Papers by Diego H Padilla-Lobos

The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems, 2025
Cultural criminology underscores the relevance of understanding the meaning, power, and existenti... more Cultural criminology underscores the relevance of understanding the meaning, power, and existential accounts of crime and crime control. From this perspective, any justice system rooted within a society is not the mere executive of legal dispositions, but also a source and carrier of meanings, especially regarding justice, fairness, and order. Neoliberalism is thought as the foremost politico-economic and cultural system nowadays, with local and international studies agreeing in that such model of society is characterized by social inequality and disembedded individualism, tending to overshadow any alternatives to its worldview. Consequently, while Chilean juvenile justice system formally subscribes to international agreements in favor of respecting the rights of young people, Chile, as a renowned neoliberal country, renders logics of practice founded on deep-rooted individualistic cultural values. This chapter claims that these values make sense in the current Chilean way of managing the juvenile justice system, which appears to generate “traps” of individualism. This situation pressures the challenge of exploring alternative perspectives to contest mainstream ways of practicing youth justice. Drawing on a restorative justice perspective and a “critical social control” approach, the present manuscript suggests alternatives to conducting justice based upon empathetic skills and culturally diverse approaches. In doing so, the present chapter conceives alternatives both able to be studied and implemented, arguing that when such important institutions demonstrate different practices, it will indicate that such society as a whole began to be transformed.

Este artículo examina cómo las normas sociales pueden no siempre promover comportamientos prosoci... more Este artículo examina cómo las normas sociales pueden no siempre promover comportamientos prosociales, utilizando la “viveza chilena” como ejemplo. La “viveza”, caracterizada por la búsqueda de beneficio personal sin considerar el daño a terceros, se manifiesta en conductas conocidas como “pillería”. Las normas sociales, basadas en expectativas compartidas, pueden llevar a comportamientos no cooperativos o que rompen las reglas de convivencia. El análisis se estructura en tres partes: primero, se examina el carácter “normativo” de la experiencia social desde la perspectiva de Heidegger y Gadamer. Luego, se argumenta que las ciencias sociales permiten clasificar conductas normativas como prosociales o antisociales. Finalmente, se sostiene que la “viveza chilena” puede ser un catalizador de comportamiento anti-social. El artículo concluye que promover normas prosociales debería ser prioritario sobre la regulación exhaustiva de la vida social.

Subjectivity, 2024
Despite their often perceived linearity, the past, present, and future are intricately woven toge... more Despite their often perceived linearity, the past, present, and future are intricately woven together. Previous experiences shape our perception, nourishing potential scenarios and enriching our evaluations. Sociocultural contexts reinforce this interplay, directing our attention toward various aspects based on our social positions. This scenario forms the context for the present study, which investigates perspectives of young Chilean men from two considerably distinct life conditions: business students and incarcerated individuals. Using semistructured interviews and a phenomenologically inspired analysis, we found that participants (amidst COVID-19) referred to similar pessimistic evaluations for their country but, on the contrary, remarkably converged on optimistic future expectations for their personal lives. Despite their markedly different personal life stories. The conclusions point to the stark experience of individuals "freed" from social structure, nurtured by recent neoliberal Chilean history.

