Papers by Emiko Yoshikawa Egry

Saúde e Sociedade
Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar potencialidades e limites do Plano Municipal de Sa... more Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar potencialidades e limites do Plano Municipal de Saúde como instrumento de gestão ao reconhecimento das necessidades em saúde e das vulnerabilidades dos grupos sociais. Estudo documental qualitativo realizado por meio da organização de dados no software WebQDA® e da análise de conteúdo de Bardin dos planos municipais de saúde de Araraquara, Santos, Valinhos e Vinhedo, localidades que atenderam aos critérios de elegibilidade: municípios de médio porte do estado de São Paulo; não pertencentes à região metropolitana; com 50 mil habitantes ou mais; apresentaram os melhores Índices de Desenvolvimento Humano e os piores coeficientes de Gini; e publicizaram os planos municipais de saúde. Os resultados demonstraram predomínio da concepção de saúde centrada na multicausalidade; epidemiologicamente, os cenários foram descritos a partir dos fatores de risco, com destaque para os indicadores de morbimortalidade; não houve articulação dos perfis de s...

Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP
Objective: Map the conceptual frameworks for programs addressing violence against children develo... more Objective: Map the conceptual frameworks for programs addressing violence against children developed in primary health care. Method: This is a scoping review that followed the methodological recommendations of the Joanna Briggs Institute. A reference manager and qualitative analysis software were used for data management and analysis. Results: 1,346 studies were pre-selected and analyzed. The final sample consisted of 24 studies, mostly published in the 2000s. Three strategic actions were identified in programs: Home Visitation, Children Exposed to Violence, and Parenting Development, most of them focused on the level of intervention. No study explained the conceptual frameworks guiding the programs. Conclusion: Mapped programs were well structured and essential for addressing domestic violence against children. They mainly adopted the multi-causal concept to understand the health-disease process, which was restricted to overcoming the contradictions of violence.

Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem
The st Brazilian Congress of Nursing, based in the city of Manaus, state of Amazonas, addressed t... more The st Brazilian Congress of Nursing, based in the city of Manaus, state of Amazonas, addressed topics related to the central purpose-Nursing and the meanings of equity-since the Conferência Magna de Abertura (Magna Opening Conference). The illustrious Professor Jaime Breilh spoke at the Congress, a world reference in the field of critical epidemiology, including several round tables, symposia, seminars, lectures and free topics. All over the world, there is a growing interest in adopting practices capable of innovating and reforming health systems to meet the health needs of social groups in the territories, which have been changing due to demographic, epidemiological and ecological-environmental changes. Efforts by different countries to improve health systems have very expressive results for those who have adopted Primary Health Care (PHC) as a concept and practice for the inclusion of almost the entire population. We understand that the less disparities between social groups, societies, the greater the response to health actions. However, the greater the gap in the population's daily living conditions, the greater the challenges for formulators and executors of public health policies. This is because the response to health interventions depends primarily on understanding or, to use the word currently in vogue, adherence to care or therapeutic proposals (1). Therefore, in our understanding, health is totally dependent on the quality of life, which, in turn, is dependent on the production and social reproduction of the social groups in our territory (1). The 2030 Agenda, to which our country subscribes, contains an immense challenge, even if, when looking at the Sustainable Development Goals, we focus only on those directly related to health. We can say that some social groups will be able to easily reach many of the SDGs, while others do not stand a chance. This is because the deterioration in living conditions and, therefore, in the health of our population, is such that we have a contingent the size of Belgium of miserable people, that is, below the poverty line, living on less than 145 reais a month (2). A major challenge for meeting needs and addressing vulnerabilities is related to the health workforce. The scarcity of professionals and their poor geographical distribution are a major problem, compounded by insufficient training to provide quality health care. Furthermore, all of this must in some way help to ensure sustainability, that is, to look deeply at Agenda 2030 (2-3). However, sustainability itself, as it is mostly understood, is supportive of inequity, inequality, the current situation of accumulation of wealth produced by very few, and, for this very reason, it is also supportive of neoliberal capitalism (3-4). We still need to consolidate and advance, in the first place, in the recognition of poverty as a structural issue of societies, which, daily, "manufactures" and maintains poverty by not understanding the processes of social production that result in inequities in both insertion and sharing. socially produced goods. The ultra-exploitation of capital that occurs legally (but not morally) in neoliberalism that prevails in the country does not problematize and, therefore, cannot overcome inequalities.
Investigación y Educación en Enfermería

