Papers by Siti Noor Fazelah Noor

Religación, Apr 1, 2019
So as to accomplish the objectives of moral judgement and social commentary pursued in her play a... more So as to accomplish the objectives of moral judgement and social commentary pursued in her play as well as to deliver a complete picture of African American woman oppression. Suzan Lori Parks evaluates and describes various aspects of her protagonist ‘Hester’ as well as other characters’ qualifications: moral traits, intellectual qualities, and social attitudes in her play “In the Blood” (1999). The playwright aims to construct a society of shared ethics and participated in values with her audiences/readers. Parks perfectly adopts different opinions and points of view as sources of evaluation. This paper proposes an analysis of the whole corpus of “In the Blood” and particularly focusing on the theme of ‘woman oppression’, to construe the major female character, Hester as well as the most important characters who impact to form her disturbing identity. This paper aims to figure out the reason behind audiences'/readers' compliment and applaud with that play in general and the theme of oppression in specific. That can be achieved by addressing the dialogic dimension with a big focus on the propositions of Engagement, the category of Appraisal Framework by which the characters in the play express their commitments and willingness to open up and welcome the negotiation space to other opinions and voices. This paper has concluded that the heteroglossic propositions have exceeded the monoglossic resources in order to engage the characters and positions themselves in relation to other viewpoints and opinions from the audiences/readers which helps to convey the playwright’s moral message skillfully and effectively.

Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 2019
Purpose of study: This study tries to figure out whether Adrienne Kennedy’s play “Funnyhouse of a... more Purpose of study: This study tries to figure out whether Adrienne Kennedy’s play “Funnyhouse of a Negro” was direct and clear or indirect and implicit when she expresses a black woman’s struggle with identity. Methodology: This study adopts a mix mode approach of Martin and white (2005) attitudinal category of Appraisal theory so as to analyze, frame, and to answer the research questions by which is proposed for this full research paper. Main Findings: The inscribed instances have exceeded the invoked ones in the whole corpus of “Funnyhouse of a Negro”, concerning how did Sarah; the protagonist, as well as her split figures, have portrayed her white mother and a black father. The outcomes suggest that Kennedy was very clear and direct to deliver her moral judgment to her audiences/readers regarding the status of African American women in American based on analyzing the discourses of the main characters in the play. Implications/Applications: Therefore, this play has gained very much...

African American women’s suffering in a racial and patriarchal society has often been raised in w... more African American women’s suffering in a racial and patriarchal society has often been raised in works of drama. Black women’s quest to search their identity has been considered an essential issue in Postmodern American literature. It has already attracted the consciousness of both critics and writers because it is highly concerned with the agony of the most repressed group in any society. ‘Beneatha’ and ‘Hester’; the two black female plays' protagonists, are a part of this tradition. The aim of this paper is to make comprehensive discourse analysis of the main plays’ protagonists and their antagonists in each play who impacted to form their identity, in order to figure out: first, black women’s oppression within the scope of each literary work. Second, to discover whether the status of African American woman identity is progressed and developed in the passage of time by comparing the results of the two plays which have been written at different times. This study is utilized Mart...
Development in Language Studies, Oct 7, 2021

Jurnal Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan, 2017
Community-based tourism (CBT) is one of the tourist attracting ways involving local community whi... more Community-based tourism (CBT) is one of the tourist attracting ways involving local community which aims to develop and to enhance the era as well as to bring renewal to the local community. It includes the involvement of youth. CBT comes in various types and this study was conducted to find how CBT can create youth engagement in the homestay program. There were various factors that motivate youth to participate in homestay program. This study involved one case study of a qualitative study conducted in a district in Sabah, namely in Kundasang. In this study, Mersilou Homestay and Walai Tokou Homestay were chosen to be used as a place of study to review factors youth engagement in the homestay program. Data collection was through interviews in partial structures. Data were analyzed using NviVo 10 software and based on certain themes. The findings shown that there were several factors which drive engagement of youth in the homestay program in terms of interests, income, parental e...

