Papers by Giuseppe Romito
Medical Hypotheses, 2021
Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in English and Mandarin on ... more Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in English and Mandarin on the novel coronavirus COVID-19. The COVID-19 resource centre is hosted on Elsevier Connect, the company's public news and information website. Elsevier hereby grants permission to make all its COVID-19-related research that is available on the COVID-19 resource centre-including this research content-immediately available in PubMed Central and other publicly funded repositories, such as the WHO COVID database with rights for unrestricted research re-use and analyses in any form or by any means with acknowledgement of the original source. These permissions are granted for free by Elsevier for as long as the COVID-19 resource centre remains active.
Quintessence …, 2010
This case report describes the clinical application of the coronally advanced flap procedure asso... more This case report describes the clinical application of the coronally advanced flap procedure associated with the subepithelial connective tissue pedicle graft in the reconstruction of interdental papilla. This procedure was used in two distinct situations: to reconstruct ...
PLOS ONE, 2015
The aim of this systematic review was to assess the effect of periodontal therapy (PT) on serum l... more The aim of this systematic review was to assess the effect of periodontal therapy (PT) on serum levels of inflammatory markers in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).

Brazilian oral research, 2015
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of strict supragingival biofilm control on... more The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of strict supragingival biofilm control on serum inflammatory markers and on periodontal clinical parameters in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients with chronic severe periodontitis. Twenty-four individuals with T2DM and periodontitis were randomly allocated to two treatment groups. The supragingival therapy group (ST, n = 12) received supragingival scaling, whereas the intensive therapy group (IT, n = 12) underwent supra- and subgingival scaling, as well as root planing. Patients from both groups received professional oral hygiene instructions every month. Data regarding visible plaque index (VPI), gingival bleeding index (GBI), bleeding on probing (BOP), probing pocket depth (PPD), clinical attachment level (CAL), serum levels of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-17A, IL-8, tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels were ...
PLOS ONE, 2015
The aim of this systematic review was to assess the effect of periodontal therapy (PT) on serum l... more The aim of this systematic review was to assess the effect of periodontal therapy (PT) on serum levels of inflammatory markers in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).

Journal of applied oral science : revista FOB, 2014
Diabetes has been associated with periodontitis, but the mechanisms through which periodontal dis... more Diabetes has been associated with periodontitis, but the mechanisms through which periodontal diseases affect the metabolic control remain unclear. This study aimed to evaluate serum leveis of inflammatory markers, IL-8, IL-6 and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1), in type 2 diabetic patients in the presence of chronic periodontitis. Forty two individuals were enrolled in this study and assigned to one of five groups: diabetes mellitus with inadequate glycemic control and periodontitis (DMI+P, n = 10), diabetes mellitus with adequate glycemic control and periodontitis (DMA+P, n = 10), diabetes mellitus without periodontitis (DM, n = 10), periodontitis without diabetes (P, n=6), and neither diabetes nor periodontitis (H, n = 6). Periodontal clinical examination included visible plaque index (PL), gingival bleeding index (GB), probing depth (PD), attachment level (AL) and bleeding on probing (BP). Glycemic control was evaluated by serum concentration of glycated hemoglobin (Hb...

Pesquisa Odontológica Brasileira, 2003
AB STRACT: The aim of this study was to iden tify the pres ence of superinfecting mi cro or gan i... more AB STRACT: The aim of this study was to iden tify the pres ence of superinfecting mi cro or gan isms (Gram-neg a tive en teric rods and Candida sp.) in heart trans plant pa tients and cor re late this with gingival over growth. Thirty pa tients (10 females, 20 males -mean age 45 years) were ex am ined. All were un der cyclosporin-A (CsA) ther apy. Pa tients who had taken any an ti bi ot ics 3 months prior the study or had been sub mit ted to periodontal ther apy were not en rolled. Patients were re quired to have at least 6 teeth. The plaque in dex (PI), gingival in dex (GI), pocket depth (PD) and clin i cal attach ment level (CAL) were re corded. Mi cro bi o log i cal sam ples were taken from sulcus/pocket (s/p) and from stim ulated sa liva (ss) and submitted to anal y sis. Pa tients were di vided into two groups: the ones with gingival over growth (GO) and those with out gingival over growth (WGO). Af ter sta tis ti cal anal y sis (chi-square test, Stu dent's t-test, Fisher test, p ≤ 0.05), we con cluded that there was no sta tis ti cal dif fer ence be tween groups in the pa ram e ters of gen der, CsA dos age, time since trans plan ta tion, PI, GI, PD and CAL. Gram-neg a tive rods from ei ther the sulcus/pocket or sa liva sam ples were not found. Candida sp. was de tected (s/p -30% and ss -30%). Stim u lated sa liva sam ples anal y sis deter mined that the pres ence of Candida sp. was as so ci ated with pa tients with out gingival over growth. DESCRIPTORS: Cyclos po ri ne-A; Pe ri o don tics; Su pe rin fec ti on; Gin gi val hyper pla sia.
Anaerobe, 2010
In this study the presence of periodontopathic pathogens in atheromatous plaques removed from cor... more In this study the presence of periodontopathic pathogens in atheromatous plaques removed from coronary arteries of patients with chronic periodontitis and periodontally healthy subjects by PCR was detected. Our results indicate a significant association between the presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis and atheromas, and the periodontal bacteria in oral biofilm may find a way to reach arteries.