Delito y Sociedad, 2024
La criminología cultural es una perspectiva que indaga la interrelación entre la experiencia indi... more La criminología cultural es una perspectiva que indaga la interrelación entre la experiencia individual, los significados culturales y el poder social presente en los actos de transgresión y desviación social. Desde esta mirada se cuestiona la noción de infractores de ley como sujetos esencialmente desviados y carentes de toda relación con la sociedad abierta, proponiendo la posibilidad de pensar en márgenes culturales difuminados y la compartición extendida de prácticas y comprensiones acerca de la realidad social. Así cobra relevancia la noción de convencionalismo, el cual es observado en comportamientos y miradas congruentes con las normas establecidas. A partir de la mirada de la criminología cultural, este artículo explora la noción de convencionalismo en infractores de ley, para lo cual se presenta como caso de estudio el relato a un joven encarcelado en tiempos de covid-19, recopilado a través de una entrevista semiestructurada, en la cual se abordaron los temas de: identidad, familia y pareja, política y posición social, consumismo, y percepción de futuro desde la mirada convencional, para concluir con una discusión dedicada al control social y la delincuencia. Esta revisión, permite establecer puentes humanizadores con el fenómeno de la "delincuencia común", permitiendo con ello, comprenderlo desde perspectivas diferentes.
Cultural criminology is an approach that investigates the interplay between individual experience, cultural meanings, and the social power present in transgression and social deviation. From this viewpoint, the idea of offenders as essentially deviant subjects devoid of any affiliation with open society is questioned, proposing the possibility of thinking about blurred cultural boundaries, mainstream practices and shared understandings about social reality. Thus, the notion of conventionalism becomes relevant, which is observed in behaviors and attitudes consistent with established norms. From the point of view of cultural criminology, this article explores the notion of conventionalism in offenders, for which the account of a young man imprisoned during covid-19 is presented as a case study, collected through an semi-structured interview in which the following topics were addressed: identity, family and couple, politics and social position, consumerism, and perception of the future from a conventional perspective, to conclude with a discussion dedicated to social control and crime. This review allows to establish humanizing bridges with the phenomenon of "common crime", thus allowing to understand it from different perspectives.

International Criminology, 2023
Chile is often considered an exceptional country regarding neoliberalism. Since its installation,... more Chile is often considered an exceptional country regarding neoliberalism. Since its installation, neoliberalism has found roots in different dimensions of Chilean social reality, not only in the politico-economic sphere but, more importantly for the present work, in the cultural realm. Several Chilean sociologists theorize about cultural values and practices, suggesting consumerism as a by-product of neoliberal reforms and pointing to individualistic derivatives such as narcissism and hedonism. Which, in turn, are often associated with offending by critical criminologies. Drawing on the classical Mertonian standpoint and its revision through cultural criminology, this article explores individualistic values in marginalized Chileans, presenting accounts of imprisoned young men collected through semi-structured interviews. The findings suggest that new gender roles support the transition from individualistic values to caring purposes, and in describing the latter, this article also highlights the interplay of material and ontological deprivation as subject of exploration for current critical criminology. Keywords Chile • Neoliberalism • Cultural criminology • Male offenders • Narcissism • Hedonism Resumen Chile suele ser considerado un país excepcional en cuanto a neoliberalismo. Desde su instalación, el neoliberalismo se ha enraizado en diferentes dimensiones de la realidad social chilena, no sólo en el ámbito político-económico sino, más importantemente para el presente trabajo, en el ámbito cultural. Diversos científicos social Abstract_Paraes chilenos han teorizado sobre valores y prácticas culturales, sugiriendo al consumismo como un subproducto de las reformas neoliberales y señalando derivados individualistas como el narcisismo y el hedonismo. Fenómenos que, a su vez, suelen asociarse a la delincuencia por parte de las criminologías críticas. Basándose en una perspectiva mertoniana clásica y su revisión contemporánea a través de la criminología cultural, este artículo explora valores individualistas en chilenos marginados, presentando relatos de jóvenes encarcelados recopilados a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas. Los hallazgos sugieren que nuevos roles de género apoyan la transición desde valores individualistas hacia propósitos vitales de cuidado y, al describir estos últimos, este artículo también destaca la interacción entre deprivación material y ontológica como tema de exploración para la criminología crítica actual.

Revista Estudiantil Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, 2020
Resumen: América Latina es comúnmente asociada con realidades de desigualdad, exclusión, inseguri... more Resumen: América Latina es comúnmente asociada con realidades de desigualdad, exclusión, inseguridad y desencanto. Este panorama resulta propicio para indagar sentimientos de (in)seguridad ontológica, comprendida como afección al sentido de continuidad biográfica, fundado en preocupaciones referentes al contexto amplio e inmediato. El presente estudio pretende indagar sentimientos de (in)seguridad ontológica en ciudadanos latinoamericanos, entendiéndose como variable latente de dos dimensiones ("centrífuga" y "centrípeta"), elucidada por medio de análisis factorial. Posteriormente se utiliza dicha información para producir modelos de ecuaciones estructurales analizados por medio de regresiones logísticas binomiales para explorar la relación entre ambas dimensiones y una medida de confianza social. Palabras clave: (in)seguridad ontológica, confianza social, América Latina, análisis factorial, Latinobarómetro.

