Books by Danilo Silva Guimarães
This book comes as part of a broader project the first editor is developing in collaboration with... more This book comes as part of a broader project the first editor is developing in collaboration with the other two, aiming critically to articulate the central philosophical issue of time and temporality with Cultural Psychology and related areas in its frontier. Similarly to the previous milestone in this effort—Otherness in Question: Labyrinths of the Self, published in this same series, the present one we also invited international cast of authors to bring their perspectives about a possible dialogue between a central philosophical issue and the core subject of their respective research domains. The book interests to researchers, scholars, professionals and students in Psychology and its areas of frontier.
This book comes as part of a broader project the editor is developing aiming critically to articu... more This book comes as part of a broader project the editor is developing aiming critically to articulate some theoretical and methodological issues of cultural psychology with the research and practical work of psychologists with Amerindian peoples. As such, the project – of which the present book is part – concerns to a meta-theoretical reflection aiming to bring in new theoretical-methodological and ethical reflections to Cultural Psychology. From this meta-theoretical reflection we have been developing the notion of dialogical multiplication as it implies the diversification (differentiation and dedifferentiation) of semiotic trajectories in interethnic boundaries.
Papers by Danilo Silva Guimarães
Psychology as a Dialogical Science
Cultural Psychology of Education

Culture & Psychology
This article aims to discuss the relationship between personal cultural experience and knowledge ... more This article aims to discuss the relationship between personal cultural experience and knowledge construction in psychology, from the perspective of the Semiotic-Cultural Constructivism. The thoughts here presented are, at the same time, from within psychology and about psychology. The researcher is culturally situated and science is a field of production of cultural works that aims to create perspectives of knowledge about the world. Researchers can and must create some detachment from their field of study to be able to understand the course of their own knowledge constructions. This detachment is achieved through a historical–philosophical view on the theoretical–methodological propositions of their field of research. As a case study, we selected for analysis the field’s pioneer productions, from the years 1982 to 2004. The material showed that the rationality that characterizes scientific research is directed, in this field, to creating semiotic resources for further developing r...
Theory & Psychology
Within psychology, epistemology is treated by many scholars explicitly or implicitly as a default... more Within psychology, epistemology is treated by many scholars explicitly or implicitly as a default first principle. Within this special section, this positioning is brought into question. Contributors consider broadening the philosophical foundations of our discipline to also overtly include ethical, existential, and cosmological concerns alongside epistemology considerations. We present five articles that each showcase very different approaches in the reimagining of the philosophical principles of psychology. Although different in many ways, these contributions also share key similarities in advocating for the more meaningful inclusion of ethics within broader processes of knowledge production and implementation.

Theory & Psychology
In our comment on Held (2020) we attempt to deepen her criticism and reflection about epistemic v... more In our comment on Held (2020) we attempt to deepen her criticism and reflection about epistemic violence while addressing the need for its elimination in psychological science. We acknowledge her argument about the prepositional divisions that emerge between two large groups of psychologies or psychologists (mainstream psychology vs. Indigenous and critical psychologies): from above and from below. In relation to these prepositional problems, we agree that the explanations derived from these divisions in terms of of, for, and about are confusing. However, we consider that Held’s reflections concerning the set of prepositions in the production of knowledge based on “of, from, and for the other” neglect another alternative that is “with the other.” According to this last point, we briefly present Bakhtin’s theoretical notion of co-authorship to argue that generally, epistemic violence is committed by not recognizing the voices of the participants involved. In addition, we use examples...

Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão
Resumo O artigo aborda práticas do serviço Rede de Atenção à Pessoa Indígena – vinculado ao Depar... more Resumo O artigo aborda práticas do serviço Rede de Atenção à Pessoa Indígena – vinculado ao Departamento de Psicologia Experimental do Instituto de Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo –, no período de 2015 a 2017, visando discutir os impactos de mudanças nos procedimentos de visitas às comunidades para a formação do psicólogo. A exposição do corpo do psicólogo em formação a contextos ritualizados segundo padrões distintos de sua cultura de origem faz emergir inquietações e angústias que caracterizam o modo de relação com a alteridade. Como ferramentas para elaboração desse modo de relação, os Guarani das comunidades visitadas nos propõem diálogos em que a prioridade é o estabelecimento de uma sintonia adequada com a sintonia do outro, preliminar à discussão e encaminhamento de projetos que abordam temas difíceis relativos a situações de vulnerabilidade psicossociais que as comunidades enfrentam.
Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science

Culture & Psychology
Chinese psychologists present important considerations on the individualism-collectivism dichotom... more Chinese psychologists present important considerations on the individualism-collectivism dichotomy, which has become a dominant reference in cross-cultural studies since the 80s. They observe that cross-cultural psychology has failed to define the concepts of collectivism and individualism in a precise manner, making it difficult to measure accurately intercultural differences. I argue that culture is a fundamental dimension of human experience. It guides us by means of verbal and nonverbal semiotic resources, actions, and personal aspirations. It also offers us symbolic resources for reflecting on these actions and aspirations, thus constituting points of view, relatively singular ways of being and of acting, either reflectively or not. The points of view that develop from different cultural traditions establish horizons that define the limits and propose the ways for people to inhabit the world with others. Furthermore, the conceptions that emerge from each culturally grounded poi...
Psychology as the Science of Human Being, 2015
Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana

The dialogical unity for the analysis of the Self includes the descending intersubjective interpe... more The dialogical unity for the analysis of the Self includes the descending intersubjective interpenetration of the psychologist's lens into the self-others' feeling/thinking together with the analytic demonstration concerning the transformations of the objects that participate in the intrapsychological stream of the focused feeling/thinking. The theoretical and methodological issues selected for our present study concern how to make dialogical analysis out of empirical data and how to articulate the analyzed content to the interpretative whole situation from which the researcher and the subject matter are part of. Dialogism does not have a standardized procedure and we are not considering that there is only one correct methodological procedure in dialogical psychology. Nevertheless, discussing some dialogical approaches to a short story from Albalucía Ángel (1979), we found that the starting point for the dialogical analysis should be the mediated relation of the Self with the others, emphasizing the relevance of the extra-verbal concrete situation.

This paper is about the inherent tensions in the self--other relationships that emerge from appro... more This paper is about the inherent tensions in the self--other relationships that emerge from approximations and estrangements imposed by field research situations. This matter is discussed in terms of the affective bonds between researcher and participants, and in relation to the personal involvement of the researcher with the object of study. The investigation is based on the dialogical perspective of the semiotic--cultural constructivism, incorporating recent reflections concerning the notion of perspective and dialogical multiplication. We forwarded the development of a research project concerning meaning construction on the topic of daily life in the circus. The interest in this subject arose from previous personal experience of the first author of this study. We sought to a) identify descriptive elements of everyday life in the circus b) the moments of tension that emerge in the self--other relationships and c) the dialogical position that emerge at the process of meaning construction. To this paper, we selected an analysis of a content registered in the field notebook about their first meeting that took place during the process of information gathering, preliminary to the research planned procedure. The selected report allowed us to reflect on the intersubjective and intrasubjective tensions we may encounter as we speak to others from different dialogical perspectives.

Departing from a Lockean illustration in the context of the history of the notion of Self, this a... more Departing from a Lockean illustration in the context of the history of the notion of Self, this article presents a discussion on dialogism as an effort to overcome ethnocentric views of human psychological phenomena. Dialogical approaches in psychology focus tensions between different viewpoints in face of an object of social representation . It is assumed that the socio-cultural polyphony is internalized during one's life trajectory (Hermans, Kempen and van Loon, 1991;. From a typical dialogical approach, the notion of dialogical multiplication is proposed addressing the creative cultural process in which multiple positions in face of an object is taken into account, but also multiple objects of reference are created under a semiotic construction. Finally, the article focus upon a clinical case formerly reported and analyzed by Ernst Boesch (1991), showing how dialogical multiplication is processed in the setting of psychotherapeutic I-other relationships and within the Self.
Books by Danilo Silva Guimarães
Papers by Danilo Silva Guimarães