This study aimed to assess the prevalence of aggressive periodontitis (AgP), and to investigate t... more This study aimed to assess the prevalence of aggressive periodontitis (AgP), and to investigate the association between demographic, socioeconomic and behavioral risk indicators with AgP in an untreated and isolated young population in Southeastern Brazil. For this cross-sectional survey, 134 subjects aged 12-29 years were selected by a census. Of those eligible, 101 subjects received a full-mouth clinical examination, and were interviewed using a structured written questionnaire. Cases were defined as individuals with 4 or more teeth with attachment loss ≥ 4 mm or ≥ 5 mm in the age groups 12-19 and 20-29, respectively. Overall, 9.9% of the subjects presented AgP (10.3% of the 12-19-yearolds and 9.7% of the 20-29-year-olds). The only risk indicator significantly associated with AgP in this isolated population was a high proportion of sites (> 30%) presenting supragingival calculus [OR = 23.2]. Having experienced an urgency dental treatment was a protective factor for AgP [OR = 0.1]. The authors concluded that this isolated and untreated population from Brazil presented a high prevalence of AgP. Local plaque-retaining factors played a major role in the prevalence of AgP in this isolated population, and should be included in further studies evaluating this destructive periodontal disease form.
PLoS ONE, 2014
Background: To date, there is no compilation of evidence-based information associating bacteremia... more Background: To date, there is no compilation of evidence-based information associating bacteremia and periodontal procedures. This systematic review aims to assess magnitude, duration, prevalence and nature of bacteremia caused by periodontal procedures.

Pesquisa Odontológica Brasileira, 2003
The aim of this randomized, double-blind clinical trial was to evaluate the effect of the Paradon... more The aim of this randomized, double-blind clinical trial was to evaluate the effect of the Paradontax dentifrice on the reduction of plaque and gingivitis. Subjects were randomly allocated into either the test group (n = 15, Paradontax) or the control group (n = 15, standard dentifrice with fluoride). Plaque levels were measured using the Turesky modification of the Quigley & Hein Plaque Index (PI), and gingivitis was evaluated with the Gingival Index (GI). Subjects were asked to brush their teeth with the allocated dentifrice, three times a day, for 21 days. There was no significant difference between groups in relation to the PI and GI medians, at baseline and at the end of the 21-day period. There was no significant reduction in PI in either the test or control groups. There was a significant decrease in GI in the test group. The authors concluded that there was no difference between the dentifrices in the reduction of plaque and gingivitis.
Journal of Periodontology, 2008
Background: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence, extent, and severity of clinical ... more Background: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence, extent, and severity of clinical attachment loss (CAL) and to investigate the association of demographic, socioeconomic, and behavioral risk indicators with CAL in an untreated isolated population in Brazil.

Journal of Periodontology, 2008
The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence, extent, and severity of probing depth (PD) an... more The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence, extent, and severity of probing depth (PD) and to investigate the associations between demographic, socioeconomic, and behavioral risk indicators and PD in a periodontally untreated and isolated population in Brazil. The target population consisted of all individuals aged > or =12 years as identified by a census. Consenting participants were submitted to a full-mouth clinical examination of six sites per tooth and were interviewed using a structured written questionnaire. Among the 214 subjects who were interviewed and clinically examined, PD > or =4 mm was observed in 54% to 83% of the subjects, depending on age, whereas the age-dependent prevalence of PD > or =6 mm ranged from 5% among 12- to 19-year-olds to 50% among 40- to 49-year-olds, decreasing to 40% among subjects > or =50 years of age. Multivariate analyses identified supragingival calculus (odds ratio [OR] = 5.4 to 10.3; 95% confidence intervals [CIs]: 2.5 to 11.6 and 4.0 to 26.2 for 20% to 50% and >50% of the sites, respectively) as a risk indicator for PD > or =4 mm, whereas age > or =40 years (OR = 9.0; 95% CI: 1.7 to 48.5), being a moderate/heavy smoker (OR = 3.7; 95% CI: 1.4 to 10.1), and having supragingival calculus in 20% to 50% of sites (OR = 6.8; 95% CI: 1.4 to 32.4) or in >50% of sites (OR = 15.3; 95% CI: 3.2 to 73.6) were risk indicators for PD > or =6 mm. Having undergone urgency dental treatment was a protective factor for PD > or =4 and > or =6 mm (OR = 0.4; 95% CI: 0.2 to 0.8). Increased PD is highly prevalent in this isolated population. Behavioral factors played a significant role as risk indicators for increased PD in this isolated population.

