Papers by Farkhad Alimukhamedov

This paper offers a comprehensive overview of select findings extracted from a PhD dissertation, ... more This paper offers a comprehensive overview of select findings extracted from a PhD dissertation, employing a comparative analysis to investigate the trajectories of Uzbek students in both France and the UK during the period from 2004 to 2009. The paper advocates for the integration of the trajectory element into existing theories on international student mobility and international migration, with a particular emphasis on the context of South-North mobility. Utilizing qualitative research methods, including interviews1, surveys, and participant observation, the study underscores the significance of tracking migrants' pathways over an extended period for a nuanced comprehension of migrant strategies and state policies with which they contend. The evidence suggests that stringent measures significantly influence the trajectories of migrants, not necessarily compelling a return to their countries of origin. Migration for studies goes beyond financial considerations as it also addresses the demands of a new social hierarchy emerging within the home country. In essence, migration for studies exposes individuals to diverse perspectives, surpassing the simplistic notion of a linear journey from point A to point B.
France, among top countries for doctorate abroad, grapples with labor market challenges for its 3... more France, among top countries for doctorate abroad, grapples with labor market challenges for its 39 percent international PhD candidates. Despite alignment with EU’s strategies, disparities persist, because integration of international PhDs into the domestic labor market involves not only
research and development but also migration policies. Policy analysts and decision makers must address this complexity for international PhDs, fostering diversity and knowledge-based economies in the EU and OECD
Konsensus, 2021
This paper aims to offer constructivist approach and the role of identity in International Relati... more This paper aims to offer constructivist approach and the role of identity in International Relations applied to the Imperial Russia's conquest of Central Asia and on national Jadid reformists
Annals of the University of Bucharest / Political science series, 2020

The international migrant crisis made headlines during summer 2015 and challenged the national as... more The international migrant crisis made headlines during summer 2015 and challenged the national asylum systems of many countries worldwide. Going beyond academic circles, hot debates on migrants and the role of asylum highlighted the gap and paradoxes that exist between claimed values of solidarity on the one hand, and the restrictive policies and regulations towards asylum seekers on the other hand. This paper documents this tension in oil and gas exporting states, particularly in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the Central Asian Republics (CAR). It questions the claimed regional, ethnic and/or religious ties and the borders that have been closed to most asylum seekers from Syria and Afghanistan, who are presently living in poorer (oil and gas * Postdoctoral researcher at LaSSP, IEP Toulouse, France, [email protected], ORCID ID: ** Senior Policy Analyst, Social & Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI), Qatar Unive...
(Qatar). His research interests primarily explore user-centered approaches to humanitarian innova... more (Qatar). His research interests primarily explore user-centered approaches to humanitarian innovation in a wide range of fields, including education, health, and water. He coauthored, with Laurent A. Lambert, a book chapter entitled 'MOOCs and International Capacity Building in a UN Framework: Potential and Challenges'. In Leal Filho W., Mifsud M. (eds) Handbook of Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development. World Sustainability Series. Springer.
International Higher Education, 2020
The higher education systems of Central Asian countries have been rapidly impacted by global chan... more The higher education systems of Central Asian countries have been rapidly impacted by global changes. New international universities and a high rate of student mobility are promising steps of internationalization in this landlocked region. Recent developments show the overall importance of quality, recognition, and scientific cooperation in the region, despite gaps between national internationalization policies

ABSTRACT. The international migrant crisis made headlines during summer 2015 and challenged the n... more ABSTRACT. The international migrant crisis made headlines during summer 2015 and challenged the national asylum systems of many countries worldwide. Going beyond academic circles, hot debates on migrants and the role of asylum highlighted the gap and paradoxes that exist between claimed values of solidarity on the one hand, and the restrictive policies and regulations towards asylum seekers on the other hand. This paper documents this tension in oil and gas exporting states, particularly in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the Central Asian Republics (CAR). It questions the claimed regional, ethnic and/or religious ties and the borders that have been closed to most asylum seekers from Syria and Afghanistan, who are presently living in poorer (oil and gas deprived) neighboring countries. This paper argues that in a time of low oil revenues and fiscal difficulties, rentier states give priority to the Raison d’Etat over any form of transnational solidarity and commitment to international human rights agreements and charters. New and creative institutional arrangements are needed to deal with the global refugee crisis, as traditional solidarities are, in both regions as well as in other rentier countries, victims of the modernization of politics and its uncaring redefinition of state interest in times of low oil revenues.
