Papers by Francisco Wanderley Garcia Paula-Silva
Objective: To perform a literature review and describe the several methods of conscious sedation ... more Objective: To perform a literature review and describe the several methods of conscious sedation used for the dental treatment in patients with special needs and children with emphasis in benzodiazepines therapy and the mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen gases. Data Source: Free choice of pertinent literature scientific articles and books related to conscious sedation. Data Synthesis: There are several techniques as alternative resources to the general anesthesia for the

A agenesia dentária consiste em uma anomalia comum de desenvolvimento, que resulta na alteração d... more A agenesia dentária consiste em uma anomalia comum de desenvolvimento, que resulta na alteração do número de dentes presentes na cavidade bucal e afeta aproximadamente 20% da população. Sua etiologia está associada a fatores ambientais, como infecções, traumas, quimioterapia, radioterapia e causas genéticas. Atualmente a etiologia mais aceita para explicar a ocorrência das anomalias dentárias é a alteração na expressão de genes específicos. Com base no conhecimento dos genes e fatores de transcrição envolvidos na odontogênese, presume-se que diferentes formas fenotípicas de agenesia dentária são causadas por mutações em diferentes genes. Os genes envolvidos na agenesia dentária em humanos incluem os fatores de transcrição (MSX1 e PAX9) que desempenham um papel crítico durante o desenvolvimento craniofacial e o gene que codifica uma proteína envolvida na via de sinalização canônica Wnt (AXIN2). Dessa maneira, a proposta do presente estudo é discorrer sobre os principais genes que têm sido relatados como reguladores da formação dental e a ocorrência de mutações nestes genes que poderiam resultar em agenesias dentárias. DESCRITORES: Mutação • Anodontia • Fator de transcrição PAX9 • Fator de transcrição MSX1 • Proteínas Wnt.
O objetivo deste trabalho é revisar os principais artigos publicados a respeito da utilização dos... more O objetivo deste trabalho é revisar os principais artigos publicados a respeito da utilização dos adesivos dentinários como materiais para proteção pulpar direta. Diversos estudos in vitro e in vivo têm sido realizados nas últimas décadas, e, embora alguns autores tenham verificado deposição de tecido mineralizado e reações inflamatórias leves após a aplicação dos sistemas adesivos diretamente sobre o tecido pulpar exposto. Diversos outros estudos microscópicos têm evidenciado resposta inflamatória crônica, ausência de formação de ponte de dentina e, portanto, ausência de reparo após esse tipo de procedimento, devendo o clínico sempre optar por materiais biocompatíveis. DESCRITORES Sistemas adesivos; Proteção pulpar direta; Biocompatilibidade; Citotoxidade.

Pediatric dentistry, 2018
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the Gram-negative pathogens identified in the r... more Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the Gram-negative pathogens identified in the root canals of primary teeth with irreversible inflammatory pulpitis and in teeth showing apical periodontitis. Methods: Samples were collected from 123 root canals of primary teeth from three- to seven-year-old patients. Root canals were assigned to either group one (irreversible inflammatory pulpitis; n equals 63) or group two (pulp necrosis and apical periodontitis; n equals 60). Total number of cells of selected Gram-negative microorganisms was determined by the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization technique. Demographic data were compared using either chi-squared or t tests. Total numbers of microorganisms were compared using the Mann-Whitney test (α equals 0.05). Results: There were no significant intergroup differences in gender, age, and tooth group distribution (P>0.05). Among the 123 samples, 17 were discarded due to salivary contamination. The total numbers of Prevotella nigre...

Hemangiomas are among the most common tumors found in children and are characterized by an excess... more Hemangiomas are among the most common tumors found in children and are characterized by an excess of blood vessels. They most often affect the area of the head and neck, occur with greater frequency among women and Caucasians, and can be found in the oral cavity-especially on the lips, tongue, or mucosa. Clinically, hemangiomas present as asymptomatic red or blue-colored lesions that grow rapidly and are capable of spontaneous regression. When they are found on the tongue, they can result in clinical problems as well as recurrent trauma due to biting of the tongue and tooth-brushing, resulting in bleeding, obstruction of the upper airways, and difficulty with chewing, deglutition, and speaking. The purpose of this article was to present a case study of a 4-year-old child with a diagnosis of hemangioma of the tongue, emphasizing the oral changes found as a result of this lesion, as well as the dental treatment used to minimize these changes.

