Papers by Eduardo Gonçales

Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences, 2017
Transverse maxillary deficiency is characterized by posterior uni or bilateral crossbite, crowded... more Transverse maxillary deficiency is characterized by posterior uni or bilateral crossbite, crowded and rotated teeth, as well as high palate. Its treatment in adult individuals is surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion. The aim of this study was to verify the occurrence of dimensional alterations in the mandibular condyles of patients with TMD submitted to surgically assisted maxillary expansion. Measurements of the mandibular condyles using the DISTANCE tool in cone beam computed tomography iCat software were performed. The values obtained were submitted to statistical analysis by the paired t-test and the results showed statistically significant dimensional reduction in the axial posterior-anterior lateral (-0.74mm), axial posterior-anterior lateral left (-0.90mm) and coronal medium right (-1.24mm) dimensions. The coronal inferior (1.13mm), coronal inferior left (1.78mm) and coronal superior-inferior right (0.76mm) measurements showed statistically significant dimensional incr...
Journal of Clinical Dentistry and Research, 2016

Revista Dental Press De Ortodontia E Ortopedia Facial, 2006
Objetivo: avaliação clínica dos procedimentos de expansão cirurgicamente assistida da maxila. Met... more Objetivo: avaliação clínica dos procedimentos de expansão cirurgicamente assistida da maxila. Metodologia: foram avaliados 10 pacientes tratados através da expansão ortopédica com auxílio cirúrgico, conhecida como expansão cirurgicamente assistida da maxila (ECAM). Avaliou-se a efetividade deste procedimento cirúrgico no auxílio à expansão transversal da maxila proporcionada através de aparelho do tipo Hyrax, a estabilidade desta expansão, as ocorrências pós-operatórias, a quantidade e qualidade da expansão conseguida e alterações estéticas deste procedimento. Resultados e Conclusões: concluiu-se, com um acompanhamento a longo prazo, que a ECAM trata-se de um procedimento eficiente, estável, que proporciona mudanças funcionais e pouca alteração estética facial. Resumo Palavras-chave: Expansão cirurgicamente assistida da maxila. Expansão maxilar. Deficiência transversal da maxila. A r t i g o i n é d i t o

The International journal of adult orthodontics and orthognathic surgery, 2002
Bone movement in orthognathic surgery gives rise to changes in the positions of the adjacent soft... more Bone movement in orthognathic surgery gives rise to changes in the positions of the adjacent soft tissues, with such change varying according to the location, direction, and degree of movement. The behavior of the soft tissues, especially the labial tissues, can be influenced by the type of suture employed. This study sought to characterize alterations induced into the soft tissue, by the effect of different suturing techniques, on the upper lip in patients undergoing surgically assisted maxillary expansion. Twenty-three patients were divided into 2 groups and analyzed, with group 1 receiving conventional suturing and group 2 receiving the simple V-Y suture. The results were determined through cephalometric tracings conducted immediately preoperative and a minimum of 6 months postoperative. From these results, it was possible to detect a tendency toward more posterior positioning of the upper lip with this procedure, which can be compensated by the V-Y suture. Alterations in the ver...
Revista Dental Press de Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial, 2006
OBJETIVO: avaliação clínica dos procedimentos de expansão cirurgicamente assistida da maxila. MET... more OBJETIVO: avaliação clínica dos procedimentos de expansão cirurgicamente assistida da maxila. METODOLOGIA: foram avaliados 10 pacientes tratados através da expansão ortopédica com auxílio cirúrgico, conhecida como expansão cirurgicamente assistida da maxila (ECAM). Avaliou-se a efetividade deste procedimento cirúrgico no auxílio à expansão transversal da maxila proporcionada através de aparelho do tipo Hyrax, a estabilidade desta expansão, as ocorrências pós-operatórias, a quantidade e qualidade da expansão conseguida e alterações estéticas deste procedimento. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: concluiu-se, com um acompanhamento a longo prazo, que a ECAM trata-se de um procedimento eficiente, estável, que proporciona mudanças funcionais e pouca alteração estética facial.

Journal of Applied Oral Science, Oct 1, 2010
Pyogenic granuloma (PG) is a benign nonneoplastic mucocutaneous lesion, with the term "pyogenic" ... more Pyogenic granuloma (PG) is a benign nonneoplastic mucocutaneous lesion, with the term "pyogenic" being used erroneously since this condition does not produce purulent secretion 1 and is not related to infection 7. PG is also known as pregnancy granuloma or pregnancy tumor when occurring in pregnant women, or as vascular epulis, benign vascular tumor and hemangiomatous granuloma 4. Jafarzadeh, et al. 7 GH¿QHG 3* DV DQ LQÀDPPDWRU\ RYHUJURZWK RI WKH RUDO PXFRVD caused by minor trauma or irritation. According to Neville, et al. 9 (1998), these injuries might be FDXVHG LQ WKH PRXWK E\ JLQJLYDO LQÀDPPDWLRQ GXH to poor hygiene, trauma or local infection. Lin and Janniger 8 (2004) reported an association between dermatosis and the occurrence of PG. PG is manifested as a sessile or pedunculated, resilient, erythematous, exophytic and painful papule or nodule with a smooth or lobulated surface that bleeds easily 4,7. The gingiva is the most commonly affected site by PGs, accounting
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2019
Conclusion: The patients included in class II are main beneficiates of this protocol. The study c... more Conclusion: The patients included in class II are main beneficiates of this protocol. The study conclude that technics less invasive and minus morbidly can be an alternative in rehabilitation of AM.

Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2014
Dentofacial deformities can be defined as defects in the growth and development of facial bones, ... more Dentofacial deformities can be defined as defects in the growth and development of facial bones, mainly the maxilla and mandible. Such deformities can change the dimension and function of the pharyngeal airway space and orthognathic surgery is the treatment of choice. The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in the pharyngeal airway space after orthognathic surgery and test the ability of cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) imaging to allow analysis of the airway. Materials and Methods: Pre-and postoperative measurements were taken using CBCT images of 100 patients who underwent orthognathic surgery. Results: The results showed an increase of the airway at the middle portion in the anteroposterior and lateral directions in the maxillary advancement, mandibular advancement, and maxillomandibular advancement groups. The results also showed an increase of total area in the maxillary advancement, mandibular advancement, maxillomandibular advancement, and maxillary advancement and mandibular setback groups. Total sagittal area increased in accord with bone movement. Conclusions: CBCT imaging allows the analysis of the effects of orthognathic surgery on the pharyngeal airway. Changes to the airway follow the maxillomandibular advancement that is carried out and the maxillary and mandibular advancements increase the upper and middle airway in the anteroposterior and lateral directions.
Revista Dental Press de Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial, 2007
Odontologia Clinico Cientifica, Jun 1, 2010
... Camila Lopes Cardoso I ; Luciana Maria Paes da Silva Ramos Fernandes II ; Julierme Ferreira R... more ... Camila Lopes Cardoso I ; Luciana Maria Paes da Silva Ramos Fernandes II ; Julierme Ferreira Rocha II ; Eduardo Sanches Gonçales III ; Osny Ferreira Júnior III ; Luís Antônio de Assis Taveira IV. ... 12. Balau AJ, De Nadai LC, Bressan MS, Simão JL. ...
Papers by Eduardo Gonçales