Papers by Carmen Emilia Chasovschi
Schriften zu Tourismus und Freizeit
Die grüne Transformation im Tourismus zeigt sich heute in vielseitigen Themen und Projekten: Ob i... more Die grüne Transformation im Tourismus zeigt sich heute in vielseitigen Themen und Projekten: Ob im Landschaftsschutz, in Diskussionen um lokale Belastbarkeitsgrenzen und Arbeitsperspektiven oder beim Schlüsselthema Klimawandel. Während direkte Betroffenheiten bereits vielseitige Anpassungsstrategien entstehen lassen, sieht es bei Verminderungsstrategien anders aus: hier gerät der Tourismus oft in ein Dilemma zwischen Opfer- und Täterrolle. Wie gestärkter Klimaschutz und eine nachhaltigere Entwicklung gelingen kann, beleuchten die Beiträge dieses Bandes mit aktuellen Marktanalysen, Fallstudien und Best-Practice-Beispielen.
Schriften zu Tourismus und Freizeit
Tourismus ist immer auch ein Spiegel der Gesellschaft. Politische, wirtschaftliche, ökologische o... more Tourismus ist immer auch ein Spiegel der Gesellschaft. Politische, wirtschaftliche, ökologische oder technische Einflüsse führen zu fortwährenden Veränderungen von Reisemotivationen, Reiseverhalten, Erwartungen und Bewertungsmaßstäben. Die vielgestaltigen Interdependenzen zwischen Tourismus und Gesellschaft betrachtet dieser interdisziplinäre Band von Julian Reif und Bernd Eisenstein: Ein facettenreiches Kaleidoskop, das auf den drei ineinandergreifenden Ebenen „Kontakte“, „Konflikte“ und „Konzepte“ aktuelle sozial-, wirtschafts- und tourismuswissenschaftliche Entwicklungen multiperspektivisch aufbereitet und analysiert.
Schriften zu Tourismus und Freizeit
Die Hotellerie bleibt in Bewegung. Zunehmender Wettbewerbsdruck durch die digitale Transformation... more Die Hotellerie bleibt in Bewegung. Zunehmender Wettbewerbsdruck durch die digitale Transformation und neue Geschäftsmodelle, aber auch erforderliche Investitionen oder der Fachkräftemangel zwingen verantwortliche Entscheidungsträger heute mehr denn je zu Kreativität und Durchsetzungskraft. Erfahrene Akteure aus Hotellerie und Forschung gehen in diesem Band den vielseitigen branchenspezifischen Herausforderungen auf den Grund – und liefern dabei so überraschende wie praktikable Lösungsansätze. Ein erstklassiger Querschnitt zu aktuellen Themen und Tendenzen in der Hotellerie.
USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration, 2016
Community-based organizations can mobilize citizens to adoption behaviors to ensure the transitio... more Community-based organizations can mobilize citizens to adoption behaviors to ensure the transition to a sustainable economy. This paper evaluates social and economic impacts of community based initiatives in Romania, in two different domains: transport and waste. The sample for this paper includes two community-initiatives, one from the transport domain and the other one from the waste domain. It was analyzed 12 interviews five interviews with members and one interview with a stakeholder for each of the two initiatives, which was conducted during January -May 2015

Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2019
The European waste policy is focused on reducing the negative impact of waste, eliminating the un... more The European waste policy is focused on reducing the negative impact of waste, eliminating the unhealthy use of resources, and on better waste management. The aim of this paper is to analyse Romania’s waste management practices in the EU context. The research methodology is based on a quantitative and qualitative analysis. The descriptive data analysis reveals significant differences among EU countries in terms of the municipal waste generated and the recycling rate. The municipal waste generated registers decrease, whereas there are significant increases in terms of the recycling rates in the EU countries. The qualitative research is based on the analysis of structured interviews among stakeholders, relevant for the waste management in Romania. The information obtained based on interviews was processed using NVivo and the main findings are focused on recommendations for improving the waste management system. We have identified a lack of adequate public support in the waste field du...
Bucovina is an important destination within Romania, in the North-East of the country. Since year... more Bucovina is an important destination within Romania, in the North-East of the country. Since years, the core motivation for travelling to Bucovina was culture and nature. In the last period of time was a pressure for a continue development of tourism within the region. The government and tourism stakeholders are making a major commitment to developing the sector. Despite the

