Papers by Angela R O S C H Rodrigues

Anais - VII Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, 2022
Giovanni Battista Piranesi published Campo Marzio dell'antica Roma (1762) in which he dedicated t... more Giovanni Battista Piranesi published Campo Marzio dell'antica Roma (1762) in which he dedicated to recreating the ancient urban fabric based on documentary sources and verifications in loco. The objective
of this article is to analyze thisseries in the key of the inventive proposition of the architectural experiment on an urban scale, we use as the main object the large plan Ichonographia. For this purpose it will be presented the main characteristics and circumstances of the work and the methods and sources there were used in order to situate itsrelevance in differentspheres: as an imaginative synthesisthat established a new basis for the Piranesin`s artistic trajectory; as a mark for the 18th Century, establishing new parameters for the reception of the arts and architecture of the ancients; and for the historiography of architecture as a model to catalyze the development of proposals for the contemporary debate from the understanding and reconfiguration of the past mediated by the architect`s inventive genius.

Anais VI Enanparq - Brasília, 2021
O objetivo desse artigo é verificar a relevância que o antiquário, desenhista, gravurista e arqui... more O objetivo desse artigo é verificar a relevância que o antiquário, desenhista, gravurista e arquiteto G. B. Piranesi assumi para a historiografia da arquitetura a partir do século XX considerando sua profícua produção de desenhos, gravuras e material teórico, tendo como recorte sua publicação intitulada Parere sul`architettura (1765). Essa obra é um ponto de inflexão para compreender sua trajetória e sua contribuição para o debate arquitetônico do século XVIII com reflexos para a contemporaneidade. Para tanto, será contextualizada a produção desse trabalho, as ideias debatidas e suas conexões. Conclui-se que o valor desse intelectual enquanto pensador crítico está embasado em seu conhecimento da Antiguidade como um locus para a ativação da criatividade e que sua ideia de liberdade de manifestação do gênio inventivo do artista se torna crucial para a historiografia do século XX. Esse artigo pretende ser uma contribuição para a celebração dos 300 anos de nascimento de Piranesi.

Revista Restauro, 2020
O veneziano Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778) deixou um grande legado à história da arte e d... more O veneziano Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778) deixou um grande legado à história da arte e da arquitetura devido à forma com que utilizava as referências da antiguidade para articular sua inventividade através de fantasias arquitetônicas gravadas em água-forte (acquaforte), desenhos, restaurações e recomposições em remanescentes de escavações arqueológicas. Contudo, há uma única peça arquitetônica por ele projetada e executada: a igreja de Santa Maria del Priorato em Roma - cidade onde ele passou grande parte de sua vida. Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar essa sua obra e os recentes trabalhos de restauro nela realizados. Os trabalhos de Piranesi nessa igreja foram realizados entre 1764 e 1766 e são o produto da maturidade intelectual de sua trajetória enquanto estudioso e teórico da arquitetura. O projeto consistia em uma reestruturação da igreja da Ordem dos Cavaleiros de Malta preexistente no monte Aventino e parcialmente deixada ao abandono nos anos anteriores. O convite partiu de Giovanni Battista Rezzonico (1740-1783) - sobrinho do Papa, Cardeal e nomeado Grão-Prior da Ordem de Malta em 1763. Entre fins de 2017 e o início de 2019 foi realizada uma restauração conservativa na igreja. Os trabalhos tiveram projeto e direção do arquiteto Giorgio Ferreri, execução pela Acanto Restauri e financiamento da Ordem de Malta. A intervenção teve como principal objetivo se aproximar do aspecto da obra como concebida e executada por Piranesi em meados do século XVIII.

