Papers by shahriza shahrudin
Lata Bukit Hijau is located within the Banjaran Bintang Ranges on the west coast of northern Peni... more Lata Bukit Hijau is located within the Banjaran Bintang Ranges on the west coast of northern Peninsular Malaysia. The reptile fauna in this pristine area was intensively investigated from 2008 to 2011 on 10 consecutive visits. A total 37 species of reptiles from 31 genera and 10 families were recorded to inhabit this area. Out of this number, 17 species were lizards (13 genera and four families), 17 species were snakes (15 genera and four families) and three species were freshwater turtles (three genera and two families). These preliminary data increased the number of lizards, snakes and freshwater turtles reported from Banjaran Bintang from 31 to 41, 30 to 44 and three to five species, respectively.
Russian Journal of Herpetology, 2013
The reptiles in compartment 15, 16 and 17 of Gunung Inas Forest Reserve, Kedah were investigated ... more The reptiles in compartment 15, 16 and 17 of Gunung Inas Forest Reserve, Kedah were investigated from January 2008 until December 2009. A total number of 19 species of lizards from 12 genera and four families, 20 species of snakes from 18 genera and seven families and six species of freshwater turtles from six genera and three families were recorded during the survey period. This study represented 10, 15 and 5 new records of lizards, snakes and freshwater turtles. Subsequently this data increased the number of lizards, snakes and freshwater turtles that inhabit Banjaran Bintang from 31 to 41, 30 to 45 and three to eight respectively.
Reptiles & Amphibians, 2021

Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science
One of the biodiversity hotspot areas in Peninsular Malaysia is Bukit Larut, which is located wit... more One of the biodiversity hotspot areas in Peninsular Malaysia is Bukit Larut, which is located within the Banjaran Bintang (Range) near Taiping, Perak. The amphibian fauna in this area was investigated from February 2009 to June 2011 with a total of 10 observation nights. A total of 43 species of amphibians from 24 genera and seven families were recorded in this area including two species of caecilians, Caudacaecilia larutensis and Ichthyophis sp. This number constitutes 40% out of 107 amphibian species that were found throughout Peninsular Malaysia. Most of the species are from the family of Ranidae (23.3%), followed by Dicroglossidae (18.6%), Microhylidae (16.3%), Rhacophoridae (16.3%), Megophryidae (11.6%), Bufonidae (9.3%) and Ichthyophiidae (4.7%). From this study, the number of amphibian species at Bukit Larut, Perak has increased from 36 to 56 species. or using a four-wheeled vehicle provided by the Taiping Municipal Council. The 13 km road to the top of Bukit Larut is very st...

Abstrak: Kajian terhadap fauna amfibia di Bukit Jana, Taiping, Perak telah dijalankan dari Januar... more Abstrak: Kajian terhadap fauna amfibia di Bukit Jana, Taiping, Perak telah dijalankan dari Januari 2009 sehingga Disember 2010; pemerhatian dilakukan pada 12 malam. Dua puluh empat spesies katak dari 14 genera dan 6 famili telah direkodkan menghuni kawasan Bukit Jana. Tujuh spesies komensal telah dijumpai sekeliling habitat manusia, berdekatan dengan kaki bukit manakala katak hutan biasa kebanyakannya dijumpai berdekatan dengan sungai, anak sungai dan lantai hutan. Ini merupakan senarai semak pertama untuk amfibia Bukit Jana, Perak dan didapati menyumbang sebanyak 22% daripada 107 spesies katak yang telah direkodkan berhabitat di Semenanjung Malaysia. Abstract: The study on the amphibian fauna of Bukit Jana, Taiping, Perak was carried out from January 2009 until December 2010 with a total of 12 nights of observation. Twenty four species of frogs from 14 genera and 6 families were recorded to inhabit the Bukit Jana areas. Seven commensal species were found around human habitations ne...

Herpetology Notes
Three species of geckos of the genus Gekko (Gekko gecko, Gekko smithii and Gekko monarchus) inhab... more Three species of geckos of the genus Gekko (Gekko gecko, Gekko smithii and Gekko monarchus) inhabit the forests of Peninsular Malaysia. Gekko smithii is a large forest gecko with a robust body, large head, thick-set body and scattered with tubercles on their dorsum. The colour on dorsal surfaces is greyish-brown with a transverse series of white spots (Das, 2007). Adult males and females of this species reach a snout-vent length (SVL) up to 183 and 191 mm respectively (Grismer, 2011) and their total length can reach up to 35 cm (Ibrahim et al., 2008). This species is very similar to G. gecko in morphology but differs in several aspect such as having green eyes, a less bulky head and a lack of orange spots (Cox et al., 1998). Gekko smithii is a nocturnal species, prefers little disturbed forested areas, living in trees and sometimes entering human habitations (Cox et al., 1998; Das, 2007). It inhabits forested habitats in the lowland areas as well as the midhills (Das, 2004). This sp...
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
A survey was carried out at Jerejak Island, Penang, Peninsular Malaysia from August 2008 to Janua... more A survey was carried out at Jerejak Island, Penang, Peninsular Malaysia from August 2008 to January 2011 to inventorise the amphibians contained therein. Specimens were either captured at night by hand or fishnets and then identified. The results showed that a total of 10 species of amphibians from 5 families were recorded during this survey, three of which have not previously been recorded in the Jerejak Island. The most common anuran species were the Common Asiatic Toad (Duttaphrynus melanostictus) and the Common Treefrog (Polypedates leucomystax) while the least common amphibian was the White-lipped Frog (Hylarana labialis).

