Papers by Revista Hallazgos
Hallazgos No. 29, 2018
Speaking about literature is to mention one of the most special features of the human being. That... more Speaking about literature is to mention one of the most special features of the human being. That effort to transmit to the outside whatever our brain activity generates, has developed through history in a slow but necessary process for its advancement. Oral language needed a receptacle to contain words that would otherwise have been hanging in the air eternally. With the appearance of writing, documentary memory emerges, which is the material and non-mental register of things, and as a consequence, came literature as that which contains the letters. Overtime, literature has undergone remarkable modifications in meaning, styles, as well as its social use. The aim is to make a sociological analysis of the evolution of western literature until the 17th century, before the appearance of modern literature.
Gender quotas are a specific type of positive actions aimed at fostering women’s political repres... more Gender quotas are a specific type of positive actions aimed at fostering women’s political representation. In Mexico, gender quotas were adopted since 1993 and over the years their evolution produced a federal legislature with 42.6 % of women, but also a rise of political violence against women. This paper explains the highly positive impact of judicialization on women’s representation and analyses the relation that seems to appear between effectively applied gender quotas and an increase in political violence against women.

The city of Santiago de Cali in Colombia has been characterized since the beginning of the centur... more The city of Santiago de Cali in Colombia has been characterized since the beginning of the century as one of the most insecure cities in the world. Given the State’s inability to guarantee order, there are initiatives from the communities in which they seek to mitigate the absence of security with collective actions thus replacing this institutional failure. This work seeks to explore the experience of the neighborhood Marco Fidel Suarez, one of the communities with fewer deaths in the city thanks to strategies such as voluntary enclosure through the installation of fences in strategic points, regulation of entry and exit of residents in addition to activities designed and implemented by the Community Action Board in order to manage a peaceful coexistence. The theory of “Collective Efficacy” by Robert Sampson, Oscar Newman’s “Defensible Space” and the adaptation of the concept of “Multifamily Residential Spaces” are used, supported by qualitative methodological tools such as interview and passive observation in order to understand and explain the development of the mentioned strategies.

From the social sciences of the labor, it is a consensus to point out that the advance of work pr... more From the social sciences of the labor, it is a consensus to point out that the advance of work precariousness generates a challenge for the traditional trade union organizations, because of the segmentation it generates in the working class, in relation to their conditions and job demands, and for the difficulty in representing those workers who are working in unregistered and informal conditions. In this context, this paper aims to reflect on the new forms of collective action that young precarious workers establish in response to these limitations of traditional trade unionism to channel their struggles. Our hypothesis is that in the absence of access to traditional trade union representation and its formal mechanisms of negotiation and struggle, the precarious workers turn to alternative repertoires of action to give visibility to their struggles and install their demands in the political ground. One of these repertoires is artistic activism, which consists in the use of images, songs and performances as a channel for denouncing and protesting about their labor problems. It is on this unconventional trade union repertoire where we focus our reflection in this paper, which gain a great place in the recent mobilizations of young precarious people in Argentina. In qualitative methodological terms, we conducted a qualitative and comparative case study on three Argentinian organizations of young precarious workers who resorted to artistic activism in their protests, during the period 2005-2015, seeking to understand its emergence as a new trade union repertoire.

Since the post-dictatorial period in Chile, the arrival of Latin American communities has generat... more Since the post-dictatorial period in Chile, the arrival of Latin American communities has generated a steady transformation in the migration pattern. In this study we aim to understand the effect of the cultural creations of immigrants on our identities, sociabilities and imaginaries. In particular, we are interested in the musical practices, putting forward the idea that music involves processes of cultural mixing, creating a transformation and a reshaping of identities. Methodologically, the study is based on an etnographic focus and on comprehensive interviews with artists of various types of music. The results reveal the existence of distinct kinds of identities, which wane and combine involving elements of natonality, ethnicity, religion and profesional. We conclude from this that the new migratory movements have marked in an important way the present cultural dynamics, creating social links and mixing between communities well beyond national and symbolic bounderies.