Turismo e História – Perspectivas sobre o Patrimônio da Humanidade no Espaço Ibero-Americano, 2020
A partir de casos selecionados dos sítios declarados como Patrimônio Mundial no Brasil, este trab... more A partir de casos selecionados dos sítios declarados como Patrimônio Mundial no Brasil, este trabalho tem como objetivo abordar o tema da ruína dos bens analisando a pauta da conservação no âmbito da gestão patrimonial e a intersecção dos contextos das políticas de preservação nacional (IPHAN) e internacional (UNESCO). Aqui, a designação de ruína engloba edificações em diferentes graus de destruição causada pela passagem do tempo; incúria; ou, catástrofes (naturais ou antrópicas). Assim, metodologicamente organizamos os casos em três grupos para a análise de questões pertinentes à identificação, gestão e conservação dos bens culturais acometidos por processos de arruinamento: ruínas do tempo (Missão Jesuítica de São Miguel, RS e Cais do Valongo, RJ); ruínas da incúria (centros históricos de Salvador, BA e São Luís, MA) e ruínas do incidente (Goiás Velho, GO). A declaração do Valor Universal Excepcional está embasada nos conceitos da integridade e autenticidade associados à problemática da degeneração dos bens culturais. Conclui-se pela relevância e complexidade em afrontar o tema da ruína nos processos de identificação dos Patrimônios Mundiais e sua gestão, que deve articular os interesses da comunidade local, os recursos financeiros, o uso e a conservação dos bens.
Restauro, 2019
Os desafios proporcionados pelas áreas arqueológicas têm sido cruciais para o amadurecimento de a... more Os desafios proporcionados pelas áreas arqueológicas têm sido cruciais para o amadurecimento de aspectos fundamentais da preservação patrimonial como a documentação, o respeito à materialidade preexistente, a conservação, a distinguibilidade e a possível reversibilidade das novas intervenções. Historicamente, podemos situar que as descobertas de Herculano e Pompeia (Fig. 1) no primeiro quartel do século XVIII foram essenciais para aumentar o interesse pela Antiguidade consolidando um processo que vinha se estruturando desde o Renascimento. Com o início das escavações nessas cidades, a arqueologia passaria a se fundamentar como uma disciplina autônoma superando o mero colecionismo.

Revista CPC (USP), 2019
Durante o século XVIII, o interesse pela arquitetura da Antiguidade Clássica se amplificou a part... more Durante o século XVIII, o interesse pela arquitetura da Antiguidade Clássica se amplificou a partir de descobertas arqueológicas na Península Itálica. Nesse contexto, o arquiteto, arqueólogo e gravurista Giovanni Battista Piranesi teve um papel de destaque para o desenvolvimento de questões ligadas à historicização da arquitetura. Foi a partir de seu fascínio pelas ruínas e da observação e das aferições in loco, em especial de Roma e arredores, que Piranesi se estabeleceu como uma referência intelectual e artística, utilizando gravuras e textos como seus principais instrumentos retóricos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo verificar a influência de Piranesi na observação e preservação do passado, tendo como recorte uma de suas obras magnas: as Antichità Romane (1756) – uma publicação em quatro tomos embasada no intuito de conservar as antiguidades por meio da catalogação. A abordagem documental e criativa adotada para as Antichità Romane teve grandes repercussões, nutrindo os debates em curso sobre a investigação do passado, e apresentou reflexos que nortearam os preceitos do restauro moderno, que se cristalizariam a partir do início do século XIX. Pode-se concluir que Piranesi fez uma relevante contribuição para o amadurecimento da forma de se relacionar com o passado, objetivando estudos e a preservação das ruínas por meio de princípios que se tornariam fundamentais para o restauro, como o levantamento pormenorizado, a análise dos edifícios a partir de reconstituições hipotéticas e a predisposição para a conservação e para a mínima intervenção.
This main aim of this article is to situate the destruction of the building and collection of the... more This main aim of this article is to situate the destruction of the building and collection of the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro occurred on September 2, 2018 in the framework of the patrimonial discussions on the subject of the ruin of cultural goods. For this, theoretical assertions are used in order to offer interpretive keys to the problem of sudden and catastrophic ruin and also to the processes of ruin derived from negligence. Thus, it is possible to observe that the National Museum synthesizes not only the tragic nature of the event itself - the fire - but, mainly, the careless with patrimonies that are deteriorating continuously.