16th Economic International Conference NCOE 4.0 2020, 2020
While rural communities have always struggled with factors like marginalisation, low entrepreneur... more While rural communities have always struggled with factors like marginalisation, low entrepreneurial development, high unemployment, low education and poor health services, the COVID-19 crisis brings extra pressure by reducing close-contact interactions and by introducing travel and hygiene restrictions. Cultural heritage has represented for many rural communities a competitive advantage in their economic development, either already exploited or seen as an opportunity. The problem of this process in the new COVID-19 context is represented by a demand and supply shock, caused by the stop of direct labour, high decrease of acquisitions and cease of travel. In these new economic and social circumstances, it is important to explore the way the COVID19 crisis impacts rural heritage rich communities and which are possible further actions in order to ensure a return to dynamic social and economic interactions. The present paper will bring into focus the concepts of Low Touch Economy and Social Economy as a support in dealing with these new economic and social conditions and will prospect possible intertwining between the two. Presented as a literature review and an exploration, the paper brings into focus the brand new concept of Low Touch Economy presented by Board of Innovation, a business design and innovation strategy firm located in Netherlands.

Sustainability, 2021
The research aim was to identify the training needs of entrepreneurs and employees within small a... more The research aim was to identify the training needs of entrepreneurs and employees within small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from the Suceava, Chernivtsi, and Bălți regions, to analyze the specific training practices in the cross-border area, and to identify the common features or the disparities. The research contains an exploratory survey, based on a semi-structured questionnaire that investigates the training needs in the SMEs and specific training practices with a comparative approach. The results relate to the challenges faced by transformation economies and by the specificities of SMEs from these remote areas. Additionally, the research connects the factors involved in planning and delivering training programs for employees in SMEs in this EU peripheral area with the weaknesses of the companies in facing the market competitive economy. The results of the survey disclosed some common features and specificities related to training needs, training responsibilities, and interests...
Bucovina is a cultural landscape in the triangle bordered between the Ukraine, Romania and Moldov... more Bucovina is a cultural landscape in the triangle bordered between the Ukraine, Romania and Moldova. Based on a theoretical planning approach in destination marketing management, Bucovina is to be regarded as a destination situated at the end of the involvement stage of the Tourism Area Life Cycle (TALC). Literature, internet research, qualitative interviews, and on site-observations depict Bucovina as a travel destination. The authors explore the impact of the financial crisis on Bucovina and forecast the destination trend for the next few years. Finally, they give recommendations for development of the Bucovina region in a sustainable, rapid and regulated manner.

Culture is an essential component that adds to the attractiveness of a destination and contribute... more Culture is an essential component that adds to the attractiveness of a destination and contributes to the authenticity of an area through its ‘unique imprint on the cultural landscape’ (Timothy, 2011, p. 58). To capitalize on this, cultural tourism has been proposed in many destinations as a path to economic prosperity, better job opportunities for locals and increased tax revenues. This study focuses on heritage tourism, a popular choice among visitors and an area of research that has recently attracted increased attention from academics. Heritage is seen as one of the main tourism drivers for many regions, helping destinations to differentiate between one another in a very competitive environment. The literature on this form of tourism has expanded rapidly since the initial debates in the late ‘80s, with the topic being included by Cohen and Cohen (2012) among the current issues deserving further attention from researchers. Additionally, the present work looks at the role that aut...

Cultural tourism is considered a well-established field of study and a focus for many destination... more Cultural tourism is considered a well-established field of study and a focus for many destinations that wish to encourage international visitation. Yet, there is little research published on cultural landscape, a concept that refers to the interrelation between landscape, nature, human culture and people that populate a specific region (Buckley, Ollenburg & Zhong, 2008). Cultural landscape is however a very important component of the Romanian tour operators’ and travel agents’ offer to potential visitors, particularly when it comes to historic regions such as Bucovina. Bucovina is located in the North-East of Romania and is considered to be one of the most important destinations for cultural and heritage tourism in the country. The region is well-known for its customs and traditions, beautiful landscapes and, most importantly, for the medieval monasteries famous for their painted exterior walls included among the UNESCO World Heritage sites. The most popular and famous such monaster...

72 In the last decades major changes have occurred in most European countries, in the structure o... more 72 In the last decades major changes have occurred in most European countries, in the structure of work and in the work environment of the companies. The composition of their workforce has changed (McMurray & Scott, 2013). Workers worldwide have become more mobile and distances and physical space are not anymore an obstacle in workforce mobility. Employees moving freely from a cultural space to another are carrying with them their home-values and the cultural settings that are influencing their way of working and behaving. In the last years researchers from different cultural spaces have analyzed the specificity of this influence upon work ethic. The paper will present a synthesis of these findings and will underline the cross-cultural approach and the influences upon the construction of Work Ethic. Normal 0 21 false false false RO X-NONE X-NONE /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0...

Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2021
World Heritage Sites (WHSs) are among the most visited destinations due to their unique cultural ... more World Heritage Sites (WHSs) are among the most visited destinations due to their unique cultural and natural features. Their recognition by UNESCO as having 'outstanding universal value', while meant to help preserve their characteristics, also leads to increased visitation that may put them at risk. This study focuses on the changes in the cultural landscape as a result of tourism development at WHSs in the region of Bukovina, Romania. The paper offers a comprehensive picture by employing a mixed-method approach and analysing a wealth of data collected from key stakeholders involved in tourism development. The findings show that there is agreement among stakeholders with regard to the importance of preserving the cultural landscape of heritage destinations, with most believing that stricter measures should be put in place. However, the lack of cooperation between the key stakeholders in policy formulation and implementation could pose a threat for the sustainable development of tourism in the region. The study contributes to expanding our knowledge and understanding of the challenges faced by heritage destinations in developing countries in Eastern Europe, in particular their struggle to keep up with the modern life style while preserving their cultural features and thus the authenticity of the area.

The paper provides an outline of a innovative concept – Human Resources Management Maturity Model... more The paper provides an outline of a innovative concept – Human Resources Management Maturity Model
(HRM MM), an empiric description of the model and its utility. HRM MM was developed by the author as a tool meant
to solve a problem identified in a longitudinal research developed between 2004-2011 in the companies from SE area
of Romania (Chasovschi, 2004). This research has showed that Human Resource Management in most companies is
facing important weaknesses, in methodology and in instruments applied at all level of HRM functions. The results were
both surprising and predictable: the companies are more concerned about doing fast profit, instead of developing the
human assets of the companies. HRM MM was designed as a managerial tool that can be used for self-assessment by
the companies and helps identifying concrete steps that can lead to a higher performance of employees.
The “Map of Maturity” is the main part of the “Maturity Model” and it shows by way of a polar diagram, the desired
status of HRM System. Thereby, for the HR professionals within companies, is much easier to estimate the steps to be
made in order to recuperate some delays and to implement some good practices. Romania should overtake not only the
theories of HRM, but also the good practices, and to step forward to the implementation into practice of the
recommendations made by HRM specialists from Romania and abroad.

Experts state that a new critical function has emerged for the HR department called as the practi... more Experts state that a new critical function has emerged for the HR department called as the practice of knowledge sharing. The penetration of KM it’s happening either voluntarily or not. The responsible inside the organization must reconsider priorities and align to business trends, employees’ necessities or society requirements and expectations. The mission of KM is to give more credit to information, workers and the organization by extracting, using and creating knowledge (the order has also a logic). Both KM and HRM focus on individuals/employees. Using the research undertaken in a regional approach, we identified the perception of KM among HR executives and top managers. We strive, starting from the results of the research to underline some improvements that can be done for both HRM and KM functions within the companies. The mutual goal for HRM and KM is motivating the employees to work their best with the information they have, to be innovative while doing their job and to share...

