University Of Santo Tomas
Interdisciplinary Studies
The study investigated the narcissism, worker relations, and social media addiction of 51 employees working in a telecommunication organization located in Laguna. The study was launched as part of profiling employees’ narcissistic... more
Introduction Jacques Derrida performed a deconstructive analysis similar that to a semiotic analysis of the psyche. He built a bridge to construct a path between Heidegger's Nazism and his use of the term spirit in German language. The... more
Alienation in the Metaverse: The Isolation of Desires in the Future of Hyperrealism by Danyael Dedeles "Today, abstraction is no longer that of the map, the double, the mirror, or the concept. Simulation is no longer that of a territory,... more
Danyael L. Dedeles "There is time for life to spread beyond the Earth throughout the entire Cosmos, provided the planet's biosphere isn't destroyed. [...] A proper understanding of our terrestriality and morality does not imply any... more
With its throttling, its stasis, its lesions, its neuroses, the capitalist state imposes its norms, establishes its models, imprints its features, assigns its roles, propagates its programs ... Using every available access route into our... more
Deleuze's reading of Nietzsche argued the importance of affirmation in an active life which considers negation as a product of the reactivity of the dialectical slave from perceiving the world as a series of oppositions and... more
There almost always arise questions regarding what makes Filipino philosophy Filipino enough to give its identity enough justice. Some would argue that its identification requires escape from external influences to gain its uniqueness and... more
This work is a non-traditional revisualization of the Japanese aesthetic concept of shizen to be connected with Han’s discussions on strife for achievement, loss of rituals, and the lack of veil in our present society. It aims to... more