Telmo H. Caria
Professor Catedrático de Sociologia do Conhecimento Profissional. Docente de Sociologia, Antropologia e Metodologias de Investigação em Ciências Sociais dos cursos de Serviço Social, Antropologia e Desenvolvimento Territorial e Social da Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD). Atualmente, desenvolve pesquisa interdisciplinar em três centros de ciências sociais, financiados FCT (agência central, responsável pelo desenvolvimento científico em Portugal), a saber: Centro de Estudos Transdisciplinares em Desenvolvimento (CETRAD) da Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas (CIIE) da Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto e Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia (CRIA).
Durante os anos noventa publicou inúmeros trabalhos sobre as culturas profissionais dos professores, no âmbito de investigação em Sociologia da Educação (1991-2000), e sobre o uso de metodologias etnográficas em Ciências Sociais (1994-2002). De 2000 a 2010 desenvolveu, colaborou e orientou estudos e projectos sobre o trabalho, as identidades e o saber profissionais no terceiro setor em diversos grupos ocupacionais e profissionais (assistentes sociais e outros licenciados de trabalho social, professores do ensino especial, profissionais de educação de adultos, médicos veterinários, engenheiros agrários e florestais, enfermeiros, sociólogos, etc) inspirado nos contributos teóricos da fenomenologia social, da Sociologia dos Grupos Profissionais, da Sociologia do Trabalho e das Organizações e da Antropologia e Sociologia do Conhecimento. Entre 2010 a 2016 desenvolveu estudos mais específicos em etnografias do saber profissional em trabalho e serviço social, tendo incluído contributos teóricos da etnometodologia e da Antropologia e Psicologia Cognitivas. Desde 2014 até ao momento tem aprofundado a reflexão teórica e metodológica sobre a análise etnográfica situacional dos saberes tácitos profissionais e sua conexão com a aprendizagem social num mundo em "transição "líquida".
Durante os anos noventa publicou inúmeros trabalhos sobre as culturas profissionais dos professores, no âmbito de investigação em Sociologia da Educação (1991-2000), e sobre o uso de metodologias etnográficas em Ciências Sociais (1994-2002). De 2000 a 2010 desenvolveu, colaborou e orientou estudos e projectos sobre o trabalho, as identidades e o saber profissionais no terceiro setor em diversos grupos ocupacionais e profissionais (assistentes sociais e outros licenciados de trabalho social, professores do ensino especial, profissionais de educação de adultos, médicos veterinários, engenheiros agrários e florestais, enfermeiros, sociólogos, etc) inspirado nos contributos teóricos da fenomenologia social, da Sociologia dos Grupos Profissionais, da Sociologia do Trabalho e das Organizações e da Antropologia e Sociologia do Conhecimento. Entre 2010 a 2016 desenvolveu estudos mais específicos em etnografias do saber profissional em trabalho e serviço social, tendo incluído contributos teóricos da etnometodologia e da Antropologia e Psicologia Cognitivas. Desde 2014 até ao momento tem aprofundado a reflexão teórica e metodológica sobre a análise etnográfica situacional dos saberes tácitos profissionais e sua conexão com a aprendizagem social num mundo em "transição "líquida".
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Papers by Telmo H. Caria
In a first moment, the goal of this text is to substantiate the concept of bureaucratic professional work. We have taken inspiration mainly in the contributions of Charles Derber, Mirko Noordegraaf and Henry Mintzberg on professional bureaucracies and diverse literature on Sociology of Professions and Sociology of Organizations that seek to equate the coexistence of professional work with the bureaucratic hierarchies in organizations.
Secondly, we explain the relationship between professional bureaucratic work and the historical transformations in present day post-industrial societies that allow us to intercept and converge the institutionalized forms or work organization and those of the State, with changes in professions. Based on this explanation an abstract model is presented for the analysis of the relationship between bureaucratization and professionalization, which unfolds in two associated typologies; a typology of organizational forms and a typology of bureaucratic professional work.
Finally, in a third moment of the text, this analysis model is detailed with contents pertaining to social work within the scope of the non-profit sector, from results of several empirical studies about the third sector made in Portugal.
Professional Work (BPW), based on a theoretical hypothesis of association between
various organizational forms (divisional bureaucracies, professional bureaucracies,
neo-bureaucracies and post-bureaucracies) and different types of professional work in social work. Structured interviews were conducted with 63 social work professionals who work in 35 non-profit organizations of social services in northern Portugal.
We questioned how these professionals perceive their own work in relation to the level of control and centralization of decisions, the routine of procedures and the predictability of results. We also study how social constraints, the tasks performed and work in multidisciplinary teams vary according to the type of BPW. This allows us to detail the modalities of the BPW and set out exploratory hypotheses for other more extensive quantitative studies as well as complementary studies of a qualitative nature.
em serviço social em 35 organizações não lucrativas (ONLs) de serviços sociais do norte de Portugal, parceiras das políticas sociais públicas do Estado Providência. Para o efeito, foram realizadas 63 entrevistas estruturadas com profissionais de serviço social sobre o modo como percepcionam e configuram o seu próprio trabalho na relação com diferentes níveis e modalidades de controle externo e centralização de decisões, de rotinização de procedimentos e de previsibilidade de resultados.
Over the past decade and a half a new international perspective of sociological analysis on the professional groups has gradually emerged: the professionalism and professionalization ceased to be analyzed in opposition or dichotomy with bureaucracies. Within this theoretical perspective, this article operationalizes the hybrid concept of Bureaucratic Professional Work and applies it to the social work in 35 non-profit organizations (NPOs) of social services in northern Portugal, partners of the Welfare mix. For this purpose were conducted 63 structured interviews with social workers on how they perceive and shape their own work in relation to different levels and types of external control and centralization of decisions and of routinization of procedures and predictability of results.
in Portugal and in Brazil on professional knowledge
respectively of social workers and health technicians,
supported by the concept of sociocognition — the knowledge
implied in social experience — whose analytical
sense requires to identify work situations, practical
and cognitive competences or modes of cognition that
structure and sustain the action of workers in their
situations. Such elements of professional work were
organized into a typology of situational sociocognition.
