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    • Robotics
This paper presents a new Web service composition method which combines the AI planning graph technique with an immune-inspired algorithm to find the optimal composition solution. Simultaneously with the planning graph construction, a... more
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      Semantic MatchingSemantic Web Service CompositionWeb service compositionClonal Selection
Web Service composition offers the facility to create new services satisfying a certain functionality which can not be assured by a single existent service. The full potential of Web Service composition can only be achieved if the process... more
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In this paper, the use of a logic programming framework, the event calculus , is discussed in the automated composition of web services. The web service discovery problem is beyond of the scope of the paper. Our goal is to show that the... more
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      Non Functional RequirementWeb service discoveryWeb service compositionDomain Ontology
The clustering and sorting behavior of ants, as well as the foraging behavior of birds in nature represented sources of inspiration for designing clustering methods applicable in computer science. This paper investigates how... more
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      Distributed ComputingSemantic Web Service Composition
Biological systems exhibit self-optimization and self-organization capabilities in a decentralized way without the existence of a central coordinator. These capabilities make them a good source of inspiration for designing meta-heuristics... more
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    • Data Intensive Scalable Computing
This paper presents a framework for automatic service composition which combines a composition graph model with an Ant Colony Optimization metaheuristic to find the optimal composition solution. The composition graph model encodes all the... more
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    • Data Intensive Scalable Computing
Web Service composition offers the facility to create new services satisfying a certain functionality which can not be assured by a single existent service. The full potential of Web Service composition can only be achieved if the process... more
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      OntologyNatural Language Processing
Biological systems exhibit self-optimization and self-organization capabilities in a decentralized way without the existence of a central coordinator. These capabilities make them a good source of inspiration for designing meta-heuristics... more
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    • Data Intensive Scalable Computing
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The world is facing major societal challenges because of an aging population that is putting increasing pressure on the sustainability of care. While demand for care and social services is steadily increasing, the supply is constrained by... more
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    • Environmental public health
This paper presents an ant-inspired method for selecting the optimal or a near optimal solution in semantic Web service composition. The proposed method adapts and enhances the Ant Colony Optimization meta-heuristic and considers as... more
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      Computer ScienceSchool of computing and informatics
Web Service composition offers the facility to create new services satisfying a certain functionality which can not be assured by a single existent service. The full potential of Web Service composition can only be achieved if the process... more
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      Computer ScienceOntologyNatural Language Processing
This paper presents a business ontology model for semantic annotation of Web services which consists of a core ontology and two categories of taxonomic trees: Business Service Description trees and Business Product Description trees. The... more
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      Computer ScienceOntology
This paper addresses the problem of optimality in semantic Web service composition by proposing a hybrid nature-inspired method for selecting the optimal or near-optimal solution in semantic Web Service Composition. The method hybridizes... more
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      Computer ScienceTabu SearchSchool of computing and informaticsBees Algorithm
This paper presents a system for diabetes risk stratification that combines fuzzy logic with two bio-inspired algorithms. The developed system takes as input a set of patients described by numerical and categorical features and generates... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceMachine LearningCategorical Latent Variable Modeling
This paper analyzes comparatively the performance of Random Forests and Gradient Boosting algorithms in the field of forecasting the energy consumption based on historical data. The two algorithms are applied in order to forecast the... more
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    • Computer Science
As the population in the Western world is rapidly aging, the remote monitoring solutions integrated into the living environment of seniors have the potential to reduce the care burden helping them to self-manage problems associated with... more
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      Computer ScienceAnalytical ChemistryMedicineElectrical And Electronic Engineering
In this paper we propose a Long Short-Term Memory Network based method to forecast the energy consumption in public buildings, based on past measurements. Our approach consists of three main steps: data processing step, training and... more
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      Computer ScienceMean Absolute Percentage Error
The monitoring of the daily life activities routine is beneficial, especially in old age. It can provide relevant information on the person’s health state and wellbeing and can help identify deviations that signal care deterioration or... more
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      Computer ScienceAnalytical ChemistryActivity RecognitionFlexibility in engineering design