Peer-Reviewed Articles by Afroditi Maragkou
ΑΡΧΙΤΕΚΤΟΝΕΣ περιοδική έκδοση ΣΑΔΑΣ-ΠΕΑ, 2015
Τα πάντα σήμερα αντιμετωπίζονται με όρους αρχείου: κατοικίες, πόλεις, εικόνες, βιβλιοθήκες, ευρετ... more Τα πάντα σήμερα αντιμετωπίζονται με όρους αρχείου: κατοικίες, πόλεις, εικόνες, βιβλιοθήκες, ευρετηριακές καταγραφές, στατιστικά στοιχεία, απογραφικά δελτία, χαρτογραφήσεις, κατάλογοι υλικών και οικοσκευών, οδηγοί αγοράς, blogs, συμπυκνώσεις δεδομένων, συστήματα επιτήρησης, χαρακτηριστικά της τριπλής προϋπόθεσης και της λειτουργίας του αρχείου, του αρχειακού υλικού (τον προνομιακό χώρο, ή την κατοικία, εκείνου που
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers/Proceedings by Afroditi Maragkou

Masson Damien (ed.), Ambiances, Alloaesthesia: Senses, Inventions, Worlds. E-conference. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Ambiances, 2-4 December 2020, 2 vol., Réseau International Ambiances ISBN: 978-2-9520948-7-0, 2020
In 20th century, at Thessaly region a series of paradigmatic metamorphoses took place that transf... more In 20th century, at Thessaly region a series of paradigmatic metamorphoses took place that transformed both the spatial and environmental aspects of this landscape. Focusing on Thessaly’s environmental and spatial peculiarities and exploring the region’s human footprint this paper proposes a methodology that underlines their significance in the context of Anthropocene. The methodological tool is an ongoing dictionary of terms – textual & visual – exported from the specific territory and contributing to a wider observatory of Anthropocene. The methodology of the dictionary is applied not only as an accredited tool of terminological mapping, but also as a critical interpretation mechanism through which we will be able to perceive current and future changes of our living environments.

Modernism, Modernisation and the Rural Landscape, Proceedings of the MODSCAPES_conference2018 & Baltic Landscape Forum, Apr 15, 2019
What remains unexamined and undervalued in the Greek landscape, are the extreme and abandoned lim... more What remains unexamined and undervalued in the Greek landscape, are the extreme and abandoned limits of the small nonmetropolitan regional areas. At the limits of Greek cities, we can identify a great dispersion, a marginal instability, states of transition and deposition. The architectural and planning policies of the Greek state, through the modernistic period, have set a significant number of traces on the rural part of the country. These traces on the countryside, can only be recorded and historically analysed through systematic approach and subjective mapping, such as the methodology of oral history promotes. The landscape of the lowlands of Thessaly is selected as a paradigm of a changing reality, where one can see and recognize a number of exemplary transformations and specificities. The resettlement phenomenon of the mountain populations in Karditsa region, which was affected by the reclamation infrastructure of the 1960s (construction of Megdova dam), is the springboard for a dispersion of new residential settlements in the lowlands. This relocation process had a significant impact on the transformation of the rural landscape of Thessaly, as well as on the social life of the countryside. The architectural and historical research is motivated from the current ruin condition of these promising residential settlements on the countryside of Thessaly and systematically examines the policies that lead from the construction of Megdova dam to these abandoned traces on the landscape. The methodology of this research is based on an ongoing microhistorical archive which aims to raise microhistory as the main interpretation tool. Composed by oral testimonies, historical sources, state documents, blueprints and other official recordings, this microhistorical archive will be able to map and interpret the architectural, topological and social history of these modernistic interventions on the countryside of Thessaly.

