Corpus Linguistics, Terminology and Translation by Rafaela Rigaud Peixoto

Applied Corpus Linguistics, 2023
The purpose of this work is to revise and expand an aeronautical meteorology glossary, available ... more The purpose of this work is to revise and expand an aeronautical meteorology glossary, available at REDEMET, a homepage hosted on the Department of Airspace Control website, taking into consideration corpus data in the field. For that, to best meet the needs of institutions and users, data were compiled from some segments of the Aeronautical Meteorology domain. During the compilation of this corpus, it was noticed that there was a great scarcity of specialized sources of this Aviation subdomain in English and, mainly, in Portuguese, including material by the Department of Airspace Control (DECEA), the only official Brazilian institution with the role of regulating standards relevant to Aeronautical Meteorology. By taking into account that a given government institution is considered an authoritative source concerning terms used in a specialized domain, it would be advisable to align professional and academic expertise, and institutional interests. Therefore, based on contributions of corpus linguistics theories, terminology, and institutional translation, this work relied on established parameters for the compilation and processing of information for inclusion in the corpus, and focused, in this first stage, on the selection of candidate terms, according to corpus analysis. The first results showed that institutional and academic segments present some subtleties regarding terminology, as, on the one hand, some words are more specific to the academic register and, on the other hand, there are different uses of terms in the institutional setting, by ICAO, WMO, or FAA.
Aviation English - A Global Perspective analysis, teaching, assessment, 2022
Standardizing terminology is very important to maintain the accuracy of information being dissemi... more Standardizing terminology is very important to maintain the accuracy of information being disseminated, mainly in specialized elds and at institutional settings. In the case of Aeronautical Meteorology, it is a very speci c domain in the Aviation broader area, and it could comprise distinct classi cations of the same term (PEIXOTO, 2020). In addition to that, there is scarce literature on Aeronautical Meteorology in Portuguese language. In light of this, the use of corpora may pose very positive in uence to best relate normative and descriptive use of language. Taking this into account, this work is based on terminology (
Anais do Encontro de Linguística de Corpus, 2023

Estudos Internacionais, 2023
There have been new facets of multilateralism, which have motivated the realignment of traditiona... more There have been new facets of multilateralism, which have motivated the realignment of traditional power relations established globally, especially regarding the United States and China. This new strategic environment can be observed in changes made to the Brazilian National Defense White Paper (LBDN) of 2020, as well as in the dialectic between white papers of the United States (2017), and China (2019). To investigate these realignments and their possible impacts on the Brazilian defense sector, the analysis was carried out in two phases: (1) analysis of the general characteristics of the Defense White Papers by the US and China; and (2) comparison of discourses conveyed in chapters on international cooperation in each Defense White Paper. Speech patterns were analyzed according to rationales of Lexical Semantics and Critical Discourse Analysis. As a result, elements of semantic fields, intertextuality and modality in discourse were pointed out as parameters that could contribute to the evaluation of cooperation and deterrence/dissuasion actions to be adopted by the US and China in the 21st century.
TradTerm, 2021
Standardizing terminology is very important to maintain the accuracy of information being dissemi... more Standardizing terminology is very important to maintain the accuracy of information being disseminated, mainly in specialized fields such as Aeronautical Meteorology. Based on terminology (PAVEL; NOLET 2001; CABRÉ 1999 AND 2003) and corpora (SANTOS 2008 AND 2014; TOGNINI-BONELLI 2011) theoretical foundations, definitions and translation to Portuguese of expressions and terms contained in the Table 4678, concerning the main meteorology codes, as prescribed by the World Meteorological Organization (2011), were discussed. As a result, a systematization for terminological procedures is proposed, by using corpora with set validation standards. In this way, this paper intends to contribute to avoid misunderstandings regarding the criticality level of meteorological situations being communicated during air traffic operations.