Keywords: Migrant Crisis, Rentier State, Raison d’Etat, Central Asian Republics, Gulf Cooperation Council, Ethical Commitments.
ÖZ. Uluslararası göçmen krizi 2015 yılının yazında dünya basınında manşet olarak birçok ülkelerin ulusal sığınmacı sistemlerini zorladı. Göçmen ve sığınmacılara yönelik tartışmalar, akademik çevrelerin ötesine geçerek, bir taraftan dayanışma değerleri, öbür taraftan ise sığınmacılara yönelik sınırlayıcı politikalar arasındaki paradoksları ve var olan kanunlardaki açıkları sorgulamaktadır. Bu kapsamda çalışma, petrol ve gaz ihracatı yapan Körfez ve Orta Asya’daki bazı ülkelerin ortak bölgesel, etnik ve dini aidiyetlere rağmen Suriyeli ve Afganistanlı sığınmacılara yönelik sınırlayıcı politikalarını belgelemektedir. Buna göre, petrol fiyatlarının düştüğü ve mali sıkıntıların var olduğu dönemde rantiye devletler, devlet çıkarına ulus-ötesi dayanışma ve uluslararası insan haklarından daha fazla önem vermektedirler. Küresel göçmen krizi kapsamında yeni ve yapıcı kurumsal anlaşmalar gerekmektedir. Çünkü her iki bölgede ve diğer petrol ihracatı yapan ülkelerde geleneksel dayanışma, siyasi modernleşmenin ve petrol fiyatlarının düşük olduğu dönemlerde devlet çıkarının yeniden tanımlanmasının mağduriyetine uğramaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Göçmen Krizi, Rantiye Devlet, Ulusal Çıkar, Orta Asya, Körfez İşbirliği Konseyi.
The paper gives the opportunity to share the results from the survey conducted with African stude... more The paper gives the opportunity to share the results from the survey conducted with African students in Ankara, which stems from a previous research.
The authors try to frame the question of Turkey’s increasing attempts for
internationalization of its Higher Education. The paper identifies the social belonging of international students in Ankara and highlights the interaction of the students with the host society. Finally, it also questions the pathways for international students which may remodel student mobility to skilled migration.
Keywords: Internationalization, Turkish Higher Education, International Students, African Students

Turkey's Central Asia policy offers an interesting perspective for analysing political and econom... more Turkey's Central Asia policy offers an interesting perspective for analysing political and economic interests of Ankara in the region after the collapse of USSR. The political place of Central Asia in Turkish foreign policy priorities has changed slowly, but constantly from 90s to now. Although all Turkish governments and presidents followed friendly cooperation with Turkic speaking countries, the centrality of the region was lost and geoeconomic interests became dominant. However, among institutional cooperation possibilities TİKA has developed major arguments and increasingly intense activities towards the region. The article seeks to understand the reasons behind the changes of Turkish Foreign Policy and the role of Central Asian countries in Turkey's agenda. Its objective is to underline how the geoeconomic interests may change foreign policy vectors of the countries and show the increasing dependence and involvements of Ankara on bordering countries. Besides enumerating the reasons, we also propose institutional cooperation between Turkey and Central Asian countries which seems to have more positive impact both in bilateral and multilaretal relations. The paper tries to frame the relations from Turkey's perspective and explain the chronology of Ankara's involvement post-Soviet Central Asia. The datas referring to the policies and starategies are primarily taken from the research articles, but also from reports. The literature review shows also that majority of research and papers are focused on early 90s and post 2000 period, indicating Turkey's most active periods towards the region.
