Resumo: O B-SPG foi proposto como um sistema de correção para o Teste Bender, em 2005. O objetivo... more Resumo: O B-SPG foi proposto como um sistema de correção para o Teste Bender, em 2005. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se, com um conjunto menor de figuras, é possível chegar a uma medida da avaliação da habilidade perceptomotora equivalente à proposta original desse sistema. Participaram 787 crianças, com idades entre 6 e 10 anos (M = 8,18; DP = 1,33). Por meio de uma análise fatorial exploratória, foram veri-ficados os itens com maiores cargas fatorais, considerando os conjuntos de figuras for-madas por pontos e laçadas, linhas retas e ângulos e linhas curvas. A partir disso, reali-zou-se uma análise de regressão, verificando que um conjunto de três figuras, 3, 4 e 7, explicaram 80% da variância do escore total do B-SPG. O valor do coeficiente alfa foi calculado, indicando uma confiabilidade de 0,74. Pode-se dizer que esse conjunto de figuras se revelou adequado. No entanto, são necessários estudos que investiguem suas relações com outras variáveis, corroborando, assim, sua adequação psicométrica. Palavras-chave: organização perceptomotora; avaliação psicológica; Teste Gestáltico de Bender; desenvolvimento infantil; psicologia escolar. Abstract: The B-SPG was proposed as a correction system for the Bender Test in 2005. The aim of this study was to determine, if, with a set lower figures, is possible to get a measure of evaluation of perceptual motor skills equivalent to the original purpose of this system. Participated in this study 787 children, with ages ranging from 6 to 10 years (M = 8.18, SD = 1.33). Through an exploratory factor analysis, the items were checked with larger loads factorials, considering the sets of figures formed by dots and circles, straight lines and angles and curved lines. From there, was a regression analysis, finding that the set of three figures, 3, 4 and 7, explained 80% of the variance of the total B-SPG score. The value of the alpha coefficient was 0.74. It can be said that this set of figures proved appropriate. However, studies are needed to investigate the relationship with other variables, which confirms the psychometric adequacy of this set of items.
& Executive function mediated by prefrontally driven distributed networks is frequently impaired ... more & Executive function mediated by prefrontally driven distributed networks is frequently impaired by traumatic brain injury (TBI) as a result of diffuse axonal injury and focal lesions. In addition to executive cognitive functions such as planning and working memory, the effects of TBI impact social cognition and motivation processes. To encourage application of cognitive neuroscience methods to studying recovery from TBI, associated reorganization of function, and development of interventions, this article reviews the pathophysiology of TBI, critiques currently employed methods of assessing executive function, and evaluates promising interventions that reflect advances in cognitive neuroscience. Brain imaging to identify neural mechanisms mediating executive dysfunction and response to interventions following TBI is also discussed. & D
Resumo: O B-SPG foi proposto como um sistema de correção para o Teste Bender, em 2005. O objetivo... more Resumo: O B-SPG foi proposto como um sistema de correção para o Teste Bender, em 2005. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se, com um conjunto menor de figuras, é possível chegar a uma medida da avaliação da habilidade perceptomotora equivalente à proposta original desse sistema. Participaram 787 crianças, com idades entre 6 e 10 anos (M = 8,18; DP = 1,33). Por meio de uma análise fatorial exploratória, foram veri-ficados os itens com maiores cargas fatorais, considerando os conjuntos de figuras for-madas por pontos e laçadas, linhas retas e ângulos e linhas curvas. A partir disso, reali-zou-se uma análise de regressão, verificando que um conjunto de três figuras, 3, 4 e 7, explicaram 80% da variância do escore total do B-SPG. O valor do coeficiente alfa foi calculado, indicando uma confiabilidade de 0,74. Pode-se dizer que esse conjunto de figuras se revelou adequado. No entanto, são necessários estudos que investiguem suas relações com outras variáveis, corroborando, assim, sua adequação psicométrica. Palavras-chave: organização perceptomotora; avaliação psicológica; Teste Gestáltico de Bender; desenvolvimento infantil; psicologia escolar. Abstract: The B-SPG was proposed as a correction system for the Bender Test in 2005. The aim of this study was to determine, if, with a set lower figures, is possible to get a measure of evaluation of perceptual motor skills equivalent to the original purpose of this system. Participated in this study 787 children, with ages ranging from 6 to 10 years (M = 8.18, SD = 1.33). Through an exploratory factor analysis, the items were checked with larger loads factorials, considering the sets of figures formed by dots and circles, straight lines and angles and curved lines. From there, was a regression analysis, finding that the set of three figures, 3, 4 and 7, explained 80% of the variance of the total B-SPG score. The value of the alpha coefficient was 0.74. It can be said that this set of figures proved appropriate. However, studies are needed to investigate the relationship with other variables, which confirms the psychometric adequacy of this set of items.
& Executive function mediated by prefrontally driven distributed networks is frequently impaired ... more & Executive function mediated by prefrontally driven distributed networks is frequently impaired by traumatic brain injury (TBI) as a result of diffuse axonal injury and focal lesions. In addition to executive cognitive functions such as planning and working memory, the effects of TBI impact social cognition and motivation processes. To encourage application of cognitive neuroscience methods to studying recovery from TBI, associated reorganization of function, and development of interventions, this article reviews the pathophysiology of TBI, critiques currently employed methods of assessing executive function, and evaluates promising interventions that reflect advances in cognitive neuroscience. Brain imaging to identify neural mechanisms mediating executive dysfunction and response to interventions following TBI is also discussed. & D
Papers by Vanessa Sousa