Tropical life sciences research, 2011
The herpetofauna of Beris Valley, Kedah, Malaysia, was studied using a rapid assessment survey du... more The herpetofauna of Beris Valley, Kedah, Malaysia, was studied using a rapid assessment survey during a scientific expedition organised by the School of Biological Sciences at the Universiti Sains Malaysia, from 14-17 August 2009. All amphibians and reptiles were observed and captured during the four-day survey along the ditches, roads, dam areas, swamps, forest trails and streams. The results showed that 14 species of amphibians from 9 genera and 5 families inhabit the area, and 7 species of lizards, 5 species of snakes and 2 species of freshwater turtles were also present in the area. Fejervarya limnocharis and Microhyla butleri seemed to be the most common amphibians, while Hemidactylus frenatus and Varanus salvator were the most common reptiles in the area. This report constitutes a preliminary checklist and first record of amphibians and reptiles in Beris Valley, Kedah. The number of specimens was less than expected because of the very short survey period, but we hope to record...

Biopolymers, 2012
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are widely distributed defense molecules and represent a promising ... more Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are widely distributed defense molecules and represent a promising alternative for solving the problem of antibiotic resistance. Nevertheless, the experimental time required to screen putative AMPs makes computational simulations based on peptide sequence analysis and/or molecular modeling extremely attractive. Artificial intelligence methods acting as simulation and prediction tools are of great importance in helping to efficiently discover and design novel AMPs. In the present study, state-of-the-art published outcomes using different prediction methods and databases were compared to an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) model. Data from our study showed that ANFIS obtained an accuracy of 96.7% and a Matthew's Correlation Coefficient (MCC) of0.936, which proved it to be an efficient model for pattern recognition in antimicrobial peptide prediction. Furthermore, a lower number of input parameters were needed for the ANFIS model, improving the speed and ease of prediction. In summary, due to the fuzzy nature ofAMP physicochemical properties, the ANFIS approach presented here can provide an efficient solution for screening putative AMP sequences and for exploration of properties characteristic of AMPs.
The correlation between total rainfall and breeding parameters of White-Lipped frog, Rana labiali... more The correlation between total rainfall and breeding parameters of White-Lipped frog, Rana labialis Schlegel was investigated at Junjong River, Kulim, Kedah, Malaysia for a period of 12 months. A number of breeding activities such as calling, amplexus, spawning and the presence of larvae were observed every week in each month. Observations showed that the breeding of these frog occurred throughout the year without any specific season and rain seems to be the major extrinsic factor that increased the breeding activities of the frog. Pearson correlation showed a positive relationship between total rainfall and a number of breeding parameters such as calling activities (r=0.85), amplexus (r=0.68) and number of egg clutches (r=0.82).

The breeding activities of the Dwarf Toad, Ingerophrynus parvus were observed under natural condi... more The breeding activities of the Dwarf Toad, Ingerophrynus parvus were observed under natural conditions at Sungai Junjong, Kulim, Kedah, Peninsular Malaysia for a period of 12 months. Breeding parameters, such as calling activities, amplecant pairs, eggs deposition and presence of tadpoles were examined every week in each month. Pearson correlation was used to analyse the relationship between rainfall and each breeding parameter. The results showed positive relationships between rainfall and calling activities (r=0.74), between rainfall and amplexus activities (r=0.52), and between rainfall and spawning activities (0.81). ABStRAK Aktiviti pembiakan katak Puru Kerdil, Ingerophrynus parvus telah dikaji secara semula jadi di Sungai Junjong, Kulim, Kedah, Semenanjung Malaysia selama 12 bulan. Parameter pembiakan, seperti aktiviti panggilan, pasangan mengawan, penghasilan telur dan kehadiran larva diperiksa pada setiap minggu. Ujian korelasi Pearson telah digunakan untuk menganalisis perhubungan antara jumlah hujan dan setiap parameter pembiakan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan terdapat perhubungan yang positif antara jumlah hujan dan aktiviti panggilan (r=0.74), antara jumlah hujan dan aktiviti mengawan (r=0.52) dan antara jumlah hujan dan aktiviti penghasilan telur (0.81).

