Papers by Aline Librelotto Rubin
Studies in the psychosocial, 2021
The political and cultural movements of youth played a central role in Brazilian society during t... more The political and cultural movements of youth played a central role in Brazilian society during the period of civil-military dictatorship (1964–1985) and became a privileged focus of attention of the State, as well as of psychoanalytic knowledge and practices. This chapter proposes a reflection on the psychoanalytic discourse about adolescence and youth behaviour, understanding it as an important tool to reveal the relation psychoanalysis established with its social context during this period. Drawing from narratives present in the psychoanalytic publications of the time, I highlight some of the theoretical concepts used to think about adolescence and its manifestations in society, such as youth protest, acting-out and generational conflict. The chapter seeks to show how psychoanalysis ended up neutralising and normalising adolescent protest.
Agradeço a todos os professores e mestres que tive até então por despertarem em mim o desejo de c... more Agradeço a todos os professores e mestres que tive até então por despertarem em mim o desejo de construir um caminho de reflexão e conhecimento. À Profª Belinda Mandelbaum, pela orientação de todos estes anos, pelas incansáveis correções e pela companhia nesta trajetória longa de aprendizados e descobertas. Agradecer não faz jus ao sentimento, mas o representa por ora. To Stephen Frosh, my first supervisor in this journey, who made me believe that it was possible at the moment when I most doubted. Thank you for all the wisdom that you so kindly and gently offer to others and offered to me. Com carinho. À Lúcia Valladares e ao Daniel Kupermann, por cederem sua leitura, seu tempo e seu conhecimento e terem tido papel tão crucial no resultado final (embora saibamos que sempre parcial), desse trabalho.
Revista de Teoria da História, May 27, 2021
Revista Gestão & Políticas Públicas, Mar 14, 2016
Didática no ensino superior: Um modelo integrativo articulado ao ensino de Psicologia Didactics i... more Didática no ensino superior: Um modelo integrativo articulado ao ensino de Psicologia Didactics in higher education: An integrative model articulated to the teaching of Psychology Didáctica en la enseñanza superior: Un modelo integrativo articulado a la enseñanza de Psicología La didactique dans l'enseignement supérieur: un modèle intégratif articulé à l'enseignement de la psychologie 2
Aline Librelotto Rubin, 2021
Agradeço a todos os professores e mestres que tive até então por despertarem em mim o desejo de c... more Agradeço a todos os professores e mestres que tive até então por despertarem em mim o desejo de construir um caminho de reflexão e conhecimento. À Profª Belinda Mandelbaum, pela orientação de todos estes anos, pelas incansáveis correções e pela companhia nesta trajetória longa de aprendizados e descobertas. Agradecer não faz jus ao sentimento, mas o representa por ora. To Stephen Frosh, my first supervisor in this journey, who made me believe that it was possible at the moment when I most doubted. Thank you for all the wisdom that you so kindly and gently offer to others and offered to me. Com carinho. À Lúcia Valladares e ao Daniel Kupermann, por cederem sua leitura, seu tempo e seu conhecimento e terem tido papel tão crucial no resultado final (embora saibamos que sempre parcial), desse trabalho.
Aline Librelotto Rubin, 2020

Psychoanalysis and History, 2018
The history of psychoanalysis in Brazil during the civilian–military dictatorship (1964–85) has c... more The history of psychoanalysis in Brazil during the civilian–military dictatorship (1964–85) has come under increasing scrutiny in recent years as an instance of institutional complicity with authoritarian rule. The case of Amílcar Lobo in Rio de Janeiro is now well known. However, there is less documentation of events in São Paulo, leading to a misrepresentation of the Brazilian Psychoanalytical Society of São Paulo as having passed relatively unscathed through the dictatorial period. This paper confronts this misrepresentation by documenting the case of a psychoanalyst from São Paulo who was involved with the torture regime. A detailed account is presented of claims made to the authors about the actions of this psychoanalyst in relation to a political prisoner of the period, and some parallels are made with material in two published works by him. It is suggested that this particular psychoanalyst's behaviour reflects attitudes prevalent in the Brazilian Psychoanalytical Society...

