PhD Dissertation by Nikos Christofis
Books by Nikos Christofis

Athens: Topos, 2021
Από τον Κεμαλισμό στον Ριζοσπαστισμό Σε αντίθεση με την καθιερωμένη προσέγγιση του τουρκικού κοιν... more Από τον Κεμαλισμό στον Ριζοσπαστισμό Σε αντίθεση με την καθιερωμένη προσέγγιση του τουρκικού κοινωνικού σχηματισμού, το παρόν βιβλίο ευελπιστεί να φέρει στο προσκήνιο μια πιο σύνθετη και πολύπλευρη πραγματικότητα, να βοηθήσει το ελληνικό κοινό να έρθει σε επαφή με σχετικά άγνωστες πτυχές της γειτονικής χώρας. Στο επίκεντρό του βρίσκεται το τουρκικό φοιτητικό κίνημα, του οποίου παρουσιάζονται διεξοδικά τα διάφορα στάδια: από την ταύτισή του με το κεμαλικό κράτος στη σταδιακή ριζοσπαστικοποίηση και μαζικοποίησή του τη δεκαετία του 1960, και, τέλος, το πέρασμά του στον αντιφασιστικό και ένοπλο αγώνα τη δεκαετία του 1970. Μέσα από μια πρωτότυπη, για την ελληνική βιβλιογραφία, μελέτη αναδεικνύονται, συνολικά, οι κοινωνικοί και πολιτικοί αγώνες στη μεταπολεμική Τουρκία, οι οποίοι επιχείρησαν, έστω και για σύντομο χρονικό διάστημα, να διαμορφώσουν μια διαφορετική πολιτική πραγματικότητα, όχι αποκομμένη από τις κατακλυσμιαίες εξελίξεις που δημιούργησε αργότερα το παγκόσμιο κινηματικό κύμα της «μακράς δεκαετίας του 1960», αλλά σε άμεσο διάλογο με αυτές.
Edited books by Nikos Christofis

London: Transnational Press, 2024
A Century of Greek-Turkish Relations is an important handbook written by leading authorities from... more A Century of Greek-Turkish Relations is an important handbook written by leading authorities from both shores of the Aegean Sea. Greek and Turkish scholars present in a balanced and objective way, as well as in a graspable and meaningful manner, the main periods in which key events brought the two sides into dispute or even conflict. These events, which are integrated in parallel and conflicting national narratives, fuel the historicity of the two national rivals. A century since the end of the Greek-Turkish war, the trauma of the Greek military defeat and the “disaster of the Asia Minor Greeks”, the establishment of the Republic of Turkey and the emblematic Treaty of Lausanne, render this kind of handbook undoubtedly essential. It opens the discussion to the wider audience in a rational and composed way and most importantly, the reader can follow through the pages, the dialogue between Turkish and Greek scholars. A book of this kind was missing from public history.” – Prof. Sia Anagnostopoulou, Panteion University
London: Transnational Press, 2024
University of Patras Press, 2023
co-edited with Antonis Derisiotis and Murat Issi
Μεταξύ Έθνους και Τάξης: Αριστερές και Κυπριακό, 1920-1974, 2022
Translation of Erdogan's 'New' Turkey (Routledge) with a preface by Ahmet Insel and an afterword ... more Translation of Erdogan's 'New' Turkey (Routledge) with a preface by Ahmet Insel and an afterword by Cengiz Aktar
Edited volume on nationalisms in Cyprus, co-edited with Thekla Kyritsi

Routledge, 2022
This book focuses on the AKP government since 2002 during which time the state’s approach to the ... more This book focuses on the AKP government since 2002 during which time the state’s approach to the Kurdish Question has undergone several changes. Examining what preceded and followed the failed putsch of 2016, it explains and critiques that situates the Kurdish Question in its broader context. It stands out with the main objective to avoid any ‘policy-oriented bias’ through an interdisciplinary and multi-thematic approach.
The volume discusses the state and policies in the Kurdish region of Turkey, as well as counter-hegemonic discourses that seek to reform existing institutions. Some chapters focus on the domestic aspects and gender perspectives of the Kurdish Question in Turkey, which focus has been taken over by recent developments in Syria and the Middle East in general. Other chapters include a range of new aspects of Turkish society and politics, and the international aspects of Ankara’s policies and its implications not only inside Turkey but also internationally.
Taking both domestic and foreign policy aspects into account, the book offers a set of innovative explanations for the state of crisis in Turkey and a solid basis for thinking about the likely path forward. Scholars, researchers and post-graduates, interested in political theory, Kurdish and Middle East politics will find this book invaluable.
Special Issues by Nikos Christofis
Turkish Historical Review, vol. 12. no. 2-3 (double issue)., 2021
Articles by Nikos Christofis

Middle East Critique, 2023
For over a decade the Turkish ruling party, AKP, is consciously trying to construct a new histori... more For over a decade the Turkish ruling party, AKP, is consciously trying to construct a new historical narrative by contesting, and replacing, the dominant ideological doctrine of Kemalism. In so doing, the Turkish government recycles the past selectively and interprets the present in terms of historical myths to offer a counter-memory, challenging the Kemalist indoctrination in Turkish society. Thus, the article focuses on the core socioeconomic and political program of ‘Yeni Türkiye’ (New Turkey) of the AKP, and Recep Tayyip Erdogan in particular, and explores how a counter memory is being constructed. It analyses the methods, discourses, and repertoires employed to cast a new narrative to hegemonize Turkish society and politics into the future, as Kemalism did in the past. Finally, it discusses continuities and discontinuities between Kemalism and Erdoğanism.

