Papers by Marco S . Lucas

Journal Of Environmental Science And Health, Part A, Jul 4, 2012
Concentrated fruit juice industries use a wide volume of water for washing and fruit processing, ... more Concentrated fruit juice industries use a wide volume of water for washing and fruit processing, generating a large volume of wastewater. This work studied the combination of an aerobic biological process with a chemical coagulation/flocculation step to treat a high concentrated fruit juice wastewater. This wastewater presents a good biodegradability (BOD(5)/COD = 0.66) allowing a chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal above 90% in most reactors. The best results in aerobic biological treatment were obtained in reactors initially loaded with 2 g VSS L(-1) of biomass concentration and 20 g COD L(-1) of organic matter concentration. Three different kinetic models were evaluated (Monod, Haldane and Contois). The Haldane-inhibition model was the one that best fitted the COD biodegradation. AQUASIM software allowed calculate the following kinetic constants ranges for aerobic biodegradation: K (s): 6-20 g COD L(-1); v (max): 2.0-5.1 g COD g(-1) VSS day(-1) and K (i) values: 0.10-0.50 g COD L(-1). These constants corresponds to maximum removal rates (v*) between 0.11 and 0.26 g COD g(-1) VSS day(-1) for substrate concentrations (S*) from 0.77 to 3.16 g COD L(-1). A tertiary coagulation/flocculation process improved the efficiency of the biological pre-treatment. Ferric chloride was selected as best compromise to treat this wastewater. Optimal conditions were 0.44 g L(-1) of coagulant at pH = 5.5, achieving 94.4% and 99.6% on turbidity and COD removal, respectively.

Agro-industrial activities generate large volumes of wastewater. When this wastewater is discharg... more Agro-industrial activities generate large volumes of wastewater. When this wastewater is discharged to the environment without proper treatment, it represents a serious problem. Bioenergy production can be conducted using wastewater, but the presence of some recalcitrant compounds may require a pre-treatment step. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) were traditionally used to treat hazardous materials but have recently been applied in various bioenergy production processes. AOPs are highly competitive water/wastewater treatment technologies and their application in the bioenergy sector is increasing as a pre-treatment process. Despite the increasing interest in using AOPs to enhance biofuel production, there is a lack of comprehensive documentation on their integration into biofuel production operations. This critical review highlights the application of AOPs as pre-treatment for agro-industrial wastewater (AIW) to enhance bioenergy production. It was noted that AOP applications can...
Bioresource Technology, 2008

UV-activated Zr-doped composites were successfully produced through the impregnation of Zr on the... more UV-activated Zr-doped composites were successfully produced through the impregnation of Zr on the crystal lattice of different clay materials by a one-step route. Fixing the amount of Zr available for dopage (4%), the influence of different supports, submitted to different chemical treatments, on the photocatalytic activity of the resulting Zr-doped pillared clay materials (PILC) was assessed. Both chemical characterization and structural characterization suggest that the immobilization of Zr on montmorillonite and PILC structures occurred through isomorphic substitution between Si and Zr in the tetrahedral sheet of the clay material. This structural change was demonstrated by significant modifications on Si-OH stretching vibrations (1016 cm−1, 1100 cm−1 and 1150 cm−1), and resulted in improved textural properties, with an increase in surface area from 8 m2/g (natural montmorillonite) to 107 m2/g after the pillaring process, and to 118 m2/g after the pillaring and Zr-doping processe...

The role of phycoremediation of several types of agro-industrial wastewaters has been studied, bu... more The role of phycoremediation of several types of agro-industrial wastewaters has been studied, but the application in winery wastewater is still limited. In this work, it was studied the ability of four microalgae species: Chlorella vulgaris, Chlorella protothecoides, Scenedesmus obliquus (green microalgae) and Arthrospira (Spirulina) maxima (cyanobacteria) in the removal of the winery wastewater organic carbon. The results obtained demonstrated that all species can grow in this wastewater and remove Total Organic Carbon (TOC). TOC removals in the range of 70 -90%, with both mixotrophic and heterotrophic (absence of light) cultivations were obtained, except with the mixotrophic culture of S. obliquus (16% removal). The best results were obtained by C. vulgaris. After 5 days, C. vulgaris mixotrophic cultivation attained a maximum productivity of 49.5 mg L -1 day −1 and a TOC removal of 91%. On the other hand, heterotrophic cultivation showed the higher productivity (92 mg L -1 day −1 ) after only one day of growth and a TOC removal of 86%.

