Papers by Pamela Michelena De Marchi Gherini
Princípios de Yogyakarta: proteção e direitos LGBT, 2018
O Direito Internacional, assim como o Direito Brasileiro, possui poucas ferramentas para lidar co... more O Direito Internacional, assim como o Direito Brasileiro, possui poucas ferramentas para lidar com questões jurídicas inerentes à comunidade LGBT. A omissão é tanta que alguns autores chegam a utilizar a expressão "Direito Internacional Monocromático" para se referir ao fato de que a ordem internacional não se manifesta expressamente sobre a proteção de pessoas LGBT sem nem vedar claramente a discriminação contra este grupo que é criminalizado, perseguido, violentado e morto em diversos países do mundo.
Direito das mulheres: avanços legislativos de 2018, 2019
A aparente igualdade de gênero da nossa sociedade agrava ainda mais o problema da violência contr... more A aparente igualdade de gênero da nossa sociedade agrava ainda mais o problema da violência contra a mulher no país. Isso ocorre devido a ilusão de que os avanços legislativos e sociais das últimas décadas solucionaram a disparidade existente entre homens e mulheres no país. Casos de violência com base em gênero costumam ser subnotiicados em razão das circunstâncias em que ocorrem, normalmente no âmbito privado. Isso torna a denúncia e coleta de provas algo desaaador. A culpabilização da vítima, a falta de informação, a diiculdade de acessar o Judiciário e a demora dos processos também desmotivam a busca por responsabilização dos agressores.

Key words: Angel Investment; Start-ups; Comercial Law.
Due to the increase in the number of Braz... more Key words: Angel Investment; Start-ups; Comercial Law.
Due to the increase in the number of Brazilian start-ups and the consequent demand for legal solutions, this project aims to understand the legal risks of angel investment as well as the legal instruments used for such transactions in Brazil, identifying and analyzing the main rules that address the subject.
The data collection occurred through face-to-face and written interviews with 13 experts, among them lawyers and entrepreneurs. In addition to the interviews, literature was collected, both legal and entrepreneurship publications. The study was guided by an interview form developed by the author with the objective of uniting practical and theoretical knowledge.
In total, 11 legal instruments were identified in the Brazilian legal system that can be used for angel investment. Of these contracts, the most recommended by the interviewed specialists were “mútuo conversível em participação societária”, “opção de compra de participação societária” and “sociedade em conta de participação”.
In response to regulatory needs, Rule N°. 155, of October 27th, 2016 was enacted with the purpose of bringing greater legal protection to the angel investment market, promoting such operations in the country. Thus, it introduced a new legal instrument called “contrato de participação” to facilitate the transactions. However, after the Brazilian Internal Revenue Service (“Receita Federal”) ruled on how the new model should be taxed, it faced criticism about its viability, mainly due to high taxation.
Books by Pamela Michelena De Marchi Gherini
Papers by Pamela Michelena De Marchi Gherini
Due to the increase in the number of Brazilian start-ups and the consequent demand for legal solutions, this project aims to understand the legal risks of angel investment as well as the legal instruments used for such transactions in Brazil, identifying and analyzing the main rules that address the subject.
The data collection occurred through face-to-face and written interviews with 13 experts, among them lawyers and entrepreneurs. In addition to the interviews, literature was collected, both legal and entrepreneurship publications. The study was guided by an interview form developed by the author with the objective of uniting practical and theoretical knowledge.
In total, 11 legal instruments were identified in the Brazilian legal system that can be used for angel investment. Of these contracts, the most recommended by the interviewed specialists were “mútuo conversível em participação societária”, “opção de compra de participação societária” and “sociedade em conta de participação”.
In response to regulatory needs, Rule N°. 155, of October 27th, 2016 was enacted with the purpose of bringing greater legal protection to the angel investment market, promoting such operations in the country. Thus, it introduced a new legal instrument called “contrato de participação” to facilitate the transactions. However, after the Brazilian Internal Revenue Service (“Receita Federal”) ruled on how the new model should be taxed, it faced criticism about its viability, mainly due to high taxation.
Books by Pamela Michelena De Marchi Gherini
Due to the increase in the number of Brazilian start-ups and the consequent demand for legal solutions, this project aims to understand the legal risks of angel investment as well as the legal instruments used for such transactions in Brazil, identifying and analyzing the main rules that address the subject.
The data collection occurred through face-to-face and written interviews with 13 experts, among them lawyers and entrepreneurs. In addition to the interviews, literature was collected, both legal and entrepreneurship publications. The study was guided by an interview form developed by the author with the objective of uniting practical and theoretical knowledge.
In total, 11 legal instruments were identified in the Brazilian legal system that can be used for angel investment. Of these contracts, the most recommended by the interviewed specialists were “mútuo conversível em participação societária”, “opção de compra de participação societária” and “sociedade em conta de participação”.
In response to regulatory needs, Rule N°. 155, of October 27th, 2016 was enacted with the purpose of bringing greater legal protection to the angel investment market, promoting such operations in the country. Thus, it introduced a new legal instrument called “contrato de participação” to facilitate the transactions. However, after the Brazilian Internal Revenue Service (“Receita Federal”) ruled on how the new model should be taxed, it faced criticism about its viability, mainly due to high taxation.