Papers by Thomas Sean Higbee
Behavioral Interventions, 2008
Preference for six olfactory stimuli was assessed via paired preference assessments with three ad... more Preference for six olfactory stimuli was assessed via paired preference assessments with three adults with autism. Using a combination multielement and reversal design, a reinforcer assessment was then conducted to determine the extent to which three (high preference, medium preference, and low preference) of the six olfactory stimuli evaluated in the preference

O ensino de cuidadores tem sido uma metodologia promissora para suprir a crescente demand... more Resumo:
O ensino de cuidadores tem sido uma metodologia promissora para suprir a crescente demanda de indivíduos diagnosticados com atraso no desenvolvimento, especialmente aqueles com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA), de forma eficaz e menos onerosa. Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver e avaliar o efeito de um pacote de videomodelação instrucional sobre a precisão de aplicação de programas de ensino por cuidadores de crianças diagnosticadas com TEA. Os vídeos utilizados tinham como elementos essenciais: exibição de múltiplos exemplares, legendas, narrações e dicas visuais ao longo do vídeo. Foi utilizado um delineamento de linha de base múltipla entre participantes para medir o efeito da aplicação dos vídeos sobre a precisão de desempenho dos cuidadores. Participaram deste estudo três pais de crianças diagnosticadas com TEA: Alice, Cassio e Fernanda, que apresentaram, respectivamente, uma média de 6%, 25% e 45% em medidas de linha de base de aplicação dos programas de intervenção comportamental. Após a exibição dos vídeos, os participantes atingiram precisão média de 83%, 88% e 80%. A partir desses resultados, acredita-se que o procedimento de videomodelação instrucional é promissor para a disseminação da intervenção analítico-comportamental, de forma menos onerosa. Recomenda-se o aprimoramento desta forma de intervenção, com vistas a obter melhores resultados e ampliar a intervenção para parcelas maiores da população.
Training caregivers has been a promising strategy to face the rising demand of individuals diagnosed with developmental delays, especially those with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). This study aimed to develop and evaluate the effects of a package of instructional video modeling on the performance accuracy of caregivers in implementing teaching programs to children diagnosed with ASD. The videos used had, as essential elements: exhibition of multiple exemplars, subtitles, narrations, and visual cues throughout the video. A multiple-baseline design across participants was used to measure the effect of the video modeling procedure on the performance accuracy of the caregivers. Three parents of children diagnosed with ASD participated: Alice, Cassio, and Fernanda, who performed with, respectively, 6%, 25%, and 45% average accuracy throughout baseline measures. After the video modeling intervention, performance accuracy reached 83%, 88%, and 80% average accuracy. Considering such results, we believe that instructional video modeling is a promising procedure to disseminate behavior-analytic intervention, in a way that demands less resources than other training methods. Future researchers should improve the intervention package here described in order to obtain better results and provide a tool to disseminate behavior analytic intervention to wider portions of the affected population.
Utah Special Educator, 2004
Rural Special Education Quarterly, Apr 1, 2006
Technology-Mediated Consultation to Assist Rural Students: A Case Study Sarah Rule, Charles Salzb... more Technology-Mediated Consultation to Assist Rural Students: A Case Study Sarah Rule, Charles Salzberg, Thomas Higbee, Ronda Menlove & Jared Smith Utah State University Abstract Emerging videoconferencing technologies permit fece to face communication in a virtual, real time ...
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 2005
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 2009
We investigated the effects of video modeling on the percentage of correctly implemented problem-... more We investigated the effects of video modeling on the percentage of correctly implemented problem-solving steps by staff in a group home for adults with developmental disabilities, using a nonconcurrent multiple baseline design across participants. The treatment consisted of staff watching a video model demonstrating the correct implementation of a problem-solving intervention (i.e., teaching clients to identify problems, possible solutions, and consequences to each solution, and to choose the best solution). The percentage of correctly implemented problem-solving steps increased for all participants, and the effect was maintained over time, generalized to novel problems, and generalized from role play with a researcher to actual clients.
Journal of applied behavior analysis, Jan 17, 2015
Children with developmental disabilities may engage in less frequent and more repetitious languag... more Children with developmental disabilities may engage in less frequent and more repetitious language than peers with typical development. Scripts have been used to increase communication by teaching one or more specific statements and then fading the scripts. In the current study, preschoolers with developmental disabilities experienced a novel script-frame protocol and learned to make play-related comments about toys. After the script-frame protocol, commenting occurred in the absence of scripts, with untrained play activities, and included untrained comments.
International Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, 2011

Research in Developmental Disabilities, 1999
Recent research in the area of stimulus-preference assessment has progressively improved the accu... more Recent research in the area of stimulus-preference assessment has progressively improved the accuracy and efficiency of this technology for predicting reinforcer potency. One way to potentially improve the efficiency of the procedure might be to use pictorial representations of stimuli in the assessment rather than the stimuli themselves. To determine the feasibility of using pictorial stimuli in preference assessments, multiple-stimulus preference assessments were conducted with two adults diagnosed with mental retardation using both tangible stimuli and pictorial cards representing these same stimuli. The tangibles stimulus assessment produced greater variations in selection percentages than the pictorial assessment. Subsequent reinforcer assessments confirmed that stimuli predicted by the tangibles assessment were more potent reinforcers than those predicted by the pictorial assessment. The results are discussed in the context of improving stimuluspreference assessment technology.
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 1997
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2010
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 2008
The purpose of the current study was to replicate the use of parents as therapists for experiment... more The purpose of the current study was to replicate the use of parents as therapists for experimental functional analyses of inappropriate mealtime behavior with multiple participants while measuring procedural integrity. Clear functions were identified, and high percentages of procedural integrity were obtained.
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 2008
We assessed the use of a joint activity schedule to increase peer engagement for preschoolers wit... more We assessed the use of a joint activity schedule to increase peer engagement for preschoolers with autism. We taught 3 dyads of preschoolers with autism to follow joint activity schedules that cued both members of the pair to play a sequence of interactive games together. Results indicated that joint activity schedules increased peer engagement and the number of games completed for all dyads. Schedule following was maintained without additional prompting when activities were resequenced and when new games were introduced for 2 of the 3 dyads.
Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 2012
Education and Treatment of Children, 2008
The present case study investigated whether the tub-standing of a typicallydeveloping toddler cou... more The present case study investigated whether the tub-standing of a typicallydeveloping toddler could be reduced by a noncontingent reinforcement procedure. The results of a brief functional analysis suggested that tub-standing was maintained by automatic reinforcement. Noncontingent reinforcement, consisting of presentation of bath toys on a fixed-time schedule, was effective in reducing the number of tub-stands per session. These results suggest that noncontingent reinforcement can be successfully applied to problem behavior in typically-developing children in naturalistic se�ings.
Behavioral Interventions, 2000
... Penrod, B., Wallace, MD, Reagon, K., Betz, A. and Higbee, TS (2010), A component analysis of ... more ... Penrod, B., Wallace, MD, Reagon, K., Betz, A. and Higbee, TS (2010), A component analysis of a parent-conducted multi-component treatment for ... The three child–parent dyads who participated in this study included Matt and his mother Mandy, Jack and his mother Leslie, and ...
Behavioral Interventions, 2008
... The six different odors examined were apple, citrus, lavender, rain, raspberry, and vanilla. ... more ... The six different odors examined were apple, citrus, lavender, rain, raspberry, and vanilla. ... Stimulus preference assessment A paired choice stimulus preference assessment (Fisher et al., 1992) was used to determine each participant's preference for the olfactory stimuli. ...

Behavioral Interventions, 2010
Evaluating effects of utilizing parents as therapists for treating behavior problems has become i... more Evaluating effects of utilizing parents as therapists for treating behavior problems has become increasingly important in the dissemination and practice of applied behavior analysis. However, home-based parent training approaches have been underused in treating feeding problems. In this study, mothers were trained to implement differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA) combined with non-removal of the spoon and demand fading for the treatment of their childrens' food selectivity. The procedures were highly effective and generalization to untargeted foods was observed. Parent procedural integrity and parent collected interobserver agreement (IOA) data remain high throughout the study. This study also demonstrated an effective method for systematically decreasing reinforcement magnitude and schedules in an effort to mimic traditional reinforcer delivery such as intermittently providing a dessert at the end of the meal. Finally, this study successfully increased a demand fading ratio of 50-150% without noticeable side effects.

Behavioral Interventions, 1997
Modified versions of three popular nonaversive treatments for rumination in a person with profoun... more Modified versions of three popular nonaversive treatments for rumination in a person with profound developmental delay were evaluated using an alternating treatments design (ATD) as a component of an ABAB design. Results showed that the most effective intervention involved noncontingent feeding every 20 s for the 30 min immediately following a meal. Further analysis demonstrated that no significant increase in rumination occurred during the 60 min after the treatment procedure had expired, thus indicating that rumination was not merely postponed. Results are discussed in terms of their relation to currently popular (satiation) interventions for the treatment of rumination in individuals with developmental disability. Future research needs are proposed from an analysis of known behavioral and physiological variables and their possible interactions. #1997
We taught a four-year-old boy diagnosed with autism and his older brother to engage in four prete... more We taught a four-year-old boy diagnosed with autism and his older brother to engage in four pretend play scenarios using video modeling. The older brother acted in the video models with a typically developing peer. Both the participant and his sibling successfully engaged in the four scenarios during intervention as well as maintenance and generalization probes conducted in their home. This case study illustrated that siblings of children with autism can perform in video models as well as engage in pretend play with their sibling with autism. In addition, the child with autism may benefit from sibling-oriented interventions as indicated by the intervention data and the parent and sibling survey questions presented in the current study.
