

Hey. My name is Anna and I'm thinking of transferring to UTK next fall. However, I am not familiar at all with the transfer process.

Here are the important things:
I'm a sophomore.
I go to U of Delaware.
I am a resident of Desoto county in Mississippi (which is right below Memphis, TN).
Money is an issue.
I'd like to leave Delaware and be closer to home.

To any transfer students, how was your transfer process? Smooth? This is more directed towards transfer students coming from four year colleges/universities.
Also, to anyone, do y'all know if I'll get instate tuition status?
What kind of scholarships are available for transfer students? The UTK website is lacking any information.
I'm a bio major, so how is the biology program at UTK?
Any tips in general?

Thank a lot, everyone.
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Union Busting at McKay's [09 Aug 2007|05:22am]

Hello all. Many of you probably shop at McKay's Used Books and CDs. I was recently fired there for attempting to unionize, and a myriad of other union-busting actions took place while I was there as well. I'm trying to make it public so that the owner will be wary of continuing such behavior, especially in case anyone who's still there would like to continue my union efforts.

Keep shopping there if you want (employees do get a small bonus if the profit exceeds the previous year--and they look forward to that, even if they have to work their butts off to get it!), but when you go, please fill out a complaint form saying you do not appreciate their union-busting. Thanks, Gabby Kindell.

The Whole Story--McKay's Union-Busting in DetailCollapse )

Why I think McKay's Needs a Union.Collapse )
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IMP SHOW BACK ON w/ THE CHEAT [29 Jun 2007|09:39am]

Deathmetal start-up band IMP is playing live to help raise money for their upcoming July tour w/ Sadville. The band has played four shows and is getting their name out there and beginning to get a little attention - the show starts late, doors open at 10:00 PM and it is sure to be a fun time with cheap beer and cheap jokes. THE CHEAT are confirmed to play before us. Click on the logo to hear IMP's crappy cassette demo - a real demo was recorded Thursday and will be available soon.

Thanks for the support!
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summer tuition [15 Apr 2007|12:23am]

[ mood | frustrated ]

Does anyone have any idea where I could find information about the cost of summer classes? The advising office refuses to see me -- pawning me off on my official major advisor who can only answer grad students' questions -- and the site searching? Isn't going well; the only number I've come up with is $8500, and it can't be that much for one or two classes (I hope).


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CakeWalk! [03 Apr 2007|08:27pm]

[ mood | content ]

Hey, I am a member of the Gamma Sigma Sigma service sorority at UT, and we are doing a Cake Walk for our fundraiser for Relay for Life which benefits the American Cancer Society. Does anybody know of any bakeries in Knoxville that are willing to donate cakes or pies? I am not familar with Knoxville so I am not sure which are the best. Thanks!

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