This article raises the need to acknowledge the forms of narrative present in educational process... more This article raises the need to acknowledge the forms of narrative present in educational processes, and also presents the need for taking into account another more subtle form and directed towards education of sensitivity for solidarity, as the main hypothesis of this text argues that individuals are educated in two particularly powerful ways of rationality, which derive in a desensitization towards others and towards nature. This particular situation is evidenced in radical selfishness, in unconscious consumerism, in the exclusion of others and in the destruction of nature. As a method of analysis, the problem is examined under the light of the criticism of objective-positive thinking, from the point of view of Dewey’s classical pragmatism and Rorty’s neopragmatism as well as the corresponding critique of technological-instrumental reason is presented from the Frankfurt School. All of the above in order to offer a proposal of a lexicon, that allows us to integrate an imaginative narrative that is oriented towards the creation of an ethos of empathy and solidarity, which is considered a utopian perspective, possible only to the extent that it makes visible another aspect of humanity ignored most of the time in educational environments, to make possible the moral progress that as humans constitutes our responsibility.

The theme of this work is spirituality in a secularized world. It is proposed that Solomon’s theo... more The theme of this work is spirituality in a secularized world. It is proposed that Solomon’s theory of emotional integrity makes explicit a form of spirituality that does not make it dependent on religion. Thus, it is a good tool to understand spirituality in a world with several forms of religiosity, atheism and agnosticism. This spirituality assumes a cognitivist conception of the three emotions that are traditionally recognized as ethical and spiritual: happiness, gratitude and love. According to this conception, emotions in general are judgments and its content is an object evaluated in some way. These three emotions have other emotional states as intentional objects, that is why they are called “meta-emotions”. Being spiritual involves an assessment of our life as a whole, affectionately evaluated from a specific present. As such, spirituality is the key to construct each person’s meaning of life. Affective spirituality is within the framework of the emotional integrity theory. This theory states that human beings are capable of endless number of emotions. In this regard, the ability to have an integral affective life is the possibility to forge what we are, to face the challenges of life; it is how we construct the meaning of our own lives.
This paper aims to identify the changes in the representation of violence that have occurred for ... more This paper aims to identify the changes in the representation of violence that have occurred for more than one century in the literature on armed conflict in Colombia. This identification will be done in relationship with the historical, political, social and cultural frameworks that are encompassed within the different literary works. The goal of this project is to acknowledge the ways of narrating and representing war within the literary texts, as well as learning the role of the characters that suffer directly from the violent act in these productions. Additionally, we will pay close attention to the analysis of each character’s enunciative position within the re-signification of the war stories, with the purpose of establishing which are the discourses of each of the parties involved.

This article presents part of the results of the doctoral thesis entitled “the institutional educ... more This article presents part of the results of the doctoral thesis entitled “the institutional educational project and the formation of political subjectivity for a post-conflict scenario: collective memory of the armed conflict and school identity”. The methodology that was used was oral history, and the approach was hermeneutic. The objective pursued for this purpose was to reveal the sense and meaning that the collective memory of the Colombian armed conflict had for the institution under study, through the memory that is conveyed in literature, music and narrative as pedagogical devices. The findings can be summarized in that: 1) through literature, music and narratives as pedagogical devices, pedagogy of memory can be made, given that educational subjects acquire new sense and meanings about the impacts of the Colombian armed conflict; 2) by unveiling the sense and meaning of the armed conflict from literature, music and narratives, the educational subjects become political, ethical, civilized and compassionate; 3) the ethics that arise from memory, and that is conveyed in literature, music and narratives, is different from the ethics taught by the school as competences; 4) students can acquire a transient identity when they listen imaginatively to the other that is narrated when activated in them ethical devices (feelings of longings, desires, complicities, sympathies and compathies2) as opposed to what they hear and as opposed to the condition of the victim; 5) self-care and care for others is given when the students faced with the alter-victim acquire a semantic of cordiality; 6) before the alter-victim the students understand that forgiveness is a gift of the victim; and 7) the students become democratic and move away from the logic of evil from the memory that music entails, when they respect diversity, they do not get involved in the word and direct their actions toward peace.
Hallazgos, 2017
This article describes 19 writing centers in Colombia based on the information that appears on th... more This article describes 19 writing centers in Colombia based on the information that appears on their web pages and publications that have been generated on the experiences of these spaces within the institutions where they are established. The methodology used was documentary research. To begin, an introduction on reading and writing is presented in Colombia; Then focuses on the description of writing centers in the university in the context of Colombia, however, it addresses a writing center in primary and secondary education, which was identified. In the end, the general perspective of the Writing Centers is presented in the Colombian context. In conclusion, it is stated that writing centers in Colombia are a recent strategy that has been considered in order to strengthen the academic writing processes in students.
Hallazgos, 2017
This article gives an account of one of the elements analyzed in the doctoral thesis on social r... more This article gives an account of one of the elements analyzed in the doctoral thesis on social relations in the University; specifically of the category “power”. The research was done under a qualitative design, with a hermeneutic method; through 14 workshops with interactive techniques and in-depth interviews. 119 young people (men and women) enrolled in different undergraduate programs in Social Sciences and Education, from public and private universities (4 campuses and 6 venues), located in the department of Antioquia (Colombia). The analysis of the results yielded four major subcategories, each one configured according to the participants’ reports; in this case the analysis of two of them is presented: “The power associated to the instituted authority: to maintain the status quo” and “The own power and the conscience on the matter: to have more, to be more”

