Papers by Pablo Schwartz Frydman
Estudios del discurso, Jul 20, 2023

Estudios del discurso, Jul 20, 2023
Acceso abierto Esta obra está bajo licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internaci... more Acceso abierto Esta obra está bajo licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC 4.0) Resumen El propósito de este artículo es trazar un paralelo entre dos hombres públicos y sus biografías, que abordan momentos convulsionados de la vida política en la antigua Roma. Ático de Cornelio Nepote ilustra las turbulencias de las últimas décadas de la República romana, las guerras civiles y el comienzo del largo periodo en que Octavio controlará el Estado romano. Por su parte, la biografía de Agrícola, escrita por su yerno Tácito, revela aspectos sombríos de la vida política en los años finales del principado de Domiciano, último de los príncipes de la dinastía Flavia. Como es usual en el género biográfico, la narración de las acciones de los personajes se alterna con una descripción y análisis de su carácter. Ambos personajes se destacan por la cautela con la que se enfrentaron a situaciones adversas. 1
De Gruyter eBooks, Nov 25, 2015
Classica - Revista Brasileira de Estudos Clássicos
Este artigo apresenta uma tradução ao português, com introdução e notas, do prefácio ao terceiro ... more Este artigo apresenta uma tradução ao português, com introdução e notas, do prefácio ao terceiro livro de Controvérsias de Sêneca, o rétor. Além de fornecer um retrato do orador Cássio Severo, são também referidas e comentadas neste texto suas opiniões sobre as relações entre oratória institucional e declamação escolar. A crítica à declamação, feita no contexto das escolas de retórica, é um tópico recorrente em vários autores da Antiguidade Latina, e o prefácio aqui traduzido constitui um dos mais relevantes exemplos sobre o tema.
Reading Roman Declamation, 2015
Quadripartita Ratio; No 5 (2018): RHETORIC, EDUCATION AND DISCOURSE. CUBA AND THE GRECO-ROMAN ANTIQUITY.; 49-59, Oct 9, 2021

Resumen Aunque la tragedia Tiestes de Séneca sea la única que sobrevivió sobre este mito, las ref... more Resumen Aunque la tragedia Tiestes de Séneca sea la única que sobrevivió sobre este mito, las referencias al mismo son abundantes en la literatura latina del principado. Quintiliano (I.O. X, 1, 98) colocaba al Tiestes de Vario al mismo nivel que las mejores tragedias griegas. Para Horacio, la cena de Tiestes era ejemplo de trama trágica, pero también de los límites de la representación dramática (Hor. Ars 90-91; 186). En el Diálogo de los oradores de Tácito se sugiere que una recitatio de la tragedia Tiestes, proyecto del personaje Materno, denunciará verdades incómodas sobre el poder político en tiempos de Vespasiano (Tac. Dial. 3, 3). En la primera controversia de Séneca el Viejo, el mito de Tiestes es aludido en dos oportunidades. En ambas sirve a la elaboración de un color para defender la pars más difícil de la controversia, a favor del tío que deshereda al sobrino (Sen. Contr. I, 1). Este trabajo se propone analizar la elaboración por Latrón, del color de un odio entre los her...

Reception: October 16, 2017 Accepted: December 17, 2017 Tyranny is a frequent topic in Latin coll... more Reception: October 16, 2017 Accepted: December 17, 2017 Tyranny is a frequent topic in Latin collections of declamation. The idea that declamations on tyrants are something unreal or ridiculous is recurrent even in ancient texts that refer to declamation. However, it is through themes like these that declamation affirms its status of fiction and approaches poetic genres. In this paper I will analyze some examples of figurate speech in Latin declamations that contain references to tyrants. By studying these examples and the comments by Quintilian and Seneca the Elder on the use of such resource, I intend to investigate an aspect of a frequent discussion in schools of rhetoric: the conditions to use figurate speech in declamations. Although declamations seek the audience’s delight, the study of controuersiae figuratae should not be considered alien to an “authentic” theory of figurate speech ( Ascani, 2006: xxv and 82). In my opinion, the things that condition the use of this resource...

