Papers by santosh adhikari

Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Globally, billions of people and their livelihood are threatened by the onset of COVID-19. In Nep... more Globally, billions of people and their livelihood are threatened by the onset of COVID-19. In Nepal, resource-poor people who lost their job were the hardest hit among millions of impacted populations. Further, the associated effects of pandemics are food supply chain interruption and people's inferior physical and mental wellbeing. The COVID-19 pandemic and associated impacts have questioned Nepal's ability to achieve the 17 United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the post-pandemic era. Yet no scientific studies available to see COVID-19 and SDGs relationships in Nepal, government reports, and macroeconomic updates indicated that COVID-19 is likely to deter significantly in achieving SDGs targets. This systematic review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines to quantify the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in Nepal's macro-economy from March 2020 to December 2021. Our study indicated that the CO...

Journal of Agriculture and Environment
The study focuses on the review of existing programs and policies regarding input subsidy in Nepa... more The study focuses on the review of existing programs and policies regarding input subsidy in Nepal especially in seeds and fertilizers. The study aims to review timeline in subsidy programs, budget details and progress based on the gleaning of the secondary information available in the Ministry of Agricultural Development. The assured budget allocation for chemical fertilizers subsidy has led to increment in consumption over the years. Nepal spent 52.29 billion Nepali Rupees in importing chemical fertilizers and 23.19 billion in subsidy in last seven years. Nepal Government has also been promoting organic fertilizers however, the subsidy allocated to this program has not been able to take the pace. Seed subsidy program has been found to be impressive; however, it is confined to wheat and paddy only. The subsidy program is targeted mainly to the small and marginal farmers. The seed subsidy program should be expanded to pulses and oilseed crops as well. The organic fertilizers should ...

Journal of Agriculture and Environment
Agriculture is the mainstay of majority of Nepalese people which provides employment, foods and s... more Agriculture is the mainstay of majority of Nepalese people which provides employment, foods and shelter. However, the investment in agriculture in not encouraging, received only about 3 percent of total government outlays during 2002 to 2014. In the study, Gross Domestic Product was regressed with Domestic Savings, Government Expenditure on Agriculture and Foreign Direct Investment on Agriculture with the data from FY 2002/03 to 2014/15. Regression reveals the degree of association among these variables is significant at 5 % level of significance (R=0.991, P=0.005<0.05). The analysis showed that the contribution of Government Expenditure on Agriculture to Gross Domestic Product was found significant whereas the Domestic Savings and Foreign Direct Investment on Agriculture were found insignificant. The compound annual growth rate of Government’s expenditure was found slightly lower than that of budget allocated to Ministry of Agricultural Development. In sum, the study concluded t...

The study was conducted to explore the relationships among youth migration, farm mechanization an... more The study was conducted to explore the relationships among youth migration, farm mechanization and farm production in Darai gaun Chitwan in 2012. The study used both qualitative and quantitative tools and techniques while collecting and analyzing the information. Altogether 32 respondents were selected for the study. Individual interview, focus group discussion and case study methods were deployed for the study. The study revealed that due to less employment opportunity and low income most of the youths have migrated abroad. With the increased household income they are able to purchase farm machineries that made their farm more productive. The farm mechanization has created new job opportunities like driving, marketing, agriculture tools trading and mending, agro-vet enterprises, vegetable stall keeping while decreased the existing manual and animate drudgery related works. Thus, farm mechanization has contributed significantly to on-farm and off-farm employment opportunities thereby leading to improved local food security status.

The study focuses on the review of existing programs and policies regarding input subsidy in Nepa... more The study focuses on the review of existing programs and policies regarding input subsidy in Nepal, especially in seeds and fertilizers. The study aims to review timeline in subsidy programs, budget details and progress based on the gleaning of the secondary information available in the Ministry of Agricultural Development. The assured budget allocation for chemical fertilizers subsidy has led to increment in consumption over the years. Nepal spent 52.29 billion Nepali Rupees in importing chemical fertilizers and 23.19 billion in subsidy in last seven years. Nepal Government has also been promoting organic fertilizers however, the subsidy allocated to this program has not been able to take the pace. Seed subsidy program has been found to be impressive; however, it is confined to wheat and paddy only. The subsidy program is targeted mainly to the small and marginal farmers. The seed subsidy program should be expanded to pulses and oilseed crops as well. The organic fertilizers should be promoted to maintain long-term soil health. Inputs subsidy policy and programs should cover all farmer categories.

The Journal of Agriculture and Environment, 2015
Agriculture is the mainstay of the majority of Nepalese people which provides employment, foods a... more Agriculture is the mainstay of the majority of Nepalese people which provides employment, foods and shelter. However, the investment in agriculture is not encouraging, received only about 3 percent of
total government outlays from 2002 to 2014. In the study, Gross Domestic Product was regressed with Domestic Savings, Government Expenditure on Agriculture and Foreign Direct Investment on
Agriculture with the data from FY 2002/03 to 2014/15. Regression reveals the degree of association among these variables is significant at 5 % level of significance (R=0.991, P=0.005<0.05). The analysis
showed that the contribution of Government Expenditure on Agriculture to Gross Domestic Product was found significant whereas the Domestic Savings and Foreign Direct Investment on Agriculture were found insignificant. The compound annual growth rate of Government’s expenditure was found slightly lower than that of budget allocated to the Ministry of Agricultural Development. In sum, the study concluded
Youth focused programs under MoAD
roof top farming maintains urban greenery, enhances social prestige and provides fresh vegetables.
Drafts by santosh adhikari
Books by santosh adhikari