Η Διδακτική της Αρχιτεκτονικής: αντικείμενα και προοπτικές, Σχολή Αρχιτεκτόνων Μηχανικών ΕΜΠ
Οι Εκκζςεισ Τζχνθσ και Αρχιτεκτονικισ, αναλφονται ωσ μία ιςτορικι, ερμθνευτικι και διδακτικι προς... more Οι Εκκζςεισ Τζχνθσ και Αρχιτεκτονικισ, αναλφονται ωσ μία ιςτορικι, ερμθνευτικι και διδακτικι προςζγγιςθ ςτα πλαίςια του μακιματοσ τθσ Ιςτορίασ Μοντζρνασ Τζχνθσ τθσ Αρχιτεκτονικισ Σχολισ του Ρανεπιςτθμίου Θεςςαλίασ (διδάςκων Γ. Τηιρτηιλάκθσ). Σκοπόσ του μακιματοσ είναι θ μετατόπιςθ από τθν κακαρά ιςτορικι και χρονολογικι ανάλυςθ των κινθμάτων τθσ μοντζρνασ τζχνθσ, ςτθν αποκωδικοποίθςθ των μεκοδολογικϊν πρακτικϊν που ςυντζλεςαν και ςε μιά κριτικι ςτάςθ απζναντι ςτον μοντερνιςμό. Ζτςι θ εκπαιδευτικι διαδικαςία οργανϊνεται ςε δφο αλλθλοςχετιηόμενα μεκοδολογικά ςχιματα: ςτο μοντάη και ςτον άτλαντα, ζχοντασ ςαν τελικό αποτζλεςμα τθ ςφνταξθ ενόσ Εκλεκτικοφ Γλωςςαρίου των Εκκζςεων από τουσ εκπαιδευόμενουσ, το οποίο διοχετεφει τισ διδακτικζσ ερμθνείεσ των Εκκζςεων ςε ζνα δυναμικό επαναπροςδιοριςμό των τρόπων ςκζψθσ και γνϊςθσ.
Narratives of Displacement International Conference, Interdisciplinary Research Foundation
What remains unexamined and undervalued in the Greek landscape, are the extreme and abandoned lim... more What remains unexamined and undervalued in the Greek landscape, are the extreme and abandoned limits of the small non-metropolitan regional areas. In these limits of Greek cities we can identify a great dispersion, a marginal instability, states of transition and deposition. The atmosphere which is
AMBIANCES, TOMORROW, International Ambiances Network & University of Thessaly, 2016
What remains unexamined in the Greek landscape, are the abandoned limits of the small non-metropo... more What remains unexamined in the Greek landscape, are the abandoned limits of the small non-metropolitan regional areas. The archival narrative of an atmosphere produced by ruins may play the role of interpretation and representation mechanism. The landscape of the lowlands of Thessaly is selected as a paradigm of a changing reality, where one can recognise a number of exemplary transformations. The migration phenomenon of mountain populations in Karditsa region in the 60's, is the springboard for a dispersion of new residential settlements in the lowlands, which however remained uninhabited, in ruin condition. Specifically, the emerging atmosphere of the abandoned residential settlement in Orfana village in Karditsa, will be the case study able to be analysed through an interdisciplinary archive.
ARCHTHEO 15 Theory and History of Architecture Conference,, 2015
Everything nowadays is treated in terms of the archive: houses, cities, images, libraries, index ... more Everything nowadays is treated in terms of the archive: houses, cities, images, libraries, index records, statistics, maps, lists of materials and household goods, purchasing guides, blogs, concentrations data, surveillance systems, storage units etc. In these we can identify some of the key features of the triple condition and function of the archive, as described by Jacques Derrida in his book "Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression" That is to mean, they have a place of archival material (the privileged area or place, where someone has the "authority"), an interpretation and a collection.
Doctoral Workshops by Afroditi Maragkou

Global History Workshop, Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies, Princeton University, 2020
* full text available upon request *
The paper aims to enlighten the role of microhistorical narr... more * full text available upon request *
The paper aims to enlighten the role of microhistorical narratives, as the main interpretation tool for studying internal displacement and relocation processes caused by the modernization development projects in Greece. The modernization era after World War II found a lot of European countries ready to reconstruct all the spatial and territorial damages for a national recovery to be realized. The aspects of this reconstruction process were to retrieve the war damages in the country and to implement new productive large scale development projects. The design and implementation of these projects had various impacts on the transformation of the urban but much more the rural part of these countries. One significant impact of such modernization development projects was the internal displacement and relocation process, a multidimensional phenomenon current till nowadays worldwide. Especially in countries like Greece, this internal displacement practice along with the relocation of entire settlements contributed also significantly to the organization of the rural habitation system. Key factors of these rapid, ongoing and almost violent transformations of the rural landscape were all the development projects that the modernization acceleration of the 1960s brought, such as the extension of basic infrastructures, electrification, and national road network. In order to examine this internal displacement and relocation phenomenon in a wider framework, the research shall not only focus on a general historiographic overview of the most obvious cases of study but also deepen, by putting some unseen and phenomenally minor cases to the spotlight. At this point the tool of microhistory, as Carlo Ginzburg has introduced, plays a significant role, by setting one single case study as the “indicative example” to further interpret the architectural, topological and social history of such phenomena. In our case, the “indicative example” is located at an internal displacement process that took place in the countryside of Thessaly, Greece due to the construction of the Megdova Dam in the 1960s. The microhistorical narrative of this case study, composed of oral testimonies, state documents, blueprints, and other official recordings, aims to establish a unifying framework to observe and interpret also the “global”.
