University of Southern Queensland
Global Learning Division
This paper touches on how pressures to meet and maintain accreditation/recognition at institutional and program levels challenge the willingness of universities to be innovative in the demonstration of student learning. Taking the example... more
The 2006 Spellings Commission Report was seen as an attempt by critics of higher education to reshape it in a manner that diminishes institutional autonomy, changes the role of faculty, institutional mission and focus in the name of... more
This paper discusses the importance of evaluating the impact of the learning centre on student learning and satisfaction at a regional university with a significant online presence. The foci of this article are the aspiration and... more
Introducing risk management as an integrated component of university governance and administrative structures is still at a developmental phase because of the relative newness of the concept and the approach to it taken by TEQSA. Most of... more
Faculty evaluations are a hot item for discussion within the framework of quality assurance at universities. Now-a-days, the traditional concerns of academic freedom are being reframed through a lens of performance based on student... more
A case study regarding issues regarding the state coordination and oversight over colleges and universities because it is the specific response or lack thereof by a state coordinating board to a set of recommendations generated by a... more
It is argued that higher education institutions are part of a knowledge industry feeding a knowledge economy. One of the positive consequences of making education the key to future economic prosperity is a pronounced interest in access,... more