Innovation by Mohd Faiz Hilmi
In today’s dynamic economic environment, innovation is commonly perceived as one of the critical ... more In today’s dynamic economic environment, innovation is commonly perceived as one of the critical mechanisms for businesses in attaining sustained competitive advantage. Moving alongside other sectors, banks and financial institutions also produce innovative products and services. However, the recent major financial crisis has been attributed to irresponsible innovation in the financial sector. Consequently, there is a need to emphasize responsible innovation practices that not only focus on monetary outcomes but also on the welfare and safety of society. This perspective briefly explores responsible innovation practices in the financial sector from an Islamic perspective.
Innovation is becoming a buzzword for Malaysians. It is seen as a means of propelling Malaysia in... more Innovation is becoming a buzzword for Malaysians. It is seen as a means of propelling Malaysia into a developed nation status. Malaysians have been urged to adopt an innovative mindset to achieve a high income nation. Within the innovation framework, innovative behavior of an individual serves as an important pillar to support a wider scope of innovation. Innovative employees lead to an innovative organization. From the same perspective, innovative Malaysians will lead to an innovative Malaysia. Drawing from a ...
2012 International Conference on Innovation Management and Technology Research, 2012
Innovation is becoming a buzzword for Malaysians. It is seen as a means of propelling Malaysia in... more Innovation is becoming a buzzword for Malaysians. It is seen as a means of propelling Malaysia into a developed nation status. Malaysians have been urged to adopt an innovative mindset to achieve a high income nation. Within the innovation framework, innovative behavior of an individual serves as an important pillar to support a wider scope of innovation. Innovative employees lead to an innovative organization. From the same perspective, innovative Malaysians will lead to an innovative Malaysia. Drawing from a survey of 454 Malaysians, this study measures the level of innovative behavior, compare level of innovative behavior between gender and explore how Malaysians understand the term innovation.
European Journal of …, Jan 1, 2010
Abstract The tourism industry is currently Malaysia's third most important industry in terms of f... more Abstract The tourism industry is currently Malaysia's third most important industry in terms of foreign exchange earnings after the manufacturing and palm oil sectors. Its contribution to GDP growth is about 7.2%, suggesting that the industry is still in its infancy and therefore offers much scope for future growth. Furthermore tourism industry has been recognized as important economic activities especially during the current economic crisis.
Asian Social Science, Jan 1, 2009
Abstract Grassroots innovation is defined as innovative product or process created at the bottom ... more Abstract Grassroots innovation is defined as innovative product or process created at the bottom of the pyramid, usually due to necessity, hardship and challenges. This article seek to understand and examine how grassroots innovation creates productive employment. This article briefly explain the role of Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia, a government agency setup to nurture and support scientific innovation, in discovering innovative process and product at grassroots' level.
Abstract Innovation is becoming a buzzword for Malaysians. It is seen as a means of propelling Ma... more Abstract Innovation is becoming a buzzword for Malaysians. It is seen as a means of propelling Malaysia into a developed nation status. Malaysians have been urged to adopt an innovative mindset to achieve a high income nation. Within the innovation framework, innovative behavior of an individual serves as an important pillar to support a wider scope of innovation. Innovative employees lead to an innovative organization. From the same perspective, innovative Malaysians will lead to an innovative Malaysia.
Distance/E-Learning by Mohd Faiz Hilmi
Abstract—One of the elements of electronic university is the used of Learning Management System (... more Abstract—One of the elements of electronic university is the used of Learning Management System (LMS) as the intermediary between the academic institution and students. Students' perception to service quality of a LMS is important. This research aims to examine the level of students' perceived service quality and ease-of-use of LMS. Data for this study are collected from 452 students currently enrolled in a distance learning program.
This paper will discuss the findings of students' needs for an EL (English language) programme at... more This paper will discuss the findings of students' needs for an EL (English language) programme at the SDE (School of Distance Education), USM (Universiti Sains Malaysia), Penang. English is offered as a compulsory subject for all its students since the School's inception in 1971, and the subject has not moved beyond that status quo. However, in the new millennium, with USM having been selected as a research university with an apex status, the expectation of its stakeholders has increased.
Abstract One of the elements of an “electronic” university is the use of the Learning Management ... more Abstract One of the elements of an “electronic” university is the use of the Learning Management System (LMS) as the intermediary between the academic institution and students. Distance learners, as the main user of the LMS, are the focus of this study. Students' perceptions and attitudes while using the LMS for their learning activities will influence their learning behaviour. This study explores the distance learners' perceptions from the dimension of service quality and ease-of-use of the LMS.
Abstract The advancement of information technology has changed the education landscape. Informati... more Abstract The advancement of information technology has changed the education landscape. Information technology has made e-learning possible and available on a large scale. The main component of an e-learning is a learning management system (LMS). By connected and accessed to the Internet, LMS are exposed to various threats. Proper understanding of these threats combined with strategy and best practices countermeasures will ensure a safe learning environment.
Others by Mohd Faiz Hilmi
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
Efficient public transport reflects a modern society and becoming a core development agenda of na... more Efficient public transport reflects a modern society and becoming a core development agenda of nations all over the world. In this regards, this paper aimed to find the influence of perceived value, quality, and reputation of public bus transport on customer satisfaction. Understanding customer satisfaction will lead to improved services. Data were collected from customer of public bus services in Penang, Malaysia using structured questionnaire. The results revealed that, value positively influences the satisfaction of customer using public bus services in Penang. On the other hand, quality and reputation of public bus transport don’t have any relationship with customer satisfaction. Therefore, it is important for the service provider to enhance its value offering.
International Journal of Business and Innovation, 2014
Retaining customers and creating loyal customers is vital for business continuity as a means of s... more Retaining customers and creating loyal customers is vital for business continuity as a means of sustenance in the competitive telecommunication market. Employees that execute distinctive service encounters are responsible for creating valuable customer experience in the service industry, a sign of differentiation over its rivals. This study uses the SERVQUAL model to measure the level of performance delivered by Telekom Malaysia (TM) employees in influencing customer loyalty towards TM products and services. Evidence from the findings revealed that reliability and empathy are significantly positive in influencing customer loyalty.

Journal of Management and Strategy, Jan 1, 2011
Advertising is a paid, mass-mediated attempt to persuade. That mean Advertising is paid communica... more Advertising is a paid, mass-mediated attempt to persuade. That mean Advertising is paid communication by a company or organization that wants its information disseminated through a communication medium designed to reach more than one person, typically a large number or mass of people and advertising includes an attempt to persuade consumer to like the brand and because of that liking to eventually buy the brand. Advertising in travel magazine is one of the promotional methods to promote hoteliers products or services to the market place. By advertising in travel magazine, it can reach the target audience, educate them about the products or services, and move them closer to make a purchase. The purpose of the research is to recognize and rank the factors affecting hotelier's decision to advertise in travel magazine. The respondents for the research are those hoteliers operating in Malaysia. The factors for this research are reached target readers, cost of advertising, contents of the magazine, frequency of advertising and media of advertising.
Innovation by Mohd Faiz Hilmi
Distance/E-Learning by Mohd Faiz Hilmi
Others by Mohd Faiz Hilmi
trend analysis shows that there is an uptrend interest in this topic. A search in the Scopus database yielded 302 articles. Through Latent Dirichlet Allocation technique, this study is able to extract coherent research topics that are the focus of the 302 academic articles analyzed. The paper presents the citation metric as well as keyword analysis using Harzing’s Publish or Peril software. This study aims to demonstrate how topic models can enrich researcher's methodological toolboxes. Future study should include an analysis on highly cited articles.