revista IUSTA
Publication founded in 2004, its main purpose is spreading scientific articles. The editorial policy of the journal has been collecting works by teachers of the Faculty of Law and external collaborations related to a specific field of legal knowledge.
Topics: Law, research, conflict, legal practices.
Periodicity: biannual.
ISSN: 1900-0448
Electronic ISSN: 2500-5286
DOI: 10.15332/s1900-0448
e-mail: [email protected]
Topics: Law, research, conflict, legal practices.
Periodicity: biannual.
ISSN: 1900-0448
Electronic ISSN: 2500-5286
DOI: 10.15332/s1900-0448
e-mail: [email protected]
Related Authors
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Harvard University
Papers by revista IUSTA
In Colombia the Congress of the Republic has approved nine tax reforms so far in the millennium. However, this research did not take into account that of 2016, since being the most recent its results cannot be quantified. The changes introduced in the reforms have increased the tax revenues of the Central Sector, supported mainly by the collection of income tax and VAT and also supported by the income of the CREE and wealth, which have been gaining participation in recent years; however, this growth is not compatible with the dynamics presented by the national monetary poverty and national extreme poverty rates, which despite showing significant decreases during the period, their percentage variations differ from the behavior of the tax resources which is why they generate questions about the social purpose of the State.
theory of descriptive and emotional graphology of Mauricio Xandró, Max Pulver and Augusto Vels are approached, which affirm that graphology is a technique that allows to identify emotional states, personality types, personality inclinations and this is used to determine if the person’s profile are adjusted to the needs of the organization, thus favoring the optimization of resources. Methodologically, it is an explanatory descriptive study of a documentary nature, since the main studies that exist in terms of graphology exist in the academy, mainly based on the acceptance of the documentary records as an instrument for the collection and analysis of information. As a conclusion, it was obtained that the forensic graphology allows to identify the concordance that exists between the profile, the behavior of the interviewee, the needs of the organization and the personality traits shown by the graphs inscribed by the interviewee. Besides that, it allows to design a supposed profile of the interviewee where the inclination of the psychic apparatus for the perpetration of an economic crime can be traced.
Konstanz-Alemania, el Convenio de Cooperación que ha permitido hasta el día
de hoy, realizar múltiples actividades académicas e intercambios entre profesores
y estudiantes que tiene como objetivo principal el estudio del Derecho Público
de cada país. Producto de la consolidación de esta relación, se diseñó el programa
de la Maestría en Derecho Público, que a la fecha cumple exitosamente 10 años
de existencia
in the 1991 Constitution in Article 22, from a historical look at the main precedent in the process of shaping the new constitutional model, which was the contribution is presented to it the student movement as a promoter of the seventh ballot, then going to expose the state model that is adopted and the different expressions of the same can be given, then finally get to review how the state and the Constitution are aimed at recognizing peace as a right and duty and may have legal standard scope and as state policy.
In Colombia the Congress of the Republic has approved nine tax reforms so far in the millennium. However, this research did not take into account that of 2016, since being the most recent its results cannot be quantified. The changes introduced in the reforms have increased the tax revenues of the Central Sector, supported mainly by the collection of income tax and VAT and also supported by the income of the CREE and wealth, which have been gaining participation in recent years; however, this growth is not compatible with the dynamics presented by the national monetary poverty and national extreme poverty rates, which despite showing significant decreases during the period, their percentage variations differ from the behavior of the tax resources which is why they generate questions about the social purpose of the State.
theory of descriptive and emotional graphology of Mauricio Xandró, Max Pulver and Augusto Vels are approached, which affirm that graphology is a technique that allows to identify emotional states, personality types, personality inclinations and this is used to determine if the person’s profile are adjusted to the needs of the organization, thus favoring the optimization of resources. Methodologically, it is an explanatory descriptive study of a documentary nature, since the main studies that exist in terms of graphology exist in the academy, mainly based on the acceptance of the documentary records as an instrument for the collection and analysis of information. As a conclusion, it was obtained that the forensic graphology allows to identify the concordance that exists between the profile, the behavior of the interviewee, the needs of the organization and the personality traits shown by the graphs inscribed by the interviewee. Besides that, it allows to design a supposed profile of the interviewee where the inclination of the psychic apparatus for the perpetration of an economic crime can be traced.
Konstanz-Alemania, el Convenio de Cooperación que ha permitido hasta el día
de hoy, realizar múltiples actividades académicas e intercambios entre profesores
y estudiantes que tiene como objetivo principal el estudio del Derecho Público
de cada país. Producto de la consolidación de esta relación, se diseñó el programa
de la Maestría en Derecho Público, que a la fecha cumple exitosamente 10 años
de existencia
in the 1991 Constitution in Article 22, from a historical look at the main precedent in the process of shaping the new constitutional model, which was the contribution is presented to it the student movement as a promoter of the seventh ballot, then going to expose the state model that is adopted and the different expressions of the same can be given, then finally get to review how the state and the Constitution are aimed at recognizing peace as a right and duty and may have legal standard scope and as state policy.