Revista de Estudos da Linguagem, 2021
Weather events affect air traffic control (ATC) in many ways, for there are many situations that ... more Weather events affect air traffic control (ATC) in many ways, for there are many situations that need to be reported in pilot-controller communication. This paper attempts to analyze the language used to express the impact of meteorological phenomena to air traffic operations, particularly in regard to aeronautical English, that is, the communication used during radiotelephony by air traffic controllers in training situations. For that, two types of analyses will be carried out: one regarding the formulaic structure of lexical units using 11 Aeronautical Meteorology terms within the ATC context (phase 1); and another one concerning the use of these terms by students in three ATC courses (for TWR, ACC and APP facilities) and how it affects their performance during communication activities in a learning environment (phase 2). These analyses will be based on rationales of lexical semantics for terminology; corpus linguistics (CL), comprising English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and learner corpora; and considerations about vocabulary assessment on aeronautical English exams. Results suggest that terminological patterns discussed in this paper show how meaning is dependent on context, and how lexical semantic analysis of terms may contribute to reveal nuances of language used in a specialized context. In this way, it indicates courses have been efficient in teaching and practicing the use of the main meteorological terms related to aeronautical English and that, despite some mistakes students make, evidence points out that they are able to report weather conditions to pilots and to understand pilots’ requests in a proficient level concerning vocabulary.

The ESPecialist, 2020
Although Aeronautical Meteorology language is not generally regarded as standard communication be... more Although Aeronautical Meteorology language is not generally regarded as standard communication between air traffic controllers and pilots, it plays an important role in Air Traffic Control (ATC) communication since it comprises phraseology and plain language used to communicate weather phenomena which interfere in aviation operations. Then, this paper focuses on the meteorology terminology used by Brazilian experts and discusses whether Aeronautical Meteorology is a hybrid field. Based on the theory of lexical semantics for terminology proposed by L’Homme (2020), the syntactic and semantic properties of a small set of Portuguese terms were analyzed in two separate textual corpora, i.e. a corpus representative of Aviation language and a corpus representative of Aeronautical language. For that, the combinatorics of terms were examined by means of a concordancing tool and were categorized by means of semantic labels. Quantification and comparison of the results obtained seem to suggest that the behavior of the terms in the two corpora share a fair amount of similarities.

The ESPecialist, 2020
In this paper, the study of terminological definitions in specialized fields, particularly the av... more In this paper, the study of terminological definitions in specialized fields, particularly the aviation field, is proposed. During the development of a glossary for the Aeronautical Meteorology subfield, in English and in Portuguese, for the ANACpedia database, there was a need to delineate specificities with the purpose to meet the expectations of a varied audience. Based on Finatto (2001) regarding types of
definition and standardization guidelines prescribed by ISO 704/1987, this paper (1) analyzes procedures for the extraction of definitions and the organization of ANACpedia structural classes, and (2) discusses the termbase macro-organization and definitional categories used. In this way, nuances of terminological definition choices for the Aeronautical Meteorology subfield were discussed, with the purpose of contributing to improve the elaboration of entries for specialized glossaries.

Estudos Linguísticos, 2021
Neste artigo, será realizada uma breve retrospectiva sobre o desenvolvimento da área de Estudos d... more Neste artigo, será realizada uma breve retrospectiva sobre o desenvolvimento da área de Estudos da Tradução, a fim de compreender de que forma as diversas influências históricas definiram seu atual estado-da-arte e o processo de institucionalização da disciplina. Com base em Snell-Hornby (2006) e Blume e Peterle (2013), serão analisados nove perfis de seleções públicas de concursos e credenciamentos, a fim de tecer considerações sobre o efetivo espaço da tradução (e do tradutor) no âmbito institucional. Como resultado, observou-se que, embora um passo importante tenha sido dado no sentido de oferecer espaço institucional para a tradução e, principalmente, para o tradutor, essa mudança de paradigma, como denomina Lambert (2013), ainda ocorre de forma bastante paulatina, sem necessariamente conferir-lhes a devida expressividade em procedimentos estabelecidos dentro dessas instituições. Palavras-chave: estudos da tradução; tradução institucional; tradução especializada.
Perspectivas de Estado e Sociedade, 2021

