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El dolor neuropá tico es un problema sanitario de importancia creciente, tanto por el nú mero de pacientes afectados como por la gran repercusió n sobre la calidad de vida de aquellos que lo experimentan 1 . En Españ a, los pacientes con... more
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      AlgorithmsMedicina ClinicaNervous System Diseases
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El programa de la asignatura Morfofisiología en la especialidad Electromedicina, resultaba insuficiente en la formulación de sus componentes, para cumplir con la función de orientación que el mismo ofrece al profesor para el desarrollo... more
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This article is a brief in which the social role transformer singing in ancestral communities Colombian Pacific as a mechanism of social repair, political resistance and autobiographic resilience under the specter of a wealth of cultural... more
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This work explores the possibilities of resistance and critique emergence of the populations impacted by hydropower projects and forms of violence contained in the practices of what is being called “Social Management” in such contexts.... more
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The majority of studies on adolescents’ alcohol use are limited to presenting prevalences of use. This study is centered on the qualitative dimensions of the problem through the implementation of 10 focus groups, five carried out with... more
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The civil life return processes of the Colombian demobilized has been strongly influenced by contractualism as a doctrine based in equality principle, which has given a philosophical base with a transcendent characteristic to the creation... more
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This case study examined how a group of seventh graders constructed their language learners' identity in an EFL classroom at a public school in Bogotá, Colombia. Data related to students' behaviors and identity were collected through... more
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This article gives an account of one of the elements analyzed in the doctoral thesis on social relations in the University; specifically of the category “power”. The research was done under a qualitative design, with a hermeneutic... more
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This article describes 19 writing centers in Colombia based on the information that appears on their web pages and publications that have been generated on the experiences of these spaces within the institutions where they are... more
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This article presents part of the results of the doctoral thesis entitled “the institutional educational project and the formation of political subjectivity for a post-conflict scenario: collective memory of the armed conflict and school... more
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This paper aims to identify the changes in the representation of violence that have occurred for more than one century in the literature on armed conflict in Colombia. This identification will be done in relationship with the historical,... more
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The theme of this work is spirituality in a secularized world. It is proposed that Solomon’s theory of emotional integrity makes explicit a form of spirituality that does not make it dependent on religion. Thus, it is a good tool to... more
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This article raises the need to acknowledge the forms of narrative present in educational processes, and also presents the need for taking into account another more subtle form and directed towards education of sensitivity for solidarity,... more
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Since the post-dictatorial period in Chile, the arrival of Latin American communities has generated a steady transformation in the migration pattern. In this study we aim to understand the effect of the cultural creations of immigrants on... more
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From the social sciences of the labor, it is a consensus to point out that the advance of work precariousness generates a challenge for the traditional trade union organizations, because of the segmentation it generates in the working... more
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The city of Santiago de Cali in Colombia has been characterized since the beginning of the century as one of the most insecure cities in the world. Given the State’s inability to guarantee order, there are initiatives from the communities... more
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Gender quotas are a specific type of positive actions aimed at fostering women’s political representation. In Mexico, gender quotas were adopted since 1993 and over the years their evolution produced a federal legislature with 42.6 % of... more
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