Papers by Manuel Alfonso Garzon Castrillon

Social Science Research Network, Jul 26, 2017
This article is the result of an investigation to determine the level of organizational learning ... more This article is the result of an investigation to determine the level of organizational learning (OL) in administrative processes at the Faculty of Engineering of University and designing an information management system that supports it. The overall objective is to design a system of information management based on a model for Organizational Learning (AO) applied to the administrative processes of the Faculty of Engineering of University, knowledge, processes and critical information in the engineering faculty is identified, the corresponding analyzes are done to identify the level of organizational learning by comparing the statistical results with a model students selected from several models and IT tool designed to facilitate the collection, storage and transfer of knowledge associated administrative processes at the faculty of Engineering .
Visión de Futuro, Apr 28, 2021
This article aimed to identify the different concepts of corporate governance, in this sense, the... more This article aimed to identify the different concepts of corporate governance, in this sense, the first section presents a review of the literature based on the Methodi Ordinatio in relation to the concept of corporate governance (CG), followed by the revision of the theories from which it is studied: Theory of the agency; the shareholder or stockholder theory; the resource dependency theory; Stakeholder theory; the theory of Stewardship or Management Theory, the approach based on knowledge and corporate governance and the performance of the company, finally, the conclusion of the study in which it stands out that the objective of CG theories is not to study how managers govern - that would lead us to confuse the term governance with administration - but rather how it is
2021 16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2021
In this article, a conceptual structure is presented from the review of the theoretical and epist... more In this article, a conceptual structure is presented from the review of the theoretical and epistemological foundations associated with knowledge management and knowledge-based dynamic capabilities. Methodologically the contributions are structured from the systematization of the categories defined in a case study, their relationships and dynamics; supported by the different taxonomic analyzes and the widely accepted knowledge management models. It defines the bases of a categorical apparatus that theoretically supports the definition of a conceptual model for the management and development of dynamic capabilities based on knowledge for companies in the IT sector.
Neumann Business Review, 2020
In this review article, the inherent aspects with the foundations of organizational ambidexterity... more In this review article, the inherent aspects with the foundations of organizational ambidexterity are addressed, namely: the background of organizational ambidexterity, definitions of ambidexterity; Typologies of structural, sequential and contextual ambidexterity, from the strategic direction, an organizational ambidexterity model is proposed from which its variables are addressed: organization-prior knowledge and experience; ambidextrous search and performance of knowledge; individual ambidexterity; Organizational ambidexterity, innovation, and business results, six discussion hypotheses and conclusions are established.

Orinoquia, 2020
Este artículo presenta una metodología para la estimación y evaluación de un modelo de gestión de... more Este artículo presenta una metodología para la estimación y evaluación de un modelo de gestión del conocimiento, utilizando ecuaciones estructurales, que sirven para probar y estimar relaciones causales a partir de datos estadísticos y referentes teóricos sobre la causalidad, mostrando los indicadores más influyentes que se deben intervenir para mejorar la gestión del conocimiento en el área de TI de la universidad Simón en Barranquilla, con base en las variables TIC, Capital Intelectual, Aprendizaje Organizacional e Innovación. Logrando demostrar que el instrumento diseñado es confiable según los resultados de la prueba Alfa de Cronbach y útil para medir la Gestión del Conocimiento, en las variables más influyentes: Las TIC, servicios principales y de infraestructura; el capital intelectual, enfocado al capital estructural, clima organizacional y los procesos de negocios; el aprendizaje organizacional, en el Sistema cultural y el aprendizaje en equipo y la innovación, referida a po...

El pionero en la gestión del conocimiento es Etzioni Amitai (1979) en la Universidad de Columbia,... more El pionero en la gestión del conocimiento es Etzioni Amitai (1979) en la Universidad de Columbia, quien en su libro Organizaciones modernas, en el capítulo VIII con relación a la autoridad administrativa describe, en sus propias palabras, que el dilema estructural más importante es la tensión inevitable impuesta a la organización por el uso del conocimiento. Todas las unidades sociales, afirma, utilizan el conocimiento, pero las organizaciones usan más conocimientos y de manera más sistémica que las demás unidades sociales. Además, la mayor parte del conocimiento es creado en las organizaciones y pasado de generación en generación, es decir, es preservado por las organizaciones. También afirma Etzioni (1979) que la cuestión es cómo crear y usar el conocimiento sin minar la organización, y hasta cierto punto las organizaciones soslayan el problema del conocimiento comprándolo en el exterior, como cuando se contrata para un estudio de mercado a una empresa de consultoría, es decir esp...