Revista Política Hoje, 2020
Reconfigurações do ambiente estratégico de defesa no século XXI: perspectiva analítica de triangu... more Reconfigurações do ambiente estratégico de defesa no século XXI: perspectiva analítica de triangulação por meio de análise de corpora, análise semântica lexical e análise crítica do discurso AMPLITUDE Refere-se à amplitude de atuação ou de abrangência de algo. Ex: '~ no âmbito internacional' APLICAÇÃO Refere-se ao recurso material ou financeiro aplicado. Ex: '~ da Força' ASSOCIAÇÃO Refere-se à inter-relação entre dois elementos, de forma associativa ou cooperativa. Ex: '~ entre os povos' ATIVIDADE Refere-se a um ato de execução ou implementação. Ex: 'exercício de ~' ATIVO Refere-se ao recurso potencial disponível. Ex: 'provisão dos ~' ATRIBUIÇÃO Refere-se a algo designado a alguém ou a alguma entidade. Ex: 'coube o ~' CARACTERÍSTICA Refere-se a uma caracterização intrínseca, geralmente atribuída por adjetivo ou expressão adjetiva. Ex: 'estreita ~' CARACTERÍSTICA / ASSOCIAÇÃO Refere-se à combinação das etiquetas CARACTERÍSTICA e ASSOCIAÇÃO. Ex: '~ conjunta' CIRCUNSTÂNCIA Refere-se a uma circunstância física ou contextual para ou durante a realização de algum evento. Ex: '~ em casos de desastre' COMPARAÇÃO Refere-se a uma comparação direta ou indireta. Ex: 'priorizar o ~' FATOR DE DIMENSÃO Refere-se a um fator de dimensão espacial ou quantitativa. Ex: 'maximizar a ~' FINALIDADE Refere-se a uma finalidade direta ou indireta para a consecução de algo. Ex: 'conferência sobre ~' GESTÃO Refere-se à gestão ou ao planejamento de alguma ação ou atividade, ou a uma entidade que realiza essa gestão. Ex: '~ da Marinha Mercante' GESTÃO / FINALIDADE Refere-se à combinação das etiquetas GESTÃO e FINALIDADE. Ex: '~ de pessoal' Volume 29, nº 1-2020 | 124 INSTRUMENTO Refere a um meio operacional ou administrativo utilizado para a consecução de algo. Ex: 'mandados de ~' LOCALIZAÇÃO Refere-se à localização de uma instalação ou atividade. Ex: 'zona livre de ~' NORMATIVA Refere-se a uma normativa ou orientação para a realização ou implementação de alguma ação. Ex: 'medidas de ~' TIPO Refere-se a um tipo ou categoria de determinado item. Etiqueta comumente associada a outras. Ex: '~ de aquisição' TIPO / AMPLITUDE Refere-se à combinação das etiquetas TIPO e AMPLITUDE. Ex: ~ brasileira TIPO / CARACTERÍSTICA Refere-se à combinação das etiquetas TIPO e CARACTERÍSTICA. Ex: '~ bélica expressiva' TIPO / APLICAÇÃO Refere-se à combinação das etiquetas TIPO e APLICAÇÃO. Ex: '~ de operar' TIPO / FINALIDADE Refere-se à combinação das etiquetas TIPO e FINALIDADE. Ex: '~ de dissuasão' TIPO / GESTÃO Refere-se à combinação das etiquetas TIPO e GESTÃO. Ex: '~orçamentários' PRINCÍPIO Refere-se a um princípio de orientação geral. Ex: 'proteção à ~' PRINCÍPIO / ASSOCIAÇÃO Refere-se à combinação das etiquetas PRINCÍPIO e ASSOCIAÇÃO. Ex: igualdade jurídica entre os 2 PRINCÍPIO / FINALIDADE Refere-se à combinação das etiquetas PRINCÍPIO e FINALIDADE. Ex: objetivo primordial dos 2 PROBABILIDADE Refere-se à probabilidade de ocorrência, geralmente em relação a um referente de prosódia semântica negativa. Ex: 'risco à ~' REFERÊNCIA Refere-se a uma entidade denominável ou comparável Ex: 'perfil das ~' RELAÇÃO Refere-se à conexão entre dois elementos. Ex: 'ligada à ~' TEMPO Refere-se ao intervalo para a realização de algo. Ex: 'pronto ~' TERMO RELACIONADO Refere-se a dois termos diretamente relacionados no discurso. Ex: ~ e usos da energia

