Papers by Fabrizio Romano
Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia
Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia, 2002

Brazilian journal of otorhinolaryngology
The inverted papilloma is a benign neoplasm, prone to malignancy, and bearing a high rate of post... more The inverted papilloma is a benign neoplasm, prone to malignancy, and bearing a high rate of post-op recurrence. There is much debate in the literature concerning the issue that an endoscopic approach may offer a benefit over an external approach. Demonstrate the efficacy of an endonasal endoscopic approach in the treatment of inverted papilloma. Retrospective. Retrospective analysis of patients with inverted papilloma operated at the University Hospital--FMUSP from 1994 to 2004. Twenty-eight patients records were studied. Nine patients (32.1%) had tumor recurrence, one being operated via the endoscopic method and eight by external approach. Krouses staging system for inverted papillomas can facilitate both treatment planning and comparison of surgical outcomes. The use of the endoscopic approach resulted in fewer relapses than when the external one was used in cases with the same tumor staging. The use of the endoscope in this type of surgical treatment is an important success fact...
American journal of rhinology
The potential morbidity and mortality of sphenoid sinus infectious processes are related to their... more The potential morbidity and mortality of sphenoid sinus infectious processes are related to their proximity to vital structures within the orbit, such as the cavernous sinus and the brain. Involvement of the posterior orbit can result in superior orbital fissure syndrome, a rare entity affecting structures that cross this anatomic region. Early recognition of this syndrome is mandatory. Delays in adequate treatment may compromise the patient's prognosis. We present two cases of incomplete superior orbital fissure syndrome due to infectious processes of the posterior ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses. In our experience, endoscopic decompression of the lamina papyracea shows complete recovery of extrinsic ocular motility in these patients and should be combined with intravenous antibiotic therapy.
Rhinology, 2002
Choanal polyps (CP) are benign mucous tumours that usually originate in the mucosa of the maxilla... more Choanal polyps (CP) are benign mucous tumours that usually originate in the mucosa of the maxillary sinus, and hence are termed antrochoanal polyps. CP rarely originates in the mucosa of other nasal structures and paranasal sinuses. The purpose of this brief clinical communication is to present six cases of CP originating in the sphenoidal sinus and termed sphenochoanal polyps (SCP).

Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia, 2007
O papiloma invertido nasossinusal é uma neoplasia benigna com potencial de malignização e elevado... more O papiloma invertido nasossinusal é uma neoplasia benigna com potencial de malignização e elevados índices de recidiva pós-operatória. Existe muito debate na literatura a respeito da melhor via de acesso cirúrgico: externa ou endoscópica endonasal. Objetivo: Demonstrar a eficácia da via endoscópica endonasal no tratamento do papiloma invertido nasossinusal. Forma de Estudo: Clínico retrospectivo. Casuística e Método: Revisão de prontuário dos pacientes operados por papiloma invertido no HC/FMUSP entre janeiro de 1994 e abril de 2004. Resultados: Vinte e oito pacientes traziam todas as informações estudadas, havendo nove casos de recidiva pós-operatória (32,1%), sendo um caso operado via endoscópica e oito pela via externa. Discussão: A classificação proposta por Krouse para estadiamento do papiloma invertido nasossinusal auxilia no planejamento cirúrgico e também permite padronização para comparação de resultados pós-operatórios. A via endoscópica endonasal apresentou menor índice de recidiva tumoral que a via externa ao se comparar casos com o mesmo estadiamento tumoral. Conclusão: O uso do endoscópio no intra-operatório é uma importante ferramenta para se obter sucesso no tratamento do papiloma invertido nasossinusal.
Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 2003
The use of antibiotics for otitis media has significantly reduced the incidence of petrous apicit... more The use of antibiotics for otitis media has significantly reduced the incidence of petrous apicitis. In this report, we describe an atypical case of bilateral petrous apicitis resulting from an anaerobic infection (Fusobacterium necrophorum). The treatment of the second side needs to be performed urgently to prevent bilateral carotid or jugular thrombosis, or cranial nerve palsies.
Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 2003
Otolaryngology-head and Neck Surgery, 2004
Objectives: The potential morbidity and mortality of sphenoid sinus infectious processes are rela... more Objectives: The potential morbidity and mortality of sphenoid sinus infectious processes are related to its proximity to vital structures within the orbit, such as the cavernous sinus and the brain. Involvement of the posterior orbit can result in superior orbital fissure syndrome (SOFS), a rare entity that comprehends dysfunction of the structures that cross this anatomical region. Early recognition of
Arquivos Internacionais …
American Journal of Rhinology, 2007
Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 2015
Anselmo-Lima WT et al.
Papers by Fabrizio Romano