Papers by Marcelo Araujo
This paper aims to discuss and highlight the sociotechnical complexity of Business Process Manage... more This paper aims to discuss and highlight the sociotechnical complexity of Business Process Management (BPM) projects. In the pursuit of this goal, we conducted an interpretative single case study in a company that operates in the chemical sector in Brazil. The paper adopts a sociotechnical approach based on the Actor-Network Theory to draw attention to the sociotechnical negotiation strategies and complexity of BPM projects. The results of this paper suggest that the theoretical awareness afforded by ANT allows prominence to be given to certain factors that can affect the success/failure of Business Process Management projects, which are not considered in more traditional studies in the BPM field.
This paper aims to discuss and highlight the sociotechnical complexity of Business Process Manage... more This paper aims to discuss and highlight the sociotechnical complexity of Business Process Management
(BPM) projects. In the pursuit of this goal, we conducted an interpretative single case study in a company
that operates in the chemical sector in Brazil. The paper adopts a sociotechnical approach based on the
Actor-Network Theory to draw attention to the sociotechnical negotiation strategies and complexity of
BPM projects. The results of this paper suggest that the theoretical awareness afforded by ANT allows
prominence to be given to certain factors that can affect the success/failure of Business Process
Management projects, which are not considered in more traditional studies in the BPM field.
This paper explores the data from the Brazilian "ICT in households and enterprises Survey" in ord... more This paper explores the data from the Brazilian "ICT in households and enterprises Survey" in order to understand how the individuals' use of egovernment services is related to the location of access to the internet and their usage capabilities. The research uses Amartya Sen's Capability Approach, with results indicating that for all social classes the use of e-government is strongly related to users' capabilities, expressed by their use of e-mail, e-commerce and efinance and that its use is favored by home and workplace access to the internet over other alternatives, such as lan-houses and public telecentres. The paper also discusses its implications for public policy making.
Proceedings of 10th CONTECSI, Jun 2013
This paper outlines the socioeconomic profile of Brazilian Internet users and relate it to their ... more This paper outlines the socioeconomic profile of Brazilian Internet users and relate it to their Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) service usage behavior, focusing on the users' locations of Internet access. The research is based on the data from the survey on "ICT in households and enterprises", conducted by the Center of Studies on Information and Communication Technologies ( Based on a descriptive statistical analysis, the study concludes by identifying patterns of users' internet location choice based on socioeconomic variables. The results of this research are useful to understand the characteristics of the Brazilian Internet users and may help in the design and evaluation of public policies aimed at Digital Inclusion.
Claudio Sonaglio Albano, Marcelo Araujo
Dados governamentais abertos é uma plataforma tecnológica adotada pelos governos para atender alg... more Dados governamentais abertos é uma plataforma tecnológica adotada pelos governos para atender algumas novas demandas da sociedade. O formato destas informações possibilita que estas sejam utilizadas por aplicativos computacionais, sem a necessidade da interação humana. Este trabalho tem como objetivos: apresentar dados governamentais abertos e suas possibilidades de utilização para as atividades de monitoramento ambiental, dentro do processo de inteligência competitiva; evidenciar que dados disponíveis em formato aberto, contem requisitos desejados de qualidade de informação para serem utilizados como insumos informacionais e finalmente demonstrar como fazer sentido a estas informações no processo de monitoramento ambiental.
O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar quais aspectos da Qualidade de Informação (QI) são c... more O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar quais aspectos da Qualidade de Informação (QI) são contemplados na literatura que discute as práticas de Dados Governamentais Abertos (DGA). Para tanto, adotou-se uma abordagem metodológica bibliográfica, a fim de fundamentar a avaliação das dimensões de Qualidade de Informação empreendida neste estudo. Os resultados desta investigação científica apontam a ausência de estudos dentro da literatura de DGA que discutam os seguintes aspectos de QI: Credibilidade, Objetividade, Livre de Erros e Reputação, aspectos estes críticos para o sucesso de iniciativas de Dados Governamentais Abertos (DGA).
Over the last years, there was an increasing use of Business Process Management (BPM) in organiza... more Over the last years, there was an increasing use of Business Process Management (BPM) in organization, with special emphasis over the objective of achieving business process flexibility. The present paper seeks to discuss the issue of flexibility in BPM projects, with the goal of identifying the limitations of traditional BPM research, which is mostly based upon a fragmented and dichotomous view of reality -i.e. it assumes a putative division between "technical" and "non-technical" elements. Furthermore, this paper analyses in which way the Actor-Network Theory (ANT) approach may be useful for overcoming the limitations of traditional approaches in the understanding of flexibility in BPM projects. Lastly, the paper discusses how the sociotechnical perspective of ANT can be put into practice to deal with the flexibility issue in BPM projects.
The traditional view of Business Process Modeling (BPM) is based on a division between technical ... more The traditional view of Business Process Modeling (BPM) is based on a division between technical and non-technical elements, bringing the former to the fore whilst neglecting the latter. This paper discusses the premises and limitations of the traditional view of BPM, contrasted with the sociotechnical approach of the Actor-Network Theory (ANT) to BPM projects. ANT offers a new approach that incorporates social and organizational matters into BPM research, overcoming the limitations of the traditional view