Revista CBTecLE, 2020
Devido à especificidade da área de Meteorologia Aeronáutica (MET AER), verificou-se que a elabora... more Devido à especificidade da área de Meteorologia Aeronáutica (MET AER), verificou-se que a elaboração de um glossário de inglês-português desse segmento apresentou, em linhas gerais, maior desafio para compilação de corpora, validação de informações e estruturação da definição. Nesse sentido, este artigo apresenta a metodologia adotada para a elaboração do referido glossário, uma subárea da base terminológica ANACpédia, em desenvolvimento desde janeiro de 2019, no âmbito do Acordo de Cooperação Técnica entre a ANAC e o DECEA. Com base na Teoria Comunicativa da Terminologia (TCT), de Cabré (1999 e 2003), e na concepção de linguística com corpos de Santos (2008 e 2014), o trabalho foi estruturado em dois eixos: discussão dos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos e exposição das análises empreendidas. Ao final, são apontadas possíveis contribuições do trabalho, ainda em andamento, para a área de aviação e, particularmente, para a área de MET AER, insumo relevante para as operações de tráfego aéreo.
Congresso da ABRATES, 2016
Narratives, Identity and Intercultural relations by Rafaela Rigaud Peixoto
Caderno de Letras, 2021
This paper aimed at addressing the discursive representation of Chinese migrants, according to th... more This paper aimed at addressing the discursive representation of Chinese migrants, according to the perspective conveyed in narratives enunciated by Chinese migrants themselves and by Brazilians on Chinese migrants.

Revista do Centro de Excelência Jean Monnet da FGV Direito Rio, 2021
This paper aims to analyze geopolitical tensions developed in the 21 st century, as evolving from... more This paper aims to analyze geopolitical tensions developed in the 21 st century, as evolving from disputes between the global powers, and how these dynamics motivated new multilateral reshapings in the European Union (UE). As a general objective, this paper aims at analyzing the causes of the growing nationalism in the EU in the 21 st century and its impact to regulate multilateral relations, as reflections of tensions between the global powers United States (US) and China. As specific objectives, the following ones were highlighted: (a) locating elements of identity and nationalism in the relationships between/among EU members; (b) analyzing instances of multilateralism in the relationships between/among Member-States; and (c) making considerations on the possible impact of tensions between the global powers US and China to motivate the definition of multilateral reshapings. For that, the theoretical foundation addressed the discussion between globalization and globalism; and the democratic legitimacy comprised by the identity-nationalism continuum. And the methodology was designed as bibliographical research on themes identity and nationalism, relevant to the cross-sectional axes legitimacy and populism, and study case with comparative analysis of speeches delivered by Theresa May, on the Brexit proposal, on January 20 th 2017, and by Donald Trump, on his inauguration day, on this same date. As a result, it was found that, within a context of shifting global order, the identity-nationalism continuum was resignified, in the face of the influence of growing populism and democratic legitimacy deficit, to some extent. Therefore, understanding how global tensions motivate this new 1 Ph.D. in Language Studies / Letters from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, M.
O ensino de linguas: concepções teóricas & práticas universitárias, 2010
Corpus Linguistics, Terminology and Translation by Rafaela Rigaud Peixoto
definition and standardization guidelines prescribed by ISO 704/1987, this paper (1) analyzes procedures for the extraction of definitions and the organization of ANACpedia structural classes, and (2) discusses the termbase macro-organization and definitional categories used. In this way, nuances of terminological definition choices for the Aeronautical Meteorology subfield were discussed, with the purpose of contributing to improve the elaboration of entries for specialized glossaries.
Narratives, Identity and Intercultural relations by Rafaela Rigaud Peixoto
definition and standardization guidelines prescribed by ISO 704/1987, this paper (1) analyzes procedures for the extraction of definitions and the organization of ANACpedia structural classes, and (2) discusses the termbase macro-organization and definitional categories used. In this way, nuances of terminological definition choices for the Aeronautical Meteorology subfield were discussed, with the purpose of contributing to improve the elaboration of entries for specialized glossaries.