Research Papers by Afroditi Maragkou
Η διπλωµατική μεταπτυχιακή εργασία "αρχή" ερειπίου, πραγµατεύεται την έννοια του ερειπίου και της... more Η διπλωµατική μεταπτυχιακή εργασία "αρχή" ερειπίου, πραγµατεύεται την έννοια του ερειπίου και της εγκατάλειψης µέσω του αρχείου που τα συνοδεύει. Κάθε ερείπιο αποτελείται από ένα συνονθύλευµα µαρτυριών, ιχνών, ευρηµάτων και τεκµηρίων που φέρνουν στην επιφάνεια την ιστορία αποτυχίας που τα πλαισιώνει. Η έρευνα αυτών των ιχνών και η αρχειακή καταγραφή τους, συντάσσει την αφήγηση της υπόθεσης του ερειπίου µε σκοπό την ενεργοποίησή του στη δηµόσια σφαίρα.
Papers by Afroditi Maragkou
Symbols & Iconic Ruins, 2020
Peer-Reviewed Articles by Afroditi Maragkou
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers/Proceedings by Afroditi Maragkou
Doctoral Workshops by Afroditi Maragkou
The paper aims to enlighten the role of microhistorical narratives, as the main interpretation tool for studying internal displacement and relocation processes caused by the modernization development projects in Greece. The modernization era after World War II found a lot of European countries ready to reconstruct all the spatial and territorial damages for a national recovery to be realized. The aspects of this reconstruction process were to retrieve the war damages in the country and to implement new productive large scale development projects. The design and implementation of these projects had various impacts on the transformation of the urban but much more the rural part of these countries. One significant impact of such modernization development projects was the internal displacement and relocation process, a multidimensional phenomenon current till nowadays worldwide. Especially in countries like Greece, this internal displacement practice along with the relocation of entire settlements contributed also significantly to the organization of the rural habitation system. Key factors of these rapid, ongoing and almost violent transformations of the rural landscape were all the development projects that the modernization acceleration of the 1960s brought, such as the extension of basic infrastructures, electrification, and national road network. In order to examine this internal displacement and relocation phenomenon in a wider framework, the research shall not only focus on a general historiographic overview of the most obvious cases of study but also deepen, by putting some unseen and phenomenally minor cases to the spotlight. At this point the tool of microhistory, as Carlo Ginzburg has introduced, plays a significant role, by setting one single case study as the “indicative example” to further interpret the architectural, topological and social history of such phenomena. In our case, the “indicative example” is located at an internal displacement process that took place in the countryside of Thessaly, Greece due to the construction of the Megdova Dam in the 1960s. The microhistorical narrative of this case study, composed of oral testimonies, state documents, blueprints, and other official recordings, aims to establish a unifying framework to observe and interpret also the “global”.
Research Papers by Afroditi Maragkou
Papers by Afroditi Maragkou
The paper aims to enlighten the role of microhistorical narratives, as the main interpretation tool for studying internal displacement and relocation processes caused by the modernization development projects in Greece. The modernization era after World War II found a lot of European countries ready to reconstruct all the spatial and territorial damages for a national recovery to be realized. The aspects of this reconstruction process were to retrieve the war damages in the country and to implement new productive large scale development projects. The design and implementation of these projects had various impacts on the transformation of the urban but much more the rural part of these countries. One significant impact of such modernization development projects was the internal displacement and relocation process, a multidimensional phenomenon current till nowadays worldwide. Especially in countries like Greece, this internal displacement practice along with the relocation of entire settlements contributed also significantly to the organization of the rural habitation system. Key factors of these rapid, ongoing and almost violent transformations of the rural landscape were all the development projects that the modernization acceleration of the 1960s brought, such as the extension of basic infrastructures, electrification, and national road network. In order to examine this internal displacement and relocation phenomenon in a wider framework, the research shall not only focus on a general historiographic overview of the most obvious cases of study but also deepen, by putting some unseen and phenomenally minor cases to the spotlight. At this point the tool of microhistory, as Carlo Ginzburg has introduced, plays a significant role, by setting one single case study as the “indicative example” to further interpret the architectural, topological and social history of such phenomena. In our case, the “indicative example” is located at an internal displacement process that took place in the countryside of Thessaly, Greece due to the construction of the Megdova Dam in the 1960s. The microhistorical narrative of this case study, composed of oral testimonies, state documents, blueprints, and other official recordings, aims to establish a unifying framework to observe and interpret also the “global”.