Em um contexto global marcado pela forte competitividade e céleres mudanças é cada vez mais imper... more Em um contexto global marcado pela forte competitividade e céleres mudanças é cada vez mais imperativo que as instituições visem soluções no intuito de tornar seus processos organizacionais mais eficientes e manter uma estrutura organizacional flexível, isto é, capaz de lidar e responder com situações novas e inesperadas. Assim sendo, as iniciativas de Gerenciamento de Processos de Negócio (GPN) ganharam grande popularidade entre as organizações, pois se utilizam dos recursos da Tecnologia da Informação (TI) em consonância com a visão processual, a fim de proporcionar a otimização das práticas de trabalho e manter a flexibilidade das organizações. No entanto, os projetos GPN lidam com objetivos de difícil conciliação, pois por um lado, buscam especificar e formalizar as práticas organizacionais por meio de Modelos de Processos de Negócios, enquanto, por outro lado, almejam manter a flexibilidade organizacional. O presente artigo busca discutir esclarecer a tensa relação entre formalização das práticas e flexibilidade, no contexto do gerenciamento de processos de negócios, a fim de compreender as implicações da modelagem de processos de negócio na capacidade de mudança da organização. Assim sendo, este artigo se orienta pela seguinte indagação de pesquisa: Como as organizações lidam com a aparente contradição entre modelar processos de negócios e manter sua flexibilidade? Para tanto, este trabalho empreende um estudo de caso de caráter interpretativista em uma indústria que atua na produção de insumos químicos, a fim de avaliar a iniciativa de GPN realizada em uma das áreas funcionais da instituição. A abordagem empírica do estudo é de caráter qualitativo, utilizando-se de entrevistas (semi-estruturadas e não-estruturadas) e análise documental, como instrumento de coleta de dados. A análise empreendida neste artigo tem como fundamento o referencial do campo de Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS), utilizando-se especificadamente da Teoria Ator-Rede (Actor-Network Theory), que fundamenta a perspectiva sociotécnica empreendida neste estudo. Trabalhos anteriores nessa linha defendem que a relação entre formalização das práticas e flexibilidade deve ser analisada de forma multidimensional, ou seja, diferentes dimensões de uma organização nem sempre apresentam o mesmo grau de flexibilidade. Com base nesses conceitos, o presente artigo analisa a realidade de uma organização brasileira, constatando que nesta organização o discurso teórico sobre o objetivo da flexibilidade não se verifica na prática. Na realidade, o requisito de conformidade e padronização das práticas organizacionais se sobrepõem à propalada flexibilidade. Dessa forma, as conclusões deste estudo apontam para a necessidade de rediscutir o papel da flexibilidade na prática dos projetos de Gestão de Processos de Negócio.

Business Process Management (BPM) projects have found in recent years wide-spread acceptance with... more Business Process Management (BPM) projects have found in recent years wide-spread acceptance within organizations, usually with the overall objective of integrating organizational processes with Information Technology (IT). However, BPM can be seen as pursuing two apparently contradictory goals: on the one hand, it supports the formalization of organizational practices and routines by means of Business Process Models. On the other hand, BPM projects also intend to ensure the organizational flexibility - i.e. the ability to respond to new and unexpected situations. This paper discusses this theoretical opposition by means of an interpretative case study in a large-scale manufacturing company of the chemical sector. The analysis draws on theories of Science and Technology Studies (STS), particularly on the Actor-Network-Theory, in order to unveil the sociotechnical complexity involved BPM projects, as well as to discuss the flexibility in BPM as a multidimensional concept.
Master's Thesis by Marcelo Araujo

This scientific research aims to understand how the individuals’ use of e-government services (e-... more This scientific research aims to understand how the individuals’ use of e-government services (e-gov) is influenced by different "location of access to the internet” and their usage capabilities. For this purpose, the microdata from ICT Households Survey (developed by Center of Studies on Information and Communication Technologies – for the years of 2007, 2009 and 2011 was used, featuring a longitudinal study. For the processing and analysis of the data, descriptive (median, frequency distribution) and multivariate (Correspondence Analysis, Binary Factor Analysis and Binary Logistic Regression) statistical techniques were applied. The theoretical basis of this research is based on the Capability Approach developed by the economist Amartya Sen. The results of this investigation states that for all social classes the use of e-government services is strongly related to the following usage competencies: e-mail, e-commerce (search for products and services) and financial services (consultations). These capabilities are favored by the Internet access preferably at "home" and "work", more than on the other location of access to the internet alternatives such as lan houses (paid public access centers) and public telecenters (free public access centers). These results provide evidence that public policies that promote access to the internet preferably at home environment (with other actions that encourage the development of internet usage competencies) are more effective in promoting an increase in the use of e-gov, than efforts to redefine the role of public access centers (telecenters and lan houses), so that they become a point of access to e-government services.
Papers by Marcelo Araujo
(BPM) projects. In the pursuit of this goal, we conducted an interpretative single case study in a company
that operates in the chemical sector in Brazil. The paper adopts a sociotechnical approach based on the
Actor-Network Theory to draw attention to the sociotechnical negotiation strategies and complexity of
BPM projects. The results of this paper suggest that the theoretical awareness afforded by ANT allows
prominence to be given to certain factors that can affect the success/failure of Business Process
Management projects, which are not considered in more traditional studies in the BPM field.
Master's Thesis by Marcelo Araujo
(BPM) projects. In the pursuit of this goal, we conducted an interpretative single case study in a company
that operates in the chemical sector in Brazil. The paper adopts a sociotechnical approach based on the
Actor-Network Theory to draw attention to the sociotechnical negotiation strategies and complexity of
BPM projects. The results of this paper suggest that the theoretical awareness afforded by ANT allows
prominence to be given to certain factors that can affect the success/failure of Business Process
Management projects, which are not considered in more traditional studies in the BPM field.