Papers by Thomas Sean Higbee
O ensino de cuidadores tem sido uma metodologia promissora para suprir a crescente demanda de indivíduos diagnosticados com atraso no desenvolvimento, especialmente aqueles com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA), de forma eficaz e menos onerosa. Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver e avaliar o efeito de um pacote de videomodelação instrucional sobre a precisão de aplicação de programas de ensino por cuidadores de crianças diagnosticadas com TEA. Os vídeos utilizados tinham como elementos essenciais: exibição de múltiplos exemplares, legendas, narrações e dicas visuais ao longo do vídeo. Foi utilizado um delineamento de linha de base múltipla entre participantes para medir o efeito da aplicação dos vídeos sobre a precisão de desempenho dos cuidadores. Participaram deste estudo três pais de crianças diagnosticadas com TEA: Alice, Cassio e Fernanda, que apresentaram, respectivamente, uma média de 6%, 25% e 45% em medidas de linha de base de aplicação dos programas de intervenção comportamental. Após a exibição dos vídeos, os participantes atingiram precisão média de 83%, 88% e 80%. A partir desses resultados, acredita-se que o procedimento de videomodelação instrucional é promissor para a disseminação da intervenção analítico-comportamental, de forma menos onerosa. Recomenda-se o aprimoramento desta forma de intervenção, com vistas a obter melhores resultados e ampliar a intervenção para parcelas maiores da população.
Training caregivers has been a promising strategy to face the rising demand of individuals diagnosed with developmental delays, especially those with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). This study aimed to develop and evaluate the effects of a package of instructional video modeling on the performance accuracy of caregivers in implementing teaching programs to children diagnosed with ASD. The videos used had, as essential elements: exhibition of multiple exemplars, subtitles, narrations, and visual cues throughout the video. A multiple-baseline design across participants was used to measure the effect of the video modeling procedure on the performance accuracy of the caregivers. Three parents of children diagnosed with ASD participated: Alice, Cassio, and Fernanda, who performed with, respectively, 6%, 25%, and 45% average accuracy throughout baseline measures. After the video modeling intervention, performance accuracy reached 83%, 88%, and 80% average accuracy. Considering such results, we believe that instructional video modeling is a promising procedure to disseminate behavior-analytic intervention, in a way that demands less resources than other training methods. Future researchers should improve the intervention package here described in order to obtain better results and provide a tool to disseminate behavior analytic intervention to wider portions of the affected population.
O ensino de cuidadores tem sido uma metodologia promissora para suprir a crescente demanda de indivíduos diagnosticados com atraso no desenvolvimento, especialmente aqueles com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA), de forma eficaz e menos onerosa. Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver e avaliar o efeito de um pacote de videomodelação instrucional sobre a precisão de aplicação de programas de ensino por cuidadores de crianças diagnosticadas com TEA. Os vídeos utilizados tinham como elementos essenciais: exibição de múltiplos exemplares, legendas, narrações e dicas visuais ao longo do vídeo. Foi utilizado um delineamento de linha de base múltipla entre participantes para medir o efeito da aplicação dos vídeos sobre a precisão de desempenho dos cuidadores. Participaram deste estudo três pais de crianças diagnosticadas com TEA: Alice, Cassio e Fernanda, que apresentaram, respectivamente, uma média de 6%, 25% e 45% em medidas de linha de base de aplicação dos programas de intervenção comportamental. Após a exibição dos vídeos, os participantes atingiram precisão média de 83%, 88% e 80%. A partir desses resultados, acredita-se que o procedimento de videomodelação instrucional é promissor para a disseminação da intervenção analítico-comportamental, de forma menos onerosa. Recomenda-se o aprimoramento desta forma de intervenção, com vistas a obter melhores resultados e ampliar a intervenção para parcelas maiores da população.
Training caregivers has been a promising strategy to face the rising demand of individuals diagnosed with developmental delays, especially those with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). This study aimed to develop and evaluate the effects of a package of instructional video modeling on the performance accuracy of caregivers in implementing teaching programs to children diagnosed with ASD. The videos used had, as essential elements: exhibition of multiple exemplars, subtitles, narrations, and visual cues throughout the video. A multiple-baseline design across participants was used to measure the effect of the video modeling procedure on the performance accuracy of the caregivers. Three parents of children diagnosed with ASD participated: Alice, Cassio, and Fernanda, who performed with, respectively, 6%, 25%, and 45% average accuracy throughout baseline measures. After the video modeling intervention, performance accuracy reached 83%, 88%, and 80% average accuracy. Considering such results, we believe that instructional video modeling is a promising procedure to disseminate behavior-analytic intervention, in a way that demands less resources than other training methods. Future researchers should improve the intervention package here described in order to obtain better results and provide a tool to disseminate behavior analytic intervention to wider portions of the affected population.