Psychoanalysis and History, 2016
Until recently, the growth and significance of Brazilian psychoanalysis has been neglected in his... more Until recently, the growth and significance of Brazilian psychoanalysis has been neglected in histories of psychoanalysis. Not only is this history long and rich in its professional and cultural dimensions, but there was an especially important ‘event’ – the so-called ‘Cabernite-Lobo affair’ – that took place during the period of the military dictatorship, which can be seen as dramatizing some of the issues concerning the erasure of memory in psychoanalysis, especially in connection with political difficulties. In this paper, we provide an outline of the origins and dissemination of psychoanalysis in Brazil before looking again at the Cabernite-Lobo affair in order to examine in a situated way how psychoanalysis engages with political extremism, and particularly to explore the consequences of an unthinking generalization of the idea of ‘neutrality’ from the consulting room to the institutional setting. We draw especially on Brazilian papers in Portuguese, which have not been accessi...

Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais , 2017
The objective of this study was to identify some possible trends in the production of academic kn... more The objective of this study was to identify some possible trends in the production of academic knowledge about depression and work, especially in the field of Psychology, seeking productions in this area that deal with the depression-work dyad from a psychosocial perspective. A bibliometric analysis was carried out through the systematic research in two National Electronic Scientific Libraries. In the first database, 1.136 articles were collected. Of these, 58 works are in the area of Psychology, which were subjected to a careful reading and a descriptive analysis, in the sense of searching for a psychosocial approach to depression in the world of work. In the second base, 2,776 articles were collected. Of these, 398 texts were analyzed according to the sub-subjects: Depression, mental health, antidepressants, psychoanalysis, psychopathology and worker health. The results indicate that the primacy of the production of biomedical and psychiatric knowledge in this subject still persists, but there is an initial and emerging construction of knowledge by psychology about depression relating it to work.

O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar algumas possiveis tendencias na producao de conhecimento ... more O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar algumas possiveis tendencias na producao de conhecimento academico sobre depressao e trabalho, especialmente no campo da Psicologia, buscando producoes nessa area que tratem a diade depressao-trabalho sob uma perspectiva psicossocial. Foi realizada uma analise bibliometrica por meio de pesquisa sistematica em duas Bibliotecas Cientificas Eletronicas de referencia nacional. Na primeira base de dados, 1.136 artigos foram levantados. Destes, 58 trabalhos sao da area da Psicologia, os quais foram submetidos a uma leitura cuidadosa e uma analise descritiva, no sentido de buscar por uma abordagem psicossocial da depressao no mundo do trabalho. Na segunda base, foram coletados 2.776 artigos. Destes, 398 textos foram analisados de acordo com os subassuntos: depressao, saude mental, antidepressivos, Psicanalise, psicopatologia e saude do trabalhador. Os resultados indicam que a primazia da producao de conhecimento biomedico e psiquiatrico nesse assunto...

Until recently, the growth and significance of Brazilian psychoanalysis has been neglected in his... more Until recently, the growth and significance of Brazilian psychoanalysis has been neglected in histories of psychoanalysis. Not only is this history long and rich in its professional and cultural dimensions, but there was an especially important ‘event’ – the so-called ‘Cabernite-Lobo affair’ – that took place during the period of the military dictatorship, which can be seen as dramatizing some of the issues concerning the erasure of memory in psychoanalysis, especially in connection with political difficulties. In this paper, we provide an outline of the origins and dissemination of psychoanalysis in Brazil before looking again at the Cabernite-Lobo affair in order to examine in a situated way how psychoanalysis engages with political extremism, and particularly to explore the consequences of an unthinking generalization of the idea of ‘neutrality’ from the consulting room to the institutional setting. We draw especially on Brazilian papers in Portuguese, which have not been accessible in the English-language psychoanalytic literature.
Papers by Aline Librelotto Rubin