Hallazgos, 2017
This case study examined how a group of seventh graders constructed their language learners' iden... more This case study examined how a group of seventh graders constructed their language learners' identity in an EFL classroom at a public school in Bogotá, Colombia. Data related to students' behaviors and identity were collected through field notes. Also, students' opinions about their own social status as language learners were collected through a questionnaire and interviews. Data were analyzed in light of Norton's theory of identity and investment from a social perspective. Findings indicate that participants were reluctant English learners because of several social factors such as their socioeconomic situation, academic and family demands, and the imposition of power relationships in the classroom. Consequently, participants created strategic, unstable , and contradictory English learners' identities when facing those social conflicts in the classroom while invested poorly in the learning process.
Hallazgos, 2017
The civil life return processes of the Colombian demobilized has been strongly influenced by cont... more The civil life return processes of the Colombian demobilized has been strongly influenced by contractualism as a doctrine based in equality principle, which has given a philosophical base with a transcendent characteristic to the creation of modern states and the policy of social reintegration. Nevertheless that theoretic perspective is contrasted by growing differential approach of human development, which centers the view in demobilized people and in educating their capacities, in order to mobilize then to legality, from a protagonist exercise of their identity as citizens. In this way the current political bets, in the light of a new border of the justice, require to made this people’s accompanying processes always new, in order to empower them in the important task of social construction.
Hallazgos, 2017
The majority of studies on adolescents’ alcohol use are limited to presenting prevalences of use.... more The majority of studies on adolescents’ alcohol use are limited to presenting prevalences of use. This study is centered on the qualitative dimensions of the problem through the implementation of 10 focus groups, five carried out with parents and another five with adolescents in Bogotá, Barranquilla, Bucaramanga, Cali and Medellín. Results show that alcohol consumption among minors is a fact normalized culturally; that family dynamics related to norms, limits, authority, socialization and relationships, are fundamental for adolescents at the time of deciding on the convenience of drinking or not, more than the knowledge about social and health risks; and that preventive programs should be mainly directed to the family domain, and not to the youngsters, because in many cases alcohol consumption is induced by

Hallazgos, 2017
This work explores the possibilities of resistance and critique emergence of the populations impa... more This work explores the possibilities of resistance and critique emergence of the populations impacted by hydropower projects and forms of violence contained in the practices of what is being called “Social Management” in such contexts. This form of management is approached as a government apparatus as in Foucault (1980), Deleuze (1991) and Dean (2010), composed by lines of visibility, enunciation, power and subjectivity for conducting the interaction among companies, the State and the impacted communities. The forms of critique and resistance are understood as elements of the apparatus’s subjectivity lines. And analyses of perceptions and manifestations of the affected populations emphasizing in their critical declarations to the process of displacement and resettlement is made, as well as to their sources of justification. Data are provided by documental analyses, ethnographic work and the previous experience of the researcher in the studied resettlement. A variety of discursive and non-discursive strategies to subvert the order promoted by the managerial rationality of the apparatus is evidenced.
Hallazgos, 2017
This article is a brief in which the social role transformer singing in ancestral communities Col... more This article is a brief in which the social role transformer singing in ancestral communities Colombian Pacific as a mechanism of social repair, political resistance and autobiographic resilience under the specter of a wealth of cultural knowledge claimed historically present, but always dynamic, through the leading role of the singers, specifically in Doña Helena Hines, who act as teachers in the re-significance of their cultural knowledge, to bring young people from social contexts of violence, exclusion and marginalization, under the tonic effect of Canta. In such an effort, the methodology that serves as an epistemological pretext, in order to penetrate into the world of the nonrepresentative, is the decolonial one. With it, it is possible to demonstrate the transforming role of singing at historical level, but even more, at the level of everyday social action.
Papers by Revista Hallazgos