Papers by Solange Gonçalves

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2020
This paper aims to revisit the relationship between the UWP and the agglomeration levels consider... more This paper aims to revisit the relationship between the UWP and the agglomeration levels considering a source of heterogeneity not yet investigated: workers' subgroups from different labor market sector-Formal or Informal-and, and treating wage earners differently from self-employed. We explore the Brazilian labor market using a longitudinal database that covers the whole country for the period from 2012 to 2019, that reflect the entire labor market, while almost all previous studies use administrative records of employers, thus restricting the UWP evidence to Formal workers. Our results reveal a new perspective for the UWP analysis in Brazil for elucidating the following points: (i) The UWP previously reported in the literature underestimate the real UWP when the role labor market is analyzed-Formal and Informal workers. Formal workers present half of the UWP of Informal workers; (ii) Both sectors show a non-homogeneous UWP according to agglomeration levels but with different patterns within MAs. As the area becomes denser, the Formal workers UWP increases while Informal workers UWP decreases; (iii) The intra-groups heterogeneity analysis shows that only Formal wage earners have behavior in line with the literature, while other subgroups show a decreasing pattern with agglomeration levels. Again, evidence that disregarding these groups of workers hides the complexity inherent of their insertion in the large urban labor markets and; (iv) The characteristics related to occupational skill, workers schooling level, and tenure show UWP differentials according to the agglomeration level and also between the subgroups of workers.

We aim to investigate the labor market transitions of Brazilian young sons and daughters and thei... more We aim to investigate the labor market transitions of Brazilian young sons and daughters and their mothers within the household. We develop and estimate a structural household job search model, using data from the Brazilian Monthly Employment Survey (PME/IBGE) for 2004 and 2014. Our main contributions are that i) we explicitly consider sons or daughters as decision-makers in a household job search model; ii) we distinguish and allow for the unemployment and inactivity of mothers and sons and daughters, and for different search behavior and job acceptance, depending on the situation of the other member in the labor market, and on the non-labor and labor income of the primary earner in most families, the father; and iii) we develop and estimate a job search model for Brazilian households. Our counterfactual simulations allow us to verify that the own labor market opportunities and conditions of the sons/daughters and mothers mostly contributed to their decreasing unemployment rates in...

The consumption of clean fuel is a key factor for sustainable development and household welfare. ... more The consumption of clean fuel is a key factor for sustainable development and household welfare. Households use fuel as input to produce energy services, such as cooking. In general, a ordability, accessibility, and the convenience of the fuel in uence the consumption decision of households. However, in developing economies with high penetration of clean fuels, such as Brazil, it is understood that the main determinant is the a ordability. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the household demand for lique ed petroleum gas (LPG), taking into account the recent Brazilian social and economic changes. We apply static and dynamic models for panel data at the states level from 2002 to 2018, the period after the fuel price deregulation in the country. Our results suggest that the own-price, food price, income, and temperature in uence the household demand for LPG. Also, although demand is inelastic, we found that LPG consumption by households is more sensitive to changes in prices than incom...

Debates on the importance of renewable energy sources have arisen in the context of climate chang... more Debates on the importance of renewable energy sources have arisen in the context of climate change. Wind power is a renewable and clean energy source with minimal environmental impact. Also, the existing literature indicates that the installation of wind farms can be an important channel for local development through job and income generation. In this context, this study aims to analyze the relationship between the presence of wind farms and the labor market outcomes of the municipalities of the Northeast region of Brazil, which contains around 80% of the installed capacity of this technology in the country. The database of this study is built from several public data sources. The methodological approach taken was a combination of propensity score matching and the estimation of the average treatment effect. However, we consider the existence of spatial dependence of the municipalities in the estimation of the propensity score. The results suggest that the presence of wind power plan...

