Papers by Dumitru Moldovan

Much of the volume of concrete placed in any civil structure is given by the floor system(s) used... more Much of the volume of concrete placed in any civil structure is given by the floor system(s) used. The advent of new solutions that incorporate spherical hollow cores create the premises for providing adequate guidelines to be used by practicians, suitable to accommodations for a variety of onsite conditions. The here-in research programme is aimed at answering the fundamental question of structural behaviour for such floor systems, subjected to flexure and shear, as well as their limits of use. Rezumat Mare parte din volumul de beton pus in operă intr-o structură civilă este reprezentat de sistemul de planseu utilizat. Apariţia unor soluţii care incorporează goluri sferice creează premisele pentru a furniza practicienilor de pretutindeni indrumări clare, adaptabile situaţiilor concrete din practică. Studiul prezentat in continuare doreste să răspundă unor intrebări fundamentale, precum comportarea structurală sau limitele utilizării acestora.
This work presents some results obtained by the authors regarding concrete behavior near collapse... more This work presents some results obtained by the authors regarding concrete behavior near collapse, under flexure, in the case of high strength concrete. A brief history on the mathematical apparatus involved in the computing of the capable bending moment is presented, based on the initial proposal of Hognestad et al., in the early 1950’s. Various national design codes use different values for the coefficients involved in this computing. Since experimental studies provide now sufficient data, it is necessary to adjust the values of those coefficients as not to over estimate the load carrying capacity for high strength concrete. Some observations on the longitudinal reinforcement ratio will be presented. It seems that transversal reinforcement does not have influence on the capable bending moment as it is the case for classic concrete.

Much of the volume of concrete placed in any civil structure is given by the floor system(s) used... more Much of the volume of concrete placed in any civil structure is given by the floor system(s) used. The advent of new solutions that incorporate spherical hollow cores create the premises for providing adequate guidelines to be used by practicians, suitable to accommodations for a variety of onsite conditions. The herein research programme is aimed at answering the fundamental question of structural behaviour for such floor systems, subjected to flexure and shear, as well as their limits of use. Rezumat Mare parte din volumul de beton pus în operă într-o structură civilă este reprezentat de sistemul de planşeu utilizat. Apariţia unor soluţii care încorporează goluri sferice creează premisele pentru a furniza practicienilor de pretutindeni îndrumări clare, adaptabile situaţiilor concrete din practică. Studiul prezentat în continuare doreşte să răspundă unor întrebări fundamentale, precum comportarea structurală sau limitele utilizării acestora.
This paper will present experimental results for C80/95 concrete grade beams reinforced with S500... more This paper will present experimental results for C80/95 concrete grade beams reinforced with S500, in flexure. The influence of the longitudinal coefficient of reinforcement and the stress-strain diagram in compression on the behaviour in the Ultimate Limit State will be analysed based on the data collected in the fore mentioned study.
Abstract. Ultra High Strength and Performance Concrete development is a relatively new industry. ... more Abstract. Ultra High Strength and Performance Concrete development is a relatively new industry. The last 150 years have shown that despite of a constant increasing resistance for the concrete, the practical applications were often behind to these innovations in materials ...
Abstract. Ultra High Strength and Performance Concrete development is a relatively new industry. ... more Abstract. Ultra High Strength and Performance Concrete development is a relatively new industry. The last 150 years have shown that despite of a constant increasing resistance for the concrete, the practical applications were often behind to these innovations in materials ...
Conference Presentations by Dumitru Moldovan
Papers by Dumitru Moldovan
Conference Presentations by Dumitru Moldovan