Language Circle: Journal of Language and Literature, 2021
This paper aims to unmask President Joko Widodo (Jokowi, henceforth) ideology through his preside... more This paper aims to unmask President Joko Widodo (Jokowi, henceforth) ideology through his presidential speech. Using a combination of CDA and SFL as an analytical tool of appraisal system, particularly the subsystem of attitude to dismantle ideological stances behind the speech text toward the People of Indonesia. The data was obtained from the first state speech of Jokowi in 2015. Further, selecting the first state speech was the parameter of his leadership in ruling the nation. The results show that Jokowi employed all subtypes of attitude to the people of Indonesia. The subtype of Judgment mostly with positively-invoked capacity employed by Jokowi indicates that He has an ideological inclination to judge the people's character as the capable people who can overcome the worst condition. Therefore, Jokowi implicitly shows his ideological inclination toward the people that he inclination to prioritize the Indonesian people.

So as to accomplish the objectives of moral judgement and social commentary pursued in her play a... more So as to accomplish the objectives of moral judgement and social commentary pursued in her play as well as to deliver a complete picture of African American woman oppression. Suzan Lori Parks evaluates and describes various aspects of her protagonist ‘Hester’ as well as other characters’ qualifications: moral traits, intellectual qualities, and social attitudes in her play “In the Blood” (1999). The playwright aims to construct a society of shared ethics and participated in values with her audiences/readers. Parks perfectly adopts different opinions and points of view as sources of evaluation. This paper proposes an analysis of the whole corpus of “In the Blood” and particularly focusing on the theme of ‘woman oppression’, to construe the major female character, Hester as well as the most important characters who impact to form her disturbing identity. This paper aims to figure out the reason behind audiences’/readers’ compliment and applaud with that play in general and the theme o...

The language of the newspaper is emerged by beliefs, speech and writing practices (Joseph, 2006).... more The language of the newspaper is emerged by beliefs, speech and writing practices (Joseph, 2006). To analyze the hidden meaning behind the newspapers’ text of election span 2018 in Malaysia and Pakistan, Norman Fairclough (1995) theory of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is applied on news reports of ‘Malaysiakini’, ‘The New Straits Times’ (independent and mainstream online newspapers from Malaysia), ‘Dawn’ and ‘The News’ (as independent and mainstream online newspapers from Pakistan). The selected dates for analysis of news reports are 2nd May 2018 to 15th May 2018 in Malaysia, whereas; in Pakistan are 18th July 2018 till 31st July 2018, two weeks each respectively. The twenty-five (25) news reports are selected based on social actors on issue ‘corruption’. The social actors are ‘Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’ and ‘Najib Razak’ from Malaysia, whereas; in Pakistan are ‘Imran Khan’ and ‘Nawaz Sharif’, who are analyzed on the social semiotic framework of van Leeuwen (2005). The data is analyz...

PAROLE: Journal of Linguistics and Education
The language of newspapers depicts the ideology of news institutions. The online alternative Mala... more The language of newspapers depicts the ideology of news institutions. The online alternative Malaysian newspaper, ‘Malaysiakini’, and mainstream online newspaper ‘The New Straits Times (NST)’ had shown different stances through grammatical terms during 100 days of Pakatan Harapan (PH), which leads to uncovering the news institutions’ ideology by observing their past performances and current representation. Norman Fairclough’s (1995) Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) was employed on hard news reports, which were analyzed with the Halliday Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) tool. ‘Pakatan Harapan (PH)’ as a political party was found as main ‘doer’ in ‘100 days’ performance after winning election 2018 in both newspapers through their linguistic stances, which were collected from 5 (3,334 words) news reports from ‘Malaysiakini’ and 3 (2,478 words) from ‘NST’ based on social actor’s performances on 17th and 18th August 2018. ‘Malaysiakini’ had maintained its neutral stance, while ‘The...

Journal of Technical Education and Training
Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) system is crucial in producing skilled workers who... more Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) system is crucial in producing skilled workers who can command high incomes, which in turn will help Malaysia achieve the developed nation status by the year 2020. There is a mismatch between the graduates produced by the Public Skills Training Institutes in Malaysia and the competent workforce required by the industry. Therefore, this study aims to explore the domains and elements that can help automotive industry trainees acquire behavioural competence and employability skills. The Delphi technique is used to explore the domains and elements that contribute towards the integration programme for the Public Skills Training Institutes (PTSIs) and Private Training Centres (PTCs) involved in churning out automotive industry trainees. Analysis of interview data from the two rounds of the Delphi study indicates that 12 domains contribute to shaping behavioural competence and employability skills, namely governance; framework of qualifications; standard of competence; supplier of skill standards; delivery; industrial relations; experience of industrial work; twinning programmes; community service programmes; curriculum-based industrial visits; and educational entrepreneurship.