Despite the planned development efforts in agriculture for decades, tangible achievements in padd... more Despite the planned development efforts in agriculture for decades, tangible achievements in paddy growth rate for production and productivities have not been achieved. The production target of paddy production in periodic plans was not achieved except for the first, the second and the sixth plan. The policy documents, however, have given
due emphasis on cereal crops including promotion of paddy. Specific programs for the promotion of paddy production were rarely stated in most of the mid and long term periodic plans until the thirteenth plan. APP and ADS are the major long term strategic documents that have focused in promotion of cereals and paddy in Nepal. National Seed Vision (2013-2025) has been formulated and executed to guide overall seed sector of the country focused on increasing productivity of paddy. Recently, government has been implementing specifi c rice promotion programs like fi ne and aromatic rice production, mega rice production, community seed banks and PMAMP. Inconsistencies in policies regarding price regulation, inadequate investment in research and extension, loose commitments rather than effective implementation of rice related programs, inadequate specific programs on promotion of rice production in Nepal are some of the bottlenecks for paddy production in the country. This paper makes an attempt to review rice related policies by the Government of Nepal and their implementation status.
Conference Presentations by santosh adhikari

Agriculture is still a major economic sector in Nepal and migrant remittance is an emerging secto... more Agriculture is still a major economic sector in Nepal and migrant remittance is an emerging sector, each contributes around one third to the national economy. Despite their contribution and growth potential, they are less reflected in policies and programs. As a consequence, more than half the youth population migrated abroad for temporary and unskilled employment and this has exacerbated the labour scarcity in agriculture further lowering production and employment. This paper argues that unwarranted policies and inadequate legislative and institutional support along with the existence of role ambiguity amongst critical ministries, their limited capacity, scarce resources and nasty political priorities have hindered the effectiveness of existing programs and policies. Based on domestic experiences and the best practice abroad, the paper concludes with recommending more effective policy design is critical to migrant remittances management and agriculture development are capable of a national vision of prosperity.

Migration management in the South Asia region is an increasingly important issue because of its i... more Migration management in the South Asia region is an increasingly important issue because of its increasing share in migration stock and remittances inflow. Since the 1970s, the majority of migrants in this region prefer to go to the Gulf countries to deploy the largest workers. Similarly, South Asian countries have received an increasing amount of remittances to benefit at the household level and national level. However, policies in this region in terms of both labour-sending and receiving countries are not leading to reliable and effective implementation and management. Enforcement of nationalization policies has squeezed the labour market destination for the workers in the Gulf region while persistent conflict among the labour-sending countries hinders the effectiveness of advocacy in labour migration issues. This paper concludes to plan for the reintegration of returned migrants into the local economy for the sustainable labour migration management in South Asia.
Papers by santosh adhikari
total government outlays from 2002 to 2014. In the study, Gross Domestic Product was regressed with Domestic Savings, Government Expenditure on Agriculture and Foreign Direct Investment on
Agriculture with the data from FY 2002/03 to 2014/15. Regression reveals the degree of association among these variables is significant at 5 % level of significance (R=0.991, P=0.005<0.05). The analysis
showed that the contribution of Government Expenditure on Agriculture to Gross Domestic Product was found significant whereas the Domestic Savings and Foreign Direct Investment on Agriculture were found insignificant. The compound annual growth rate of Government’s expenditure was found slightly lower than that of budget allocated to the Ministry of Agricultural Development. In sum, the study concluded
Drafts by santosh adhikari
Books by santosh adhikari
due emphasis on cereal crops including promotion of paddy. Specific programs for the promotion of paddy production were rarely stated in most of the mid and long term periodic plans until the thirteenth plan. APP and ADS are the major long term strategic documents that have focused in promotion of cereals and paddy in Nepal. National Seed Vision (2013-2025) has been formulated and executed to guide overall seed sector of the country focused on increasing productivity of paddy. Recently, government has been implementing specifi c rice promotion programs like fi ne and aromatic rice production, mega rice production, community seed banks and PMAMP. Inconsistencies in policies regarding price regulation, inadequate investment in research and extension, loose commitments rather than effective implementation of rice related programs, inadequate specific programs on promotion of rice production in Nepal are some of the bottlenecks for paddy production in the country. This paper makes an attempt to review rice related policies by the Government of Nepal and their implementation status.
Conference Presentations by santosh adhikari
total government outlays from 2002 to 2014. In the study, Gross Domestic Product was regressed with Domestic Savings, Government Expenditure on Agriculture and Foreign Direct Investment on
Agriculture with the data from FY 2002/03 to 2014/15. Regression reveals the degree of association among these variables is significant at 5 % level of significance (R=0.991, P=0.005<0.05). The analysis
showed that the contribution of Government Expenditure on Agriculture to Gross Domestic Product was found significant whereas the Domestic Savings and Foreign Direct Investment on Agriculture were found insignificant. The compound annual growth rate of Government’s expenditure was found slightly lower than that of budget allocated to the Ministry of Agricultural Development. In sum, the study concluded
due emphasis on cereal crops including promotion of paddy. Specific programs for the promotion of paddy production were rarely stated in most of the mid and long term periodic plans until the thirteenth plan. APP and ADS are the major long term strategic documents that have focused in promotion of cereals and paddy in Nepal. National Seed Vision (2013-2025) has been formulated and executed to guide overall seed sector of the country focused on increasing productivity of paddy. Recently, government has been implementing specifi c rice promotion programs like fi ne and aromatic rice production, mega rice production, community seed banks and PMAMP. Inconsistencies in policies regarding price regulation, inadequate investment in research and extension, loose commitments rather than effective implementation of rice related programs, inadequate specific programs on promotion of rice production in Nepal are some of the bottlenecks for paddy production in the country. This paper makes an attempt to review rice related policies by the Government of Nepal and their implementation status.