The impact of mammalian herbivory on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sapling performance was quanti®ed in three native forests located in two Mediterranean mountains, the Sierra Nevada and Sierra de Baza (SE Spain). More than 98% of the... more
The spatial structure of plant communities as well as the quality and abundance of neighbours can strongly influence the intensity of herbivory suffered by a plant. In this paper, we study the effect of the association with shrubs on the... more
1. The work reported here analysed host utilisation by the pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae), the relationship between moth oviposition patterns and larval performance, the chemical... more
Common techniques currently used for afforestation in the Mediterranean basin consider the pre-existing vegetation (mainly shrubs) as a source of competition for trees, and consequently it is generally eliminated before planting.... more
For two years, the seed rain and magnitude of seed losses due to predation were evaluated in Scots pine forests in southern Spain. The Crossbill was the most important pre-dispersal predator, consuming more than 80% of ripening seeds. In... more
Shrubs are commonly considered competitors of planted seedlings in reforestation programs. However, shrubs can facilitate the establishment of understory seedlings in environments that, like Mediterranean-type ecosystems, are... more
Shrubs are commonly considered competitors of planted seedlings in reforestation programs. However, shrubs can facilitate the establishment of understory seedlings in environments that, like Mediterranean-type ecosystems, are... more
Yew Taxus baccata is catalogued as a species endangered and prone to extinction in the Mediterranean mountains of southern Spain, due to the small size and senescent status of most populations. In this paper, we study the eects of... more
After a millenarian history of overexploitation, most forests in the Mediterranean Basin have disappeared, leaving many degraded landscapes that have been recolonized by early successional shrub-dominated communities. Common reforestation... more
1 We analyse the factors controlling seedling establishment of Scots pine at its southernmost geographical limit (southern Spain), by monitoring emergence, survival and growth for up to 4 years in the microhabitats to which seeds are... more
In southern Mediterranean Pinus sylvestris forests there are grassy meadows that resist invasion of trees despite the proximity to seed sources. In this study, we investigate the mechanisms blocking colonization by Pinus sylvestris of the... more
The wide distribution of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Europe includes two relict populations in southern Spain (Sierra Nevada and Sierra de Baza), belonging to the subspecies nevadensis. These populations are isolated in high... more
Aims-To determine the long term visual outcome of patients who were eligible for randomisation to enucleation versus brachytherapy in a US collaborative ocular melanoma study (COMS) but were treated with either helium ion or 125I... more
El progreso, Yoro 11 de Marzo del 2015 1.¿Cuáles son las características de las compras organizacionales? ¿En qué se diferencias de las compras de los consumidores individuales?
Intelligent Agents have originated a lot of discussion about what they are, and how they are different from general programs. We describe in this paper a new paradigm for intelligent agents. This paradigm helped us deal with failures in... more
En lo sucesivo el precio del barril de los crudos WTI y Brent se referirá al precio del futuro a un mes, mientras que el precio del barril de la cesta OPEP se referirá al precio spot.
Este es el apalancamiento financiero de una empresa, tal y como lo es Coffe Break S. A.
- by Uri Sánchez
El término «tecnología» se refiere a la suma total del conocimiento que poseemos sobre cómo hacer las cosas, incluidos los inventos, las técnicas y el amplio cúmulo de conocimiento organizado acerca de todo, es decir, en cómo diseñamos,... more