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La inteligencia de enjambre es una rama de la Inteligencia artificial que se basa en el comportamiento colectivo de sistemas descentralizados y auto-organizados.“Es una forma de inteligencia que surge de la colaboración y concurso de... more
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    • Pierre Levy
The supply chain literature has devoted much attention to studying how the variability of orders propagates upstream. We explore how this insight extends to the variability of payments to suppliers and its impact on how risk is generated... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementBullwhip effectEmpirically-based Modeling
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      Supply Chain ManagementProductionBusiness and ManagementProduction and Operations Management
In this paper, we study behavior in a series of two-player supply chain game experiments. Each player simultaneously chooses a capacity before demand is realized, and sales are given by the minimum of realized demand and chosen... more
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M any people in developing countries do not have access to effective vaccines, medicines, and other life-saving health technologies. Shortage of health care workers, severe financial constraints, and lack of awareness are some of the... more
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      Public HealthBusiness and ManagementProduction and Operations ManagementProduction operations
We study the coordination problem of a two-firm supply chain in which firms simultaneously choose a capacity before demand is realized. We focus on the role that (a lack of) common knowledge of demand forecasts has on firms' ability to... more
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In the operations management literature, the financial risk in an inventory model is usually assumed to be captured by the (constant) weighted average cost of capital (WACC) of the firm. This assumption is, at best, an approximation,... more
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      EconomicsMultidisciplinaryProduction economics
Supply Chain 4.0-Diagnóstico de la cadena de suministro uruguaya Estudio de brechas de conocimiento en soluciones digitales para el sector logístico Montevideo, mayo 2020 Supply Chain 4.0-Diagnóstico de la cadena de suministro uruguaya... more
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We study the problem of a two-firm supply chain in which firms simultaneously choose a capacity before demand is realized. We focus on the role that private information about demand has on firms' ability to align their capacity... more
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      MarketingApplied MathematicsCommunicationBusiness and Management
In the operations management literature, the financial portion of the inventory holding cost is usually assumed to be the constant weighted average cost of capital (WACC) of the firm. This assumption is, at best, an approximation, since... more
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      EconomicsSocial Science Research Network
The supply chain literature has devoted much attention to studying how the variability of orders propagates upstream. We explore how this insight extends to the variability of payments to suppliers and its impact on how risk is generated... more
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      BusinessEngineeringSocial Science Research NetworkMathematical Sciences
In this paper, we seek to use quantitative models to help appreciate the behavioral processes associated with successful cross-functional and cross-firm alignment in supply/demand planning. We model the interaction between a sales and a... more
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      BusinessSupply ChainSocial Science Research Network
We show that in supply chains where retailer effort can substantially affect sales, longer lead times can result in higher sales for the manufacturer. Hence, manufacturers might not want to reduce lead times even if it was free or... more
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      BusinessContract TheorySupply ChainSocial Science Research Network
When customers cannot find a particular item at a retailer because it is out of stock, they are likely, with some probability, to switch to a substitute product from another manufacturer at the same store. Analyzing a two-product full... more
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      Contract TheoryVendor Managed InventorySocial Science Research NetworkInventory Management
When is having no previous contract better than having one, if ever? When should a manufacturer/retailer take over part (or all) of the other party's operation, instead of considering just a contract? How about the opposite situation?... more
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      BusinessContract TheorySupply ChainSocial Science Research Network