Suleyman Demirel University The Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 2013
The paper analyses the diaspora policy of Turkish Republic. The country has an important number o... more The paper analyses the diaspora policy of Turkish Republic. The country has an important number of its citizens living out of its borders. Our paper reconsiders diaspora policies in contemporary politics and international relations and compares to Turkish position regarding Turks abroad. We remark that, Turkish stance to diaspora is much different from classical diaspora approach both theoretically and practically including a complex organizational structure. Turkish diaspora policy nevertheless is the policy towards Turks living in Western countries and in Europe in particular. Therefore, we make several proposals regarding policy and future projects concerning Turks living abroad.
Keywords: Diaspora, Diaspora Policy, Europe, Turkey, Turks Abroad,

“Ambassadorial Insights” Project is intended to shed light on Turkey’s foreign policy from the pe... more “Ambassadorial Insights” Project is intended to shed light on Turkey’s foreign policy from the perspective of foreign ambassadors. The result of this long-haul Project aims to propose original insights on the perception of foreign policy initiatives of a country which is at the center of so many critical developments of regional and global importance. During a 15-months period, a team of International Relations and International Law professors and students from the Turgut Özal University conducted interviews with more than a dozen ambassadors who have served in Turkey for more than five years. All interviewees were chosen after a selection based on criteria of function and terms, and each interview was preceded by a careful preparation.
This section will start by introducing the scholarly context of the research project. It will then proceed by outlining aim, scope and methodology of the research. Recent efforts to bring together scholars and diplomats are also underlined which permits us to explain in which way “Ambassadorial Insight” fits within the larger scholarly literature. The last section will particularly focus on the role of culture in enabling the new coming ambassadors to establish cordial and strong relationships with the country. This last factor is indeed important in building strong and peaceful international community.
The paper analyses Turkey's changing position in attracting international students. International... more The paper analyses Turkey's changing position in attracting international students. Internationalization of Higher Education has an increasing importance for Turkish universities. Not only it helps to establish political and social cooperation for Turkey, but also provides important financial benefits. The paper tries to put the student mobility under the theorethical framework and describe the international student mobility trends towards Turkey. The fieldwork composed of questionnaire and interviews gives an overview of the life and study conditions of international students. The results show that international students choose Turkish universities for regional, cultural or financial reasons. The recommendations and concluding remarks sum up the difficulties of international students and underlines the necessity of governmental policies towards them.
Papers by Farkhad Alimukhamedov
research and development but also migration policies. Policy analysts and decision makers must address this complexity for international PhDs, fostering diversity and knowledge-based economies in the EU and OECD
Keywords: Migrant Crisis, Rentier State, Raison d’Etat, Central Asian Republics, Gulf Cooperation Council, Ethical Commitments.
ÖZ. Uluslararası göçmen krizi 2015 yılının yazında dünya basınında manşet olarak birçok ülkelerin ulusal sığınmacı sistemlerini zorladı. Göçmen ve sığınmacılara yönelik tartışmalar, akademik çevrelerin ötesine geçerek, bir taraftan dayanışma değerleri, öbür taraftan ise sığınmacılara yönelik sınırlayıcı politikalar arasındaki paradoksları ve var olan kanunlardaki açıkları sorgulamaktadır. Bu kapsamda çalışma, petrol ve gaz ihracatı yapan Körfez ve Orta Asya’daki bazı ülkelerin ortak bölgesel, etnik ve dini aidiyetlere rağmen Suriyeli ve Afganistanlı sığınmacılara yönelik sınırlayıcı politikalarını belgelemektedir. Buna göre, petrol fiyatlarının düştüğü ve mali sıkıntıların var olduğu dönemde rantiye devletler, devlet çıkarına ulus-ötesi dayanışma ve uluslararası insan haklarından daha fazla önem vermektedirler. Küresel göçmen krizi kapsamında yeni ve yapıcı kurumsal anlaşmalar gerekmektedir. Çünkü her iki bölgede ve diğer petrol ihracatı yapan ülkelerde geleneksel dayanışma, siyasi modernleşmenin ve petrol fiyatlarının düşük olduğu dönemlerde devlet çıkarının yeniden tanımlanmasının mağduriyetine uğramaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Göçmen Krizi, Rantiye Devlet, Ulusal Çıkar, Orta Asya, Körfez İşbirliği Konseyi.
