Papers by Agatha Cavallari
No interior de O inumano, Lyotard assinala que o sublime, sentimento marcado pela sustentação con... more No interior de O inumano, Lyotard assinala que o sublime, sentimento marcado pela sustentação contraditória entre o anúncio e a perda do indeterminado; ou, se quisermos, pela dinâmica tensa entre prazer e dor, foi o modo que caracterizou a sensibilidade artística do modernismo. 2 A esse respeito, uma consideração basilar deve ser destacada, qual seja, no pensamento de Lyotard, a modernidade e a pós-modernidade não são concebidas como períodos históricos. Caso houvesse essa admissão, seríamos tentados a recair na categorização de sempre atribuir a chegada da segunda após a primeira. 3 Estabeleceríamos, assim, entidades estanques, circunscritas em determinações espaço-temporais precisas. Em contraste com essa convenção, ambos são considerados pelo filósofo francês como modos
Kínesis, Jan 18, 2024
This article aims to investigate the role of music in Sartre's considerations of the work
of ar... more This article aims to investigate the role of music in Sartre's considerations of the work
of art, based on the period of publication of the author's first writings. It is known that Sartre, in
his few forays about aesthetics, gave greater density to the pictorial case. However, this doesn't
mean that music doesn't have notable peculiarities compared to other artistic manifestations.
Especially when we consider the author's analysis of the contrast between unreality and the real,
the examination of music offers us important elements for understanding the problem. In view of
this, we will examine the role played by music in The Nausea, a novel from 1938, according to
the theoretical background set out in The Imaginary, a work from 1940.
Cadernos Espinosanos
Este artigo pretende analisar a noção de melancolia tal como apresentada na caracterização de Roq... more Este artigo pretende analisar a noção de melancolia tal como apresentada na caracterização de Roquentin, protagonista do romance sartriano A náusea, à luz da análise espinosana sobre os afetos, nas partes III e IV da Ética. No livro de Sartre, podemos observar sugestões constantes sobre a peculiar tristeza do personagem, baseadas em sua relação com a descoberta da contingência. Por outro lado, de acordo com a necessidade ontológica, as considerações de Espinosa sobre os afetos afirmam a impotência do melancólico e apontam a servidão daquele que crê ser conduzido pela fortuna. Portanto, nesta dinâmica, indicaremos Roquentin como o exemplo do homem que não é senhor de si, nos termos espinosanos.
Papers by Agatha Cavallari
of art, based on the period of publication of the author's first writings. It is known that Sartre, in
his few forays about aesthetics, gave greater density to the pictorial case. However, this doesn't
mean that music doesn't have notable peculiarities compared to other artistic manifestations.
Especially when we consider the author's analysis of the contrast between unreality and the real,
the examination of music offers us important elements for understanding the problem. In view of
this, we will examine the role played by music in The Nausea, a novel from 1938, according to
the theoretical background set out in The Imaginary, a work from 1940.
of art, based on the period of publication of the author's first writings. It is known that Sartre, in
his few forays about aesthetics, gave greater density to the pictorial case. However, this doesn't
mean that music doesn't have notable peculiarities compared to other artistic manifestations.
Especially when we consider the author's analysis of the contrast between unreality and the real,
the examination of music offers us important elements for understanding the problem. In view of
this, we will examine the role played by music in The Nausea, a novel from 1938, according to
the theoretical background set out in The Imaginary, a work from 1940.