Revista Virus, 2018
This article aims to present how Brazilian preservation policies identify architectural remnants ... more This article aims to present how Brazilian preservation policies identify architectural remnants in a state of ruin as cultural assets, focusing on the monuments listed by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN, as the acronym in Portuguese). Such study starts from the question: what can be considered a ruin? We consider a ruin as a condition of decharacterization of architectural assets from any age, affected by degradations for different reasons. Different variables make complex their understanding: cause, degree and time elapsed from the beginning of the process of ruining, age and conditions of the building’s usage. Once combined, such variables direct interpretations, suggesting the organization of this analysis into three groups: ruins of time, ruins of negligence and ruins of the incident. In this structure, we find that there is a major impasse in identifying and assigning values to the ruins within the Brazilian preservation policies: how much is it desired to historicize the ruin status? In the key of memory and oblivion that are the conflicting paths of history, ruins play an essential role because of its dual informative capacity of reminiscence and loss. They are therefore dynamic records to establish a new fruition in the cognitive processes of the construction of memory.

Ruins are a proficient field of digressions and experiments collaborating to the maturation of th... more Ruins are a proficient field of digressions and experiments collaborating to the maturation of the historical monument concept that settled down from XIX century. In the following century, traumatic episodes of war set the challenge of facing recent ruination, updating the problem. This study aims to verify how the remnants in a state of ruin are approached by the theoretical corpus of the main debates on heritage preservation between the nineteenth century and the promulgation of the Venice Charter (1964), a document that consolidated the foundations of contemporary restoration. For this analysis, we based on the verification of two questions: ruins, what is it and how to intervene in it? In the network of meanings that involves the concept of cultural heritage, it is verified that the definition of ruin is complex because it implies in the following aspects: degree of mischaracterization, condition of use, age of the buildings, temporal distance and causes of the ruin. Disarticulation of a property enhances the complexity in dealing with the preexistences and the acceptance of the marks of its destruction. Considering the meaning of ruin as a state of degeneration (regardless of edification’s existence time), it is observed that the theoretical prescriptions for its treatment are not different from any other cultural good; in this way, maintenance, conservation, and restoration operations are valid, based on the following assumptions: minimum intervention, distinctiveness, respect for materiality, reversibility; and use of compatible materials and techniques, combined from a strict historical and critical analysis of each object and its degree of degradation.

The beginning of the installations of the old Vidraria Santa Marina in the city of São Paulo is f... more The beginning of the installations of the old Vidraria Santa Marina in the city of São Paulo is from 1892, since then the conjunct has been configured over a large number of extensions and adaptations. Nowadays, part of the original land belonged to the company Saint - Gobain and maintains the glass activity. In 2009, some isolated remaining of the complex were listed by CONPRESP, constituting an interesting and rare case in the paulista capital because there is coexistence between listed items and the maintenance of an manufacturing activity. This article aims to analyze this relationship by the historical evolution of the conjunct and the current situation concerning to the perception that occurs in relation to the industrial heritage for the official department of preservation and by the owners. Therefore, we used as references some material published by the company and the official process of preservation.
This study aims to analyze the process of recognition of industrial heritage in the city of São P... more This study aims to analyze the process of recognition of industrial heritage in the city of São Paulo by the public agencies of preservation in the national (IPHAN), state (CONDEPHAAT) and municipal (CONPRESP) spheres, through the study of the official determinations of protection and through the trajectories of those agencies, recovering the criteria that influenced the decisions that have contemplated the industrial remaining. The significant increase in the number of the official protections verified over the last two decades on the one hand reflects the awareness of its significance in the academic and social ambit; on the other, exposes the forces of real estate and the impasses with the owners.

By the eighteenth century, in the international panorama, as a result of processes of industriali... more By the eighteenth century, in the international panorama, as a result of processes of industrialization and urban growth there were numerous experiments called “modern” related to the evolution of materials and conceptual and aesthetic revisions that in the industrial architecture had a range of prominent possibilities with distinguished examples in the early twentieth century. Taking this conjuncture as a reference, the analysis focuses on the city of São Paulo during the late nineteenth century until 1930, when part of the capital of coffee elite was invested in the implementation of the industrial park. This study aims to check how the precepts of the international incipient modern ideology were
incorporated into the industrial architecture developed at this moment in the growing paulista capital. From the characterization of some factories it was found that the main source of this approach to modern ideas relates to the large "functional mass" from the advent of rationalism produced in Europe between the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries which the main characteristics were: the search of functionality, cost reduction, structural modulation and standardization of the openings. In this way it is verified that both the rising industrial elite and the professionals involved in construction in São Paulo
do not regard the contemporary industrial architecture solutions in Europe characterized by a lower degree of pragmatism and a more formal review. So, this work aims to contribute to an evaluation where this relative gap is concerned to the approach on the
manufacturing program, which is related to the different degrees of understanding of the modern ideology in its totality.