The authors try to frame the question of Turkey’s increasing attempts for
internationalization of its Higher Education. The paper identifies the social belonging of international students in Ankara and highlights the interaction of the students with the host society. Finally, it also questions the pathways for international students which may remodel student mobility to skilled migration.
Keywords: Internationalization, Turkish Higher Education, International Students, African Students
Keywords: Diaspora, Diaspora Policy, Europe, Turkey, Turks Abroad,
This section will start by introducing the scholarly context of the research project. It will then proceed by outlining aim, scope and methodology of the research. Recent efforts to bring together scholars and diplomats are also underlined which permits us to explain in which way “Ambassadorial Insight” fits within the larger scholarly literature. The last section will particularly focus on the role of culture in enabling the new coming ambassadors to establish cordial and strong relationships with the country. This last factor is indeed important in building strong and peaceful international community.
research and development but also migration policies. Policy analysts and decision makers must address this complexity for international PhDs, fostering diversity and knowledge-based economies in the EU and OECD
Keywords: Migrant Crisis, Rentier State, Raison d’Etat, Central Asian Republics, Gulf Cooperation Council, Ethical Commitments.
ÖZ. Uluslararası göçmen krizi 2015 yılının yazında dünya basınında manşet olarak birçok ülkelerin ulusal sığınmacı sistemlerini zorladı. Göçmen ve sığınmacılara yönelik tartışmalar, akademik çevrelerin ötesine geçerek, bir taraftan dayanışma değerleri, öbür taraftan ise sığınmacılara yönelik sınırlayıcı politikalar arasındaki paradoksları ve var olan kanunlardaki açıkları sorgulamaktadır. Bu kapsamda çalışma, petrol ve gaz ihracatı yapan Körfez ve Orta Asya’daki bazı ülkelerin ortak bölgesel, etnik ve dini aidiyetlere rağmen Suriyeli ve Afganistanlı sığınmacılara yönelik sınırlayıcı politikalarını belgelemektedir. Buna göre, petrol fiyatlarının düştüğü ve mali sıkıntıların var olduğu dönemde rantiye devletler, devlet çıkarına ulus-ötesi dayanışma ve uluslararası insan haklarından daha fazla önem vermektedirler. Küresel göçmen krizi kapsamında yeni ve yapıcı kurumsal anlaşmalar gerekmektedir. Çünkü her iki bölgede ve diğer petrol ihracatı yapan ülkelerde geleneksel dayanışma, siyasi modernleşmenin ve petrol fiyatlarının düşük olduğu dönemlerde devlet çıkarının yeniden tanımlanmasının mağduriyetine uğramaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Göçmen Krizi, Rantiye Devlet, Ulusal Çıkar, Orta Asya, Körfez İşbirliği Konseyi.
The authors try to frame the question of Turkey’s increasing attempts for
internationalization of its Higher Education. The paper identifies the social belonging of international students in Ankara and highlights the interaction of the students with the host society. Finally, it also questions the pathways for international students which may remodel student mobility to skilled migration.
Keywords: Internationalization, Turkish Higher Education, International Students, African Students
Keywords: Diaspora, Diaspora Policy, Europe, Turkey, Turks Abroad,
This section will start by introducing the scholarly context of the research project. It will then proceed by outlining aim, scope and methodology of the research. Recent efforts to bring together scholars and diplomats are also underlined which permits us to explain in which way “Ambassadorial Insight” fits within the larger scholarly literature. The last section will particularly focus on the role of culture in enabling the new coming ambassadors to establish cordial and strong relationships with the country. This last factor is indeed important in building strong and peaceful international community.