Publications, 2021
Intellectual capital is managed by competencies and the development of information and communicat... more Intellectual capital is managed by competencies and the development of information and communication technologies, which have seen high growth and impact in higher education institutions related to scientific publications. The main objective of this study was to provide a summary of the general review of studies related to intellectual capital around the world. Methodology: the Bibliometric analysis was carried out using the Bibliometrix library and BiblioShiny platform of the RStudio® software through the data obtained from the Scopus database. Findings: in total, 389 documents in the Scopus database used “capital”, “intellectual”, “research” and “institutions” as keywords with a growth rate of 2.34% every year from 1947 to 2021. The publications were written by around 866 authors, mainly from the USA, the UK, and Spain. Original value: the data obtained show that intellectual capital has been important and relevant in the scientific publications of the last six years, which were r...

Pal Arch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology , 2022
This work provides a general visualization of scientific production in higher institutions using ... more This work provides a general visualization of scientific production in higher institutions using bibliometric analysis. Firstly, detailed information on research articles on this topic was obtained from the Scopus database. Secondly, the data were analyzed using Excel to delete duplicates and extraction errors through the direct comparison and analysis of graphs related to the scientific production field's growth. Then, the bibliometric analysis was executed using the R-Studio tool. The results exposed those 2,281 documents published in 1,422 sources (journals, books, and others) elaborated by 7,561 authors with an annual growth rate of 9.80%, where the USA is the most important country for his times cited. Finally, a collaborative network of the countries and authors is provided according to the data analyzed from the documents related to scientific production in higher institutions to observe the most representative studies about this important field of the social and educational sciences.
Investigación Administrativa, 2006
This presentation paper presents a descriptive study that seeks to determine the effect of the or... more This presentation paper presents a descriptive study that seeks to determine the effect of the organisational learning in the committees of hospital infections of 22 Social Enterprises of the State assigned to the Secretariat of Health of Bogota DC

Education Research International, 2022
is research aims to provide a general visualization of studies focused on the intellectual capita... more is research aims to provide a general visualization of studies focused on the intellectual capital developed in Colombia. Firstly, detailed information on research articles on this topic was obtained from the Scopus database. Secondly, the information was analyzed using Excel through the direct comparison and analysis of graphs with references and theories related to intellectual capital. Finally, the results exposed that Colombian scienti c production is associated with 32 public universities, representing 45,029 elaborate documents by 9,758 authors on three relevant topics: physics and astronomy, agricultural and biological science, and medicine. Also, the data obtained exposed that 56.61% of the institutions are above the average considering the overall public institutions. However, this behavior depends on the institution's number of researchers and full-time teachers related to intellectual capital. Finally, the hypotheses agree with the results obtained, considering that the quantity and quantity of intellectual capital signi cantly in uence scienti c production, the size and location of the public universities of Colombia, and the national and international scienti c collaboration.