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020
Wind power is an important source of renewable energy. Beyond the environmental dimension, the wi... more Wind power is an important source of renewable energy. Beyond the environmental dimension, the wind energy may contribute to the local development. Due to its weather conditions, Brazil emerges as one of the leading countries in the generation of wind power. This study estimates the impact of wind farms on the Brazilian labor market, through the exploration of the staggered nature of the sequential process of wind farm implantation between 2004 and 2016. We estimate the treatment effect parameters using a Difference-inDifferences (DiD) approach with: i) multiple time periods, ii) variation in treatment timing, and iii) dynamic treatment effects, through an event study design. We aggregate information from several data sources into a panel and we analyze the impact on employment and wages, by considering economic sectors, educational levels, and firm sizes. Our findings suggest that wind farms increase employment in the industry, agriculture and construction, and increase the wages in all economic sectors. Additionally, we find positive effects on the employment and wages of less-educated workers, and of small and medium-sized firms. The impact of this intervention can last for up to two years. Our results suggest that wind power may generate significant social impacts through the labor market, by contributing to local development and increasing social welfare in developing economies.

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2020
The urban wage premium (UWP) is a positive wage differential of individuals working in dense area... more The urban wage premium (UWP) is a positive wage differential of individuals working in dense areas. Few studies identify and compare the UWP between genders or analyze the female UWP. It is precisely because there is different behavior between genders that the inclusion of women becomes relevant. The female UWP investigation seeks to understand whether: <br><br>(i) agglomeration economies in denser areas benefit men and women differently; <br><br>(ii) the skill level of the occupation in the labor market influences the magnitude of the UWP between genders;<br><br>(iii) the female and male UWP change across the wage distribution. <br><br>Thus, this paper aims to evaluate the UWP for women in Brazil from 2012 to 2019 using the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (PNADC/IBGE). These data allow the analysis of several characteristics of individuals, occupations, firms, and households, with national coverage and representativeness. The paper’s main result shows that female UWP is almost double the male one, reaching 11.3% versus 5.7%. We also find a higher UWP for women in subgroups based on the formality status in the labor market and the agglomeration levels. Quantile regressions reveal different magnitude for the UWP throughout the wage distribution and different trajectories between men and women. High-skill occupations provide higher premiums in denser areas meaning that the labor market occupation also matters for the female UWP magnitude. The main conclusion is that the UWP may be underestimated in most studies that consider only men. Besides, the UWP can be overestimated not examining the wage distribution. Therefore, this paper contributes to the UWP literature, by including women and highlighting differences between genders beyond participation and wage level.

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2020
Thiago da Costa Albuquerque (UNIFESP) 2 Solange Gonçalves (UNIFESP) 3 Resumo: A partir da década ... more Thiago da Costa Albuquerque (UNIFESP) 2 Solange Gonçalves (UNIFESP) 3 Resumo: A partir da década de 1980, a literatura sobre o conceito e a mensuração da pobreza passou a abordar a dimensão temporal e a duração do fenômeno, por meio das abordagens de dinâmica da pobreza. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a dinâmica e os ciclos de pobreza das famílias brasileiras, entre 2012 e 2019, incluindo o período de aprofundamento da crise econômica no país, utilizando os microdados longitudinais da PNADC (IBGE). Aplicamos a categorização da pobreza crônica e transitória proposta por Hulme e Shepherd (2003). A abordagem econométrica é baseada no modelo de logit multinomial e estimamos a probabilidade relativa de uma família pertencer a uma categoria de pobreza, com o objetivo de analisar as características associadas a uma maior duração e permanência nesta situação. Os resultados deste artigo permitem verificar que as famílias que vivem em regiões rurais e nas regiões nordeste e norte do Brasil têm maior probabilidade de estar em uma situação de pobreza crônica ou transitória. Outras características relevantes associadas a esta situação são: o maior número de crianças na família, a presença de membros com menos escolaridade, uma menor porcentagem de indivíduos economicamente ativos e a presença de chefes não brancos, desempregados, informais, solteiros e idosos.