Bioresource Technology, Oct 31, 2008
The microbiological and physicochemical characterization of samples from the different wastewater... more The microbiological and physicochemical characterization of samples from the different wastewaters generated during oil extraction in a continuous olive mill was performed. The main aim was to determine which of the physicochemical parameters were the best fitted to correctly characterize these residual waters. High correlations were obtained for COD, DOC, K, P and N contents with the sampling points, allowing the distinction of olive washing waters (OWW) from olive centrifuge waters (OCW) and olive mill wastewaters (OMW). These parameters were sufficient for a rapid and less costly chemical characterization of these waters. Phenols and oil and grease contents, together with low pH and dissolved oxygen contents, and high organic loads, were the most toxic for microbial populations. Microbial characterization showed that fungi were well adapted to these stressing environmental characteristics and the reuse of OMW after aerobic treatment with microbial species isolated from the effluent is considered.

Dyes and Pigments, 2007
The feasibility of employing different photoxidation systems, like Fenton/UV-C and ferrioxalate/H... more The feasibility of employing different photoxidation systems, like Fenton/UV-C and ferrioxalate/H 2 O 2 /solar light in the decolorization and mineralization of an azo dye, has been investigated. Batch experiments were carried out to evaluate, on the first stage, the influence of different processes on Reactive Black 5 (RB5) decolorization. During the second stage were investigated the optimal operational conditions of Fenton/UV-C and ferrioxalate/H 2 O 2 /solar light processes, like pH, H 2 O 2 dosage, iron dosage, RB5 concentration and source of light. The experiments indicate that RB5 can be effectively decolorized using Fenton/UV-C and ferrioxalate/H 2 O 2 /solar light processes with a small difference between the two processes, 98.1% and 93.2%, respectively, after 30 min. Although there is lesser difference in dye decolorization, significant increment in TOC removal was found with Fenton/UV-C process (46.4% TOC removal) relative to ferrioxalate/H 2 O 2 /solar light process (29.6% TOC removal). This fact reveals that UV-C low-pressure mercury lamp although with its small effect on dye decolorization is particularly important in dye mineralization, when compared to solar light. However, ferrioxalate/H 2 O 2 /solar light system shows large potential on photochemical treatment of textile wastewater with particular interest from the economical point of view.

Water Research, 2009
The degradation of organic substances present in winery wastewater was studied in a pilot-scale, ... more The degradation of organic substances present in winery wastewater was studied in a pilot-scale, bubble column ozonation reactor. A steady reduction of chemical oxygen demand (COD) was observed under the action of ozone at the natural pH of the wastewater (pH 4). At alkaline and neutral pH the degradation rate was accelerated by the formation of radical species from the decomposition of ozone. Furthermore, the reaction of hydrogen peroxide (formed from natural organic matter in the wastewater) and ozone enhances the oxidation capacity of the ozonation process. The monitoring of pH, redox potential (ORP), UV absorbance (254 nm), polyphenol content and ozone consumption was correlated with the oxidation of the organic species in the water. The ozonation of winery wastewater in the bubble column was analysed in terms of a mole balance coupled with ozonation kinetics modeled by the two-film theory of mass transfer and chemical reaction. It was determined that the ozonation reaction can develop both in and across different kinetic regimes: fast, moderate and slow, depending on the experimental conditions. The dynamic change of the rate coefficient estimated by the model was correlated with changes in the water composition and oxidant species.