From the available literature, the organizational acquisition of knowledge is
defined as the abil... more From the available literature, the organizational acquisition of knowledge is
defined as the ability to identify, evaluate, and acquire external knowledge that is
considered critical for operations; however, the aspect of how a company in its factual
performance does the identification and evaluation of knowledge that would serve as a
point of reference for managers is confusing, because in this process the subjectivities of the
individuals that make up the organization are strongly involved. In this sense, the purpose is
to explore organizational self-recognition as a key activity to identify and assess knowledge
and the ability to absorb it. To achieve this, this work adopts a qualitative and exploratory
approach. It uses the non-participant observation and the semi-structured interview applied
to managers of organizations; supported the field logs and interview guides. The interviews
were analyzed with the help of the AtlasTi ® Version 7.5.7 software. The findings showed
that when organizations develop the ability to recognize themselves, they perform better in
knowledge absorption processes, by obtaining more defined references to identify and
value it. In addition, the subordination relationships in the organizational structures hinder
the process of self-recognition and the identification of discrepancies with environment. It
concludes that self-recognition is an organizational capability that involves the history of the
organization, clarity of the objectives, construction of meaning, individual capabilities, and
the trust in the employees, which are relevant for the identification and absorption of
knowledge. Finally, the important contribution that the qualitative approach makes to the
administrative sciences is demonstrated
Espacios, 2012
Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa descritiva desenvolvida sobre a aprendizagem ... more Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa descritiva desenvolvida sobre a aprendizagem da organização, para a qual se desenhou um modelo teórico com base em abordagens coincidentes dos autores analisados. Foram concebidos instrumentos tipo Likert aplicados a 356 executivos, de grandes, médias e pequenas empresas do Brasil e da Colômbia. O objetivo geral foi caracterizar a aprendizagem organizacional. A contribuição desta pesquisa é que a capacidade da organização para aprender está influenciada diretamente pelas fontes, as condições e a cultura para a aprendizagem organizacional, tendo como sujeitos os indivíduos, as equipes, as organizações e a aprendizagem inter-organizacional.
This paper analyzes the relationship between the 12 attributes of followers by Antelo, Prilipko, ... more This paper analyzes the relationship between the 12 attributes of followers by Antelo, Prilipko, and Sheridan (2010), and the four areas of emotional intelligence by Wong and Law (2002). The descriptive-correlational empirical study was conducted in a sample of 323 Colombian followers. The results show, that there is a positive correlation between the attributes of employees and their emotional intelligence and, however, there is no direct correlation between the attribute tolerance and the area of empathy of emotional intelligence. This situation shows that Colombian followers have a low capacity to understand and comprehend the emotions of the members of their teams. Keywords: Attributes, emotional intelligence, Colombian followers.

Dimensión Empresarial, 2014
Con base en la literatura revisada se abordan los diferentes argumentos, el origen, la heterogene... more Con base en la literatura revisada se abordan los diferentes argumentos, el origen, la heterogeneidad en los procesosasociados a las innovaciones, tanto en los factores críticos y los mecanismos, los actores que participan, así comoen la evidencia empírica que apoyan el efecto positivo de la combinación de diferentes vías para el desarrollo deactividades de innovación. Se identificó que el primer interrogante fue el de la “difusión”, y éste ha sido abordadopor investigadores de diferentes áreas del conocimiento y en este proceso los pioneros actúan como líderes deopinión y, a medida que el número de sujetos que han adoptado la innovación crece, también lo hace el nivel deinfluencia social sobre el no-adoptador. Se identifican las fuentes de innovación más importantes; se propone ladefinición y la tipología que se utilizará en la investigación: Innovación radical; Innovación de incremento o gradual;Innovación arquitectural; Innovación conceptual.