This study explores the issue of graduate employability in Malaysia as construed in public discou... more This study explores the issue of graduate employability in Malaysia as construed in public discourse in English, a language of power in Malaysia. The term employability itself has many definitions depending on the requirements of government and industry, and in the case of Malaysia, the English-language ability of graduates is inseparable from graduate employability. Data were collected from three socially significant English-language publications: a mainstream newspaper (the New Straits Times), an alternative newspaper (The Malaysian Insider), and a government document outlining the national approach to improving graduate employability in universities (the Graduate Employability Blueprint). The data were collected between 2012 and 2013, a significant two-year period of time due to the publication of the Graduate Employability Blueprint in 2012, and the five-yearly Malaysian General Election in 2013. Applying Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough, 1995), the study employs Transiti...

MATEC Web of Conferences
Using e-Learning among Teacher Graduate Programme (TGP) to students who are newly exposed in Teac... more Using e-Learning among Teacher Graduate Programme (TGP) to students who are newly exposed in Teaching and Learning (T&L) proses. The major problem among student’s TGP is the readiness level in knowledge, attitude and skills using e-Learning during Teaching and Learning (T&L) . This study is to identify any significant differences of the knowledge level between male and female TGP students. The design of this study is to survey research using instruments of questionnaire which are distributed to respondents among TGP students at the Faculty of Technical and Vocational, UTHM. The sample is given to 248 respondents and analysis using version SPSS 21.0. Data presented using descriptive method such as, Mean, Standard Deviation(SD), inferens statistic using Mann-Whitney U to identify the knowledge difference between male and female TGP students. The result showed that the level of application of e-Learning among TGP students in terms of knowledge, attitude and skill at moderate level. The...

Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2021
For the maintenance of the authorial voice, newspapers use rhetorical markers as an external supp... more For the maintenance of the authorial voice, newspapers use rhetorical markers as an external supporting voice to win their readership. The current five-year studies show that news writers maintain engagement with their readers by their stances towards their point of views. This study aimed to find the attitudinal stances of two Pakistani Online newspapers i.e. ‘Dawn’ (alternative newspaper) and ‘The News’ (mainstream newspaper). The newspaper’s inclination was identified through its language. To discover the newspapers’ stances, Martin and White (2005) ‘Appraisal Analysis’ framework was employed on ‘2’ news reports comprising of ‘5013’ words on Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Speech at 74 United Nations’ session along with Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) by Norman Fairclough (1995). It was found that both newspapers indirectly invoked attitudes by laying evaluative ground which was explicitly explained in the quoted text. The prime minister of Pakistan Imran Khan was found the ‘Apprai...

After careful view of English for Commercial Purposes with the course coordinator from a Malaysia... more After careful view of English for Commercial Purposes with the course coordinator from a Malaysian Polytechnic offering Hotel and Catering course and the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), a needs analysis was conducted to a group of final semester students undertaking Hotel and Catering course, fifteen industry personnel from the hospitality industry. This study utilized the same questionnaire for all respondents in order to investigate whether what the industry needs correlate with the students language skills. The questionnaire was also formulated based on the recommendation of the JICA personnel, the recent English for Commercial Purposes and the proposed syllabus by Blue and Harun (2003).The findings revealed significant discrepancies between the students and the industry personnel responses especially on listening and speaking activities. However, both respondents claimed that students should have more communication activities and less writing activities. Based ...

Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn (KUiTTHO) aims to produce graduates who are competent ... more Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn (KUiTTHO) aims to produce graduates who are competent in English and other core skills in order to be in parallel with other established institutions. Communication and soft skills play important roles in making a graduate a success in the working world and to meet the demands of globalization especially where English is becoming more important. English for Academic Purposes was introduced as one of the required subjects for KUiTTHO students. Students whose MUET results are below than Band 3 and achieved only 50% or less in the placement test are required to take this course. This subject is aimed to facilitate students to undertake MUET again so they are able to achieve at least a Band 3. The study aims to find the learner’s preference in learning English for Academic Purposes as a new subject. Learning preferences in this case include how they want to learn, which language skills they prefer to learn and types of activities they prefer. T...