Journal of Periodontology, 2011
The aim of this study is to make a longitudinal evaluation of the incidence and severity of gingi... more The aim of this study is to make a longitudinal evaluation of the incidence and severity of gingival overgrowth (GO) induced by immunosuppressive agents, such as tacrolimus (Tcr) and cyclosporin A (CsA), in the absence of calcium channel blockers in patients undergoing renal transplantation (RT). This longitudinal study is conducted in 49 patients with RT who were divided into a CsA group (n = 25) and Tcr group (n = 24). The individuals were assessed at four time intervals: before transplant and 30, 90, and 180 days after RTs. Demographic data and periodontal clinical parameters (plaque index, cemento-enamel junction to the gingival margin, probing depth, clinical attachment level, bleeding on probing [BOP], and GO) were collected at all time intervals. The mean GO index was significantly lower in the Tcr group compared to the CsA group after 30 (P = 0.03), 90 (P = 0.004), and 180 (P = 0.01) days of immunosuppressive therapy. One hundred eighty days after RTs, a clinically significant GO was observed in 20.0% of individuals in the CsA group and 8.3% of individuals in the Tcr group. However, this difference was not statistically significant (P = 0.41). There was a reduction in periodontal clinical parameters regarding the time of immunosuppressive therapy for PI and BOP (P <0.001) in both groups. Although there was no statistical difference in the incidences of clinically significant GO after 180 days of immunosuppressive therapy, it was observed that GO occurred later in the Tcr group, and the severity of GO in this group was lower than in patients who used CsA.
Journal of Periodontology, 2005
Background: Reparative tissue of extraction sockets was proposed as grafting material in the trea... more Background: Reparative tissue of extraction sockets was proposed as grafting material in the treatment of periodontal defects. Our hypothesis was that the addition of growth factors to extraction sockets improves the regenerative potential of this tissue when used as a graft. The objective of the present study was to analyze qualitatively and quantitatively the repair of acute Class II furcation defects after they receive this grafting material.

Journal of Medical Microbiology, 2009
Oral pathogens, including periodontopathic bacteria, are thought to be aetiological factors in th... more Oral pathogens, including periodontopathic bacteria, are thought to be aetiological factors in the development of cardiovascular disease. In this study, the presence of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Fusobacterium nucleatum-periodonticum-simiae group, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia, Prevotella nigrescens and Tannerella forsythia in atheromatous plaques from coronary arteries was determined by real-time PCR. Forty-four patients displaying cardiovascular disease were submitted to periodontal examination and endarterectomy of coronary arteries. Approximately 60-100 mg atherosclerotic tissue was removed surgically and DNA was obtained. Quantitative detection of periodontopathic bacteria was performed using universal and species-specific TaqMan probe/primer sets. Total bacterial and periodontopathic bacterial DNA were found in 94.9 and 92.3 %, respectively, of the atheromatous plaques from periodontitis patients, and in 80.0 and 20.0 %, respectively, of atherosclerotic tissues from periodontally healthy subjects. All periodontal bacteria except for the F. nucleatum-periodonticum-simiae group were detected, and their DNA represented 47.3 % of the total bacterial DNA obtained from periodontitis patients. Porphyromonas gingivalis, A. actinomycetemcomitans and Prevotella intermedia were detected most often. The presence of two or more periodontal species could be observed in 64.1 % of the samples. In addition, even in samples in which a single periodontal species was detected, additional unidentified microbial DNA could be observed. The significant number of periodontopathic bacterial DNA species in atherosclerotic tissue samples from patients with periodontitis suggests that the presence of these micro-organisms in coronary lesions is not coincidental and that they may in fact contribute to the development of vascular diseases.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 2007
Incidence of tacrolimus-induced gingival overgrowth in the absence of calcium channel blockers: a... more Incidence of tacrolimus-induced gingival overgrowth in the absence of calcium channel blockers: a short-term study Sekiguchi RT, Paixa˜o CG, Saraiva L, Romito GA, Pannuti CM, Lotufo RFM. Incidence of tacrolimus-induced gingival overgrowth in the absence of calcium channel blockers: a short-term study.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 2011

Journal of Applied Oral Science, 2005
This study aimed to compare the periodontal condition between plaque and gingival indexes in 30 p... more This study aimed to compare the periodontal condition between plaque and gingival indexes in 30 pairs of mother and child with mixed dentition, as well as to correlate the findings with some of their social and oral hygiene habits. Mother's and child's plaque and gingival indexes were recorded during clinical examination. Periapical and bitewing radiographs were taken in order to assess the presence of any pathologic bone loss. Questionnaires answered by the mothers were used to collect information regarding the mother's and the child's habits of tooth hygiene and the mother's job, instruction level and family income. The data collected from the mothers' group and from the children's group were statistically analyzed both separately and with the two groups together. From the statistical analyses (Pearson correlation test, student test and Covariance analysis), it was possible to conclude that there was a greater correlation between the plaque and gingival indexes in the mothers' group than in the children's group. No significant correlation between plaque and gingival indexes could be found between the pairs. Also, bone loss and plaque and gingival indexes in the children did not show any correlation. The mothers' plaque indexes increased with age and decreased when they flossed everyday and when they had a job. The children's plaque indexes were lower when they had their tooth hygiene done by their mothers,…
Papers by Giuseppe Romito