This article is the result of a research process developed for a food company located in the indu... more This article is the result of a research process developed for a food company located in the industrial area of Barranquilla,It there is not value and sustainability in time, that is to say the lowest strategy level. But strategy is the result of a formalplanning process, chosen through a strategic management process, where abilities and analytical techniques are deliberatelydeveloped. The external diagnose of the company was developed using different tools such as the sector competitiveness study,the determination of the competitive panorama, the industry life cycle and its potential demand, the macro-environmentwhit the analysis of the five market forces proposed by Porter (1985) plus the complementary, Ghemawat (2006), generatinga matrix of external factor reflecting opportunities and threats. The internal diagnosis of the company is based on Porter’schain of value (1985) and the evaluation was developed through a survey applied to all the groups of internal and externalclients w...
Universidad & Empresa, 2005
Información del artículo The Intrapreneur Innovation: Led by Medium and Small Size Companies¿Mana... more Información del artículo The Intrapreneur Innovation: Led by Medium and Small Size Companies¿Managers* (Qualitative Research).
... 1 / 1 Seleccione referencia / Select reference. Signatura : E20 Ch532. Autor : Chiavenato, I.... more ... 1 / 1 Seleccione referencia / Select reference. Signatura : E20 Ch532. Autor : Chiavenato, I.; Villamizar, G. (Trad.)Garzon Castrillon, AM (Rev.Tec.). Título: Administracion en los nuevos tiempos,. P. imprenta: Bogota (Colombia). McGraw-Hill Interamericana. 2002. 711 p.,. ...
Fórum Empresarial
Este artículo presenta los resultados obtenidos en la prueba piloto de instrumentos construidos p... more Este artículo presenta los resultados obtenidos en la prueba piloto de instrumentos construidos para cumplir con el objetivo específico de diseñar y convalidar instrumentos que permitan caracterizar la capacidad de aprendizaje organizacional. La escala de medición utilizada fue tipo Likert, la cual permitió establecer la pertinencia de la dimensión como variable de análisis en el contexto del aprendizaje organizacional. Se utilizó el procedimiento de Análisis de Varianza –ANOVA– a una vía, con el paquete estadístico SPSS. Se simplificaron 138 variables en 3 factores y 40 afirmaciones.
Papers by Manuel Alfonso Garzon Castrillon
defined as the ability to identify, evaluate, and acquire external knowledge that is
considered critical for operations; however, the aspect of how a company in its factual
performance does the identification and evaluation of knowledge that would serve as a
point of reference for managers is confusing, because in this process the subjectivities of the
individuals that make up the organization are strongly involved. In this sense, the purpose is
to explore organizational self-recognition as a key activity to identify and assess knowledge
and the ability to absorb it. To achieve this, this work adopts a qualitative and exploratory
approach. It uses the non-participant observation and the semi-structured interview applied
to managers of organizations; supported the field logs and interview guides. The interviews
were analyzed with the help of the AtlasTi ® Version 7.5.7 software. The findings showed
that when organizations develop the ability to recognize themselves, they perform better in
knowledge absorption processes, by obtaining more defined references to identify and
value it. In addition, the subordination relationships in the organizational structures hinder
the process of self-recognition and the identification of discrepancies with environment. It
concludes that self-recognition is an organizational capability that involves the history of the
organization, clarity of the objectives, construction of meaning, individual capabilities, and
the trust in the employees, which are relevant for the identification and absorption of
knowledge. Finally, the important contribution that the qualitative approach makes to the
administrative sciences is demonstrated
defined as the ability to identify, evaluate, and acquire external knowledge that is
considered critical for operations; however, the aspect of how a company in its factual
performance does the identification and evaluation of knowledge that would serve as a
point of reference for managers is confusing, because in this process the subjectivities of the
individuals that make up the organization are strongly involved. In this sense, the purpose is
to explore organizational self-recognition as a key activity to identify and assess knowledge
and the ability to absorb it. To achieve this, this work adopts a qualitative and exploratory
approach. It uses the non-participant observation and the semi-structured interview applied
to managers of organizations; supported the field logs and interview guides. The interviews
were analyzed with the help of the AtlasTi ® Version 7.5.7 software. The findings showed
that when organizations develop the ability to recognize themselves, they perform better in
knowledge absorption processes, by obtaining more defined references to identify and
value it. In addition, the subordination relationships in the organizational structures hinder
the process of self-recognition and the identification of discrepancies with environment. It
concludes that self-recognition is an organizational capability that involves the history of the
organization, clarity of the objectives, construction of meaning, individual capabilities, and
the trust in the employees, which are relevant for the identification and absorption of
knowledge. Finally, the important contribution that the qualitative approach makes to the
administrative sciences is demonstrated
Latin America, 22, 23 and November 24, 2012
Specifically, an international analysis is included, followed by a national analysis, where the main authors, journals, entities and institutions, type of publication and publication area are addressed. Through a critical analysis of the articles published and the percentage thereof, it is concluded that in recent years there has been an increase in the development of study lines in this field in Mexico, which allows the Mexican researcher an overview of the Current status and opportunities to contribute to the evolution of Entrepreneurship in Mexico and the world.