The amphibians and reptiles of Peta, Endau-Rompin, Johor, Malaysia were briefly investigated duri... more The amphibians and reptiles of Peta, Endau-Rompin, Johor, Malaysia were briefly investigated during a scientific expedition organized by the School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia from 17 to 23 August 2008. A total number of 47 species of amphibians and reptiles were recorded during the survey. Out of this number, 25 species of amphibians from 15 genera and 6 families were found. Meanwhile, six species of frogs are considered as commensal species and could easily be found in disturbed areas, and the others are forest frogs. A single species of caecilian, namely, Caudacaecilia nigroflava, from the family Ichthyophiidae was also recorded. As for the reptiles, 11 species of snakes from three families and 11 species of lizards from four families were recorded to inhabit the area. This report constitutes the first checklist of herpetofauna of Peta, Endau-Rompin, Johor, covering 24.3% of 103 frogs, 14.1% of 78 snakes and 10.2% of 108 lizard species that have been reported in Peninsular Malaysia thus far.

The amphibian fauna of Lata Bukit Hijau (Mempelam River), Kedah, Malaysia was investigated for a ... more The amphibian fauna of Lata Bukit Hijau (Mempelam River), Kedah, Malaysia was investigated for a period of four years starting from 1999 until 2002. The result showed 18 species of amphibians from 12 genera and six families were present in the area. These species list included Leptobrachium hendricksoni and Megophrys nasuta from the family Megophryidae; Phrynoidis aspera and Ingerophrynus parvus from the family Bufonidae; Fejervarya limnocharis, Limnonectes blythii, Limnonectes paramacrodon, and Occidozyga laevis from the family Dicroglossidae; Amolops larutensis, Hylarana labialis, Hylarana erythraea, Hylarana glandulosa, Hylarana nicobariensis, Hylarana picturata, and Odorrana hosii from the family Ranidae; Microhyla butleri and Microhyla heymonsi from the family Microhylidae; and finally Polypedates leucomystax from the family Rhacophoridae. The presence of various forest frogs indicated that the area is still pristine and provide suitable environment for the frogs to live and breed. Meanwhile, the present of several commensal species like F. limnocharis, H. erythraea, M. butleri, M. heymonsi, and P. leucomystax indicated that the area had been explored by human but in minimal disturbances level. Frogs from the family of Ranidae and Bufonidae were the most frequent specimens found during the observations and P. aspera seems to be the dominant species in the area.
Bukit Perangin Forest Reserve, Kedah Malaysia is a popular forest park well known for its clear r... more Bukit Perangin Forest Reserve, Kedah Malaysia is a popular forest park well known for its clear rivers and streams, interesting sedimentary rock formations and a rich biodiversity in flora and fauna. However to date no report on the amphibians and reptiles of this forest has ever been published. Therefore, from January 2009 to May 2010, herpetofauna surveys were conducted at Bukit Wang Recreational Forest, which forms a part of the Bukit Perangin Forest Reserve. The results of the survey showed that a total of 15 species of amphibians belonging to 6 families and 15 species of reptiles belonging to 7 families were found in the study area. These constitute the first records for the amphibians and reptiles in this forest. The herpetofauna checklist showed that the most abundant amphibians were from the family Ranidae while the most abundant reptiles were from the family Gekkonidae.
A total number of 19 species of lizards from 12 genera and four families, 20 species of snakes fr... more A total number of 19 species of lizards from 12 genera and four families, 20 species of snakes from 18 genera and seven families and six species of freshwater turtles from six genera and three families were recorded during the survey period. This study represented 10, 15 and 5 new records of lizards, snakes and freshwater turtles. Subsequently this data increased the number of lizards, snakes and freshwater turtles that inhabit Banjaran Bintang from 31 to 41, 30 to 45 and three to eight respectively.

2013 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications, 2013
Identification of frog sound is useful tool and competent in biological research and environmenta... more Identification of frog sound is useful tool and competent in biological research and environmental monitoring. In contrast with traditional methods that not practical due to the time consuming, expensive or detrimental to the animal's welfare, this study proposes an automatic frog call identification system. 750 data species that recorded from Malaysia forest is used as data signals and have been corrupted by lOdB and 20dB noise to determine the performance of accuracy in noisy environment. MFCC parameter is employed as feature extraction. An analysis of signals for different number of MFCCs (8, 12, 15, 20 and 25) is presented and the results are provided using MFCC, Delta Coefficients (�MFCC) and Delta Delta Coefficients (��MFCC). Subsequently, kNN classifier is applied to evaluate the performance in the frog identification system. The results show the accuracy range from 84.67% to 85.78%, 61.33% to 68.89% and 59.33% to 67.33% in clean environment, lOdB and 20dB, respectively.
International Journal, 2011
Abstract-In recent years email has become one of the fastest and most economical means of communi... more Abstract-In recent years email has become one of the fastest and most economical means of communication. However increase of email users has resulted in the dramatic increase of spam emails during the past few years. Data mining -classification algorithms are used to ...
Papers by shahriza shahrudin