Chemosphere, 2014
Winery wastewaters (WW) have high levels of organic matter, resulting in high COD and BOD and sus... more Winery wastewaters (WW) have high levels of organic matter, resulting in high COD and BOD and suspended solids. This paper studies the combination of biological and chemical processes in WW treatment. Among 10 yeast isolates, Filobasidium sp. (AGG 577) and Cryptococcus laurentii (AGG 726) were selected due to their superior performance in COD removal. During WW degradation, COD and total polyphenols (TPP) content removal of 89-90% for Filobasidium sp. and 90-93% for C. laurentii were obtained. However, despite similar degradation efficiency for both yeasts, COD kinetics and pH evolution during treatment reveals that C. laurentii presents a faster response than Filobasidium sp. The toxicity (inhibition of Vibrio fischeri luminescence) of C. laurentii treated WW decreases to an inhibition value below 2.5%. However, treated WW exceeds the legal limits, making necessary an additional treatment. In this case, the selection of Fenton's reagent as a chemical final polish step process is a good compromise between efficiency and lower practical complexity. The best results for both COD and TPP removal were obtained with H2O2 initial concentration of 39.2mM and a H2O2:Fe(2+) molar ratio of 15:1. The combined C. laurentii - Fenton's reagent treatment of WW achieved a total reduction of 98% and 96%, for COD and TPP, respectively.
The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, 2010
Journal of environmental science and health. Part A, Toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering, Jan 28, 2015
This work presents the application of…
International Journal of Photoenergy, 2013
Fenton's reaction is often used to decompose stable substances in wastewater. In this study, expe... more Fenton's reaction is often used to decompose stable substances in wastewater. In this study, experiments based on the effect of porous phosphate heterostructures as catalyst sorbent of Fe 2+ synthesised by different procedures were planned. The examined PPH-Fe/H 2 O 2 as oxidant in a heterogeneous process under mild conditions at pH 5 was found to be very efficient for discoloration of a simulated wastewater containing 50 mg L −1 of a commercial azo dye (Reactive Black 5) reaching 95% of decolourization. Under the described conditions total visual decolourization was achieved after 360 min. This study can provide a simple, effective, and economic system ideal for the treatment of toxic and nonbiodegradable azo dyes.

Water Science & Technology, 2009
The degradation of the organic pollutants present in winery wastewater was carried out by the com... more The degradation of the organic pollutants present in winery wastewater was carried out by the combination of two successive steps: an aerobic biological process followed by a chemical oxidation process using Fenton's reagent. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the temporal characteristics of solids and chemical oxygen demand (COD) present in winery wastewater in a long term aerated storage bioreactor. The performance of different air dosage daily supplied to the biologic reactor, in laboratory and pilot scale, were examined. The long term hydraulic retention time, 11 weeks, contributed remarkably to the reduction of COD (about 90%) and the combination with the Fenton's reagent led to a high overall COD reduction that reached 99.5% when the mass ratio (R = H(2)O(2)/COD) used was equal to 2.5, maintaining constant the molar ratio H(2)O(2)/Fe(2+)=15.

Water Research, 2007
Advanced oxidation processes Fenton's reagent Bioremediation Candida oleophila a b s t r a c t Th... more Advanced oxidation processes Fenton's reagent Bioremediation Candida oleophila a b s t r a c t This work presents the results of our studies on the decolorization of aqueous azo dye Reactive black 5 (RB5) solution combining an advanced oxidation process (Fenton's reagent) followed by an aerobic biological process (mediated by the yeast Candida oleophila). Under our conditions, initial experiments showed that Fenton's process alone, as well as aerobic treatment by C. oleophila alone, exhibited the capacity to significantly decolorize azo dye solutions up to 200 mg/L, within about 1 and 24 h, respectively. By contrast, neither Fenton's reagent nor C. oleophila sole treatments showed acceptable decolorizing abilities for higher initial dye concentrations (300 and 500 mg/L). However, it was verified that Fenton's reagent process lowered these higher azo dye concentrations to a value less than 230 mg/L, which is apparently compatible with the yeast action. Therefore, to decolorize higher concentrations of RB5 and to reduce process costs the combination between the two processes was evaluated. The final decolorization obtained with Fenton's reagent process as primary treatment, at 1.0 Â 10 À3 mol/L H 2 O 2 and 1.0 Â 10 À4 mol/L Fe 2+ , and growing yeast cells as a secondary treatment, achieves a color removal of about 91% for an initial RB5 concentration of 500 mg/L.
Separation and Purification Technology, 2010
... economics. Marco S. Lucas a , José A. Peres a and Gianluca Li Puma b , Corresponding Author C... more ... economics. Marco S. Lucas a , José A. Peres a and Gianluca Li Puma b , Corresponding Author Contact Information , E-mail The Corresponding Author. ... 1. Introduction. Wine is an alcoholic beverage made of fermented grape juice. Producing ...

Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009
This work describes the application of Fenton's r... more This work describes the application of Fenton's reagent (H(2)O(2)/Fe(2+)) to the removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD) from olive mill wastewater (OMW) in a laboratory-scale batch reactor. The effect of different operational conditions, namely, hydrogen peroxide and ferrous ion concentrations, temperature and initial pH were evaluated. ORP, pH and dissolved oxygen were on-line monitored. Working with an initial pH equal to 3.5, a temperature of 30 degrees C, a molar ratio H(2)O(2)/Fe(2+)=15 and a weight ratio R=H(2)O(2)/COD=1.75 makes possible a COD conversion of 70%. A kinetic study was carried out using a modified pseudo-first-order model. The experiments performed at different temperatures allowed the calculation of the Arrhenius equation parameters and the global activation energy for the pseudo-first-order reaction (28.2 kJ/mol).

Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012
This work reports on pulp mill wastewater (PMW) tertiary treatment by Fenton (Fe(2+)/H(2)O(2)) an... more This work reports on pulp mill wastewater (PMW) tertiary treatment by Fenton (Fe(2+)/H(2)O(2)) and solar photo-Fenton (Fe(2+)/H(2)O(2)/UV) processes in a pilot plant based on compound parabolic collectors (CPCs). Solar photo-Fenton reaction is much more efficient than the respective dark reaction under identical experimental conditions. It leads to DOC mineralisation, COD and total polyphenols (TP) removal higher than 90%. The solar photo-Fenton experiment with 5mg Fe L(-1) reaches 90% of DOC mineralisation with 31kJ L(-1) of UV energy and 50mM of H(2)O(2). The initial non-biodegradability of PMW, as shown by respirometry assays and BOD(5)/COD ratio, can be changed after a solar photo-Fenton treatment. Experiments with 20 and 50mg Fe L(-1) revealed that solar photo-Fenton can reach the same DOC degradation (90%), however, consuming less H(2)O(2) and time. Diluting the initial organic load to 50% also diminishes the dosage of H(2)O(2) and the necessary reaction time to achieve high DOC removals. Accordingly, solar photo-Fenton can be considered an alternative or complementary process to improve the performance of a biologic treatment and, subsequently, achieve legal limits on discharge into natural waters.
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 2009
Olive mill wastewater (OMW) was exposed to Fenton treatment and subjected to post Fenton coagulat... more Olive mill wastewater (OMW) was exposed to Fenton treatment and subjected to post Fenton coagulation/flocculation using lime. Several tests were performed for different R = H2O2/COD ratios, from 0.25 to 3.0, promoting the gradual addition of H2O2 and Fe2+, with the original condition of a pH = 3.5 and maintaining a constant relationship H2O2/Fe2+ = 15. A maximum reduction of COD of 96.8% was obtained using Fenton reagent with R = 3.0. In a second phase, the effluent which was neutralized with Ca(OH)2 reached a higher reduction of COD, achieving a final degradation value of 99.3%. Overall, the results show evidence of the potential value of applying the combined process tested.

Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 2008
Winery wastewaters (WW) are characterized by their high organic load and by the presence of non-b... more Winery wastewaters (WW) are characterized by their high organic load and by the presence of non-biodegradable compounds such as phenolic compounds. This study was undertaken to evaluate the capacity of different Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP) combined with several radiation sources to degrade the phenolic compound Gallic Acid (GA). A toxicological assessment was also carried out to evaluate the subproduct's harmful effect generated during the most efficient AOP in the GA photoxidation. Through the course of the study it was verified that the UV radiation lamp TNN 15/32 showed the capacity to degrade 34.7% of GA, the UV radiation lamp TQ 150 achieved a value of 20.2% and the solar radiation presented only a value of 2.3% in 60 minutes. The combination of different advanced oxidation processes (Fenton's reagent, ferrioxalate and heterogeneous photocatalysis) were evaluated with the previously studied sources of radiation. From the experiments conducted it was possible to suggest that the AOP in combination with Fe(2 +) + H(2)O(2) + UV TNN 15/32 (photo-Fenton process) was the most efficient process thereby achieving the GA degradation value of 95.6% in 7.5 minutes and resulting in a total elimination of toxicity.
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2012
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the a... more This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues.
Papers by Marco S . Lucas