Papers by Robert Delbourgo
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 1977
In electrodynamics the longitudinal components of all charged-particle Green functions are determ... more In electrodynamics the longitudinal components of all charged-particle Green functions are determined by the charged-particle propagator. Inserting these components into the Dyson-Schwinger equation leads to an integral equation for the propagator itself which may be solved and used as a basis for an iterative determination of the transverse Green functions' components. The solution for electrodynamics of scalar mesons is found in analogy with recent work on spinor electrodynamics.
Il Nuovo Cimento A
The factor of 2E 2 in eq. (16a) is incorrect and should be replaced by 64E a. This effects eqs. (... more The factor of 2E 2 in eq. (16a) is incorrect and should be replaced by 64E a. This effects eqs. (16b), (17) and the equation for V~(r, ~) in the long-range limit and the ex
Il Nuovo Cimento A, 1974
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2015
By attaching three anticommuting Lorentz scalar (color) property coordinates to space–time, with ... more By attaching three anticommuting Lorentz scalar (color) property coordinates to space–time, with an appropriate extended metric, we unify gravity with chromodynamics: gauge transformations then just correspond to coordinate transformations in the enlarged space–time-property space.
Australian Journal of Physics, 1999
A summary of the successes of and obstacles to the gauge technique (a non-perturbative method of ... more A summary of the successes of and obstacles to the gauge technique (a non-perturbative method of solving Dyson–Schwinger equations in gauge theories) is given, as well as an outline of how progress may be achieved in this field.
Il Nuovo Cimento A, 1979
Physical Review D, 1997
It is possible to determine an off-shell propagator for heavy quarks to order 1/m in mass and in ... more It is possible to determine an off-shell propagator for heavy quarks to order 1/m in mass and in any covariant gauge ξ, which applies universally to all the quarks, by using the gauge technique. The result for the leading behaviour of the propagator is
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 1977
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 1984
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 1985

Fortschritte der Physik, 2013
Received XXXX, revised XXXX, accepted XXXX Published online XXXX This review of the quark-level l... more Received XXXX, revised XXXX, accepted XXXX Published online XXXX This review of the quark-level linear σ model (QLLσM) is based upon the dynamical realization of the pseudoscalar and scalar mesons as a linear representation of SU (2)×SU (2) chiral symmetry, with the symmetry weakly broken by current quark masses. In its simplest SU (2) incarnation, with two non-strange quark flavors and three colors, this nonperturbative theory, which can be selfconsistently bootstrapped in loop order, is shown to accurately reproduce a host of low-energy observables with only one parameter, namely the pion decay constant fπ. Extending the scheme to SU (3) by including the strange quark, equally good results are obtained for many strong, electromagnetic, and weak processes just with two extra constants, viz. fK and π|H weak |K . Links are made with the vector-meson-dominance model, the BCS theory of superconductivity, and chiral-symmetry restoration at high temperature. Finally, these ideas are cautiously generalized to the electroweak sector, including the W, Z, and Higgs bosons, and also to CP violation.
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 2006
Constituent quark masses can be determined quite well from experimental data in several ways and ... more Constituent quark masses can be determined quite well from experimental data in several ways and one can obtain fairly accurate values for all six m q . The strong quark-meson coupling g = 2π/ √ 3 arises from the quark-level linear σ model, whereas e and sin θ w arise from weak interactions when the heavy M W and M Z are regarded as resonances in analogy with the strong KSFR relation. The Higgs boson mass, tied to null expectation value of charged Higgs components, is found to be around 317 GeV. Finally, the experimental CPV phase angle δ and the three CKM angles Θ c , Θ 2 , Θ 3 are successfully deduced from the 6 constituent quark masses following Fritzsch's approach.
Proceedings of the Conference in Honour of the 90th Birthday of Freeman Dyson, 2014
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics, 1976
Papers by Robert Delbourgo