Pediatric dentistry, Jan 15, 2018
The purpose of this study was to compare the Gram-negative pathogens identified in the root canal... more The purpose of this study was to compare the Gram-negative pathogens identified in the root canals of primary teeth with irreversible inflammatory pulpitis and in teeth showing apical periodontitis. Samples were collected from 123 root canals of primary teeth from three- to seven-year-old patients. Root canals were assigned to either group one (irreversible inflammatory pulpitis; <small>n</small> equals 63) or group two (pulp necrosis and apical periodontitis; n equals 60). Total number of cells of selected Gram-negative microorganisms was determined by the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization technique. Demographic data were compared using either chi-squared or t tests. Total numbers of microorganisms were compared using the Mann-Whitney test ( equals 0.05). There were no significant intergroup differences in gender, age, and tooth group distribution (P>0.05). Among the 123 samples, 17 were discarded due to salivary contamination. The total numbers of Prevotella nigres...

Journal of the Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry
Dental treatment can cause symptoms such as fear and anxiety. Audiovisual distraction (AD) is a s... more Dental treatment can cause symptoms such as fear and anxiety. Audiovisual distraction (AD) is a simple and low-cost technique that does not interfere with the dental treatment. The aim of this study was to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of AD methods for children who experience anxiety during dental treatment. Two reviewers performed a database search of the studies published between January 1950 and November 2015. The inclusion criteria were papers published in the English language, child samples aged 4-10 years, and use of AD. All potentially relevant studies were identified by the title and the abstract. After the full-text analysis of the potentially relevant studies, the selected studies were included in the systematic review. A meta-analysis calculation was performed for the overall data and the subgroup data. Thirty-seven nonduplicated studies were found. However, after reviewing the articles, only five were included. A high variab...

Brazilian Oral Research, 2016
This study aimed to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the effectiveness o... more This study aimed to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of chlorhexidine varnish on the reduction of caries incidence during fixed orthodontic treatment. The literature searches involved The Cochrane Library, Medline, Scopus, OpenSigle databases and manual searches. The search on OpenSigle did not produce any additional articles. Clinical studies conducted in patients with orthodontic fixed appliances that used professional application of chlorhexidine varnish were included. The effect-size was calculated and a metaanalysis was performed. From 182 abstracts, a total of six articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria. After reading the full articles, one was excluded because of lack of a control group. Three articles were used for continuous data analysis, and two articles were used for the dichotomous data analysis. The pooled meta-analysis with continuous data demonstrated chlorhexidine varnish effectiveness on caries reduction (p = 0.003), with a mean difference and confidence interval of −1.49 [−2.47, −0.51]. On the basis of the pooled meta-analysis of continuous data, we were able to conclude that professional application of chlorhexidine varnish is effective in caries incidence reduction during fixed orthodontic treatment.

Journal of Endodontics, 2009
The purpose of this study was to compare the favorable outcome of root canal treatment determined... more The purpose of this study was to compare the favorable outcome of root canal treatment determined by periapical radiographs (PRs) and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans. Ninety-six roots of dogs' teeth were used to form four groups (n= 24). In group 1, root canal treatments were performed in healthy teeth. Root canals in groups 2 through 4 were infected until apical periodontitis (AP) was radiographically confirmed. Roots with AP were treated by one-visit therapy in group 2, by two-visit therapy in group 3, and left untreated in group 4. The radiolucent area in the PRs and the volume of CBCT-scanned periapical lesions were measured before and 6 months after the treatment. In groups 1, 2, and 3, a favorable outcome (lesions absent or reduced) was shown in 57 (79%) roots using PRs but only in 25 (35%) roots using CBCT scans (p = 0.0001). Unfavorable outcomes occurred more frequently after one-visit therapy than two-visit therapy when determined by CBCT scans (p = 0.023).

