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Patrícia Lupion Torres e Rita de Cássia Veiga Marriott demonstram as possibilidades e os limites do uso dos mapas conceituais, que, como uma técnica que são, organizam ideias, conceitos e conhecimentos, facilitando, assim, a assimilação,... more
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Orientadora: Patrícia Lupion Torres Co-orientadora: Marta Morais da Costa Dissertaçăo (mestrado) - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná. Centro de Teologia e Cięncias Humanas. Programa de Pós-Graduaçăo em Educaçăo. Defesa: Curitiba,... more
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O Programa Agrinho, com o objetivo de atender a Agenda 21 de desenvolver programas de Educação Ambiental, vem desde 1995 preparando e capacitando educadores e docentes para as questões ambientalistas em seus programas de formação... more
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    • Knowledge Management in Software Engineering
The act of doing research, reviewing recent literature, checking data, and articulating results and meanings are important but not enough when working with scientific publications in graduate schools. A vital part of the work is authoring... more
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      Educational TechnologyArgumentationWriting Skills
The act of doing research, reviewing recent literature, checking data, and articulating results and meanings are important but not enough when working with scientific publications in graduate schools. A vital part of the work is authoring... more
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      Educational TechnologyArgumentationWriting Skills
The act of doing research, reviewing recent literature, checking data, and articulating results and meanings are important but not enough when working with scientific publications in graduate schools. A vital part of the work is authoring... more
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      Educational TechnologyArgumentationWriting Skills
The act of doing research, reviewing recent literature, checking data, and articulating results and meanings are important but not enough when working with scientific publications in graduate schools. A vital part of the work is authoring... more
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      Educational TechnologyArgumentationWriting Skills
Com o objetivo de promover o sentido de complexidade e reintegração (ou abolição) disciplinar, neste estudo de caso pesquisamos como as formas de intercâmbio disciplinar, como a multidisciplinaridade, a pluridisciplinaridade, a... more
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Patrícia Lupion Torres e Rita de Cássia Veiga Marriott demonstram as possibilidades e os limites do uso dos mapas conceituais, que, como uma técnica que são, organizam ideias, conceitos e conhecimentos, facilitando, assim, a assimilação,... more
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Orientadora: Patrícia Lupion Torres Co-orientadora: Marta Morais da Costa Dissertaçăo (mestrado) - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná. Centro de Teologia e Cięncias Humanas. Programa de Pós-Graduaçăo em Educaçăo. Defesa: Curitiba,... more
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    • Knowledge Management in Software Engineering
This article presents qualitative research of a case study type, carried out with a group of 27 educators who were strengthening their knowledge of online education to a greater depth. Online education requires pedagogical mediation and... more
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This chapter presents the experience of production and use of learning objects (LOs) for English-language learning at the Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Parana (PUCPR), Brazil. PUCPR made its first steps towards online education in... more
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      EngineeringComputer Science
This chapter outlines how collaborative learning and concept mapping have been incorporated and implemented within a blended foreign language course. Focusing on these two approaches, it introduces the reader to LAPLI-The Language... more
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      Computer ScienceIGI Global
The need for continuous learning and professional-improvement has never been so strong. Driven by the process of economic development and its social and cultural consequences, pedagogy has been trying to encourage the teaching community... more
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The Minha Casa Minha Vida institutional housing program aims to build millions of residences in Brazilian cities. This situation decreases the building quality as the Federal Government, who founds the program, demands very low costs, so... more
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Concept mapping is a powerful tool for teaching and learning. Since its creation, it has been transforming education as a way of ‘learning to learn’ and for assisting to convert information into knowledge. This paper presents the findings... more
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      PsychologyComputer Science
RESUMO: O presente trabalho faz parte do projeto Ações de Didatização de Gêneros em prol do Letramento Acadêmico (2019-2022), uma pesquisa de natureza colaborativa entre quatro universidades públicas do estado do Paraná. Nosso estudo... more
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    • Political Science
Ideally, readers build meaningful and coherent mental representations of the texts they read (KINTSCH; VAN DIJK, 1978; VAN DIJK; KINTSCH, 1983; GAGNÉ et al., 1993); and they are able to express such mental representations in summaries and... more
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