University Of Santo Tomas
Faculty of Medicine and Surgery
To ascertain the impact of therapy on gonadal function and reproductive outcome among children treated for Hodgkin's disease, we reviewed the experience at Stanford University Medical Center during the years 19651986. There were 240... more
Purpose: The aim of this case report is to present a case of orbital mesenchymal chondrosarcoma sarcoma with multiple recurrences, and to report technical details of a contemporary approach for orbital brachytherapy that can be used in... more
The prevalence and incidence of breast cancer has been increasing worldwide. It has been reported that the Philippines has the highest number of cases in Asia, and breast cancer is now the leading cause of death in the country. This study... more
Background: The Internet-based Computerized Patient Assessment System (iComPAsS), a remote painand symptom-reporting application was developed to optimize pain monitoring and management. This subanalysis sought to examine factors... more
Background: Data on the attitude and perception of adult Filipino cancer patients towards health-related information and communications technology (ICT) and prevalence of access to, willingness to use of and actual usage of ICTs are... more
Background: Telehealth applications may improve health outcomes by engaging patients as active participants, focusing clinic visits on important problems and intensifying symptom management in response to patient reports. Our group... more
Background: A web-based patient-reported outcomes capture system (WPROCS) can potentially improve efficacy of symptom monitoring and management and overcome barriers to long-term monitoring and care among adult cancer patients. The... more
Genes that encode xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes (XMEs) are being reviewed continuously due to their essential functions in the detoxification of toxic compounds implicated in carcinogenesis (López-Cimam et al., 2012). The reactions... more
The most biologically perilous types of DNA damage are called the double strand breaks (DSBs). A single unrepaired double strand break is reasonable to induce cell death. These events have been linked with the progress of many types of... more
Dysbiosis, defined as an imbalance in the gut microbiota caused by too few beneficial bacteria and an overgrowth of bad bacteria, yeast, and/or parasites, is now being associated with several diseases, including the development of... more
Background: Data on the attitude and perception of adult Filipino cancer patients towards health-related information and communications technology (ICT) and prevalence of access to, willingness to use of and actual usage of ICTs are... more
In nasopharyngeal cancer, brachytherapy is given as boost in primary treatment or as salvage for recurrent or persistent disease. The Rotterdam nasopharyngeal applicator (RNA) allows for suboptimal reduction of soft palate radiation dose,... more
Introduction The standard treatment for locally advanced cervical cancer (LACC) is concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CRT). External beam radiotherapy (EBRT) and brachytherapy (BRT) advances in the last decade have resulted in improved local... more
Introduction: The IRESSA Survival Evaluation in Lung Cancer (ISEL) phase III study compared the efficacy of gefitinib (IRESSA) versus placebo in patients with refractory advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Although a... more
Background: The World Health Organization recognizes depression as one of the most burdensome diseases in the world. Among cancer patients, depression is significantly associated with shorter survival, independent of the influence of... more
BACKGROUND: The role of certain gut microbes in the development of colorectal cancer has recently been understood. In our previous work, we have reported the reactivity of serum collected from CRC patients to peptide mimotopes of... more
Data sharing statement: Nanobiotix has committed to sharing the data underlying this publication on request from qualified scientific and medical researchers, including patient-level clinical trial data, study-level clinical trial data,... more
The RAD51 gene encodes the protein that plays a central role in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) through the homologous recombination pathway. Association of RAD51 single nucleotide genetic polymorphism (SNP) with the... more