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In the first millennium BC, communities in Italy underwent crucial transformations which scholars have often subsumed under the heading of ‘state formation’, namely increased social stratification, the centralisation of political power... more
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      ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyFuneral PracticesAgency (Archaeological Theory)
This article addresses the meaning of community in an area of the ancient world that is normally seen to diverge from the paradigm of the classical city-state, by examining the role of sanctuaries in the articulation of identity and... more
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This article approaches gender as a means of understanding cultural identity in Italy before the Roman conquest. Most scholars have assumed based on written sources that the ancient inhabitants of Samnium, who are noted for their fierce... more
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Rome’s encroachment on Italy is often seen as the process by which a unique city-state conquered the entire peninsula in a surprisingly short period of time. Yet in many ways the Roman expansion was an Italian phenomenon, in the sense... more
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      ArchaeologyLate Bronze Age archaeologyMediterranean archaeologyIron Age
Ideological obsolescence, faltering powers and accelerated socio-political change: Case studies from Iron Age Italy SESSION 3 RECKONING WITH ROME Dr FRANK DAUBNER (Universität Stuttgart) Continuity and change in Macedonian society after... more
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The aim of this workshop is to explore localized phenomena of crisis, unrest and survival in the central Mediterranean during the first millennium BC.
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMediterranean archaeologyItalic Archaeology, Etruscology, Greek and Roman Archaeology
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R. Scopacasa and E. Perego (2016) The Samnite State of Emergency: approaching crisis events and resolution strategies in Republican Italy (400-80 BC). Invited talk delivered at the State of the Samnites conference, held in January 2016 at... more
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      Archaeology of pre-Roman ItalyMediterranean archaeologyClimate Change and Environmental ArchaeologyRomanization
Seminário de apresentação do campo de pesquisa da linha "Ciência e Cultura na História"  do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da UFMG. 9, 16, 23 e 30 de abril de 2018 [Fafich – UFMG]
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    • Historia da Ciência
In the present-day world order, political disintegration, the faltering of economic systems, the controversial and yet dramatic consequences of global warming and pollution, and the spread of poverty and social disruption in Western... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyAnthropologyClimate Change AdaptationMediterranean archaeology
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyAnthropologyCrisis Management
Resumo: Grupos étnicos, tanto no mundo antigo como no atual, não são entidades fixas e claramente definidas, mas agrupamentos fluidos, unidos por ideias de origem comum e semelhanças culturais percebidas. Que este era o caso dos povos... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyRoman RepublicHistoria Antiga
Este artigo demonstra como uma abordagem contextual à cultura material pode ajudar-nos a compreender o impacto cultural da hegemonia romana. O foco será colocado nos ex-votos anatômicos de terracota, considerados por muitos estudiosos... more
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      Ancient HistoryHistoria AntigaRomanizaçãoItália
This pdf of your paper in Burial and social change in first-millennium BC Italy: approaching social agents belongs to the publishers Oxbow Books and it is their copyright. As author you are licenced to make up to 50 offprints from it, but... more
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Este artigo visa analisar o histórico e os atrasos referentes à implantação da linha 4-Amarela do Metrô de São Paulo, que, além de considerada estruturante dentro do planejamento de transporte da capital por se conectar às demais linhas,... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical ScienceGoverno
The present study aims to analyze the actions of the Ministry of Cities in the theme of urban mobility, under the management of the National Secretariat of transit and of urban mobility-SEMOB-in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (MRSP)... more
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    • Political Science
Este artigo visa analisar o historico e os atrasos referentes a implantacao da linha 4 – Amarela do Metro de Sao Paulo, que, alem de considerada estruturante dentro do planejamento de transporte da capital por se conectar as demais... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical ScienceGoverno