Papers by Muhammad Habibi
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 1998
We report on the design and characterization of pseudomorphic high-electron-mobility transistors ... more We report on the design and characterization of pseudomorphic high-electron-mobility transistors for linear power applications. Compared to a con¨entional single heterojunction, the doubleheterojunction PHEMT shows a flat transconductance of ) 200 mSr mm o¨er a wide gate bias swing. A high breakdown¨oltage of 15 V was ( ) measured. A flat cutoff frequency f of ) 15 GHz o¨er a wide gate T and drain bias region was achie¨ed. A maximum oscillation frequency ( ) f of )75
Reproduction Fertility and Development, 2010
Asam azelat dihasilkan oleh biji-bijian seperti gandum dan barley. Biasanya digunakan dalam kosme... more Asam azelat dihasilkan oleh biji-bijian seperti gandum dan barley. Biasanya digunakan dalam kosmetik dengan kadar konsebntrasi 20%. Biasanya asam azelat digunakan untuk perawatan terhadap jerawat, tapi ada penelitian yang menyebutkan bahwa zat ini juga efektif untuk memutihkan kulit. Riset lain menyebutkan bahwa asam azelat ini bisa menghambat produksi melanin.
Estimation of active earth pressure is generally required for the design of retaining structures,... more Estimation of active earth pressure is generally required for the design of retaining structures, which are commonly constructed in several civil engineering projects. The analysis for active earth pressure involves basic principles of mechanics. In most field situations, surcharge and seismic loadings make the active earth pressure analysis more complex by increasing the number of parameters governing the pressure on
Papers by Muhammad Habibi