Resumen La confianza social es fundamental en el tejido social de una nación. Una sociedad cuyos ... more Resumen La confianza social es fundamental en el tejido social de una nación. Una sociedad cuyos miembros confían entre ellos, tiende a ser menos segregada, presentar reglas morales de conducta más homogéneas y, en consecuencia, una menor propensión al rompimiento de dichas reglas. Utilizando información de la encuesta ISSP en su módulo de ciudadanía (2014), se diseñó un estudio multinivel sobre 32 países, en vista de responder a la pregunta acerca de qué factores individuales y contextuales se encuentran asociados a la confianza. En términos de resultados, se observó que el estatus social influye positivamente en la confianza. Este efecto se ve fortalecido a mayor riqueza (PIB per cápita). Por el contrario, la desigualdad en una nación (GINI) desfavorece la confianza. Finalmente, se plantea la relevancia de los diseños multinivel para estrategias de investigación que combinen técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas, así como también estudios combinados sobre N grande y N pequeño. Se revisa brevemente el caso de Chile en relación a los resultados generales. Palabras clave: confianza social generalizada, desigualdad, producto interno bruto, integración social, diseño multinivel.
Abstract Social trust is fundamental element in the social fabric of a nation. A society which its members trust to each other, tends to be less segregated, presents moral rules of conduct more homogeneous and in consequence, less propensity to break those rules. Using information from ISSP survey Citizenship module (2014), it was designed a comparative multilevel study about 32 countries to answer the question about which individual and contextual factors are associated to generalized social trust. In terms of results, it was found that social status relates positively with trust. This effect is enhanced by more wealth (GDP per capita). However, the inequality in a nation (GINI) is related negatively with trust. Finally, it is argued the relevance of multilevel designs for research strategies, which combine both quantitative and qualitative techniques, as well as combined 1 El autor agradece especialmente al Prof. Juan Carlos Castillo por su orientación y apoyo. Así también a los correctores anónimos cuyos comentarios colaboraron con el mejoramiento del presente artículo.
Thesis Chapters by Diego H Padilla-Lobos

Since the last part of the 20th century, several sociological perspectives have emerged endorsing... more Since the last part of the 20th century, several sociological perspectives have emerged endorsing the interweaving of social structure and the individual agency, serving to a new comprehension of social phenomena and their factual dynamics. In criminology, the conceptions about crime and its relationship with the mainstream cultural structure have been questioned –endorsing that allegedly conventional values may also form part of deviant manifestations. The purpose of this study is to disclose conventional standpoints in the accounts of young male adults who have committed property crimes, comparing them with socially well-regarded individuals –a comparison of ―maximally different‖ people. Consequently, two sets of accounts were gathered through in-depth semistructured interviews, representing both deviant trajectories (12 participants, average age: 23 years old) and conventional ones (6 participants, average age: 23 years old). The analysis focused on differences and similarities between and within groups aiming at narratives related to everyday experiences and culturally-charged standpoints – especially examining critical ―neoliberal‖ values and experiences related to individualism. The results show multiple points of convergence. This is particularly evident around valued goals such as family care and surprisingly, the rejection of consumerism. Moreover, future appraisals are also remarkably convergent, despite the notorious differences in past and present experiences. The results may be valuable in a twofold direction. First, the knowledge about the pro-social aspects of young offenders may improve social interventions. On the other hand, showing conventionalism in vulnerable groups often labelled as deviant may settle a more profound social critique around endorsed mainstream values in the Chilean consumer Society
Drafts by Diego H Padilla-Lobos