Ciencia & saude coletiva, 2018
This study aimed to analyze the flows of the network of children's protection against violenc... more This study aimed to analyze the flows of the network of children's protection against violence regarding reporting and decisions made. This is a qualitative research based on the Theory of Praxis Interpretation of Community Health Nursing - TIPESC, proposed by Egry, which seeks nursing intervention through a dynamic and participative methodology. Data were collected through official documents and interviews with Primary Health Care professionals in three health facilities of a Brazilian city and analyzed through Dialectical Hermeneutics and the Flowchart Analyzing the Care Model of a Health Service. Results point to the difficulties and weaknesses of the care network in addressing issues, the need for intersectoral actions and the training of professionals to deal with situations of violence. In conclusion, strategies must be adopted to increase the capacity of monitoring and follow-up of reported cases, to provide qualified training of workers and organize the health network, w...

Revista brasileira de enfermagem, 2018
It is celebrated 30 years of the official launch, in Brazil, of the Nursing in Collective Health,... more It is celebrated 30 years of the official launch, in Brazil, of the Nursing in Collective Health, a field of theories and practices supported by the historical and dialectical materialism. Nothing is more instigating than bringing to readers the special edition of REBEn called "Contributions of Public Health to nursing practice". In this editorial, it is questioned: have we been loyal to the original suppositions of the theorical part? The question brings a comprehensive, committed and empirically proved research; therefore, in this editorial, we will highlight only the general impressions. Firstly, can be noted that the theorical field has been suffering, worldwide, a shrinkage or even a certain trivialization of what has been called Collective Health. To understand the power of the original suppositions is necessary to check the source: it is mandatory to revisit the late 1970s, when the Movements opposite to the dictatorial regimen rebelled against the social and political situation, compelling the necessary change in the forms how society interact. The Collective Health, a theorical and practical field, support these Movements, exposing, debating and broaden the quest for better work and life conditions to all Brazilians. For technical professions like Nursing, the understanding about its work object, the reconnection of the work tools to it in the perspective of the sick-disease process understanding was essential, as a phenomenon socially produced and interpreted.
Revista brasileira de enfermagem, 2018
To discuss the phase of reinterpretation of objective reality of the Theory of Praxis Interventio... more To discuss the phase of reinterpretation of objective reality of the Theory of Praxis Intervention of Nursing in Collective Health (Tipesc), in search of the praxis that it promotes. Analysis of interventions in projects that are based on Tipesc and its results, since the 1990s. Developed and implemented projects show that praxis is the way to achieve the aimed changes. We concluded that Tipesc is currently the explanatory and interventional theory, since it is grounded on its theoretical bases, which arise from philosophical bases of dialectical and historical materialism.

Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P, 2011
The present study describes the composition, the qualification, the salary investment, the workfo... more The present study describes the composition, the qualification, the salary investment, the workforce produce, and discusses users' accessibility in terms of time at Basic Health Units (BHUs). The study was performed at two BHUs from January to December 2008, and developed by analyzing administrative documents. In both, the composition of professionals according to education level revealed: 21% with a university degree, 27% with a secondary education, and50% with a primary education; showing a positive salary variation. The medical and nursing conducts were the majority at both. The production indicators confirmed: 25 and 37 min/person/month for accessibility, respectively for BHU A and B; R$ 8.43 and R$ 12.11/person/month for the salary investment at both BHUs, and 0.07 appointments/person/month at both BHUs. The professionals' available time is scarce compared to the potential of the demand. The production indicated an opportunity of care < 1 per person/month at a reduce...
Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP
Buscou-se compreender o fenômeno da assistência à saúde desenvolvida na Liga de Diagnóstico e Tra... more Buscou-se compreender o fenômeno da assistência à saúde desenvolvida na Liga de Diagnóstico e Tratamento da Hipertensão Arterial do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP,evidenciando suas contradições através da articulação dos elementos constitutivos deste processo de trabalho,contidos nos depoimentos de seus agentes. As concepções dos agentes sobre este processo de trabalho expressaram uma práxis reiterativa, consagrando e consolidando um dado saber específico que,para além de ser Meio da ação interventiva sobre o Objeto,configura-se num saber ideológico dominante na área de saúde.
Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP
Os autores descrevem os principios, o conteúdo e a metodologia utilizada para o ensino de enferma... more Os autores descrevem os principios, o conteúdo e a metodologia utilizada para o ensino de enfermagem de saúde pública na Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo, anexando no final, esquemas dos programas.
Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP
Relatório sobre o uso de um modelo de histórico e de plano de assistência de enfermagem à família... more Relatório sobre o uso de um modelo de histórico e de plano de assistência de enfermagem à família, realizado por docentes e alunos de uma escola de enfermagem.
Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP
As autoras propõem um modelo de plano de visita domiciliaria operacional e dinámico, levando em c... more As autoras propõem um modelo de plano de visita domiciliaria operacional e dinámico, levando em consideração a necessidade de ensinar o assunto de forma abrangente. O modelo proposto é acompanhado de um guia com as informações necessárias para seu uso adequado. O seu uso, contudo, não exclui a importância da discussão prévia sobre a metodologia da visita domiciliária e particularmente sobre a forma de relacionamento enfermeiro-família.
Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP
Caracterizase, inicialmente, o papel da universidade na formação de recursos humanos em enfermage... more Caracterizase, inicialmente, o papel da universidade na formação de recursos humanos em enfermagem. A seguir, são delineadas as etapas para a elaboração do currículo de graduação em enfermagem, sendo destacados os marcos referencial, conceituai, estrutural e metodológico. Os princípios que norteiam o ensino de enfermagem, bem como a forma de introdução do ensino de enfermagem de saúde pública são discutidos dentro do modelo curricular vigente e dentro de uma ampla reestruturação curricular. Ao final são formulados os questionamentos em relação aos papéis do enfermeiro docente e do enfermeiro de campo na atualidade.
Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP
Este trabalho é o resultado de um inquérito realizado junto aos formandos do Curso de Graduação e... more Este trabalho é o resultado de um inquérito realizado junto aos formandos do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem e Obstetricia da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo, cuja finalidade foi a de conhecer as opiniões dos graduandos a respeito de alguns aspectos da sexualidade humana. Os dados obtidos foram comparados com os resultados de pesquisas de mesma temática realizadas com outras populações, em épocas e meios sociais distintos. Durante a discussão dos dados foi destacada a relevância das opiniões dos formandos para prestação da assistência de enfermagem a clientes de diferentes opiniões, práticas e meios sociais.
Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP
Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento do Projeto de Integração Docente-Assistencial iniciado e... more Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento do Projeto de Integração Docente-Assistencial iniciado em 1986, com participação de professores e alunos da Escola de Enfermagem da USP c equipe técnica das Unidades Básicas de Saúde do Município de Taboão da Serra. O Projeto foi orientado no sentido de uma aproximação gradativa entre a teoria e a prática de saúde coletiva, através da condução praxiológica, buscando a transformação da qualidade de assistência e de ensino na área de Saúde Coletiva, num processo de participação conjunta dos profissionais de campo, docentes, pessoal auxiliar de saúde, alunos e a comunidade.
Revista de Investigaciones UNAD
El objeto del presente estudio es el conjunto de los saberes necesarios para el enfrentamiento de... more El objeto del presente estudio es el conjunto de los saberes necesarios para el enfrentamiento de la violencia infantil en la Atención Primaria en Salud (APS), locus privilegiado para el enfrentamiento del fenómeno.

Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 2011
Nursing science in an interdisciplinary era was the theme of the 16th National Seminar on Nursing... more Nursing science in an interdisciplinary era was the theme of the 16th National Seminar on Nursing Research, sponsored by the Brazilian Nursing Association and conducted by the Mato Grosso do Sul Section. In the period of 19th to June 22nd, 2011, nursing researchers from north to south of Brazil, and international researchers, illuminate the theme with different colors, shapes and hues, peering into the object of our attention so dense, articulate, relevant and current. The objectives of the event were achieved by correct choice of axes: 1) Interfaces of science in nursing, in times of interdisciplinary, with transcultural and citizenship; 2) Ethical, social engagement and citizenship in nursing research: boundaries of scientific disciplines, production and consumption of knowledge; 3) Training of researchers and research networks; 4) Research process in nursing care and education: interdisciplinary, crosscultural and diffusion of knowledge. Addressing the challenges of knowledge production that effectively impact the qualification of work practices in Nursing and Health in the XXI century, required multidisciplinary approaches. The event enabled, through the Scientific Initiation opened forum, to reflect on the increasingly early inclusion of citizens in the world of philosophy, science and research, demystifying the process of investigating. It made it possible, too, to optimize the rapid spread of scientific production, both nationally and in international dialogue, through coordinated communications, poster discussions and research networks. If no area of knowledge is an island, Nursing stands out by being influenced and to influence other sciences and disciplines, as well said Professor Franco Carnevale, in his masterly opening conference. Additionally, complexity of the phenomena that we, from Nursing, study gives rise to several looks to set to close, without losing the uniqueness of our processes and scientific products. Nursing is originator of processes of discussion with horizontal participation and, in this event, important forums were held: graduate students forum; research forum, scientific editors forum, history of nursing researchers forum, in addition to the aforementioned scientific initiation forum for undergraduate Nursing students, recently inaugurated. Emphasizing our insertion in the community and highlighting the issues of the Midwest of the country we had rounds of conversation, interest groups with activities of great importance for gathering of researchers and organized community groups for example: indigenous population health, afro-Brazilian descendent population health, the Gerontological Nursing in the Midwest. The assessments that came to the Organizing Committee were significantly positive, focusing the agenda, the presentations by speakers, forums, quality of presentations of the themes free courses and workshops, organization of the event, besides the warm and caring welcome to the participants. The ABEn thanks the precious collaboration of all professionals who participated in the planning and conduct of the 16th National Seminar on Nursing Research. Thanks, also, to all the institutions that contributed in various ways that this event was held in an organized, competent and pleasant way, so that to spread the production of knowledge and deepen critical reflection about instigative issues for Brazilian Nursing. Finally, we are very grateful to all participants. Your presence, from all the stops in Brazil and abroad, which graced the event, is a matter of our pride and honor.

Journal of Human Growth and Development, 1997
Na atualidade, questões ligadas à saúde dos adolescentes têm sido predominantemente interpretadas... more Na atualidade, questões ligadas à saúde dos adolescentes têm sido predominantemente interpretadas segundo o paradigma biomédico, que toma a adolescência um fenómeno natural, universal. Tal visão unívoca e a-histórica enfatiza o caráter teleológico do desenvolvimento hu nano, em que a adolescência não é mais que uma etapa de transição em direção à idade adulta, daí que privilegie o critério cronológico como seu principal demarcador. Advoga- se a sua compreensão como um constructo social, produto da Revolução Indushial, que adquire visibilidade ao final do século XIX, na esteira do movimento de proteção à maternidade e à infancia iniciados no século anterior. Admitir o caráter histórico-social do objeto adolescência implica pensá-la como um conceito necessariamente plural e em permanente evolução,atravessado por categorias como classe social, religião, raça e género, de tal forma que o adolescente genérico não seria mais que uma metáfora, um instrumento de inteligibilidade. Odeslocame...
Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP, 1992
O trabalho relata um processo ensino-aprendizagem guiado pelos pressupostos de dinamicidade, hist... more O trabalho relata um processo ensino-aprendizagem guiado pelos pressupostos de dinamicidade, historicidade, participação e horizonte. Esse processo tem sido desenvolvido pela Disciplina Enfermagem Preventiva e Comunitária da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo. São descritos os objetivos, métodos e estratégias de condução do processo ensino-aprendizagem Tal processo articula-se a Projeto de Integração Docente-Assistencial que envolve a Escola de Enfermagem e a Prefeitura Municipal de São Paulo. Trata-se de tuna experiência que se tem revelado valiosa tanto para os professores como para os alunos da disciplina e que tem permitido tuna maior aproximação com os trabalhadores das Unidades Básicas de Saúde.
Papers by Emiko Yoshikawa Egry