Journal of Endodontics, 2009
Introduction-Inability to distinguish periapical cysts from granulomas prior to performing root c... more Introduction-Inability to distinguish periapical cysts from granulomas prior to performing root canal treatment leads to uncertainty in treatment outcomes, because cysts have lower healing rates. Searching for differential expression of molecules within cysts or granulomas could provide information with regard to the identity of the lesion or suggest mechanistic differences that may form the basis for future therapeutic intervention. Thus, we investigated whether granulomas and cysts exhibit differential expression of extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules. Methods-Human periapical granulomas, periapical cysts, and healthy periodontal ligament tissues were used to investigate the differential expression of ECM molecules by microarray analysis. Since matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) showed the highest differential expression in the microarray analysis, MMPs were further examined by in situ zymography and immunohistochemistry. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey test. Results-We observed that cysts and granulomas differentially expressed several ECM molecules, especially those from the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family. Compared to cysts, granulomas exhibited higher MMP enzymatic activity in areas stained for MMP-9. These areas were composed of polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs), in contrast to cysts. Similarly, MMP-13 was expressed by a greater number of cells in granulomas compared to cysts. Conclusion-Our findings indicate that high enzymatic MMP activity in PMNs together with MMP-9 and MMP-13 stained cells could be a molecular signature of granulomas, unlike periapical cysts.

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 2009
To evaluate the periapical repair after root canal treatment in the teeth of dogs using CT and co... more To evaluate the periapical repair after root canal treatment in the teeth of dogs using CT and conventional radiography and to compare these findings with the gold standard microscopic evaluation. Study design. The animals were divided into three groups according to endodontic treatment performed: Group 1, single-visit endodontic treatment in teeth without apical periodontitis; Group 2, single-visit endodontic treatment in teeth with apical periodontitis; and Group 3, endodontic treatment in teeth with apical periodontitis using calcium hydroxide as a root canal dressing. Group 4 consisted of teeth with apical periodontitis not submitted to root canal treatment and Group 5 consisted of healthy teeth without periapical disease. Radiographic, tomographic, and microscopic evaluations were performed by blind examiners. At 180 days experimental time, CT and radiographic measurements of periapical disease were compared with the gold standard microscopic measurement using intraclass correlation coefficient. Intergroup comparisons considering different methods of periapical lesions measurement or different clinical protocols of root canal treatment were performed by Kruskal Wallis test followed by Dunn. Integrity of lamina dura, presence of radiolucent areas, and presence of root resorption were analyzed by Fisher's exact test. Results. There was discontinuity of the lamina dura and CPD in all teeth from Groups 2, 3, and 4 evaluated by tomography and radiography 45 days after CPD induction. Radiographically, 180 days after root canal treatment, there was no periapical lesion in teeth from Groups 1 and 3, different from groups 2 and 4 (p Ͻ .05). The highest reduction in the CPD size was observed on Group 3 (p Ͻ .05). According to the tomographic results, there was decrease of the size of the CPD on Group 3 but not on Groups 2 or 4. However, in all groups the periapical lesions presented larger mesio-distal extension if compared with radiography, both 45 days after CPD induction and 180 days after root canal treatment. At 180 days, CT measurements were closely related to microscopic results (ICC ϭ 0.95) differently from radiographic evaluation (ICC ϭ 0.86). Conclusion. CT Scan evaluation of periapical repair following root canal treatment provided similar information than that obtained by microscopic analysis, whereas radiographic evaluation underestimated the size do periapical lesion.

