Conference Presentations by Tamara Pardo

Este trabajo da cuenta del proceso de conservación y puesta en valor de osamentas humanas y mater... more Este trabajo da cuenta del proceso de conservación y puesta en valor de osamentas humanas y materiales culturales rescatados del cementerio prehispánico Rinconada de Quillagua, conocido en la literatura arqueológica como cementerio Oriente (02-Qui-01 y 02-Qui-02). El alto grado de intervención y saqueo sucesivo que éste ha sufrido a lo largo del tiempo, motivó a la propia comunidad de Quillagua a impulsar un proyecto para mitigar esta situación y posibilitar el descanso merecido de quienes son considerados " abuelos " o " gentiles " , contribuyendo a resguardar el patrimonio de su pueblo. A partir del trabajo conjunto de co-muneros y profesionales, sumado al apoyo de la Corporación Nacional de Desarrollo Indígena (CONADI), se logró generar una colección de alto nivel patrimonial que fue sometida a rigurosos procedimientos básicos de conservación que permitieron mitigar el proceso de deterioro al que estaban sometidos los materiales. La colección quedó al resguardo de la propia comunidad en un depósito provisorio habilitado en el pueblo de Quillagua, a la espera de una instalación que cumpla las normas de conservación adecuadas. En vista de ello, se formuló una propuesta de capacitación, plan de manejo e implementación de un futuro centro patrimonial comunal. Como etapa final del trabajo, parte de los restos humanos rescatados fueron reenterrados en el cementerio en una ceremonia organizada y presidida por la comunidad. Palabras Clave: comunidad indígena de Quillagua, rescate de cementerio, conservación, puesta en valor del patrimonio cultural.
Abstract This article documents the rescue and conservation of human remains and cultural materials from Rinconada de Quillagua, a pre-Hispanic cemetery composed of two areas, 02-Qui-01 and 02-Qui-02, which is also known in the archaeological literature as " Cementerio Oriente ". The high degree of human intervention and repeated looting that the site has suffered over time motivated the local people to initiate a project to reverse the situation, in order that those that they consider to be their " grandparents " can rest as deserved, contributing to the protection of the community's heritage. Through the joint efforts of the town and professionals, and with the additional support of the National Corporation of Indigenous Development (CONADI), a collection of great historical importance was formed and subjected to rigorous conservation procedures that halted the process of the materials' deterioration, thus ensuring their preservation. The collection was left under the protection of the community in a designated deposit in the town of Quillagua, needing the creation of an extensive plan for its future management and the training of those who will care for it. As the final act of the project, a portion of the rescued human remains were reburied in the cemetery in a ceremony organized and leaded by the community.
Conference Presentations by Tamara Pardo
Abstract This article documents the rescue and conservation of human remains and cultural materials from Rinconada de Quillagua, a pre-Hispanic cemetery composed of two areas, 02-Qui-01 and 02-Qui-02, which is also known in the archaeological literature as " Cementerio Oriente ". The high degree of human intervention and repeated looting that the site has suffered over time motivated the local people to initiate a project to reverse the situation, in order that those that they consider to be their " grandparents " can rest as deserved, contributing to the protection of the community's heritage. Through the joint efforts of the town and professionals, and with the additional support of the National Corporation of Indigenous Development (CONADI), a collection of great historical importance was formed and subjected to rigorous conservation procedures that halted the process of the materials' deterioration, thus ensuring their preservation. The collection was left under the protection of the community in a designated deposit in the town of Quillagua, needing the creation of an extensive plan for its future management and the training of those who will care for it. As the final act of the project, a portion of the rescued human remains were reburied in the cemetery in a ceremony organized and leaded by the community.
Abstract This article documents the rescue and conservation of human remains and cultural materials from Rinconada de Quillagua, a pre-Hispanic cemetery composed of two areas, 02-Qui-01 and 02-Qui-02, which is also known in the archaeological literature as " Cementerio Oriente ". The high degree of human intervention and repeated looting that the site has suffered over time motivated the local people to initiate a project to reverse the situation, in order that those that they consider to be their " grandparents " can rest as deserved, contributing to the protection of the community's heritage. Through the joint efforts of the town and professionals, and with the additional support of the National Corporation of Indigenous Development (CONADI), a collection of great historical importance was formed and subjected to rigorous conservation procedures that halted the process of the materials' deterioration, thus ensuring their preservation. The collection was left under the protection of the community in a designated deposit in the town of Quillagua, needing the creation of an extensive plan for its future management and the training of those who will care for it. As the final act of the project, a portion of the rescued human remains were reburied in the cemetery in a ceremony organized and leaded by the community.