El trabajo de indagación llevado a cabo ha implicado entender los desarrollos teóricos y extender la base que los sustenta hasta trabajar aspectos puntuales, desarrollar los fundamentos teóricos y utilizar las esencialidades teóricas para comprender nuestra realidad a través de los proyectos de investigación. En particular se han realizado incursiones interesantes en las empresas pymes y las instituciones de educación superior, lo que ha servido para darle solidez a los conocimientos, con frecuencia abstractos en materia de capacidades dinámicas.
Específicamente se plantea un cuadro general del escenario subdisciplinar, a cargo del profesor Julio Acosta, el cual se complementa con las aperturas de cada capítulo, e incluyen una reseña teórica general. Además, se examinan dos capacidades importantes como son la de absorción, un tema central de aprendizaje organizacional (a cargo del profesor Garzón) y la capacidad de ripostar como un mecanismo de respuesta a las condiciones específicas del medio empresarial, elaborado por el profesor Mendoza.
8 9
Las Capacidades Dinámicas: desarrollos teóricos y evidencias empíricas
—Prólogo—— Universidad Simón Bolívar—
De igual manera el libro también contiene el producto investigativo de estudiantes de la maestría, bajo la dirección de los profesores que trabajan esta temática. En estos desarrollos se analizan los aportes teóricos que se han realizado en el tema de capacidades dinámicas, en general, y las temáticas especiales referentes al objeto de cada investigación. Estos trabajos también aportan un elemento empírico que sirve para darle consistencia a las capacidades y, por tanto, bajar el nivel de abstracción. Alexander Polo y Víctor Montaño trabajan las capacidades dinámicas en empresas medianas y analizan las capacidades de vigilancia y monitoreo, tecnología y aprendizaje, gestión de conocimiento, coordinación e investigación y desarrollo e innovación.
Roberto Carlos Díaz y Luz Elena Chivetta analizan las capacidades de relacionamiento, innovación, vigilancia, investigación, innovación y coordinación y las aplican al estudio de la forma como se constituyen las capacidades, con abordaje empírico en el caso de dos universidades; y Karelis Barrios y Enohemit Olivero, con el acompañamiento del profesor Julio Acosta, desarrollan un modelo de capacidades dinámicas para entidades de educación superior y, en especial, trabajan las capacidades dinámicas de monitoreo, diseño, e implementación.
Se desea resaltar el aporte de aplicación a los casos de las empresas pymes de Barranquilla, en general con los trabajos de Alexander Polo y Víctor Montaño, y José María Mendoza y las instituciones de educación superior (Roberto Carlos Díaz y Luz Elena Chivetta, y Karelis Barrios y Enohemit Olivero), lo cual permite ver cómo las capacidades dinámicas operan en un escenario organizacional específico.
No se debe dejar de mencionar la importancia que el trabajo realizado tiene para Colombia y América Latina en materia de desarrollo empresarial. Avanzar en el tópico de capacidades dinámicas es facilitar el entendimiento de fenómenos claves en proceso de adaptación y desarrollo estratégico
que permiten, a su vez, la definición de estrategias y modelos de gestión en las organizaciones y posibilitan el planteamiento de políticas públicas en materia de competitividad. Se espera que esta obra contribuya a alcanzar una comprensión del campo de las capacidades dinámicas tanto desde el punto de vista académico como empresarial y para lograr un avance en Colombia y América Latina en materia de competitividad empresarial, y territorial, que tanto se necesita.
Se desea expresar los agradecimientos por la ayuda valiosa y el respaldo en el desarrollo de este proyecto recibido de parte de Paola Amar, Vicerrectora de Investigación e Innovación de la Universidad Simón Bolívar; Ronald Prieto, Decano de Administración y Negocios y Mónica Gómez, Directora del Instituto de Postgrado de la misma entidad. Sin esta ayuda hubiera sido difícil culminar esta obra.
José María Mendoza
Director del Doctorado en Administración Universidad Simón Bolívar, Barranquilla, septiembre de 2017
unas orientadas hacia el emprendimiento corporativo y el desarrollo
de comportamientos intraemprendedores y otras, hacia el aprendizaje
organizacional; todas ellas bajo el marco de la gestión del conocimiento,
presentadas en el mes de mayo como conferencia magistral en el IV
Workshop de Emprendedores Universitarios —emprendesur— y en el V
Encuentro regional de emprendimiento —Red Académica de Apoyo al
Emprendimiento Empresarial del Tolima—. Se logran aproximaciones
teóricas, conclusiones y recomendaciones para poner en marcha programas
de aprendizaje organizacional, orientados al emprendimiento corporativo
mediante intraemprendedores.
Today companies prepare three reports to measure the performance and impact of the same, such as the accounting and financial reporting to shareholders, reporting to stakeholders (stakeholders) and social reporting in formats like social balance, GRI and ISO 26000 soon All this is aimed at achieving the concept of Sustainable Business. On this basis, this paper aims to provide a framework of green company and raise awareness among employers of SMEs in the importance of integrating economic model in the business environment and social development in business processes.
Keywords: Social Responsibility; Sustainable Business; Indices of CSR and business ethics.
Today companies prepare three reports to measure the performance and impact of the same, such as the accounting and financial reporting to shareholders, reporting to stakeholders (stakeholders) and social reporting in formats like social balance, GRI and ISO 26000 soon All this is aimed at achieving the concept of Sustainable Business. On this basis, this paper aims to provide a framework of green company and raise awareness among employers of SMEs in the importance of integrating economic model in the business environment and social development in business processes.
Keywords: Social Responsibility; Sustainable Business; Indices of CSR and business ethics.