Professional knowledge, with a predominantly tacit
character, is equivalent to the knowledge produced and
mobilized in these situations. The first research carried
out in Brazil, in this sense, was done with Technicians
in Oral Health, after which the analysis was, in some
aspects, extrapolated to the team of Family Health
team technicians. Among the results, it is possible to
emphasize that the main practical competence demonstrated
by the studied technicians is the embracement,
whereas the mode of cognition or cognitive competence
that manifests the most is of an associative or selective
intuitive character. Practical experience tends to
be more recognized than technical training, although
ethnographies of professional knowledge may help to
make the relation between these two dimensions of
professional work more explicit.
Keywords professional ethnographies;
In a first moment, the goal of this text is to substantiate the concept of bureaucratic professional work. We have taken inspiration mainly in the contributions of Charles Derber, Mirko Noordegraaf and Henry Mintzberg on professional bureaucracies and diverse literature on Sociology of Professions and Sociology of Organizations that seek to equate the coexistence of professional work with the bureaucratic hierarchies in organizations.
Secondly, we explain the relationship between professional bureaucratic work and the historical transformations in present day post-industrial societies that allow us to intercept and converge the institutionalized forms or work organization and those of the State, with changes in professions. Based on this explanation an abstract model is presented for the analysis of the relationship between bureaucratization and professionalization, which unfolds in two associated typologies; a typology of organizational forms and a typology of bureaucratic professional work.
Finally, in a third moment of the text, this analysis model is detailed with contents pertaining to social work within the scope of the non-profit sector, from results of several empirical studies about the third sector made in Portugal.
Professional Work (BPW), based on a theoretical hypothesis of association between
various organizational forms (divisional bureaucracies, professional bureaucracies,
neo-bureaucracies and post-bureaucracies) and different types of professional work in social work. Structured interviews were conducted with 63 social work professionals who work in 35 non-profit organizations of social services in northern Portugal.
We questioned how these professionals perceive their own work in relation to the level of control and centralization of decisions, the routine of procedures and the predictability of results. We also study how social constraints, the tasks performed and work in multidisciplinary teams vary according to the type of BPW. This allows us to detail the modalities of the BPW and set out exploratory hypotheses for other more extensive quantitative studies as well as complementary studies of a qualitative nature.
em serviço social em 35 organizações não lucrativas (ONLs) de serviços sociais do norte de Portugal, parceiras das políticas sociais públicas do Estado Providência. Para o efeito, foram realizadas 63 entrevistas estruturadas com profissionais de serviço social sobre o modo como percepcionam e configuram o seu próprio trabalho na relação com diferentes níveis e modalidades de controle externo e centralização de decisões, de rotinização de procedimentos e de previsibilidade de resultados.
Over the past decade and a half a new international perspective of sociological analysis on the professional groups has gradually emerged: the professionalism and professionalization ceased to be analyzed in opposition or dichotomy with bureaucracies. Within this theoretical perspective, this article operationalizes the hybrid concept of Bureaucratic Professional Work and applies it to the social work in 35 non-profit organizations (NPOs) of social services in northern Portugal, partners of the Welfare mix. For this purpose were conducted 63 structured interviews with social workers on how they perceive and shape their own work in relation to different levels and types of external control and centralization of decisions and of routinization of procedures and predictability of results.
in Portugal and in Brazil on professional knowledge
respectively of social workers and health technicians,
supported by the concept of sociocognition — the knowledge
implied in social experience — whose analytical
sense requires to identify work situations, practical
and cognitive competences or modes of cognition that
structure and sustain the action of workers in their
situations. Such elements of professional work were
organized into a typology of situational sociocognition.
Professional knowledge, with a predominantly tacit
character, is equivalent to the knowledge produced and
mobilized in these situations. The first research carried
out in Brazil, in this sense, was done with Technicians
in Oral Health, after which the analysis was, in some
aspects, extrapolated to the team of Family Health
team technicians. Among the results, it is possible to
emphasize that the main practical competence demonstrated
by the studied technicians is the embracement,
whereas the mode of cognition or cognitive competence
that manifests the most is of an associative or selective
intuitive character. Practical experience tends to
be more recognized than technical training, although
ethnographies of professional knowledge may help to
make the relation between these two dimensions of
professional work more explicit.
Keywords professional ethnographies;
The considerations I will do about learning knowledge that enables the correct usage of Etnography are based in my experience of mentoring and supervision of professional etnographies for the past 10 years with social researchers with some research experience (all of them with post-graduations in Social Sciences) although lacking knowledge on the ethnography method as well as practical and theoretical Anthropology that would give the background for a field research of that nature. Due to time limitations in this communication I will only make some remarks about this accumulated experience.
described and analyzed in its practical-cognitive dimension, in its identitarianrelational dimension and in its discursive-reflective dimension, emphasising an approach inspired by ethnomethodology, on the francophone concept of ergonomic activity, on the psychology of situated cognition and on a conjuncture vision of the practice, of Bourdian inspiration.
1999, e que privilegia estudos de carácter qualitativo e etnográfico. Para este efeito faremos uma descrição dos nossos principais estudos e publicações e situaremos a nossa linha de investigação na relação com os estudos sociológicos sobre profissionalismo. Durante a intervenção será feita uma curta apresentação das 3 comunicações que se seguirão relativas aos nossos três últimos estudos.