Este artigo pretende analisar como a questão do uso do patrimônio arquitetônico vem sendo abordad... more Este artigo pretende analisar como a questão do uso do patrimônio arquitetônico vem sendo abordada através de alguns dos principais textos relacionados com as teorias preservacionistas e os preceitos de restauração de estudiosos a partir do século 19. A partir desse panorama, propõe-se uma reflexão relacionando esse tema com a preservação do patrimônio industrial na atualidade enfocando a cidade de São Paulo, uma vez que esse patrimônio, devido a um conjunto de características, tende a ser considerado exclusivamente no âmbito econômico direcionando uma determinada postura em relação à funcionalidade que geralmente não abrange o real escopo da preservação patrimonial. Abstract This article aims to examine how the issue of using architectural heritage has being studied by some of the most important scholars from the nineteenth century and their texts related to the theories and precepts preservationists. With this background, it is proposed to reflect this theme relating to the preservation of industrial heritage in nowadays focusing on the city of São Paulo. Due to a number of characteristics, industrial heritage tends to be considered only by an economical point of view and the utilization of this heritage is not considering inside of the actual scope of the preservation.

Na historiografia da preservação patrimonial do século XX a opção pela reconstrução mediante um i... more Na historiografia da preservação patrimonial do século XX a opção pela reconstrução mediante um incidente súbito e trágico se apresentou de forma contundente em diversos momentos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um panorama de algumas das principais asserções teóricas desenvolvidas ao longo do século XX e respectivos desdobramentos em documentos internacionais que englobam a problemática do tratamento a patrimônios culturais arquitetônicos acometidos por destruições catastróficas causadas de forma antrópica (guerras, incêndios, acidentes, etc.) ou naturais (enchentes, terremotos, etc.) destacando aspectos pertinentes e extremamente atuais para confrontar essas situações de arruinamento como: o problema do falso histórico; a questão da autenticidade como delineada na Carta de Veneza (1964) e Documento de Nara (1994); o restabelecimento da unidade potencial da obra; o preceito da distinguibilidade dos materiais e técnicas em relação ao preexistente; o limite operacional da reconstrução como definido na Carta de Burra (1980); e o imperativo moral para a restituição da identidade cultural de uma comunidade a partir da reconstrução, conforme disposto na Carta de Cracóvia (2000). É possível constatar um ponto nodal nos debates patrimoniais: o impasse conceitual que envolve a diferença metodológica entre a restauração e a reconstrução de um bem arquitetônico. Segundo a definição que consta na Carta de Veneza, a restauração tem caráter excepcional visando conservar valores estéticos e históricos do monumento através do respeito à matéria preexistente. Já, operações como a reconstrução (o repristino e o refazimento) visam à reconstituição de uma imagem formal. Segundo alguns teóricos da preservação ligados à concepção do restauro crítico conservativo, a intervenção de reconstrução não poderia ser enquadrada no campo disciplinar da restauração. Para tal vertente, embora as fronteiras entre a restauração e a reconstrução pareçam difusas, não basta que a materialidade preexistente seja mantida enquanto suporte para a transmissão da imagem, é necessário verificar o método em que se opera esse tratamento para não incorrer em tendenciosas reconstituições estilísticas.