So as to accomplish the objectives of moral judgement and social commentary pursued in her play a... more So as to accomplish the objectives of moral judgement and social commentary pursued in her play as well as to deliver a complete picture of African American woman oppression. Suzan Lori Parks evaluates and describes various aspects of her protagonist ‘Hester’ as well as other characters’ qualifications: moral traits, intellectual qualities, and social attitudes in her play “In the Blood” (1999). The playwright aims to construct a society of shared ethics and participated in values with her audiences/readers. Parks perfectly adopts different opinions and points of view as sources of evaluation. This paper proposes an analysis of the whole corpus of “In the Blood” and particularly focusing on the theme of ‘woman oppression’, to construe the major female character, Hester as well as the most important characters who impact to form her disturbing identity. This paper aims to figure out the reason behind audiences'/readers' compliment and applaud with that play in general and the...

This paper deals with the representation of the Indonesian people in Jokowi's state speech te... more This paper deals with the representation of the Indonesian people in Jokowi's state speech texts. This paper employed Transitivity Analysis (M. A. K. Halliday & Matthiessen, 2014) and socio semiotic theory (Leeuwen, 2008). Those were framed to analyze the clauses based on the state speech of Jokowi. This paper was retrieved from the full-speech text, which was on (Secretary of cabinets). This paper found that the people are the highest frequency (55 occurrences or 49,1 %), then the government comes to the second position with (43 occurrences or 38 %), afterward the President with (10 occurrences or 8,9 %). The least occurrence comes to the politician with (4 occurrences or 3,6 %). The People is represented the most occurrences indicates Jokowi represents the people of Indonesia as the acting taker. On the other hand, the politician is the least occurrences represented by Jokowi shows how he tends to avoid conflict with the politicians. The paper concluded that Jokow...

After careful view of English for Commercial Purposes with the course coordinator from a Malaysia... more After careful view of English for Commercial Purposes with the course coordinator from a Malaysian Polytechnic offering Hotel and Catering course and the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), a needs analysis was conducted to a group of final semester students undertaking Hotel and Catering course, fifteen industry personnel from the hospitality industry. This study utilized the same questionnaire for all respondents in order to investigate whether what the industry needs correlate with the students language skills. The questionnaire was also formulated based on the recommendation of the JICA personnel, the recent English for Commercial Purposes and the proposed syllabus by Blue and Harun (2003).The findings revealed significant discrepancies between the students and the industry personnel responses especially on listening and speaking activities. However, both respondents claimed that students should have more communication activities and less writing activities. Based ...

This paper presents the first part of a larger study on the issue of graduate employability in Ma... more This paper presents the first part of a larger study on the issue of graduate employability in Malaysia as construed in public discourse in English, a language of power in Malaysia. The term employability itself has many definitions depending on the requirements of government and industry, and in the case of Malaysia, the English-language ability of graduates is inseparable from graduate employability. Data were collected from three socially significant English-language publications: a mainstream newspaper, an alternative newspaper, and a government document outlining the national approach to improving graduate employability in universities. The data were collected between 2012 and 2013, a significant two-year period of time due to the publication of the Graduate Employability Blueprint in 2012, and the five-yearly Malaysian General Election in 2013. Applying Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), the study also employs Transitivity Analysis (TA) from Systemic Functional Linguistics (SF...

The language of the newspaper is emerged by beliefs, speech and writing practices (Joseph, 2006).... more The language of the newspaper is emerged by beliefs, speech and writing practices (Joseph, 2006). To analyze the hidden meaning behind the newspapers’ text of election span 2018 in Malaysia and Pakistan, Norman Fairclough (1995) theory of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is applied on news reports of ‘Malaysiakini’, ‘The New Straits Times’ (independent and mainstream online newspapers from Malaysia), ‘Dawn’ and ‘The News’ (as independent and mainstream online newspapers from Pakistan). The selected dates for analysis of news reports are 2nd May 2018 to 15th May 2018 in Malaysia, whereas; in Pakistan are 18th July 2018 till 31st July 2018, two weeks each respectively. The twenty-five (25) news reports are selected based on social actors on issue ‘corruption’. The social actors are ‘Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’ and ‘Najib Razak’ from Malaysia, whereas; in Pakistan are ‘Imran Khan’ and ‘Nawaz Sharif’, who are analyzed on the social semiotic framework of van Leeuwen (2005). The data is analyz...
Papers by Siti Noor Fazelah Noor