Primeiramente, faço um agradecimento especial aos meus orientadores professor Naercio Menezes Fil... more Primeiramente, faço um agradecimento especial aos meus orientadores professor Naercio Menezes Filho e professora Renata Narita, responsáveis por tornar o desenvolvimento dessa tese uma etapa bastante agradável e proveitosa, de grande aprendizado e aquisição de conhecimentos. Sou grata por toda a dedicação e preocupação com os artigos que realizamos em conjunto, mas também pela amizade, confiança, apoio, conselhos durante todo o período do doutorado, e por tornarem possível o meu estágio sanduíche. Agradeço aos meus pais Cleia e José Manoel pelo carinho, apoio, dedicação e paciência durante toda a minha trajetória acadêmica, e pelo imenso valor que sempre deram aos meus estudos, mesmo diante de grandes dificuldades ao longo desse processo. Também gostaria de agradecer ao Thiago, um grande amigo e companheiro, que esteve ao meu lado em todos os momentos ao longo do mestrado e doutorado, e cujo carinho, dedicação e apoio foram fatores determinantes para a conclusão desta etapa de formação. Também quero agradecer aos meus irmãos Caroline, Ailton e Adilson e a minha sobrinha Manuela, por todo o afeto e apoio nesse período. Sou grata aos professores e funcionários da Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo (FEA-USP). Em especial, agradeço ao coordenador do programa de pós-graduação em Economia, professor Márcio Issao Nakane, por todo o apoio e atenção dispensada, desde o início do doutorado; ao professor André Chagas, pela amizade e pela parceria em trabalhos acadêmicos; aos professores Hélio

The urban wage premium (UWP), is given by the positive wage differential in dense areas when comp... more The urban wage premium (UWP), is given by the positive wage differential in dense areas when compared to less dense regions and remains even after controlling the characteristics of individuals, occupations, and firms. Few studies identify the UWP between genders or, more specifically, that analyze the female UWP. Most studies focus on men, as they have a more stable behavior in the labor market. However, it is precise because there are different behaviors between genders that the inclusion of women becomes relevant. Such differences begin with the decision to participate in the labor market, which is influenced by factors and takes into account a coordination process, affecting men and women differently. The UWP investigation seeks to understand (i) whether the agglomeration economies in dense areas benefit men and women differently, and (ii) whether the allocation or composition of the labor market generates different magnitude for the UWP between genders. With this context, this ...

O objetivo desse artigo é examinar os impactos da política de aumentos do salário mínimo (SM) na ... more O objetivo desse artigo é examinar os impactos da política de aumentos do salário mínimo (SM) na oferta de trabalho das famílias pobres brasileiras, por meio de da estimação de modelos de racionalidade coletiva. São utilizados os microdados longitudinais trimestrais da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua (PNADC/IBGE), para o período entre 2012 e 2015 e o método de diferenças em diferenças (DD). Os resultados mostram que depois dos aumentos do SM há uma diminuição da participação no mercado de trabalho dos adolescentes em 3% e um aumento na oferta de trabalho dos chefes e cônjuges em 1,4% e 4,7%, respectivamente. Também foi possível verificar que a diferença na escolaridade entre chefes e cônjuges impacta positivamente a oferta de trabalho dos cônjuges e diminui a oferta de trabalho dos chefes, ou seja, atua no sentido de aumentar o poder de barganha dos chefes no processo de decisão intrafamiliar sobre a oferta de trabalho. Além disso, se o domicílio apresenta chefe do sexo masculino, o chefe e o adolescente apresentam maior participação no mercado de trabalho.

Ever-more sophisticated studies on the methodological approach and the conceptual scope of povert... more Ever-more sophisticated studies on the methodological approach and the conceptual scope of poverty have led to a consensus among scholars on the dynamic characteristic of this phenomenon - in other words, the existence of an in-and-out of privation movement of individuals and families. Within this context, Hulme and Shepherd (2003) defined five groups according to the location of the punctual and average indicators of poverty vis-à-vis the poverty line. This paper’s objective is to adapt this typology to Brazil, using PME (Monthly Job Survey) micro-data for the 2002 - 2011 timeframe and the six Brazilian Metropolitan Regions covered by PME as well as, by estimating a multinomial logit, investigate which family characteristics relate to a greater or lesser chance of belonging to each of the chronic and transitory poverty categories. Categorization allows observation that, despite a sweeping across-the-board decline in the percentage of families in all poverty categories in the past decade, those families always or usually poor display demographic, socioeconomic, access to and insertion into the labor market categories which differ from families in transitory poverty or classified as never poor. Moreover, Northeastern metropolitan regions (Salvador and Recife) have higher percentages of chronic or transitory poverty. Multinomial logit estimates make it possible to verify that families whose members have completed secondary schooling or college or hold a higher-qualified occupation stand lesser chances of entering into or remaining in poverty. Results call for differentiating among poor families, as they enter into or leave poverty - which is tantamount to saying that the dynamics of poverty must be taken into account as public policies are drawn up.
Papers by Solange Gonçalves