The aim of this paper is to study the relation between preservation of industrial heritage and ur... more The aim of this paper is to study the relation between preservation of industrial heritage and urban requalification in Brazil seeking how this heritage has been incorporated into the urban structure and its influence on urban ambience. For this purpose two cities in the State of São Paulo are used as references: São Paulo and Sorocaba. In spite of differences in their forms and scales, their urban development was related to industrialization and now they have a similar approach with industrial heritage due to the increase of tertiary sector and residential demand. Considering this, basically two processes can be identified: the abandon of old industrial areas and their absorption by the growth of urban tissue. Therefore, some examples were selected in these cities verifying their uses and relationship into the urban tissue, trying to detach the need of understanding industrial heritage in its whole integrity and urban dimension. Introduction: Industrialization in Brazil had developed later than in Europe, but with the same structure based on railways, watercourses and plain areas. Sorocaba City experienced an earlier industrialization growth marked by the first steel metallurgy in Brazil (1811). Although, the industrial activity was actually improved by the railway (1875) when a large textile park emerged. During the 1960s, the city restructured its original Master Plan and a new industrial area was established near a highway. The industrial sector was the main economic activity for years, but since the last decade a network of services has surpassed it. Development in São Paulo city improved due to geographical, social, political and economical factors. Situated on the way to a seaport, São Paulo became an obligatory route for Brazilian exports and imports, thus stimulating the establishment of railways, commerce, and housing the migratory flux, which contributed to the growth of industrial investments. The city has grown fast during the twentieth century, becoming the capital of the most populous metropolitan area in Brazil. In spite of differences in their forms and scales [São Paulo: population-10.998.813 inhabitants (SEADE: 2009) and area: 1.509 km² (IGC: 2009). Sorocaba: population – 578.068 inhabitants (estimate – IBGE) and area: 456 km² (PREFEITURA MUNICIPAL DE SOROCABA: 2009)], the urban development of both cities was related to industrialization making them interesting sceneries to study the relation between their respective industrial heritage and urban structure.
This article aims to present the recents restorations (2008-2014) in the Natatio and Chiostro 'Lu... more This article aims to present the recents restorations (2008-2014) in the Natatio and Chiostro 'Ludovisi' of the Museo Nazionale Romano delle Terme di Diocleziano, Rome. These interventions aimed to rescue the historic and architectural value of these areas in your spatiality and monumental dimension in order to reintegrate them to the museum exposition program and make them accessible to the public. To grant authenticity of these critical restoration works, the objects were carefully studied from primary and documental sources and verifications in loco; the solutions were set to dialogue with the various requirements of the pre-existence combining aesthetic and structural aspects.

Tendo em vista que a compreensão do patrimônio envolve não só o tombamento e a intervenção física... more Tendo em vista que a compreensão do patrimônio envolve não só o tombamento e a intervenção física, mas todo o conjunto de atribuição de valores pelos técnicos oficiais e pela forma de apropriação e significação pelos demais usuários, o objetivo deste trabalho é problematizar a abordagem das ruínas arquitetônicas no âmbito das políticas de preservação do IPHAN. Para estruturar essa análise, considera-se que o termo " ruínas " se refere aos remanescentes de conjuntos edificados em diferentes graus de antiguidade englobando os mais antigos e os mais recentes; com diferentes graus de destruição, promovida pela mera passagem do tempo, pela falta de um uso constante, pela incúria, ou ainda como consequência de catástrofes ou caráter intencional, para ceder lugar a novas edificações ou reaproveitar materiais anteriores. O trabalho analisa como esse tipo de bem cultural é invocado em alguns discursos no processo de constituição e desenvolvimento das políticas de preservação nacionais, verificando alguns dos critérios de abordagem e intervenção. Através dessa análise podem ser discutidas questões como: 1. a que ideias ruínas estão associadas? 2. a problemática da busca da origem; 3. a premente necessidade de referências materiais para a constituição da ideia de patrimônio; 4. quais são as interfaces entre o estado de arruinamento e o instrumento de tombamento? 5. a que tipo de " uso " ruínas arquitetônicas podem estar sujeitas? Desse modo, é possível ressaltar a importância das ruínas no embate de semantizações e ressemantizações que constitui o campo patrimonial. Evidencia-se que, embora as formas de interpretação para esses bens possam parecer múltiplas, dada a diversidade de resultados para a conservação ou não de seu stato quo, quando lidas no âmbito do Iphan, é possível identificar aspectos que denotam uma sintonia com as práticas recorrentes e norteadoras da atuação deste órgão.
The Engenho São Jorge dos Erasmos, built in 1534 in the present city of Santos (SP), was crucial ... more The Engenho São Jorge dos Erasmos, built in 1534 in the present city of Santos (SP), was crucial in the development of the sugar industry in Brazil; in the seventeenth century it has suffered fire entering in a degenerative process; in the 1950's its ruins were identified. Due to historical and cultural interest was declared a national heritage in 1963. The work aims to verify how the landscape is an important factor for the perception of documental and symbolic values of this good. Therefore, after a brief historical the analysis focuses on three aspects: the implementation and architectural constitution; recognition as a cultural good and interventions; appropriation by current urban development. It appears that the integration ruins/landscape has been an essential information for reading and understanding this ensemble in its totality.