Pediatric dentistry
Hemangiomas are among the most common tumors found in children and are characterized by an excess... more Hemangiomas are among the most common tumors found in children and are characterized by an excess of blood vessels. They most often affect the area of the head and neck, occur with greater frequency among women and Caucasians, and can be found in the oral cavity-especially on the lips, tongue, or mucosa. Clinically, hemangiomas present as asymptomatic red or blue-colored lesions that grow rapidly and are capable of spontaneous regression. When they are found on the tongue, they can result in clinical problems as well as recurrent trauma due to biting of the tongue and tooth-brushing, resulting in bleeding, obstruction of the upper airways, and difficulty with chewing, deglutition, and speaking. The purpose of this article was to present a case study of a 4-year-old child with a diagnosis of hemangioma of the tongue, emphasizing the oral changes found as a result of this lesion, as well as the dental treatment used to minimize these changes.

Brazilian Dental Journal, 2013
Mucocele is a benign lesion occurring in the buccal mucosa as a result of the rupture of a saliva... more Mucocele is a benign lesion occurring in the buccal mucosa as a result of the rupture of a salivary gland duct and consequent outpouring of mucin into soft tissue. It is usually caused by a local trauma, although in many cases the etiology is uncertain. Mucocele is more commonly found in children and young adults, and the most frequent site is the lower inner portion of the lips. Fibroma, on the other hand, is a benign tumor of fibrous connective tissue that can be considered a reactionary connective tissue hyperplasia in response to trauma and irritation. They usually present hard consistency, are nodular and asymptomatic, with a similar color to the mucosa, sessile base, smooth surface, located in the buccal mucosa along the line of occlusion, tongue and lip mucosa. Conventional treatment for both lesions is conservative surgical excision. Recurrence rate is low for fibroma and high for oral mucoceles. This report presents a series of cases of mucocele and fibroma treated by surgi...
Journal of …, 2009
PR detected AP in 71% of roots, a CBCT scan detected AP in 84%, and AP was histologically diagnos... more PR detected AP in 71% of roots, a CBCT scan detected AP in 84%, and AP was histologically diagnosed in 93% (p = 0.001). Overall, sensitivity was 0.77 and 0.91 for PR and CBCT, respectively. Specificity was 1 for both. Negative predictive value was 0.25 and 0.46 for ...

Pediatria, 2007
Objetivo: aprimorar e promover o conhecimento sobre a higiene bucal nas crianças. Métodos: livre ... more Objetivo: aprimorar e promover o conhecimento sobre a higiene bucal nas crianças. Métodos: livre escolha dos principais artigos da literatura selecionados pelos autores. Síntese dos dados: a ocorrência de cáries depende dos cuidados com a higiene e a alimentação da criança e da contaminação bacteriana pela mãe. A amamentação e a limitação da ingestão de açucares reduzem a incidência de cáries. A higiene bucal deve ter início no primeiro ano de vida, antes mesmo da irrupção dentária. Os métodos de higiene bucal devem acompanhar a evolução da dentição decídua do bebê. Podem ser utilizadas até cerca de dois anos a fralda, gaze esterilizada, ou dedeira, e a seguir escova e fio dental. Conclusão: a higiene bucal tem um conjunto de medidas já normatizadas para promover a prevenção de cáries, e os profissionais da área da saúde devem incluí-las na puericultura, divulgando para os pais e responsáveis.
Acta Odontologica Venezolana, Dec 1, 2008
Odontol Clin Cient, Sep 1, 2006
... Id: 509894. Autor: Silva, Francisco Wanderley Garcia de Paula e; Queiroz, Alexandra Mussolino... more ... Id: 509894. Autor: Silva, Francisco Wanderley Garcia de Paula e; Queiroz, Alexandra Mussolino de; Nelson-Filho, Paulo; Freitas, Aldevina Campos de. ... Limites: Criança. Responsável: BR310.1 - Biblioteca Professor Guilherme Simões Gomes. página 1 de 1, ...
Odontologia Clinico Cientifica, Jun 1, 2010
The purpose of this questionnaire-based study was to identify the characteristics and difficultie... more The purpose of this questionnaire-based study was to identify the characteristics and difficulties in undertaking toothbrushing in special needs patients with neurological and / or motor disorders. A questionnaire addressing aspects of the patients&amp;amp;amp;amp;#x27; oral homecare was applied ...
Papers by Francisco Wanderley Garcia Paula-Silva