Papers by Teresita Bernal Romero
Diversitas Perspectivas En Psicologia, Jun 1, 2007
Fatal error: XSL transformation failed. in /home/scielo/www/htdocs/ class.XSLTransformerPHP5.php ... more Fatal error: XSL transformation failed. in /home/scielo/www/htdocs/ class.XSLTransformerPHP5.php on line 40

This study was managed to investigate on the meanings built by children, family parents and teach... more This study was managed to investigate on the meanings built by children, family parents and teachers about the childhood, the family and the school in the context of the globalization. A survey was applied at a group of 73 children and girls, 52 family parents and 52 teachers that were linked to several school institutions of the city of Bogotá. The results showed convergences and divergences among the three groups of participants concerning their current meaning about the childhood and the school and family interactions. In general, it was observed that the children and, in smaller grade, the family parents tend to a positive valuation of the changes associated with the globalization, while the teachers incline toward more critical postures. The socioeconomic stratum served as variable moderator in some of the meanings expressed by the three groups of participants in the study. In the discussion the implications of these results are analyzed, making special emphasis in the demands ...

Este estudio ha tenido como objetivo describir y valorar las fuentes de resiliencia en varios cas... more Este estudio ha tenido como objetivo describir y valorar las fuentes de resiliencia en varios casos de mujeres adolescentes que iniciaron procesos de acogimiento familiar y que residían en centros de protección de menores. La metodología del estudio se inscribe en la Teoría Fundamentada. Se usaron como técnicas de investigación las entrevistas en profundidad con las adolescentes y con el equipo que las atendía, y como estrategia de análisis se recurrió a la codificación y categorización sistemática de las variables emergentes. A modo de conclusiones, se constata que las fuentes de resiliencia en la familia de origen fueron escasas, básicamente de tipo secundario en hermanos o familiares de segundo grado y en coordinadores de residencias de menores, psicólogos y “padrinos”. Las adolescentes recurren a diferentes estrategias para afrontar conflictos, constituyéndose la búsqueda de apoyos, el manejo de recursos institucionales, el humor y el sentido ético en elementos destacados de res...
This investigation encompasses the inner workings of meta-cognition, reasoning and creativity whe... more This investigation encompasses the inner workings of meta-cognition, reasoning and creativity when second graders are figuring out and solving mathematical problems which involve three types of additive structures related to addition, all this set in a constructivist epistemology. To achieve this goal, the Peva (Thinking out loud) strategy was applied to thirty four boys and girls, cursing the second grade, from three schools in Bogotá. It was discovered that deduction was the most commonly employed method of reasoning since the children set out from the general information supplied to fulfill their requirements. Although there were a few signs of creativity, no new or suitable products were found. Meta-cognition was evidenced throughout as the children used their skills to solve the proposed situations, thus showing the constant relationship between the processes studied.

Resumen. El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido el de identificar estrategias eficaces para la... more Resumen. El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido el de identificar estrategias eficaces para la intervención socioeducativa con adolescentes de 12 a 16 años en situación de riesgo social y ofrecer algunas propuestas desde el campo de la pedagogía social. La investigación se realizó en tres regiones autónomas de España - Madrid, Galicia y Cataluña - entre 2011 y 2013 y utilizó el enfoque de la teoría fundamentada. 37 profesionales y 19 adolescentes participaron en los grupos focales y entrevistas. Los principales resultados sugieren estrategias centrales relacionadas con el establecimiento del vínculo y la resiliencia, el empoderamiento, protagonismo y participación de los adolescentes, y la planificación flexible de las intervenciones, con implicaciones importantes para la práctica profesional y las políticas sociales y educativas. Palabras clave: estrategias eficaces, adolescencia, riesgo de exclusión social, intervención socioeducativa.

T he investigation describes and includes how the meta-cognition, creativity and reasoning proces... more T he investigation describes and includes how the meta-cognition, creativity and reasoning processes operate in the formulation and resolution of mathematical problems that involve three types of additives structures relative to the sum in second graders (children in second grade of primary education), all this framed in a constructivist epistemology. To reach such objective, the Peva strategy (To think aloud method) was applied to 34 boys and girls in second grade from three schools; finding that the most used reasoning type is the deductive one since the children started from the general information to fulfill the requirement. It was found that in the creativity process, the children did not originate novel nor suitable products; however some indicators were seen; with respect to the meta-cognition this was demonstrated during all the application, because the children recognized and put in practices their resources to give solution to the raised situations, concluding so an existi...
The aim of this research was to characterize the reference framework of teachers that favour math... more The aim of this research was to characterize the reference framework of teachers that favour mathematical comprehension at the elementary level in ten schools in Bogotá. A qualitative research was used in which the students who showed performance above average were identified. The information was then gathered through direct classroom observation and semi- structured interview of the instructors. A categories analysis as a type of content analysis was also used. As a result, the predominant roll of affectivity was found out together with immediate contexts, and the life history of the students in the reference framework of the teachers.
This investigation encompasses the inner workings of meta-cognition, reasoning and creativity whe... more This investigation encompasses the inner workings of meta-cognition, reasoning and creativity when second graders are figuring out and solving mathematical problems which involve three types of additive structures related to addition, all this set in a constructivist epistemology. To achieve this goal, the Peva (Thinking out loud) strategy was applied to thirty four boys and girls, cursing the second grade,
Revista infancia, …, 2006
T he investigation describes and includes how the meta-cognition, creativity and reasoning proces... more T he investigation describes and includes how the meta-cognition, creativity and reasoning processes operate in the formulation and resolution of mathematical problems that involve three types of additives structures relative to the sum in second graders (children in second grade of primary education), all this framed in a constructivist epistemology. To reach such objective, the Peva strategy (To think aloud
Papers by Teresita Bernal Romero