The paper discusses architectural ruins in order to direct the discussion to enlarge the attentio... more The paper discusses architectural ruins in order to direct the discussion to enlarge the attention to this kind of cultural goods. In dealing with this issue, we focus on the problem of "negligence" because it is inevitable to think that the degenerative process could have been avoided. For this analysis we selected the case of Sede do Sítio Mirim in São Paulo (São Miguel Paulista) which was listed as a cultural good in three levels (national, state, local) and whose oldest information dating back to 1750. This house had its historical value recognized in 1965as a degenerated but integrate building, based on the thesis that its configuration and some architectural features are different from others of the same period. In the years that followed, the problematic of ruination due to vandalism and exposure to the weather has been worsened. Besides the restoration of 1967 and emergency works to consolidation in 1978, other proposals have emerged, but were not executed. So, the case of Sítio Mirim contains the crucial point of the study of architectural ruins that involves two questions: understanding what ruins are and how to intervene in these goods? Occasioning a discussion that includes some aspects: how to incorporate architectural ruins in the new interventions? How to accept the marks of the passage of time? What kind of "use" can have the ruins? So, it is possible to verify how has been the perception of the preservation agencies and users in relation to this building over time.
Papers by Angela R O S C H Rodrigues
of this article is to analyze thisseries in the key of the inventive proposition of the architectural experiment on an urban scale, we use as the main object the large plan Ichonographia. For this purpose it will be presented the main characteristics and circumstances of the work and the methods and sources there were used in order to situate itsrelevance in differentspheres: as an imaginative synthesisthat established a new basis for the Piranesin`s artistic trajectory; as a mark for the 18th Century, establishing new parameters for the reception of the arts and architecture of the ancients; and for the historiography of architecture as a model to catalyze the development of proposals for the contemporary debate from the understanding and reconfiguration of the past mediated by the architect`s inventive genius.
incorporated into the industrial architecture developed at this moment in the growing paulista capital. From the characterization of some factories it was found that the main source of this approach to modern ideas relates to the large "functional mass" from the advent of rationalism produced in Europe between the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries which the main characteristics were: the search of functionality, cost reduction, structural modulation and standardization of the openings. In this way it is verified that both the rising industrial elite and the professionals involved in construction in São Paulo
do not regard the contemporary industrial architecture solutions in Europe characterized by a lower degree of pragmatism and a more formal review. So, this work aims to contribute to an evaluation where this relative gap is concerned to the approach on the
manufacturing program, which is related to the different degrees of understanding of the modern ideology in its totality.
of this article is to analyze thisseries in the key of the inventive proposition of the architectural experiment on an urban scale, we use as the main object the large plan Ichonographia. For this purpose it will be presented the main characteristics and circumstances of the work and the methods and sources there were used in order to situate itsrelevance in differentspheres: as an imaginative synthesisthat established a new basis for the Piranesin`s artistic trajectory; as a mark for the 18th Century, establishing new parameters for the reception of the arts and architecture of the ancients; and for the historiography of architecture as a model to catalyze the development of proposals for the contemporary debate from the understanding and reconfiguration of the past mediated by the architect`s inventive genius.
incorporated into the industrial architecture developed at this moment in the growing paulista capital. From the characterization of some factories it was found that the main source of this approach to modern ideas relates to the large "functional mass" from the advent of rationalism produced in Europe between the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries which the main characteristics were: the search of functionality, cost reduction, structural modulation and standardization of the openings. In this way it is verified that both the rising industrial elite and the professionals involved in construction in São Paulo
do not regard the contemporary industrial architecture solutions in Europe characterized by a lower degree of pragmatism and a more formal review. So, this work aims to contribute to an evaluation where this relative gap is concerned to the approach on the
manufacturing program, which is related to the different degrees of understanding of the modern ideology in its totality.