Report for the Reform Unit 2010
In 2016, the National Army Museum has acquired an important 18th century watercolour entitled “An East View of the Great Cataract of Niagara” (1762), by the military artist and surveyor, Captain Thomas Davies. This paper explores why this... more
This file is a list of publications and consultancy reports. Most are available online. Many are available on a different site: Researchgate. If a particular paper is unavailable, send a request and I will forward a copy if I still have... more
As an increasingly internationalized society, Japan's influence globally is on the rise, especially in the lead-up to the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. However, as an internationalized country, Japanese society still harbours an 'us' and... more
Background: Empirical research has demonstrated that the quality of an individual's goals play an essential role in future motivations, learning processes, and outcomes. Research has revealed that attitude towards the target language is... more
Revocación al uso de un mega-barco arrastrero en la reforma australiana de manejo de pesquerías RESUMEN: En respuesta a las intensas campañas de los medios sociales, dirigidas por grupos de conservación internacionales, políticos de... more
There is growing concern over the use of domestic product regulations as technical barriers to trade on the one hand, and the WTO's incursion into domestic regulatory autonomy on the other. The TBTA seeks to balance competing interests... more
There is growing concern over the use of domestic product regulations as technical barriers to trade on the one hand, and the WTO's incursion into domestic regulatory autonomy on the other. The TBTA seeks to balance competing interests... more
There is an increasing interest in the implementation of biometric systems for identifi cation purposes. Biometrics is not new; and has been in use since 1858. Facial, fi ngerprints and iris recognition are the most common biometric... more