Procedia Economics and Finance, 2014
Entrepreneurship was and still is a key factor of economic growth in emerging economies. In Roman... more Entrepreneurship was and still is a key factor of economic growth in emerging economies. In Romania and Republic of Moldova, the relative long tradition of centralized economy has conducted to a lack of entrepreneurial experience, in terms of skills and culture. On one hand, the "starters" of new business had to learn on the run the rules of a new free market, but, on the other hand, they had the advantage of a loose business environment in the early years of transition. In the incipient stage, several discussions were made around the state support, in terms of favorable taxation and other measures meant to consolidate the new start-ups. This is still a disputable point on the agenda of SMEs associations. The paper presents the results of an empirical research among the entrepreneurs from two regions, one of Romania and one of Republic of Moldova. The results are centralized in a comparative approach and are presenting relevant characteristics of business development in both countries, together with the entrepreneurs 'perception on factors that have influenced in a positive or negative way their success.
Revista de turism-studii si cercetari in turism, 2011
This article addresses aspects of environmental behavior in tourism issues, in the context in whi... more This article addresses aspects of environmental behavior in tourism issues, in the context in which, sustainable development has become increasingly important, due to preservation of natural and cultural heritage, upon which the very existence of future tourism depends. Mass tourism is declining in favor of individualized forms of tourism such as ecotourism, where Romania, especially Bukovina area, has a great potential. Responsible environmental behavior is addressed to all actors involved in tourism, suppliers, ...
Papers by Carmen Emilia Chasovschi
(HRM MM), an empiric description of the model and its utility. HRM MM was developed by the author as a tool meant
to solve a problem identified in a longitudinal research developed between 2004-2011 in the companies from SE area
of Romania (Chasovschi, 2004). This research has showed that Human Resource Management in most companies is
facing important weaknesses, in methodology and in instruments applied at all level of HRM functions. The results were
both surprising and predictable: the companies are more concerned about doing fast profit, instead of developing the
human assets of the companies. HRM MM was designed as a managerial tool that can be used for self-assessment by
the companies and helps identifying concrete steps that can lead to a higher performance of employees.
The “Map of Maturity” is the main part of the “Maturity Model” and it shows by way of a polar diagram, the desired
status of HRM System. Thereby, for the HR professionals within companies, is much easier to estimate the steps to be
made in order to recuperate some delays and to implement some good practices. Romania should overtake not only the
theories of HRM, but also the good practices, and to step forward to the implementation into practice of the
recommendations made by HRM specialists from Romania and abroad.
(HRM MM), an empiric description of the model and its utility. HRM MM was developed by the author as a tool meant
to solve a problem identified in a longitudinal research developed between 2004-2011 in the companies from SE area
of Romania (Chasovschi, 2004). This research has showed that Human Resource Management in most companies is
facing important weaknesses, in methodology and in instruments applied at all level of HRM functions. The results were
both surprising and predictable: the companies are more concerned about doing fast profit, instead of developing the
human assets of the companies. HRM MM was designed as a managerial tool that can be used for self-assessment by
the companies and helps identifying concrete steps that can lead to a higher performance of employees.
The “Map of Maturity” is the main part of the “Maturity Model” and it shows by way of a polar diagram, the desired
status of HRM System. Thereby, for the HR professionals within companies, is much easier to estimate the steps to be
made in order to recuperate some delays and to implement some good practices. Romania should overtake not only the
theories of HRM, but also the good practices, and to step forward to the implementation into practice of the
recommendations made by HRM specialists from Romania and abroad.
найбільший, найдовший та найбільш фрагментований гірський ланцюг в Європі». Гори
простягаються територіями семи країн Центральної та Південної Європи: Республіки Чехія,
Словаччини, Польщі, Угорщини, України, Румунії та Сербії. Вони є унікальною скарбницею
природних красот та екологічних цінностей, джерелами великих річок, а також важливим
резервуаром біорізноманіття. Багато ландшафтів та ареалів проживання біовидів, флора і
фауна демонструють унікальні характеристики і риси, які знаходяться виключно або
головним чином в Карпатському регіоні. (UNEP, 2007). Велике розмаїття ендемічних рослин
і тварин, особливості карпатських екосистем представляють собою важливий компонент
біорізноманіття Європи. У той же час, Карпати утворюють яскраве розмаїття культур та
живих традицій, які є важливими компонентами нашої культурної спадщини в глобальному
масштабі. (Munții Carpați ESD Set de instrumente de formare, Ambrusne, E.T. et al., Convenția
Carpaticг – ENSI, 2009, p. 8)
Цей матеріал містить інформацію про спосіб, яким має розвиватися дестинація на
принципах сталості, та направлений рівним чином як органам влади, так і турагентам. Добра
співпраця між усіма учасниками, зацікавленими у розвиткові туризму, є життєвонеобхідною.
Інформація про розвиток дестинацій екотуризму були розроблені з урахуванням системи
сертифікації Еко-Румунія Асоціації екотуризму Румунії, а критерії сертифікації
представляють собою цінні рекомендації з розвитку екотуризму та специфічних заходів.
лише хоче відкрити пансіонат та вважає або визнає, що екотуризм є оптимальним
способом започаткувати або розширити власний бізнес.
Прикордонний регіон Румунія-Молдова-Україна має значний потенціал для
розвитку екотуризму: привабливі зони, парки та заповідні зони, традиційні культурні
ландшафти. Все це може створити привабливий, комфортний пейзаж і важливу для
екотуристів туристичну дестинацію.
Навіть якщо "займатися туризмом” видається легкою справою, забезпечення
якісних послуг в туризмі вимагає узгоджених зусиль кількох груп дійових осіб,
зацікавлених та важливих у розвитку туризму: місцеві адміністрації, адміністрації
природних парків, заклади культури, власники структур розміщення, туристичні
агенції, ремісники, асоціації, що займаються туризмом, навколишнім середовищем,
культурою, тощо.
Є можливим зробити все правильно, терпляче шукаючи шляхи розвитку, які не
мають агресивного впливу на середовище, в якому ми ведемо бізнес. Все це
представлено в даному посібнику: опис способів розвитку структур розміщення з
повагою до навколишнього середовища і принципів екотуризму.