Papers by Estela Bevilacqua
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Memorias Do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 1996
Tumor-bearing mice showed a significant resistance against Candida albicans intravenous infection... more Tumor-bearing mice showed a significant resistance against Candida albicans intravenous infection. Longer survival was observed in groups of mice inoculated with fungal cells 2-3 weeks after tumor transplantation with allogeneic sarcoma 180, syngeneic methylcholanthrene-induced Meth A fibrosarcoma, and MM 46 mammary carcinoma than in non-tumor-bearing mice inoculated only with fungal cells. This effect was not observed when the mice were infected only 1 week after tumor transplantation. A significant decrease in the number of C. albicans cells in the kidneys was observed in mice inoculated with fungal cells 2-3 weeks after tumor transplantation. In the tumor-bearing mice treated with cyclophosphamide (CY), a remarkable decrease in both the number of peripheral blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) and the defense against challenge with C. albicans cells was observed, as compared with the CY-untreated groups (normal and tumor-bearing mice). A marked increase in the calcium concentration in serum and number, candidacidal activity, active oxygen level, and myeloperoxidase activity of PMNs was observed in the 2-3-week tumor-bearing mice. From these results, it is suggested that PMNs, which accumulated in the 2-3-week tumor-bearing mice, play an important role in the protection from C. albicans infection by increasing the number and the types of killing factors.

BioMed Research International
Introduction. Controlling the invasive activity of trophoblastic tissue has not been elucidated. ... more Introduction. Controlling the invasive activity of trophoblastic tissue has not been elucidated. In the accreta placenta, the invasion of placental tissue is directly related to the expression of CRIPTO-1 at the maternal-fetal interface. The aim of this study is to evaluate if the expression of the CRIPTO-1 is related to different degrees of trophoblast invasion into the tube wall in ampullary pregnancy. Methods. Prospective study with 21 patients with ampullary tubal pregnancy undergoing salpingectomy. Anatomopathological evaluation determined the degree of invasion of trophoblast tissues into the tubal wall and grouped the samples into invasive degrees I, II, or III. The groups were compared for tissue expression of CRIPTO-1 using the Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test. p values lower than 0.05 were considered significant. Results. Quantitative expression of CRIPTO-1 differed in each of the three groups of trophoblast invasion in the tubal wall in ampullary pregnancies ( p < 0.0...
Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2020
Battagello et al. MCHR1 in the Mammary Gland in other groups. Our data demonstrate the presence o... more Battagello et al. MCHR1 in the Mammary Gland in other groups. Our data demonstrate the presence of an anatomical basis for the participation of MCH peptidergic system on the control of lactation through the mammary gland, suggesting that MCH could modulate a prolactation action in early postpartum days and the opposite role at the end of the lactation.

Placenta, 2019
Student's t-test were used to compare treated explants with controls. Significance was set at p-v... more Student's t-test were used to compare treated explants with controls. Significance was set at p-value <0.05. Results: L-1MT blocked specific IDO activity, decreasing the Kyn levels (0.5643±0.04 vs 1.158±0.135 relative to control) and increasing parasitic load in infected explants (2.086±0.371 vs 1.00±0.001 relative to control). IFN-ɣ increased the production of L-Kyn (1.903±0.095 vs 1.158±0.135 relative to control). L-Trp increased specific IDO activity (1.678±0.237 vs 0.095 relative to control) and Kyn levels in supernatants (5.933±0.7058 vs 1.691±0.482 relative to control). Treatment with L-Trp decreased parasitic load in infected explants (0.228±0.051 vs 1.00±0,001 relative to control). 3-HK and 3-HAA decreased parasitic load when compared to non-treated explants (0.422±0.0494 vs 1.00±0.001; 0.596±0.072 vs 1.00±0,001 relative to control). Conclusion: Catabolism of Trp participates in T. cruzi infection process through some metabolites (3-HK and 3.HAA) of the chorionic villi KP, regulating the load of the placental infection, which would be the first step to congenital transmission of Chagas disease.

Placenta, 2021
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are closely associated with prematurity, stillbirth, and mate... more Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are closely associated with prematurity, stillbirth, and maternal morbidity and mortality. The onset of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) is generally noticed after the 20th week of gestation, limiting earlier intervention. The placenta is directly responsible for modulating local and systemic physiology by communicating using mechanisms such as the release of extracellular vesicles, especially exosomes. In this study, we postulated that an analysis of exosome-enriched maternal plasma could provide a more focused and applicable approach for diagnosing HDP earlier in pregnancy. Therefore, the peripheral blood plasma of 24 pregnant women (11 controls, 13 HDP) was collected between 20th and 24th gestational weeks and centrifuged for exosome enrichment. Exosome-enriched plasma samples were analyzed by Raman spectroscopy and by proton nuclear magnetic resonance metabolomics (1H NMR). Principal component analysis (PCA) and orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) were used to analyze the Raman data, from the spectral region of 600–1,800 cm–1, to determine its potential to discriminate between groups. Using principal component analysis, we were able to differentiate the two groups, with 89% of all variances found in the first three principal components. In patients with HDP, most significant differences in Raman bands intensity were found for sphingomyelin, acetyl CoA, methionine, DNA, RNA, phenylalanine, tryptophan, carotenoids, tyrosine, arginine, leucine, amide I and III, and phospholipids. The 1H NMR analysis showed reduced levels of D-glucose, L-proline, L-tyrosine, glycine, and anserine in HDP, while levels of 2-hydroxyvalerate, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) were increased. 1H NMR results were able to assign an unknown sample to either the control or HDP groups at a precision of 88.3% using orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis and 87% using logistic regression analysis. Our results suggested that an analysis of exosome-enriched plasma could provide an initial assessment of placental function at the maternal-fetal interface and aid HDP diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment, as well as to detect novel, early biomarkers for HDP.
Science Advances, 2020
IL-1 axis activation during placental malaria induces poor pregnancy outcomes that are obliterate... more IL-1 axis activation during placental malaria induces poor pregnancy outcomes that are obliterated after treatment with Anakinra.
JAMA Network Open, 2019
IMPORTANCE Malaria during pregnancy is associated with adverse events for the fetus and newborn, ... more IMPORTANCE Malaria during pregnancy is associated with adverse events for the fetus and newborn, but the association of malaria during pregnancy with the head circumference of the newborn is unclear. OBJECTIVE To investigate the association of malaria during pregnancy with fetal head growth. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Two cohort studies were conducted at the general maternity hospital of Cruzeiro do Sul (Acre, Brazil) in the Amazonian region. One cohort study prospectively enrolled noninfected and malaria-infected pregnant women who were followed up
Papers by Estela Bevilacqua