espanolAunque la tragedia Tiestes de Seneca sea la unica que sobrevivio sobre este mito, las refe... more espanolAunque la tragedia Tiestes de Seneca sea la unica que sobrevivio sobre este mito, las referencias al mismo son abundantes en la literatura latina del principado. Quintiliano (I.O. X, 1, 98) colocaba al Tiestes de Vario al mismo nivel que las mejores tragedias griegas. Para Horacio, la cena de Tiestes era ejemplo de trama tragica, pero tambien de los limites de la representacion dramatica (Hor. Ars 90-91; 186). En el Dialogo de los oradores de Tacito se sugiere que una recitatio de la tragedia Tiestes, proyecto del personaje Materno, denunciara verdades incomodas sobre el poder politico en tiempos de Vespasiano (Tac. Dial. 3, 3). En la primera controversia de Seneca el Viejo, el mito de Tiestes es aludido en dos oportunidades. En ambas sirve a la elaboracion de un color para defender la pars mas dificil de la controversia, a favor del tio que deshereda al sobrino (Sen. Contr. I, 1). Este trabajo se propone analizar la elaboracion por Latron, del color de un odio entre los herm...

Reception: October 16, 2017 Accepted: December 17, 2017 Tyranny is a frequent topic in La... more Reception: October 16, 2017 Accepted: December 17, 2017 Tyranny is a frequent topic in Latin collections of declamation. The idea that declamations on tyrants are something unreal or ridiculous is recurrent even in ancient texts that refer to declamation. However, it is through themes like these that declamation affirms its status of fiction and approaches poetic genres. In this paper I will analyze some examples of figurate speech in Latin declamations that contain references to tyrants. By studying these examples and the comments by Quintilian and Seneca the Elder on the use of such resource, I intend to investigate an aspect of a frequent discussion in schools of rhetoric: the conditions to use figurate speech in declamations. Although declamations seek the audience’s delight, the study of controuersiae figuratae should not be considered alien to an “authentic” theory of figurate speech (Ascani, 2006: xxv and 82). In my opinion, the things that condition the use of this r...
Law and Ethics in Greek and Roman Declamation, 2015
The Astronomical Journal, 1990
ABSTRACT New observations of DR 15 and 20 are reported as part of a study of compact H II regions... more ABSTRACT New observations of DR 15 and 20 are reported as part of a study of compact H II regions in the Cyg X region. The radio and FIR data for these objects, when combined with (C-12)O maps, IRAS imagery, and optical photographs, provide new insights into the structure of this complex region and the nature of the star-formation process there. The observations show that DR 15 may consist of one or two B0 ZAMS stars whose H I regions have formed a low-density cavity within a molecular cloud. DR 20 appears to be a young OB cluster. The cluster is dominated by an O5.5 ZAMS star and also contains an approximately 3500-yr-old B0 star appearing as a compact H II region, along with weak FIR sources that may be B0-star candidates.
The Astrophysical Journal, 1986
ABSTRACT Far-infrared maps are presented for three young H II regions in the Cygnus X region. DR ... more ABSTRACT Far-infrared maps are presented for three young H II regions in the Cygnus X region. DR 6 and 7 were mapped in the wavelength band from 40 to 250 microns at 1 arcmin resolution, while DR 22 was mapped in the same band and also at 100-250 microns, providing dust temperature and optical depth information. New VLA maps of these sources are also presented. It is concluded that DR 6 and 7 are powered by clusters of late O or early B type stars, with ages 100,000 yr or less, while DR 22 appears to be produced by a single O6 ZAMS star. Existing (C-12)O maps suggest that the formation of these objects occurred near the edges of molecular clouds.
Bitacora De Retorica, 2002
Bitacora De Retorica, 2002
Fabrique de la déclamation antique, 2016
Papers by Pablo Schwartz Frydman