Twentieth Century Communism, 2022
This article outlines the nature of Cypriot mines and mine owners between 1914, when the British ... more This article outlines the nature of Cypriot mines and mine owners between 1914, when the British directly annexed Cyprus, and the Second World War, and the terms on which the British allowed foreign companies to function on the island, at the expense of the people. It then turns to discuss the emergence of the first communist cells on the island, the establishment of the Communist Party of Cyprus (CPC) and the party's labour policies. Finally, it analyses the strikes undertaken by the miners from the 1920s to 1940, and the connection between Cypriot communists and the miners' struggles under the conditions of British colonialism. It also problematises colonial anti-communist policies towards local political agents, which sought to suppress the emerging joint class consciousness across the island. To do this, we draw extensively on press and news reports of the period, documents from the UK national archives, and the memoirs of leftists who were involved with and bore witness to the strikes, as well as secondary literature.

Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 2022
Turkish foreign policy has experienced a profound transformation in the nearly two decades since ... more Turkish foreign policy has experienced a profound transformation in the nearly two decades since the Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi, AKP) came to power. In its first decade (2002-2011), the AKP government sought to consolidate, promote, and implement its agenda through the use of soft power while also aligning Turkey with the West and EU conditionality. However, since 2011 domestic and international developments have led Ankara to pursue a 'logic of strategic autonomy.' Since the failed coup attempt in July 2016-which reinforced a trend towards resecuritization in Turkish foreign policy-relations with the EU in general and Greece, in particular, have grown more complicated, leading to a militarized and increasingly tense situation in the region. Against this backdrop, the present article analyses the rekindling of the 'Aegean Cold War' since 2016, focusing principally on the Aegean, Cyprus, and the refugee crisis and the EU's ambivalent policy towards Turkey and Greek-Turkish relations in general.
The Commentaries, 2021
Right from the start in 2016, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and Amnes... more Right from the start in 2016, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and Amnesty International challenged the legitimacy of the so-called refugee deal between Turkey and the EU. Toward the end of 2020, the EU concluded another agreement with Turkey as part of the €6 billion in funding covered by the refugee deal, in spite of Turkey's deteriorating human rights record. Against a backdrop of Turkey's weaponizing of refugees against Europe and Europe's treatment of the refugee issue as a local problem, the European border and coast guard organization Frontex has been practicing illegal pushbacks. It is clear that once you toy with the devil, you cannot escape hell.
PhD Dissertation by Nikos Christofis
Books by Nikos Christofis
Edited books by Nikos Christofis
The volume discusses the state and policies in the Kurdish region of Turkey, as well as counter-hegemonic discourses that seek to reform existing institutions. Some chapters focus on the domestic aspects and gender perspectives of the Kurdish Question in Turkey, which focus has been taken over by recent developments in Syria and the Middle East in general. Other chapters include a range of new aspects of Turkish society and politics, and the international aspects of Ankara’s policies and its implications not only inside Turkey but also internationally.
Taking both domestic and foreign policy aspects into account, the book offers a set of innovative explanations for the state of crisis in Turkey and a solid basis for thinking about the likely path forward. Scholars, researchers and post-graduates, interested in political theory, Kurdish and Middle East politics will find this book invaluable.
Special Issues by Nikos Christofis
Articles by Nikos Christofis
The volume discusses the state and policies in the Kurdish region of Turkey, as well as counter-hegemonic discourses that seek to reform existing institutions. Some chapters focus on the domestic aspects and gender perspectives of the Kurdish Question in Turkey, which focus has been taken over by recent developments in Syria and the Middle East in general. Other chapters include a range of new aspects of Turkish society and politics, and the international aspects of Ankara’s policies and its implications not only inside Turkey but also internationally.
Taking both domestic and foreign policy aspects into account, the book offers a set of innovative explanations for the state of crisis in Turkey and a solid basis for thinking about the likely path forward. Scholars, researchers and post-graduates, interested in political theory, Kurdish and Middle East politics will find this book invaluable.
direct and virtually immediate impact. Turkey stands as a clear example, wherein the
development and dynamism of the “Western” student movement had an immediate
impact and shaped developments unfolding in Turkey at the time. As elsewhere in the
world, “1968” did not hit Turkey out of thin air. The “1968 generation,” and the student
movement in general, was mainly Kemalist, one of the significant characteristics
that differentiated it from others. It first emerged as a student movement focused on
reform within the university system, but toward the end of the 1960s, it evolved into a
revolutionary movement, eventually deploying revolutionary violence from 1971–72.
proportions, each side presenting its own account of the events. Against this background, the present article turns its focus on how both parties tried to influence and affect the endgame of the political power game between the two strongmen of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Fethullah Gülen; a power game which although it started as a power struggle, it soon turned to a struggle of political survival.
Nikos Christofis
Yiannos Katsouridis
Nikos Moudouros
Spyros Sakellaropoulos
Antonis Antoniou