Cultural criminology is a perspective that examines how individual experiences, cultural meanings... more Cultural criminology is a perspective that examines how individual experiences, cultural meanings, and social power influence acts of transgression and social deviation. This perspective challenges the notion that offenders are inherently deviant and downright excluded individuals who have scarce connection to mainstream society. Instead, cultural criminology suggests considering the existence of blurred cultural boundaries, common practices, and shared understandings about social reality. Consequently, the notion of conventionalism becomes relevant, as it refers to behaviours and attitudes that align with established norms and values. This article proposes the examination of conventional accounts in offenders from the perspective of cultural criminology. For such purposes, it presents a case study of a Chilean young man who was imprisoned during the Covid-19 pandemic. The case study was collected through a semi-structured interview, which covered topics such as identity, family and relationships, politics and social status, consumerism, and the perception of the future from a conventional standpoint. The article also concludes with a discussion on social control and crime from the perspective of the participant and a cultural criminological analysis from a Latin American (Chilean) nuance. In overall, this review encourages the development of a humanising understanding of "common crime" from the notion of conventionalism in offenders.
Papers by Diego H Padilla-Lobos
Cultural criminology is an approach that investigates the interplay between individual experience, cultural meanings, and the social power present in transgression and social deviation. From this viewpoint, the idea of offenders as essentially deviant subjects devoid of any affiliation with open society is questioned, proposing the possibility of thinking about blurred cultural boundaries, mainstream practices and shared understandings about social reality. Thus, the notion of conventionalism becomes relevant, which is observed in behaviors and attitudes consistent with established norms. From the point of view of cultural criminology, this article explores the notion of conventionalism in offenders, for which the account of a young man imprisoned during covid-19 is presented as a case study, collected through an semi-structured interview in which the following topics were addressed: identity, family and couple, politics and social position, consumerism, and perception of the future from a conventional perspective, to conclude with a discussion dedicated to social control and crime. This review allows to establish humanizing bridges with the phenomenon of "common crime", thus allowing to understand it from different perspectives.
Abstract Social trust is fundamental element in the social fabric of a nation. A society which its members trust to each other, tends to be less segregated, presents moral rules of conduct more homogeneous and in consequence, less propensity to break those rules. Using information from ISSP survey Citizenship module (2014), it was designed a comparative multilevel study about 32 countries to answer the question about which individual and contextual factors are associated to generalized social trust. In terms of results, it was found that social status relates positively with trust. This effect is enhanced by more wealth (GDP per capita). However, the inequality in a nation (GINI) is related negatively with trust. Finally, it is argued the relevance of multilevel designs for research strategies, which combine both quantitative and qualitative techniques, as well as combined 1 El autor agradece especialmente al Prof. Juan Carlos Castillo por su orientación y apoyo. Así también a los correctores anónimos cuyos comentarios colaboraron con el mejoramiento del presente artículo.
Thesis Chapters by Diego H Padilla-Lobos
Drafts by Diego H Padilla-Lobos
Cultural criminology is an approach that investigates the interplay between individual experience, cultural meanings, and the social power present in transgression and social deviation. From this viewpoint, the idea of offenders as essentially deviant subjects devoid of any affiliation with open society is questioned, proposing the possibility of thinking about blurred cultural boundaries, mainstream practices and shared understandings about social reality. Thus, the notion of conventionalism becomes relevant, which is observed in behaviors and attitudes consistent with established norms. From the point of view of cultural criminology, this article explores the notion of conventionalism in offenders, for which the account of a young man imprisoned during covid-19 is presented as a case study, collected through an semi-structured interview in which the following topics were addressed: identity, family and couple, politics and social position, consumerism, and perception of the future from a conventional perspective, to conclude with a discussion dedicated to social control and crime. This review allows to establish humanizing bridges with the phenomenon of "common crime", thus allowing to understand it from different perspectives.
Abstract Social trust is fundamental element in the social fabric of a nation. A society which its members trust to each other, tends to be less segregated, presents moral rules of conduct more homogeneous and in consequence, less propensity to break those rules. Using information from ISSP survey Citizenship module (2014), it was designed a comparative multilevel study about 32 countries to answer the question about which individual and contextual factors are associated to generalized social trust. In terms of results, it was found that social status relates positively with trust. This effect is enhanced by more wealth (GDP per capita). However, the inequality in a nation (GINI) is related negatively with trust. Finally, it is argued the relevance of multilevel designs for research strategies, which combine both quantitative and qualitative techniques, as well as combined 1 El autor agradece especialmente al Prof. Juan Carlos Castillo por su orientación y apoyo. Así también a los correctores anónimos cuyos comentarios colaboraron con el mejoramiento del presente artículo.